I'm not sick!

Mission Makeover

Selina skimmed through Glenn’s papers, when her eye caught something. She read it whisperingly aloud to herself.
“Original name… Ren Guo Ni?”

She sat as frozen. This couldn’t be true. There had to be more persons called Ren Guo Ni.
What should she do?
Ask Show, or ask Glenn?
The possibility of Show knowing about his step-mother’s ‘secret’ sister was small. And if he knew, he should’ve figured everything out a long time ago, unless he wasn’t that smart. Selina believed he was.
So the only option left was to ask Glenn about it.
Selina hesitated.
Maybe she should wait. It would be better to talk face to face.
The phone rang, and she picked it up.
“Selina Ren, Mr. Luo’s secretary, what may I help you with?” she asked, just as she had been instructed to.
“Hello, Mrs. Ren. Can I talk to Mr. Luo?” a man’s voice asked.
“He’s at a meeting right now, but he can call you back later if it’s important.” Selina tried to sound as professional as possible.
“Yes thanks, I’d like to talk to him right after his meeting,” the friendly voice said.
“Okay. If I may write down your number, I’ll make him call when he comes back,” Selina said.
The man gave her his number, and finished the call.
“This isn’t as hard as it sounded like,” Selina said to herself, and continued sorting the papers.

“Hey Sel.” Show had come back from the meeting.
“Hello Mr. Luo,” Selina replied automatically. Show stared at her with a surprised expression.
“You can still call me Show,” he said a bit disappointed.
“I once knew a dog called Snowy. It was weird, as it was a black dog,” Selina said thoughtfully.
Show cracked up in laughter.
“If I ever get a black dog, I’ll call it Snowy too,” he grinned. Selina smiled a bit embarrassed.
“Someone called, a man. I forgot to get his name, but I got his number so you could call back,” she quickly reeled off.
“Okay,” Show nodded, serious again. He took the piece of paper with the number, and sat down behind his desk.
Selina took a deep breath, and continued to sort the papers.
She could hear Show type in the number on his phone.
“Hello, it’s Show Luo. My secretary told me to call you,” he said casually in the phone.
He listened for a while, before he suddenly looked like he got angry.
“Oh, so it’s you again. No, we won’t sell, no matter how many times you call or who you get to make the call. And stop bothering my father too!” He hung up immediately. Selina looked shocked at him.
He returned to his work on the table, still looking really angry. At last, he looked up at Selina, who was still looking worried at him.
“It’s the TouWang Company. They won’t leave us alone. They already own a lot of clothing companies in China and Taiwan, and now they want to buy this one too. As my father didn’t want to sell, they have obviously changed methods and started to persuade me,” he said annoyed.
Selina nodded understandingly and returned to her sorting.
“Show, do you know anything about Glenn’s family?” she suddenly asked. He thought it over for a minute.
“Not much, I haven’t really asked her about it before. She doesn’t talk about it,” he said.
Selina looked disappointed down and took out a new folder.

Selina, Show, Ella, Hebe and Jolin were on their way to Show’s step-mother’s bakery. Selina could feel the nervousness grow.
This was the perfect opportunity to talk to Glenn. And ask her about… everything.
But what would happen if she really was her aunt?
Selina had the letter with her. She didn’t say anything, while Jolin, Ella and Hebe were chatting happily. Show could feel that something was wrong with Selina, and was looking at her.
He really wanted to lay his arm around her and tell her not to worry. But he couldn’t pull himself together. Watching her like this made him sad, but he couldn’t get the picture of her and Jiro out of his head.
They reached the bakery and went inside.
Show ordered his normal start-amount of five cakes, while the girls ordered one each.
Glenn served the cakes. Selina bit her under lip and tried to take some deep breaths.
Show noticed.
“Selina, what’s wrong with you today? You seem… troubled,” he said, and laid his hand on her forehead. He could feel that she was sweating.
Selina stopped in the middle of a breath when he touched her head, and sat as frozen.
“I’m not sick,” she said, pulled his hand away and re-arranged her bangs.
She got on her feet and looked at Glenn.
“Mrs. Luo, may I help you in the kitchen? It feels like so long since I last washed the dishes,” she smilingly asked. Glenn looked surprised at her, but nodded.
When she and Selina had gone to the kitchen, Show pulled his plate away, and started looking outside the window instead. He looked back to see Jolin, Ella and Hebe looking shocked at him.
“What?” he asked irritated. Hebe dropped her fork.
“You… don’t eat the cake?” Ella asked unbelievingly. Jolin gaped.
“Lost my appetite.”
“But… that never happens!” Hebe still sat as frozen, and hadn’t even noticed that she dropped her fork in her drink.
Show looked out the window again, but then turned back.
“What did I do wrong? Why did she get angry?” he exclaimed. Hebe and Ella got a shock. Jolin laid down her fork.
“I don’t think she got angry,” she said.
“Why would she then rather wash dishes than sit next to me?” he continued in a frustrated tone.
“Show, take it easy. You know, girls have some days of the months where they… girls just sometimes get annoyed without really having a reason. You don’t need to understand it, of biological reasons, but just accept it,” Ella explained.
“But she has been like that since yesterday! Since…” He tried to figure out when Selina started to get withdrawn.
“…since she asked about Glenn, I think,” he ended. He took his fork and started skewering the cakes.
Jolin looked like something suddenly made big sense to her.
“There you see! She isn’t angry, she just wanted to talk to Glenn!” she exclaimed. Ella and Hebe got a shock again. Show looked up.
“Do you really think that?”
“I’m sure of that! Or else, she wouldn’t have wanted to wash the dishes. Or maybe she would. She would be the type of person to…”
“I mean, are you sure?” Show asked hopefully.
Jolin nodded.
“What did she ask about Glenn?” she asked. Ella and Hebe also leaned over the table to hear.
“Uhm… She asked about… Ah, I remember. She asked about Glenn’s family,” he said. Hebe frowned.
“That was weird.”
“Not at all,” Jolin smirked.

Selina stood next to Glenn and washed some dishes. She took some deep breathes to calm herself down. It was now or never.

Sorry for leaving a (small) cliff hanger again ^^,
Only four comments :/ my heart dies.
But to those who commented, thank you so much :’) you are great! Amazing comments! I looooove yooooou <3 :)
I already have the next chapter(s) ready – maybe the rest of the story, if I continue writing for the rest of the day. (xD)
But I need some comments before posting (: I won’t say a specific number, but ENOUGH (:
So please comment ^^, it would make me so happy!
And if you haven’t yet, visit my fan page at Facebook – it’s called “Blitz (Winglin)”, just search for it. I also linked it in the last chapter :P
Hope to see you soon.
- Blitz

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Cecilia-lala #1
Chapter 33: Heeellooo!! I really really loove this story!! :3 It was soo funny to read it! You're such a food (haha I write "food" in place of "good" XD) wrtiter!! I already read one of your fic' Fall in love with my fake gilrfriend", it was such a good fic too!! (I don't write comment to this fic because I'm a lazy girl ^^" sorry, sorry (neaga neaga... Lol :Iknowwerethedooris:) aaah now I'll have this song in the head all
night OTL XD) Anyway, I'll keep read your other fic and (maybe) post comment on it XD

Ps: Show is sooo handsome! *0* I'm a new fan of him. I konw him since 1 month now and I'm like "how can I don't know him for so long, he is really too perfect!"
spring8655 #2
Chapter 21: loved it~
Is there a sequel?? :O