A new life begins

Mission Makeover
Selina sneaked her way to the mall the next morning. She was still in doubt if it was right to come, but had decided to give it a try.
She arrived at the main entrance, and saw three girls stand in front of it, looking around – Ella, Hebe and Jolin. Selina got very relieved; it wasn’t a joke after all.
When the three girls noticed her, they started waving like crazy, and she quietly walked over.
“Hey Selina! We began to doubt if you would come!” Ella said.
“Yes… I… Uhm…” Selina didn’t know what to say.
“Were you afraid that we would prank you?” Hebe asked.
“No… I mean… Maybe a little,” Selina said with a sigh.
“Before we shop, we want have a serious talk with you. Show is already waiting in our favorite café,” Jolin said, and answered her questions at the same time she made her very nervous. She had wondered where Show was, but “a serious talk” sounded frightening.
She walked behind the others on the way to the café in the mall. When they arrived, she could spot Show at a free table. He waved them over, and they sat down around the table (Selina sat down as the last).
Show didn’t look at Selina, but called a waiter to take their orders – chocolate cake for Selina, Ella, Jolin and Selina, and carrot-cake for Show.
“It’s a part of my diet!” he said, when the girls looked baffled at him.
“But you ate so much for lunch yesterday!” Hebe complained.
“That was lunch. This is meal-between-breakfast-and-lunch.”
“I thought you just danced the fat away?” Jolin asked.
“There’s something called acne.”
“One piece of chocolate cake won’t give you spots! And you already don’t have any,” Ella said.
“If he wants to eat it, why can he not?” Selina asked silently. She regretted it right away, because the other four immediately turned towards her.
“Look! I have an ally!” Show said, and casually laid his arm around Selina’s shoulders. She froze, but Show didn’t seem to notice, before the girls laughed.
“Don’t be shy, Selina. Take it easy, Show laying his arm around you doesn’t mean anything; he’s just like us,” Ella laughed. Show quickly took his arm away, and friendly pushed Selina.
“Just… just like us?” she said, and smiled nervously.
“Yeah, didn’t you know? He is… like… gay,” Hebe said, which caused them to giggle. To Selina’s surprise, Show giggled with them.
“Oh… I see,” she said, but felt more at ease now.
“But we need to talk to you about something.” Jolin’s tone turned more serious.
“Yes,” Ella said, and continued:
“We don’t think poops like Joe should have the change to bully you anymore. We thought it would be cool to give you a total makeover.”
“So, that’s why we invited you here today!” Hebe said happily.
“But it isn’t like we just do this for our own fun,” Jolin assured her, even though she exchanged gazes with Ella and Hebe.
“And I just got dragged into it,” Show said, but it seemed that no one but Selina heard it.
“Well-well, I think we should make a to-do-list,” Hebe said, but Jolin cut her off.
“But Selina, what do you think about this?” she asked.
Selina looked nervously around, but some twinkle in Show’s eyes made her straighten her back and say in a clear voice:
“I think it’s a great idea. But... I don’t think new clothes will do a big difference.”
“It isn’t just new clothes!” Show broke in. He seemed like someone had stepped on his feet.
“New hair, clothes, contact lenses, bag, shoes, make-up, skin care!”
Jolin and Hebe laughed, while Ella tried to suppress her laughter.
“Show has the idea that people who wear clogs are serious insults to the fashion world,” she explained. “Don’t take it to heart.”
Selina nodded nervously, and looked down at her worn-out clogs. She didn’t have other shoes.
“But… I don’t have money,” she said embarrassed, still looking down.
“No problem!” Show said, and had now got his jolly tone back. “I’ll just use my credit card; you don’t have to pay me back!”
Selina was silent. She didn’t like the thought of letting others buy her stuff.
“Well-well, don’t think too much about it,” Hebe said softly, and patted her friendly on the shoulder. It maid her relax a little. She smiled nervously.
“Alright! Mission Make-poops-like-Joe-bit-the-grass-and-make-Selina-pretty-and-charming!” Ella said.
“I think we should use something shorter,” Show said, and made a why-am-I-with-these-weird-people-expression.
“I agree,” Jolin said.
“Mission Makeover?” Selina asked silently. It was one of those words she had heard other people say several times.
“Exactly!” Ella said. “My second suggestion.”
“Sure – I think we should focus on the outside at first. But of course it isn’t all of it, Selina; you also have to learn to act like a popular person, talk like one – all that stuff,” Jolin said determined. Selina became more nervous than ever.
“I don’t think I can do all that!” she exclaimed, when she couldn’t hold it inside anymore.
“Of course you can, but only if you really want to,” Jolin said.
“Well-well, Selina – are you ready to transform?” Hebe asked, with twinkling eyes. Why did they all act so fanatic about this?
“But… why do you want to do all this?” Selina asked.
“I can’t stand watching people being talked to like they were dirt on shoes,” Show said calmly, and started to eat his cake – the waiter had brought it to them already.
“There’s more about Selina that can be seen from the outside, right?” Ella said, turned to Selina.
“Maybe there is,” she answered, and straightened her back. She suddenly got confidence.
“Just like that! Are we ready to start?” Hebe said. Ella, Jolin and Selina (carefully) agreed with a ‘yes!’, while Show was too busy with his carrot-cake.

They had made a list over shops they had to visit, and started in one that Selina would never ever have dared to visit before. The prices were sky-high.
“I think this one would suit you!” Jolin said, and hold up a dark-blue dress in front of Selina, who stood still as a mannequin while they held up different clothes.
“Na-ah! That’s a no-go,” Show said, and ripped the dress away, and in stead hold up a simple, white dress with some stylish details on the sleeves.
“Dark blue is SO out of the season,” he continued. Jolin, and Ella who stood near, giggled.
“Still can’t keep your fingers from the woman-magazines?” Ella said, and smirked.
“I can, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t follow the fashion news,” he said annoyed, and laid the white dress in the trolley.
Many, many shops later and many, many fitting rooms later, Show finally claimed that they were done shopping clothes for the time being. Selina just managed to sigh relieved, before Show said that they now could move on to hair and makeup. Her sigh went into a sigh of tiredness.
They first went shortly into the optician’s to buy some contact lenses (Selina also got a short test to see if she still needed the same power as she used to), before they moved on to the hairdresser.
The hairdresser took a short look at them, and then pushed Selina down to a chair with the words:
“It HAS to be her!”
Ella, Jolin, Hebe and Show stood as frozen while the hairdresser turned Selina’s head in different directions in front of the mirror to judge her, and with a hot-tempered motion took her big glasses off.
“Uhm – can we say something?” Show finally asked, when the hairdresser was about to take Selina away from the chair and make her sit in another where she could get her hair washed.
“Yes?” the hairdresser asked with a fanatic voice, and then mumbled: “Long, boring hair… Perfect challenge… Cut a bit of the length, and then…”
“Hey! Can you turn this way, please!” Jolin said louder. The hairdresser turned to them, and smiled over strung, like they had just given her a great present.
“W-what are you planning to do?” Selina asked frightened. She had been too shocked to speak until now.
“I have great plans! But maybe you would like to look in some magazines first…?” the hairdresser asked, and gave out some magazines to Ella, Hebe, Jolin and Show – and Selina, but she was already forced back in the hair-washing chair.
The others surfed through the magazines, and made marks at pages with nice hairstyles. The hairdresser washed, blow-dried and straightened Selina’s hair meanwhile.
They told the hairdresser about what they wanted, and sat down in some chairs and chatted while she cut Selina’s hair.
When she finally acclaimed that she was done, they got up from the chairs and went to Selina’s. The hairdresser turned her around for them to see.
It was a whole new Selina; her hair was cut in nice lengths and had got a whole new twinkle in it. Her eyebrows were now separated, and the bangs nicely framed her face.
The girls looked stunned at it at first, but then broke out in praises, and twisted and turned Selina to look at her from different angles.
“Wow, you’re like, a natural beauty! You just have to make use of it,” Jolin exclaimed, while she looked closer at Selina’s bangs. Selina felt quite awkward; she had never been target for this kind of praise before.
Show paid the hairdresser, who recommended which kinds of make-up that would be pleasurable, but then he stood a little to the side and watched the girls praise Selina.
He actually felt a bit proud. But it was not the usual feeling of having made a good piece of homework (that he used to feel when he guided persons through closing and hairstyle); it was like something bigger. When the glasses were gone, the eyebrows in nice shape and the hair beautifully cut, she got an amazing twinkle in her eyes. And when she blushed that way, she didn’t even need make-up. He could only agree with Jolin – she was a natural beauty.

“Well-well, then we only need shoes and make-up!” Hebe said happily, while they all five walked through the mall, dragging big bags full of clothes.
“Oh…” Selina said with a sigh. She was quite tired, and she wanted to get home to see if her mother was okay, and she also had to make dinner. They had already eaten lunch in the mall.
“Are you tired?” Ella said teasingly, but patted her friendly on the shoulder.
“We can do with shoes for today, and then take make-up another day. I have plenty, she can just borrow mine at first,” Show said. Ella, Hebe and Jolin stopped and looked shocked at him. Selina just suddenly felt that he was a very sympathetic person.
“You have plenty of… what?!” Ella asked shocked. Show gave her an irritated glance.
“But… you don’t use it, do you?” Hebe asked, more worried than scared.
“Do you know how many girls who ask me for help? It would be weird if I didn’t have any make-up!” he answered annoyed. The girls sighed in relieve.

Done shoe-shopping, Selina could finally wave goodbye to the rest of them and go home.
What would people think when they saw her at Monday? She wondered about it all the way home, where her mother met her in the door opening.
“Hey Selina, have you had a good… What is all that?!” her mother exclaimed, and pointed at the big bags with clothes and shoes.
“Uhm… Just something we…” Selina mumbled.
“Did you buy it? Are you in debt? Selina, you know we can’t afford this!” her mother said worried, and helped her inside.
“No-no, it was just something my friends borrowed me!” Selina quickly said. She had to cover for this; her mother shouldn’t know that she let others pay for her clothes, it would be too shameful.
“Oh… Well, then… you have to take good care of it,” her mother said. “And by the way, dinner is ready soon, I made it today.”
“Thanks, mom,” Selina said, and smiled, even though she felt a little twinge in her heart for not being able to help her mother. She took her jacket and hood off.
“Oh my God! Selina, what did you do to your hair?! And where are your glasses?” her mother asked excited.
“I have them right here, but I have decided to start wearing contact lenses,” she said a bit embarrassed, but the word ‘decided’ made her voice stronger.
“And I got a haircut, just to brighten up, you know…”
“Selina, you are so pretty! I’ve always told you to do something about your look, but you never listened when I talked to you about lenses,” her mother said happily. Selina could now smile brighter. Her mother liked it – it was more worth than anything else.
But her happiness was soon spoiled.
“Lydia! When are you going to get dinner ready?! I’m starving!” her father yelled from the living room. Selina and her mother sighed together, before Selina walked back to her room, and her mother back to the kitchen.

Yay, long chapter! Hope you like it :D
I would’ve updated yesterday, but I had to write a presentation for German class (about Show xD) -.-‘’
OMG, eight comments on one chapter!? You guys are SO great, I can’t believe it!! Please please please keep on commenting :D
- Blitz

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Cecilia-lala #1
Chapter 33: Heeellooo!! I really really loove this story!! :3 It was soo funny to read it! You're such a food (haha I write "food" in place of "good" XD) wrtiter!! I already read one of your fic' Fall in love with my fake gilrfriend", it was such a good fic too!! (I don't write comment to this fic because I'm a lazy girl ^^" sorry, sorry (neaga neaga... Lol :Iknowwerethedooris:) aaah now I'll have this song in the head all
night OTL XD) Anyway, I'll keep read your other fic and (maybe) post comment on it XD

Ps: Show is sooo handsome! *0* I'm a new fan of him. I konw him since 1 month now and I'm like "how can I don't know him for so long, he is really too perfect!"
spring8655 #2
Chapter 21: loved it~
Is there a sequel?? :O