New talents

Mission Makeover
Show’s attitude changed immediately. He flexed his jaw muscles and looked at the big guy with an ice cold and hard glance. Steady, but with a distinct anger behind his voice, he said:
“There are two things you never do. The first; you NEVER bully girls. The second; you NEVER EVER touch their gay friend’s hair.”
The big guy looked confused at him.
Show’s fist hit the left side of his face, and then kicked his knee in the big guy’s stomach. It seemed to be very powerful, as the guy immediately fell to the ground. Selina had never thought Show was this strong.
When the big guy got on his feet again, he nearly couldn’t keep his balance, but made signs for the other guys to run away. Two of the others, including Henry, took him under their arms and helped him to walk away.
Show still breathed hard and looked furious. Selina got on her feet and hugged him.
“Thank you,” she said.
Show looked surprised at her, and so did Jolin, Ella and Hebe.
He didn’t know what to do, and his mind became a mess. He normally didn’t feel like this when a girl hugged him, and it confused him. He wanted to lay his arms around her too, but couldn’t get himself to do it.
Luckily, Ella, Jolin and Hebe saved him.
“Wow, I’ve never seen anyone beat Simon up like that!” Jolin exclaimed when they ran over. Selina let go of him and smiled.
“You actually have a manly side! Then you can protect us weak girls,” Hebe joked.
“Weak? Talk for yourself, I was just about to freak out on them too when they started harassing Sel,” Ella said.
“But our strong bodyguard was the fastest to protect our new princess,” Jolin said.
“We have to write that line about your hair down, it was epic. We’ll never let you forget about it,” Selina laughed. Now they looked shocked at her. Selina had told a joke.
“Well, let’s go inside again, before they come back,” Jolin said a bit more seriously.
“They still dare to?” Hebe laughed.
“If they keep on drinking like that, they probably do,” Jolin answered, and walked back to the house. The others followed.

Show was silencer than normal that Saturday, but no one noticed it, because they all were busy with teaching Selina various stuff. At every meal, Hebe taught her how to eat nobly, and they all worked on the big next step in the plan. Selina still didn’t feel secure about it, but when she saw how much the others worked for it, she decided to do her best.
But the most surprising happened in the evening. Show asked if Jolin had a piano, so they could play some music, and she showed them the music room. There were a piano, drums and many other different kinds of instruments. Jolin’s parents were both artists, so Jolin had nearly grown up in this room.
Show sat down at the piano and started playing a happy song, which they all could sing along to – that would be, except for Selina, who suddenly had become very silent. While the others sang, she walked to a big glass-closet with tree different guitars in.
“Is this an Ibanez SX-72 TBC?” she whispered, mostly to herself. She looked at the guitar in the middle, and touched the glass with her fingertips.
“What is it?” Jolin asked, when she noticed Selina’s attention to the guitar.
“Is it an Ibanez SX-72 TBC?” Selina asked a bit louder. Jolin walked over, and the others paid attention too.
“Do you know much about guitars?” she asked.
“May I see it?”
“Of course.” Jolin found a key from her pocket and opened the closet. She carefully took out the guitar.
“Be careful, it’s my dad’s,” she said, and gave it to Selina. Selina smiled when she got to hold the guitar in her hands.
“May I try it?”
They all stood like in trance for a moment, while the words entered their minds.
“You know how to play guitar?” Show finally asked.
“My mom taught me. My grandmother taught her, my great-grandmother taught my grandmother and so on. It has been tradition in the female side of our family since I can remember.” It was obvious that she became happy from thinking about it. Not a jolly, outgoing happiness, but an inner happiness.
“My mom had a guitar like this, but took it with her when she travelled away. That was the one I learned to play on.”
“Can you... can you play for us now?” Ella asked carefully.
Selina nodded, and took on the shoulder strap over her shoulder. She started playing very naturally.
“Can you sing too?” Hebe asked.
“Not that good.”
“Try,” she cheered.
Selina looked unsecure when she started singing, but as she sang, her voice became stronger and stronger. It was like she threw off all the things that had made her the most unpopular student in the school, and became a swan.
Show looked at her like it was the first time he actually truly saw her. All her potential showed of when she stood like that, very simple with the guitar in her hands and sang.
When she stopped singing, she turned shy and looked down at the ground. She held the guitar like it was a treasure.
“Sel, you’re amazing! How come you’ve never told about your talents before?” Jolin said stunned.
“It’s not really that good...”
“No, it’s better than good! It was brilliant! Come on, let’s sing some more, all together!” Ella said jolly.
With Show on piano and Selina on guitar, they started singing both well-known songs and finding up new songs – mostly by replacing the original lyrics with something completely corny. The “Cheese-monkey” song became a classic.
And luckily, no one noticed the few notes Show played wrong when his messed up mind tried to find out why he couldn’t stop looking at Selina.

How come you always get the most inspiration very late in the night? xD
Well, I thought I couldn’t manage to update today, but then the inspiration came to me like cake should. A lot of it xD
But as I also have to write on my Christmas-calendar-fanfic (/ChristmasDream), which will be released in December, I have to divide my writing-time... I’ll update Mission Makeover when I get at least five comments :]
So please please please (x1234567890) c o m m e n t :D – and thanks SO much for the comments on last chap ;D
- Blitz

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Cecilia-lala #1
Chapter 33: Heeellooo!! I really really loove this story!! :3 It was soo funny to read it! You're such a food (haha I write "food" in place of "good" XD) wrtiter!! I already read one of your fic' Fall in love with my fake gilrfriend", it was such a good fic too!! (I don't write comment to this fic because I'm a lazy girl ^^" sorry, sorry (neaga neaga... Lol :Iknowwerethedooris:) aaah now I'll have this song in the head all
night OTL XD) Anyway, I'll keep read your other fic and (maybe) post comment on it XD

Ps: Show is sooo handsome! *0* I'm a new fan of him. I konw him since 1 month now and I'm like "how can I don't know him for so long, he is really too perfect!"
spring8655 #2
Chapter 21: loved it~
Is there a sequel?? :O