Chapter 32

♥Say Hello To The Jung Family ♥
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A few days later.

“Aigoo ... what happened to your face ...” DanBi said as she pointed towards DaeHyun’s face with a smile. DaeHyun who was eating an ice cream quickly touched all over his face to see what was DanBi referring to. “Why?! What is it on my handsome face?! Is it embarrassing?! Give me a mirror!”

DanBi shook her head seeing DaeHyun getting panic and quickly stopped him, “Haish, you don’t have to keep rubbing your face and there’s no need for a mirror. There is nothing, really. Just that anyone who looks at you can see that you’re all sad and down.”

“Oh ... really? Hehe. Well, I’m getting over the sadness anyway.” DaeHyun said as he bit his ice cream.

“This must be hard for you right? The responsibility is now on your shoulders. You have to take care of your two youngest siblings who are still in school and also KyonDae and your mother. You need to give them monthly allowance and stuff. Not to mention that you’re going to debut soon. You’re going to be busy and won’t be at home all the time, of course. I understand your pressure.” DanBi nodded and stated in a worried tone.

“Awe ~ is my girlfriend worried about me?” DaeHyun asked naughtily while patting DanBi’s head.

DanBi looked at him in disbelief before slapping his shoulder, “Am I the only one who thought that you are getting pressured because you have so much on your plate? I think I’m worrying more than you!”

DaeHyun laughed and quickly shook his head. “Aigoo DanBi ah, what is there to be pressured about? Well, everything you said was true and I did think about it all the time, too. Having to leave my mom, brother and two younger sisters is not easy for me. IlHoon’s feeling the same way too but I don’t want him to worry about it. I’ve talked to my omma and she said that everything will still be under control.”

DanBi looked at him questioningly, “Hmm? How is that?”

“After my and IlHoon’s debut, it’s obviously hard for us to go home as often and it worried me too about their groceries and stuff. However, omma told me that she can manage the house with just the monthly income from her bakery shop. The income, according to her was more than enough to feed the whole house. I didn’t believe her at first but I did some research on it and wow, her bakery shop is famous and had many outlets here and there.

About my brother and sisters, I really have nothing to worry about them. They might need to get used to not having me around but they’ll be fine. JinYoung has his friends and HaNa and KyonDae have you and the other girls.” DaeHyun explained as he smiled at DanBi. He knew DanBi will take care of the girls. She loved them so much.

“Oh, and you know what surprised me? You don’t seem to be sad or worried about us at all. You know, since I’m going to debut and won’t get to see you often.” DaeHyun said sadly.

DanBi laughed seeing DaeHyun’s reaction. “Of course I’m sad, silly. But it’s something you like doing right? I will never stop you if you like what you're doing. It's your dream. I will be sad at first but I won’t be lonely though. I have your sisters and the others to fan girl over you and IlHoon once you two make your debut. Not to mention your mother, too. I think it’s going to be epic. A bunch of girls in a house screaming happily.”

“So ... you’re not worried if I get into scandal ... or ... something? You know how the press is like, right?” DaeHyun reminded her.

“Well, I do believe in you. I won’t trust any of those until I hear it from you. But, just to tell you, if you feel like letting me go because you can’t cope to handle you career and this relationship at the same time, tell me okay?” DanBi said while looking at DaeHyun sincerely.

She really understood the life on an idol and she didn’t want to out any more pressure on DaeHyun. If he cannot commit in their relationship anymore, all DanBi wanted was just DaeHyun to tell her.

“Hey, don’t say that. No matter what happens I won’t leave you okay? It depends on you though. Are you willing to wait for me? It will be years.” DaeHyun asked and he cursed himself mentally for asking that as he wasn’t prepared of what her answer might be.

DanBi only smiled and said simply, “Jung DaeHyun, I’m not the type who is easy to fall in love. Well, as long as we can wait and support each other, that’s what I’ll do.”

Just as DaeHyun was about to reply, five men, all in black outfits with masks covering their faces came out of nowhere and grabbed DanBi and pulled her away from DaeHyun while DaeHyun himself was being beaten up by those strangers. He couldn’t fight back as his hands were tied and all he could do was to hear DanBi screaming, telling them to stop.

“That’s enough! Why are you hurting him ?!” DanBi yelled. She tried to free herself but the men’s’ grips on her hands were too strong. She can only watch as DaeHyun was helplessly beaten. Blood can be seen coming out from the corner of his mouth and bruises all over his face. DaeHyun looked like he was about to pass out any moment.

All of a sudden, a man about DanBi’s age came and clapped his hands. “That’s enough, boys. You can leave now.” The man ordered.

They let go of DaeHyun who fell onto the floor, holding his stomach where they punched many times. DanBi, who still wasn’t freed let out a gasp as she recognized who the man was.

“G-GongChan ?!”

“Yes, sweetheart. It’s me. Come along, let’s go.” He said as he took DanBi’s hands. DanBi struggled to free herself as she wanted to go to DaeHyun who was helpless on the floor. “No!! Let me go! DaeHyun’s injured !!”

GongChan however, ignored her and pulled her away harshly. DanBi can only cried as there was nothing she could do and GongChan’s grip was hurting her. “You’re hurting me, GongChan.”

“That’s why you shouldn’t have struggled. I won’t want to hurt you too.” GongChan said simply.

DaeHyun tried to stand to go after DanBi but he was to weak just to sit. He weakly pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialled the first number he had on speed dial.

“YongGuk hyung ... help me!” Then his world turned black.

“IlHoon, is it okay for us to come over? Wouldn’t it be a trouble for your mother? There are seven of us.” EunKwang said as IlHoon led him and BtoB to his house. He had never invited them to his house and in fact, IlHoon was the only one who never had friends to come over. IlHoon just liked to be solitary and this was the first time he brought his friends home. His brothers and sisters will surely be surprised.

“Don’t worry hyung. She was the one who insisted to see my members. She was too excited to see my friends she even went out to buy us something to eat.” IlHoon explained. Some of the BtoB members were excited but some of them couldn’t help but feeling troubled as well, as they were afraid that they might trouble IlHoon

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someone plagiarized my story so I have to enhance the privacies of this story. Sigh ..m


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Chapter 103: Reading it for the fifth time :3
Chapter 103: I read this for the whole night from chap1 till finish. It's such a beautiful story :))
Chapter 103: Can you believe this ? I read your story all over again !

MadelonG #5
Chapter 67: Waaaaaa!!!!!!~ the story is so great!!! It is such a sweet ending!~ i love the storyline!!!
xoxosenshine #6
Chapter 68: Awwww happy jung family ending . Nice story . Keep ot up :)
nice story ^^
Chapter 68: Waa~ I can't believe I read this in two days. This is the first ever story that I read that has not any love in it. Actually there is but I mean as in a different love and it is very good. The love between different people is not the main but the love between siblings.

They have so much hardships(?) together and they are so happy at the end of the story. I just love this kind of endings^^ Thumbs up for you author-nim! You are very good xP Love the story very much!
Chapter 63: HaNa's friends are so lucky to have her brothers ! Envy them much !
_jeonchi #10
Chapter 14: I'll make one too, Just like yours... But It will be Park Family...

I'm going to add Ulzzang members because I LOVE ULZZANGS!

Try to read it sometime.