Chapter 6

♥Say Hello To The Jung Family ♥
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The senior students of the high school JinYoung was studying at had just finished their last paper and everyone was scramming away to go home. They ran out of the class right after the bell rang, indicating the school session was over. JinYoung, fortunately, was not one of them to run out of their classes.

Yet, he just walked peacefully with earphones plugged in his ears. What was there to run for? It's not like their houses were going to disappear if they didn't arrive home quickly. Maybe they just can't wait to play video games or whatsoever since they had to leave all that behind for the exams. Now the exams were over, they can get back to their own hobbies again.

JinYoung was walking home alone that day as his friends were also among the runners who wanted to arrive home as fast as they can. He was walking slowly while listening to songs without getting bumped into any of the students. “HaNa is so lucky she doesn't have any school today...” JinYoung mumbled to himself.

Yup, HaNa’s batch didn't have to go to school that day because JinYoung’s batch was taking exam and the teachers seemed to be wanting to cut down the noise so it won't bother JinYoung's batch to answer the papers.

As he was walking, he passed by a boutique and he can't help for looking inside. His eyes were just wandering on the clothes in the shop when his gaze suddenly fixed on a middle-aged woman who he assumed as the owner of the boutique as she was talking to the workers and probably giving them orders. JinYoung halted and couldn't take his eyes off of her. His heart suddenly felt the feeling he hadn't felt for so long. The feeling of longing towards someone.

“Why does her face... seem so familiar and... really close to my heart?” JinYoung questioned himself. The longer he stared at the woman's face, the more the longing he felt. A part of him wanting to approach the woman who was about ChaeRin's age and hugged her as tight as he could. Even though he didn’t know why he wanted to hug a stranger, he just felt the strong sensation grew inside him.

JinYoung was still looking at her when she walked out of the boutique in a hurry and entered a car that had been waiting for her outside the boutique. Seeing the lady's face reminded JinYoung of something. “Wait. Her face looks like...” JinYoung quickly took out his wallet and fished out a picture he kept inside his wallet.

“Why does she look like SooYeon Omma?” JinYoung was so shocked but by the time he looked up, the car already went away. JinYoung couldn't think of anything else except for chasing after the car. “Omma!! Omma !!” He yelled while trying to catch up with the car but it was just impossible. JinYoung stopped and tried to catch his breath and just watched the car vanished from his sight.

“ can't be. Omma is gone. She can't be Omma. There is only ChaeRin Omma now. SooYeon Omma is dead. Appa said so. Appa won't lie towards us.” JinYoung looked back at the picture in his hand. A tear fell from his eye. “It couldn't be her.”

Six girls were sitting in a circle with books and papers scattered around on the floor. Each girl was doing a different activity on their own. But first, let me introduce who the girls were.

Five of them, excluding HaNa, were HaNa’s best friends since their childhood. They were RiYoung, HyeYeon, KyonDae, DanBi, and MinNeul. They had known each other since kindergarten and their friendship remained until their second last year in high school. Amazing right?

They were very determined to keep this friendship for many, many years more. HaNa’s friends mostly had busy families as they were running their own businesses and companies. Their families didn’t really have time for them so the girls always hung out at HaNa’s house for companies as they were so lonely at home.

HaNa’s house was like their second home, you could say. They were there almost every day and HaNa’s parents didn’t seem to mind them coming over. Besides, HeeChul and ChaeRin treated their children’s’ friends like their own. As long as they didn’t cause any fuss around the house.

They were in the middle of a group discussion as their exams were near as well but they can’t seem to concentrate because of a noise coming from the room next door. Guess whose room was that? None other than DaehHyun’s who thought HaNa was still at school.

The noise practically drove the girls crazy but they tried to keep it cool because they didn’t want to add anything that can cause HaNa to explode. They were currently trying to blend in with the noise B.A.P was making in the room next door. Usually it wasn’t this noisy but since their presence was not acknowledge

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someone plagiarized my story so I have to enhance the privacies of this story. Sigh ..m


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Chapter 103: Reading it for the fifth time :3
Chapter 103: I read this for the whole night from chap1 till finish. It's such a beautiful story :))
Chapter 103: Can you believe this ? I read your story all over again !

MadelonG #5
Chapter 67: Waaaaaa!!!!!!~ the story is so great!!! It is such a sweet ending!~ i love the storyline!!!
xoxosenshine #6
Chapter 68: Awwww happy jung family ending . Nice story . Keep ot up :)
nice story ^^
Chapter 68: Waa~ I can't believe I read this in two days. This is the first ever story that I read that has not any love in it. Actually there is but I mean as in a different love and it is very good. The love between different people is not the main but the love between siblings.

They have so much hardships(?) together and they are so happy at the end of the story. I just love this kind of endings^^ Thumbs up for you author-nim! You are very good xP Love the story very much!
Chapter 63: HaNa's friends are so lucky to have her brothers ! Envy them much !
_jeonchi #10
Chapter 14: I'll make one too, Just like yours... But It will be Park Family...

I'm going to add Ulzzang members because I LOVE ULZZANGS!

Try to read it sometime.