Chapter 38

♥Say Hello To The Jung Family ♥
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The big day had finally arrived for both of the Jung brothers to fulfil their dreams. After all the problems they went through their fighting spirit to pursue their dreams never died.

And now there they are, all smartly dressed up, waiting for their turn at the backstage at Music Bank. DaeHyun and IlHoon managed to run into each other and no words can describe how happy they both were to see each other there and so were their respective groups. BtoB finally met the group that was making the debut stage that everyone was talking about. Both BtoB and B.A.P exchanged supporting words and wished each other’s luck.

“DaeHyun hyung!” IlHoon called as he saw DaeHyun with his friends. IlHoon was about to go up the stage now but he couldn’t help to get excited when he saw his brother.

“IlHoon ah, hyung will be watching you from here. You do your best okay? This is your dream and you finally are making it come true.” DaeHyun said while hugging his brother with proud. He was very glad that after what happened it never weakened IlHoon’s spirit to go after his dreams.

“IlHoon, we’re up next!” MinHyuk called.

DaeHyun quickly broke the hug as he realized that his brother had to go, “Hyung, I’ve got to go. Love you, hyung!” IlHoon said while running towards BtoB who was getting ready to go up.

DaeHyun looked at IlHoon’s figure while smiling widely, “Aigoo ... he’s a big boy now.”

“Hyung, you’re talking like you’re his father.” JongUp added and YoungJae smacked his head. “He’s proud of his dongsaeng, of course! IlHoon still wants to follow his dreams even after the trauma he had.”

“YoungJae hyung! Don’t ruin my hair!” JongUp whined and he started bickering with YoungJae while Zelo tried to calm them both down but to no vail.

DaeHyun only shook his head and laughed looking at them.

“Waa ... so this is how it looks like back here.” Said a very familiar voice. DaeHyun quickly turned towards the voice and was delighted when he saw JinYoung. “JinYoung ah!” He called before walking towards his brother. His group’s turn was after four groups performing so he used the time to chat with his brother quickly.

“Hyung!! You look so different !!” JinYoung said excitedly. DaeHyun shrugged at his statement and reminded him, “My outfits may seem to be different but I’m still Jung DaeHyun.”

“Waa ... KyonDae can you imagine how big this place is?” Said another familiar voice. DaeHyun looked around and saw his two sisters being amazed by the surrounding of the backstage.

“Hey, you two!” DaeHyun called and both HaNa and KyonDae ran towards him when they saw him. “We really can’t wait to see you up there! Lucky enough we managed to watch IlHoon oppa, thanks to JinYoung who suddenly forgot where did he put his pass.” HaNa said while glaring at JinYoung who smiled sheepishly.

“DaeHyun oppa, you look so awesome!” KyonDae exclaimed while giving him two thumbs up. DaeHyun laughed and quickly said, “Be careful, YoungJae might be anywhere close and he might sulk with you if he hears that. He told me just now that you accepted his confession.” KyonDae only sighed and they all laughed again. If IlHoon was there, then it might be just perfect. But he had to leave quickly and luckily he managed to say goodbye to them first.

“Wait, where’s omma? Is she not coming?” DaeHyun asked as he looked around for their mother. “Omma is talking something to your manager, hyung.” JinYoung answered. DaeHyun looked at him wide-eyed, “What?! Manager? Why ?!”

“Sheesh, relax. It’s not a big deal. Omma is just discussing with him the times when you can come home. Well, all of us know you won’t be home as often anymore and Omma is just asking him to allow you to come home from time to time. When you’re free, of course. She did the same to IlHoon’s manager.” HaNa explaine

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someone plagiarized my story so I have to enhance the privacies of this story. Sigh ..m


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Chapter 103: Reading it for the fifth time :3
Chapter 103: I read this for the whole night from chap1 till finish. It's such a beautiful story :))
Chapter 103: Can you believe this ? I read your story all over again !

MadelonG #5
Chapter 67: Waaaaaa!!!!!!~ the story is so great!!! It is such a sweet ending!~ i love the storyline!!!
xoxosenshine #6
Chapter 68: Awwww happy jung family ending . Nice story . Keep ot up :)
nice story ^^
Chapter 68: Waa~ I can't believe I read this in two days. This is the first ever story that I read that has not any love in it. Actually there is but I mean as in a different love and it is very good. The love between different people is not the main but the love between siblings.

They have so much hardships(?) together and they are so happy at the end of the story. I just love this kind of endings^^ Thumbs up for you author-nim! You are very good xP Love the story very much!
Chapter 63: HaNa's friends are so lucky to have her brothers ! Envy them much !
_jeonchi #10
Chapter 14: I'll make one too, Just like yours... But It will be Park Family...

I'm going to add Ulzzang members because I LOVE ULZZANGS!

Try to read it sometime.