Sneaking Out

Learning Love From My Brother (LLFMB)

Once night fall came,the hospital quietened down.Only a few nurses were left in the hospital for their night shift,and the patientes were asleep.Sehun stayed in his spot and Yunhee laid in her hospital bed.They had to make sure that no nurses would come in and see that they left.After making sure,Sehun finally put his plan into action.

Earlier,Sehun left to his house and grabbed some of his clothes.He came back and told Yunhee to dress up in them.A hoodie that reached her thighs and a pair of jeans,along with the smallest shoes he had.Once she did,Sehun opened the door and looked side to side to see the hallway empty.

"Come on",He gestured and walked out fully.

Yunhee's head popped out and looked side to side.She then closed the door behind her and awaited Sehun's next move.He grabbed her hand and intwined his fingers with her's.Yunhee felt her face heat up and she started to bite her nail nervously.

Sehun slowly walked ahead while slightly pulling Yunhee along.She still wasn't too cure about doing this so she was kind of walking slowly.Sehun didn't mind and just quietly made his way through the halls.

Luhan was lying in his room while staring at the ceiling.He could still hear his heart breaking and the scene replaying in his head.He felt like walking over to her room and confessing his heart out to Yunhee.But he knew that Sehun would be there,and most likely start a fight.Which he didn't want Yunhee to see.

But then he thought about Sehun's words again.How he said he loved her.Luhan felt like he was already too late.

One week.....

That then ticked in his mind.He was going to loose Yunhee anyway...

He slowly sat up in his hospital bed and looked to his door.He then stood up on his feet and walked over to the door.Luhan was just about to grab the door knob when he was a familuar face pass by the window.He cocked an eyebrow and quietly opened the door,making sure not to made any noise.

Luhan looked down the hall and saw Yunhee and Sehun quickly walking away.Luhan noticed that Yunhee was in over sized clothes and he immediatly knew it was Sehun's clothes.Were they sneaking out?

Luhan immediatly became worried and ran back into his hospital room.He found that his clothes were folded neatly on a chair beside his bed.He tore off his hospital clothes and slipped on his casual clothes.He looked in the mirror that the hospital provided and saw how beaten he actually was.

His temple was purple and had a small,white plaster holding together a cute.His lip was busted and made his lips look bigger than they usually are.Luhan's eye was bearly open and was basically black.He looked like he had gotten into a boxing match and lost terriably.

Luhan clenched his fist remembering Sehun's smirking face when he walked away,leaving him all blooded.He then imagined Yunhee being with him,the person he now despised most.Well,2nd besides Hyuna.

Luhan quickly walked out his hospital and down the hall.He hid from any passing nurses and tried to catch up with Yunhee and Sehun.Once he did,he saw they just sneaked past the security guard by the entrance of the hospital.They walked out and couldn't be seen through the automatic doors and darkness.

Luhan slowly walked behind the security and made it out the hospital.He looked around in panic and saw Yunhee getting into Sehun's parent's car.He was only on his L's for driving but Sehun could careless at the moment.Luhan then quickly ran over and before Sehun could even turn the head lights on,he stepped infront of the car.

Yunhee and Sehun looked at Luhan standing infront of the car.Yunhee was in shock and Sehun was in shock and in slight anger.Yunhee saw how beaten he was and opened the car door and stepped out.Her eyes were huge and staring at the injuried Luhan.

"Luhan.....what happened to you?".


not edited.

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Chapter 30: Nice story
Is this the end of the story??
LOVElySehun #3
Chapter 30: OMG!!!!!!!! SHE LIVES?!! Thank god! Phew! I thought she was gonna be dead for good. But, nope! She's not TvT hehe.. What a good story.And I FREAKING LOVED IT. XDDD Yeay!!!!
nunhanexo #4
Chapter 30: Thank god she's alive.. Yay happy ending... Thank you authornim
Luhannlover #5
Chapter 30: What noooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Thats NOT the end pls!!!!!!
f5sulli #6
Chapter 30: She's alive again. Please make a sequel author since there is love triangle

I loved it sooooo much :)
nunhanexo #7
Chapter 27: I loveeee it.... update soon
Chapter 26: Update soon....!!
So curious.!
leebeelin #9
Chapter 26: update soon :)