You Like Sehun?

Learning Love From My Brother (LLFMB)

Yunhee and Luhan were walking to school side by side. It was akward because neither of them said anything. Yunhee was, once again, thinking of her father. Luhan couldn't take the silence anymore so he decided to break the ice.

he opened his mouth but quickly closed it. Then he remembered about the Sehun thing. *light bulb*

"OH!!!" He shouted without thinking, making Yunhee jump. She never saw that coming. Yunhee pressed her hands where her heart was. "Omo..." Bad idea, Luhan "YAH!! IDIOT, YOU SCARED ME, DONT DO THAT!!" She yelled as she continuously hit Luhan. He ignored the pain and the fact that Yunhee was hitting him. "You know my friend Sehun, right?" He asked. Yunhee stopped hitting him. "Isn't he the tall skinny blonde?" She asked coldly. Luhan nodded.

- flashback -

"We're friends with Luhan.I'm guessing your his step sister?",Suho asked.Yunhee nodded.
Luhan was observing the conversation while standing next to his best friends,Xiumin.He made sure that she wasn't spilling anything that shouldn't be said.
"I'M SEHUN!",a boy suddenly popped up in front of Yunhee.She jumped and stood back.
He was tall and thin with Blonde sweeped hair.He was handsome but probably had a line of fangirls already.
- end of flashback -
"he's handsome" Yunhee said. Luhan twitched at the word handsome. What about him? He managed to hold in his jealousy. "Yup, let's go see him!" He suggested. Yunhee didn't get to answer when he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to school. 
"We're here~!" Luhan sang when they reached school. He was still gripping onto Yunhee's wrist. "Let's go see Sehun!" 
Yunhee wondered why the topic was Sehun now. Maybe she should hang around him a little. It won't hurt to have another real friend.
Luhan stopped. Yunhee looked up to see Sehun standing in front of her with a wide grin. She looked to her side. Luhan was gone. 
she looked back at Sehun. Akward... 
"Um...h-hi" she said with a tiny wave. Sehun grinned even wider. He gently took her hand. Yunhee widened her eyes at how warm and soft his hand was. She wanted to smile, but she didn't know how to. "Let's go" he said and started walking towards the school building. Yunhee followed him quietly. Whispers could be heard around her.
"is that Yunhee?" 
"She doesn't deserve guys like Luhan!"
"or Sehun!"
"ugh, she thinks she's better than us, how pathetic"
"true that~"
Yunhee stopped walking at the comments. Sehun glared at the girls and they stopped immediately. He looked back at Yunhee. She was looking at the ground, feeling ashamed. Sehun caressed her cheeks and turned her head up. He looked deep into her eyes. Yunhee felt something wierd inside of her. She never had this feeling before. It felt nice. Wait, could it be...? No! 
They were both unaware that someone was watching them from afar. Sehun smiled. "It's okay" he said. "Now what class do you have?" Yunhee mumbled her period schedules. Sehun beamed. "Me too! Let's go!" They both went to class, fingers intertwined. Yunhee didn't mind. She'd usually remove her hand. This is wierd she thought. 
They were still unaware that they were being watched carefully. 
"just in time, you two" their math teacher said. He pointed at the seats. Yunhee sat in her seat and Sehun sat in his.
Yunhee started writing notes and the teacher started teaching. Her eyelids were starting to get heavy. She managed to keep her eyes open
...for now.
She was asleep by the next 5 minutes. 
Yunhee came home, and immediately went to her room.
Suprise, Luhan was sitting on her bed. He looked at Yunhee.
"how was Sehun?" He asked. Yunhee sat beside him. "Great" 
"that's good" he said. He was about the stand up and leave when Yunhee said, "I think I like him"
Luhan stopped. he looked at her in shock. "You like Sehun?" Yunhee nodded. "Really? Already?" She nodded again. 
Luhan didn't say a word. He stood up and left. Yunhee was left alone. 
It has only been just a day, and I like him already? You're wierd, Yunhee, you truly are. But there's something about him...thanks Luhan, thanks alot...
"Yunhee!" A voice called. It seemed to echo. Yunhee looked around. Where'd that come from? 
"Yunhee!!" The voice called again, but louder. Everything started to spin. 
"Yunhee!!!" Yunhee looked up to see her math teacher glaring down at her. "Sleeping in class, huh?" He asked slowly. Yunhee felt ashamed. She nodded. Her math teacher sighed loudly and went back to teaching. She looked to her side to see Sehun staring at her. He smiled and waved. She waved back.
she was dreaming. 
It was so embarrassing to think about. 
Do I like him? I can't be sure...
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Chapter 30: Nice story
Is this the end of the story??
LOVElySehun #3
Chapter 30: OMG!!!!!!!! SHE LIVES?!! Thank god! Phew! I thought she was gonna be dead for good. But, nope! She's not TvT hehe.. What a good story.And I FREAKING LOVED IT. XDDD Yeay!!!!
nunhanexo #4
Chapter 30: Thank god she's alive.. Yay happy ending... Thank you authornim
Luhannlover #5
Chapter 30: What noooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Thats NOT the end pls!!!!!!
f5sulli #6
Chapter 30: She's alive again. Please make a sequel author since there is love triangle

I loved it sooooo much :)
nunhanexo #7
Chapter 27: I loveeee it.... update soon
Chapter 26: Update soon....!!
So curious.!
leebeelin #9
Chapter 26: update soon :)