
Maybe I Love You...


Jiyeon's POV:

"I'll call the names out randomly so be prepared."

Omo I hope I don't mess up, especially in front of him...

"Hmm let's see.... Jung Jinyoung, you're up first," she said looking up from her clipboard.

"N-ne," Jinyoung oppa said nervously. He looked at me and I gave him a Fighting! sign and a smile. He smiled back at me and walked up to the front of the class. He sang "Only One" ( As he sang I could see all the girls in the class fawning over him. Even I was a little surprised. I never heard him sing before so I was genuinely surprised and impressed. Well that's my best friend for you. He's like the whole package for a girl. After he finished he looked at me and I gave him a thumbs up. Everyone else was clapping for him.

"Very good, Jinyoung. You may go back to you're seat now. Next up is.... Oh Jiyeon." Me?? Omo, eoteokke?!

"N-ne." Jinyoung put his hand on my shoulder and gave me the same fighting sign and smile that I gave him earlier. I nodded and walked up. I sang IU's "Good Day" ( The song is incredibly high, but I pulled it off easily. I even hit her 3 octave note with breath to spare. 

Youngmin's POV:

I was spacing out in class when I felt Kwangmin tap my shoulder. I turned to him and he said, "Yah, hyung, isn't that the girl that you ran into this morning?" I turned my head and sure enough she was up there.

I chuckled to myself and said, "Ha, you're right. I didn't know she would be here." I listened to her sing. She sang IU's "Good Day" and she was good. Like REALLY GOOD. Her voice was so innocent, yet powerful. She even did the 3 octave note easily. I looked around and saw that everyone else was amazed by her singing too. And I had to admit I was beyond impressed. This girl really is something. She finished and everyone gave her a big hand, including me and the teacher. 

"Very good, Jiyeon. I am very impressed. You may go sit again." She bowed and walked back to her seat, which was a few rows behind me. I looked back and saw her give the guy next to her a high five. I have to talk to her later after class.

Jiyeon's POV:

I walked back to my seat and gave Jinyoung oppa a high five. "Oppa, how was I?" 

"You were amazing. I swear, you're gonna be the best singer in the whole class," he said with a laugh.

"Komawo, oppa." I turned my attention to the front and the teacher said, "Jo Youngmin, please come to the front." Hmm I wonder who that is. I saw the blonde guy stand up and walk up. So his name's Youngmin... 

He walked up and sang "You and I" ( He was really good. His voice was really soothing and was like a lullaby. Can this boy get anymore charming? I saw the rest of the girls looking at him with adoration in their eyes too. I guess I'm not the only one that's impressed. He finished and everyone gave him a big hand. He sat back down and the class proceeded. I'm gonna try to talk to him later.

Skip to end of class

"Jiyeon-ah, let's get going. I wanna grab a snack before our next class," Jinyoung oppa said pulling my arm.

I laughed at his goofiness, "Yah, oppa, you're not gonna die because you don't get your snack. I swear you can be a real fatty sometimes."

"Mwoh? Fatty? Do you see any fat on me? I don't think so. Just hardcore muscle baby!~" and he showed me his "muscles." I laughed at his joke. 

"Arraso, arraso. Let's go get your snack muscleman." We walked out and we were about to step out of the door when someone stood in front of us. I looked up and saw Youngmin smiling at us. 

"Annyeong~" he said with a smile. 

I smiled shyly and said, "A-annyeong. Youngmin, right?" 

He nodded. "Yeah, and you're Jiyeon right?" I nodded and smiled that he paid attention to catch my name. "Well, I just wanted to say that I was really impressed by your singing. You're one talented girl."

AHHH HE CALLED ME TALENTED!! ^^ Wahh I could faint right now. I smiled and said, "K-komawo. Y-you were good too. Oh, this is my best friend, Jung Jinyoung, by the way." Youngmin waved at him and Jinyoung just gave him a small head nod.

"Thanks, well I better get going. I'll see you around, Jiyeon-sshi." Then he smiled, waved, and left....

OMG HE TALKED TO ME!!!!  :DDDDD Wow I sound like a total fangirl, but I don't care. HE TALKED TO ME!! YAY!!~ ^^ I'm gonna like this school~

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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 34: omg i loovee ur story soo much that im gonna faint hahahaha its just super duper amazing >.<
lov4ever #2
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
if you do more make sure the girl is with youngmin or kwangmin
love this story, and i'll definitely be supporting your sequel, but...JIYEON AND YOUNGMIN MUST STAY TOGETHER!! i don't care if they breakup in the middle of the story and whatnot, bt in the end, THEY HAVE TO BE TOGETHER!
the ending is kinda more like fluffy than sad, I LIKE IT!
minkwang #6
yeahh, i want the sequel to be about her debut and training! :D:D
well idk for the sequel i might do something about them breaking up but im not sure.... and it wont be all about her entering SM. that would be boring :) and seriously im not good at angst hahaha im a fluffy person ;)
if the sequel is about her entering sm entertainment, i kinda dont want to read the sequel since i have a feeling jiyeon n youngmin will break up, even tho i no its gonna b good i cant stand some angst stories that are follow ups (sequels) to happy stories...TT^TT im gonna miss this fanfic even tho i can just reread it over n over n over n over again!!!!!
awwwww!!!<br />
update soon pls!<br />
update soon