Confession From.......

Maybe I Love You...

No One's POV:

After the whole shock thing in Lotte World Jinyoung and B1A4 had to leave so Kwangmin and Jiyeon tagged along with Youngmin and Naeun. Youngmin was fighting the urge to look at Jiyeon, who was walking next to him. Naeun was linking arms with Youngmin, oblivious to her boyfriend's slight nervousness. Kwangmin, on the other hand, was fighting the urge to hold Jiyeon's free hand. He kept staring at it and wondered to himself if he should hold it or not.

Kwangmin's POV:

Hold it. Don't hold it. Hold it. Don't hold it. Aish, I don't know anymore. If I hold her hand then I'll be happy, but she might think I'm weird and go not talk to me. But if I don't hold her hand I'll be sad, but she'll think I'm normal. My thoughts were interuptted when I felt her tugging on my arm. I looked at her and she beamed at me. "Kwangmin-ah, let's go on that," she said pointing at a rollercoaster in front of us. I smiled. 1. because she was still holding onto my arm :) and 2. I love rollercoasters. 

"Arasso, let's go. Youngmin-ah, you and Naeun want to go with us?" I said looking at the couple next to us.

"Andwae!" Naeun said shaking her head, "I can't stand rollercoasters. I'm not going on. Youngmin can go with you guys. I have to go to the bathroom anyways. I can just do something else while you guys go on it." 

"Are you sure?" Youngmin asked her. She nodded and smiled at us.

"Go and have fun!" We thanked her and the 3 of us went towards the rollercoaster.

Youngmin's POV:

"Thanks for saving me guys," I said to the Kwangmin and Jiyeon.

"Wae? Weren't you having fun with Naeun?" Jiyeon asked, eyeing me weirdly.

I shook my hands in defense. "Of course I was, but the girl is no fun when it comes to amusement parks. I mean, I like her, but all we did today was play games and buy stuff. Every time I suggested a ride she would turn it down." 

"Ahh, I see now. Well now your wait is over. Let's hurry so that we can get a good spot in line." Then she grabbed our hands and dragged us there. She looked like a little kid. That and the fact that she was holding onto my hand made my heart beat faster. I could feel my face heating up too, but it was a good thing that her back was to us. 

We got there and she let go of our hands. I really wish she didn't though. I liked it T^T 

It was our turn to get on the ride and the seat only fit two people. 

"Looks like one of us is gonna have to sit alone," Jiyeon said.

"I want to sit with you," me and Kwangmin said at the same time to Jiyeon. I looked at him and he stared at me with big eyes. 

"I-I mean if t-that's okay," I said to clear up any suspicions. 

"Well I don't really care. You guys can work it out."

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Kwangmin said looking me in the eye. I nodded.

"Rock, paper, scissor, SHOOT!" I put out rock while Kwangmin put out scissors. 

"Ha! In your face dongseng!" I said smiling. He just pouted and looked away. The attendant called us and we sat in the seats. Me and Jiyeon were sitting in the first seat and Kwangmin sat behind us. 

"Wahh, I'm so excited!" Jiyeon said clapping her hands. She looked like a little kid in a candy shop. It was cute. I laughed at her dorkiness. She looked at me. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing," I replied smiling. She shrugged it off and the ride started. We were going up the first hill and she was smiling like crazy. The thing dropped and she put her hands up and was laughing like crazy. I put my hands up too and screamed. I looked over at her and she looked like she was having the time of her life. I looked behind us and checked up on Kwangmin. His eyes looked like they were about to come out of their sockets and he was screaming like crazy. I laughed at his spazziness. 

The ride ended and we got off. "Wahh, wasn't that so fun?" Jiyeon said smiling. I nodded and smiled back. "Didn't you think so Kwangmin-ah?" We looked at Kwangmin as he unsteadily got off the rollercoaster. He walked over to us and his facial expression was hilarious. It looked like he just came out of a nightmare and his hair was all over the place. 

"Kwangmin-ah, gwenchana?" I asked holding back a laugh. He just nodded with a blank expression on his face. 

"Well let's go find Naeun. She's probably waiting for us," Jiyeon said walked ahead. Oh yeah, Naeun's here too. Hehe, I kinda forgot. 

Skip to later

Jiyeon's POV:

Well, I guess it's just me and Kwangmin again. Youngmin had to take Naeun home because it was getting kind of late. Me and Kwangmin just decided to stay a little bit longer. 

"Jiyeon-ah, let's go on the ferris wheel," Kwangmin said pointing at it.

"Arasso, kaja," I replied smiling. We got there and we were lucky the line wasn't long. We got in the car and the ferris wheel started moving. We reached the top and it stopped. I looked out and the view was beautiful. "Wahh, look at the view! Isn't pretty, Kwangmin-ah?" I turned to him and he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, it is. Umm, Jiyeon-ah, can I.... tell you something?" he said quietly. 

Kwangmin's POV:

I want to confess to Jiyeon. Since we're on the ferris wheel alone it was a good time. That's kind of why I suggested to come here.

"Wahh, look at the view! Isn't is pretty, Kwangmin-ah?" Jiyeon said smiling at me. I just nodded and smiled back at her.

"Yeah, it is. Umm, Jiyeon-ah," I started quietly, "can I... tell you something?" I'm gonna do it. Hwaiting, Kwangmin! Pikachu, I wish you were here......

"Sure. What is it?" she said looking at me. My heart started racing. 1. because I was super nervous and 2. she's really pretty.

"Umm, Jiyeon-ah, what would you say if someone confessed to you?" I asked slowly.

She thought about it for a second. "I think it depends on the person. Wae?"

"What would you say if that person was............ me?" I asked nervously.

"Kwangmin-ah, what..... are you saying?" she asked quietly.

"I..... like you.... a lot," I said slowly, but confidently.

She froze and stared at me. Please say something. She started laughing awkwardly.

"Yah, Kwangmin-ah stop joking around. You are joking right?" she said hopefully. I shook my head.

I grabbed her hands and looked her straight in the eye. "I, Jo Kwangmin, have fallen for you, Oh Jiyeon." 


"I know we've only known each other for a short time, but in that short time I fell for you. You're nice, you're pretty, and just perfect. Please give me a chance. I really like you. I...... love you," I said sincerely. She just sat there and looked at me. "Well, what do you say?" Please.... just say..... something.

"Kwangmin-ah... I......."

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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 34: omg i loovee ur story soo much that im gonna faint hahahaha its just super duper amazing >.<
lov4ever #2
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
if you do more make sure the girl is with youngmin or kwangmin
love this story, and i'll definitely be supporting your sequel, but...JIYEON AND YOUNGMIN MUST STAY TOGETHER!! i don't care if they breakup in the middle of the story and whatnot, bt in the end, THEY HAVE TO BE TOGETHER!
the ending is kinda more like fluffy than sad, I LIKE IT!
minkwang #6
yeahh, i want the sequel to be about her debut and training! :D:D
well idk for the sequel i might do something about them breaking up but im not sure.... and it wont be all about her entering SM. that would be boring :) and seriously im not good at angst hahaha im a fluffy person ;)
if the sequel is about her entering sm entertainment, i kinda dont want to read the sequel since i have a feeling jiyeon n youngmin will break up, even tho i no its gonna b good i cant stand some angst stories that are follow ups (sequels) to happy stories...TT^TT im gonna miss this fanfic even tho i can just reread it over n over n over n over again!!!!!
awwwww!!!<br />
update soon pls!<br />
update soon