For Usa-chan

~Infinite Secret Santa 2013~ *Santas Revealed!*



For: Usa-chan

Pair: Myungyeol

Prompt: Myungyeol being awkward

2716 words

It’d be too little if I say that Sungyeol’s week has been awkward as heck. Of course dressing as Hyuna on ‘the cross dressing day’ at the coffee shop he’s working in isn’t that bad; nor is the flirting session with his boss Woohyun or, as all the employers at the coffee shop prefers to call him ‘ the greasy ball’, that obviously can’t take a hold of his oh-so-lively hands that just can’t get enough of gripping Sungyeol’s nonexistent , that’s not new as well. Don’t get me started about Sungyeol’s cousin and his beloved boyfriend’s make out session on the couch right in front of the poor giant’s eyes, and the effects it caused on his ‘innocent’ imagination afterwards . No, those aren’t the things that made the boy’s week so awkward, even if they did helped a little to do so; anyways the real reason lies deep inside Sungyeol’s memory of the previous week, which the giant would gladly erase if he was able to. The reason behind the awkward cloud that surrounds him, is in his best friend Myungsoo and the way how the older tries to avoid him at every cost. 

Yes, that’s right the oh-so-infamous-addicted-to-coffee-bartender Lee Sungyeol is being stupid, not that this is something new, by avoiding his best friend instead of clearing the ‘misunderstanding’ between the them.

Now, surely you’re curious about the said ‘misunderstanding’ that I’m talking about, right?

Then ladies and gentlemen let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time... nah, ignore that. I’ll begin from the beginning.


[Sungyeol’s POV]

“God, if I have to go to one of those apartment complex meetings once again and have to listen to that stupid hamster-like dude from apartment 105 talking about how we should, I’ll repeat his words: ‘NEVER, pass by my precious gardenias! Or I’ll cut your balls and make a garland from them and put it on my Christmas tree.’, or that girlish boy from the apartment across of us ask the freak from apartment 121 to stop stalking him, I swear I’ll go crazy and throw myself from the bridge across Han river. But, not before I kill all those idiots so I could be in peace with myself in the afterlife.”

I hurried to throw the tantrum I’ve been holding in myself for tw hours while the meeting, immediately after closing the door of my shared apartment with my best friend and roommate, expecting to be welcomed by the said boy, who's name’s Myungsoo, playing video games on his PSP on the couch in our living room, just as I left him two hours ago. But instead I was met with an empty couch and living room with lights turn off, and no sign of the said boy; and that kind of surprised me  ‘cause knowing how much of a pain in the is for him to even lift his arms to put chips in his mouth while watching TV, I didn’t expect to see that he moved from his spot on our couch.

Though my amazement didn’t last for long ‘cause I was hungry and tired, so instead of wondering what on earth happened to my roommate I made my way to the kitchen and made myself a tuna sandwich, then put food in my cat’s bowl and then made my way to my bedroom, making plans on sleeping ‘til tomorrow when I have to wake up at 10 and go to my work, not that I was too ecstatic ‘bout it.

Look, I love my work, and making coffee for people and see that they enjoy the drinks I make makes me really happy with my decision of job, but I can’t say that being ually harassed 24/7 by my boss is the most enjoyable thing. So I don’t always go at the cafe with much enthusiasm, but I must admit that the pay is really acceptable, and the fact that the coffee shop is near my apartment complex is also a bonus, so I don’t complain much and just ignore my grease ball.

Oh, how could I forget you don’t know anything about me, and here I am blabbering about my neighbours and my ert boss, where are my manners?! *facepalm*

Anyways, annyeonghaseyo my name’s Lee Sungyeol. Twenty-four years old, graduated in management at Seoul University, working as a bartender and sometimes even a confectioner  at “Sweet Life” coffee shop and bakery, living with his best friend, single and very cheerful and good looking namja. *winks*

So where I’ve been, oh right.  As I was lost in my thoughts, once again, I arrived in front of my bedroom door, I took hold of my doorknob and was to turn it and open my door when I heard strange noises coming from my roommate’s bedroom, that was one door away from my own, and my curiosity took the best of me.

Of course, I’m not an idiot and I can already predict what those noises mean, ‘cause my roommate Myungsoo is single as well, and just as me, he has ‘needs’ once in a while so I don’t mind it. But then again, if I know what he’s doing and I find it perfectly normal, why in the world am I eavesdropping on his door?

I’m such an idiot sometimes, all the times, I decided to turn around and go in my room when a certain noise (moan) caught my attention, so I returned to my previous position and put my ear on the door. My heart started beating like crazy when the exactly same noise came from inside the room on which door I was eavesdropping, and there I was: eyeballs about to fall from too much widening  of my eyes, mouth opening and closing just as a goldfish and heart beating faster than the wind while tornado.

I couldn’t believe my ears, I must’ve heard wrong. I was in a pure state of shock so when I took a hold of the door knob of my best friend’s door, opened and entered his room, after which I saw the said boy laid on his bad, jerking himself off, while sweat covered his face and bare body, eyes hidden under his black locks of hair,  I wasn’t in my right state of mind.

The sight of him doing this kind of thing, while no other’s name but mine, his childhood friend’s name left me, in few words, speechless. But that’s not the worst, the worst part is that when he opened his eyes and saw me standing like a statue, there in middle of his bedroom, he continued... he freaking continued relieving himself in front of my eyes, while panting my name even louder than before, without caring about me and my mental state in the moment. After what seemed like an eternity to me, he came all over his bed’s sheets and on his hand with a loud cry of my name escaping his rosy lips, and that’s when I lost it. I my hills, making an angle of 180° and left the room, not forgetting to slam the door behind me, went to our apartment’s front door, put my shoes and jacket on and left the apartment, and the long forgotten tuna sandwich that laid untouched in my roommates room,  without looking back.

It was too little to say that what I saw shocked me, ‘cause that’s the least what it did to me, but I wasn’t preoccupied with that. It was the way Myungsoo reacted when he saw me, I’m sure he saw me even if I hope the opposite, and to what will happen to our friendship after it. Right now, I could finally admit that I’ve reached the limit of my mental sanity, like seriously all this time I was trying to not mind the that the life was throwing towards me, but this...this is too much!

I don’t know how or when, but I found myself seating on a bench in the furthest park from our apartment complex, crying my heart out ‘cause I didn’t want to lose my friend.

I’m confused, to say the least, but right now I can’t sort this out, so instead of doing it I called my cousin Dongwoo and asked him if I could stay at his place for a while, and as the always caring and worrying for others person he is he said ‘sure, come and stay ‘til you feel so’ and hung up, and I couldn’t be more thankful for having such a person as my cousin.

After an hour or so, I finally stopped crying and made my way to my cousin’s house, not caring about the looks that people give me ‘cause I already know that I look like with red puffy eyes and a gloomy expression, thank you!

During my walk from the park to Dongwoo’s house, the only thought bothering my foggy mind was that I running away won’t adjust anything, but just as I did with the others, I pushed this one in the darkest corner of my mind and tried to ignore the pain that it caused me.


As I arrived at Dongwoo’s house I met his boyfriend, Hoya, that was exiting it. He waved me and I nodded in return causing him to give me a look of surprise ‘cause usually I’m always clinging onto him when greeting him, but as you know, right now I’m not in the mood to.

I entered my cousin’s house, and immediately ran to him and hugged him, not giving the poor dinosaur to understand what was actually happening, though just as I hoped when he noticed it was me, he hugged me back and started patting my back, causing me to start crying all over again, he guided me to the couch and we sat on it, after that he put my head on his lap and started caressing it with so much care and love that I started sobbing even louder.

I don’t know for how much we sat there like that, but when I finished crying I had no more energy for anything, so he guided me to the bathroom, washed my face, changed me into one of Hoya’s pyjama’s and put me on bed to sleep, just like mothers do to their kids; I wanted to thank me, but just looking at him and seeing his smile and the softness of the pillow under my head drove me into dreamland.

It was only the next day when I told him what happened and to my surprise the only thing he did/said was smiling one of his creepy smiles, that gives me goosebumps whenever I see it, and said ‘ You can sleep on the couch ‘til your here.’, I was really thankful for that but in the same times that mischievous glint in his eyes didn’t gave much peace to my heart.

Anyway, I  was still very thankful for it nonetheless.


It’s been a week (really awkward week, if I have to be honest)  since the ‘accident’ with Myungsoo, and I still haven’t talked to him although he has been trying to reach me thru Dongwoo, Hoya even my boss, that for once I’m glad, hate my roommate and best friend from the bottom of his heart for some still unknown for me reason.

It’s Thursday, the day after ‘the cross dressing day’ in “ Sweet Life”, and I was preparing coffee for few costumers, when the doorbell rang and that signalled that a new costumer has entered, I couldn’t see who it was ‘cause I was with my back turned to the door, but when I turned to give the finished coffee’s to the waiting costumers, I found myself staring at the same eyes that haunted my dreams for the past week- a really hot dreams, if I had to admit- staring back at me.

My system couldn’t comprehend nor function at the moment I stared at this eyes, and when the owner of the same eyes took the coffee cups from my hands, put them on the counter and then took hold of my hand and dragged me out of the coffee shop, I couldn’t comprehend anything, even the loud screams and profanities from my boss.

After coming to my senses I found myself sitting on the passenger seat in Myungsoo’s car, while the said man was driving to only God knows where, without paying me any attention.

And I was glad for the last part ‘cause while he didn’t minded me I could easily study his features, something that I haven’t done even once for the past 20 years of our friendship, and only now realized how handsome and magnetic he has become during the years, and I don’t know if it’s only me, but I could feel my heartbeat accelerate and butterflies tickling my insides. I wonder how could I’ve been so stupid for not noticing that I loved him earlier.  

I have to say that I never before felt like this, but as crazy as it sounds I think that I just have realized that I’m gay, and am so much into my best friend.

Suddenly images of him my name while relieving himself flashed through my mind, and I felt myself getting hotter and hotter as the memories returned.


Myungsoo stopped the car in front of an old pizza restaurant, which was also the place where my eomma met Myungsoo’s eomma and I saw the shy little boy with cute pink cheeks for the first time, this place made me smile every time we came here, that hasn’t happened in a long time, and it always brought me this warm sensation of happiness and serenity, which made my heart warm, just as much warmness as when I looked in Myungsoo’s eyes.

The same feeling I felt now, when I looked at him and he finally looked back at me, his eyes filled with love- that I wonder how could’ve not noticed before- his cheeks pink- just as in the day we met each other for the first time-, and his lips forming one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever saw, and when he took my hand in his I could’ve swear that I’d faint any time soon.

Although I didn’t and I’m really happy ‘bout that, ‘cause I’ve been able to assist to the most emotional and amazing confession in my life, and what’s better?! Well it was directed towards me!!!

I still can’t believe that Myungsoo confessed to me with huge vegetarian pizza on which was written with ketchup “Sungyeol-ah, I love you. Can you be my boyfriend?” and I cried while eating the pizza, but not before I said one extra-huge ‘YES!’ and kissed the breath out of the boy I hope to pass my life with. But at first I have to admit it was really awkward, the not-so-secret glances, his cheeks that I swear were becoming ever redder with every second, his shutters while he tried to explain the ‘accident’ from the week before, that actually made both of us very flustered, all of this put together with the radiating that anyone could easily feel, ‘cause if you remember when we were in the car and I said that I somehow was feeling hotter, well I’ll live the rest to you, but I’ll still curse myself from wearing tight pants today, and the worst is that I’m sure that that darn roommate of mine saw my problem ‘cause behind all the shutters and pink cheeks on his lips was plastered the most sly smirk that someone could’ve ever master, and only God knows how much I wanted to punch him in the face right there and then.

I’ve always hated fairytales ‘cause for me they are just bunch of sweet nothing put in a book, that trick kids in believing that fairies and stuff like that exist and the “..and they lived happily ever after ...”  really annoys me, now that I finally met my prince charming in the face of my long time friend, I think I should really buy that ‘The Disney Princess’ collection, Dongwoo was blabbering about the whole week.

AN: Hope that the person who made the prompt likes it ! x3

StarlightSpirit: If someone confessed to me with pizza, I'd probably say no... unless it was Lee Sungyeol... or pepperoni and mushroom. This is so fluffy and slightly y and very awkward and I totally adore it :3 

Comment from prompter:

All the stories until now are so good >.< and whoever did mine thank you it was so cute :3 

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Updates will be just me adding direct links as they come in and adding the santas to the chapters, don't worry too much :3


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Chapter 122: Looooool this bunny and hamster thing is so funny hahaha
sunggyu_chingyu #2
Chapter 132: i can't stop laughing when i read the part of their convo with sunggyu's parents XD
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 122: i can imagine the part hahahahha
sunggyu_chingyu #4
Chapter 55: it's really sweet :') i can imagine they doing that in their real life ❤
imsmlee86 #5
Chapter 47: Gdi, reading this at this time when hoya just left is...... the infinite is seven part no i'm not crying those are sweats
Chapter 140: So is there a part 2 or not?
Chapter 55: Waaaahh...
This is so wonderful..

I know since the start when gyu insisted that "cant have a girlfriend" he was jealous...

This chapter is nice... Thank you~~
honeyplum #8
I'm ready to read everything!!! but when will i finish?? T_T
Chapter 57: <3 2woo took to damn long to get together and they are just TOO cute
Piou0102 #10
Chapter 106: Chapter 101: Bwaahahahahaa this was hilarious! xD The five hamsters and one Kim Sunggyu just killed me! xD