For LycheeJelly

~Infinite Secret Santa 2013~ *Santas Revealed!*
For LycheeJelly
Couple: Myungjong
Prompt: He enjoys feeding the other a little too much.
Lee Sungjong is INFINITE’s forever fresh maknae- as stated by Kim Myungsoo himself.
It is a simple statement that just means so much- in its few words, it carries so much of what Myungsoo thinks about Sungjong.
He is, truly, their forever fresh maknae. Myungsoo believes in this truth simply because of the power and charm instilled in Sungjong’s smile.
There’s just something about seeing that smile on Sungjong’s face, that personal bit of sunshine and happiness embodied in their maknae, that makes Myungsoo want to give Sungjong everything good in this world.
Realistically, Myungsoo can’t give Sungjong everything good in this world.
He knows that- it’s a harsh truth he has learned to swallow.
But he also knows that there are some things that he can give to Sungjong.
Food, for example. He can definitely give Sungjong that.
Sweets, in particular.
Myungsoo likes feeding Sungjong. He likes seeing the maknae’s eyes light up at food, adores how he moves around in his seat when happy about his meal, and is pretty much in love with the eye smile that makes itself known in the presence of sweets.
So Myungsoo comes to a conclusion- he needs to do something. He needs to do something to keep that smile on Sungjong’s face when things gets hard, needs to have something that Sungjong can fall back on when times are rough, when practices are killer and promotion cycles will be the death of them all.
He just needs to do something for Sungjong.
Myungsoo can only think of one thing, really.
Myungsoo sincerely wants to build a bakery in Sungjong’s name. Because yes, building a bakery solely for the maknae is what Myungsoo comes up with.
It doesn’t take long for Myungsoo to share his idea. And who better to share it with than Kim Sunggyu?
“Sunggyu hyung, I need to build a bakery,” Myungsoo announces. He feels the need to tell the leader, just because he’s the leader. He leaves out the part about building it in Sungjong’s name for now- if it comes into fruition, everyone would find out anyway.
The leader looks at Myungsoo skeptically. “A bakery?” he deadpans. “Why a bakery?
Myungsoo gives a hapless little shrug. “Why not?” Sungjong loves bakeries. It was a good enough reason for him.
“Construction would take a long time,” Sunggyu points out, reasonably trying to listen to Myungsoo’s request.
“That’s fine, I can wait,” Myungsoo grins. Anything for Sungjong.
In actuality, Myungsoo probably didn’t think his plan through. Sunggyu takes fifteen more seconds to stare at Myungsoo blankly before he declares, “We don’t have time for that.” They honestly don’t, with concerts and impending comebacks and albums and what not.
Constructing anything take a lot of planning, time, and effort- all things that should be directed towards INFINITE instead. And Myungsoo realizes this after Sunggyu explains in detail how building a bakery probably wouldn’t be the best thing to do at this point in time.
So Sunggyu raises a fair point.
It’s true that they don’t have time for it, as construction and having a business would take up a huge amount of his time. But still- he doesn’t feel good about his idea being shot down so quickly, even if it made less than complete sense.
Myungsoo sulks for a good three hours that day.
With being in INFINITE and spending so much time with one another, habits are noticed really quickly. It comes with living and breathing in the same space with the same people for long periods of time.
Also with that, they are comfortable with each other, usually saying whatever they want and acting how they please.
As such, Myungsoo probably shouldn’t have been surprised at someone picking up on his favoritism towards Sungjong.
After all, he had been happily passing the maknae pieces of kimbap with a stupidly happy grin on his face. (Sungjong had been eating off of his chopsticks, okay? And in Sungjong's defense, why get his own pair when Myungsoo so readily offered his?)
Woohyun makes an idle comment, something said after a random observation. “You enjoy feeding Sungjong too much.” Woohyun says this plainly because it is just so obvious that he feels like someone needs to say it. The smile Myungsoo has on his face is so pathetically smitten that Woohyun almost wants to turn away.
Sungjong eats on, either oblivious or uncaring. He even hits Myungsoo a little when the food stops coming.
Myungsoo opens his mouth instinctively to argue back, but snaps his mouth closed when he realizes that he has nothing to say in response.
Not when it sounds a lot like the truth.
Yeah, he does like feeding Sungjong. Probably a little too much.
But he only likes feeding Sungjong because it makes Sungjong happy.
And Myungsoo only wants to make Sungjong happy.
He feeds another piece of kimbap to Sungjong, scowling at the completely knowing and teasing smirk Woohyun has on his face.
It has been a week since Sunggyu had talked some sense into Myungsoo; he has long past given up on building an entire bakery at this moment in time. Maybe in the future, he’ll get to it, but he knows he won’t be able to do so now- not when INFINITE is at its peak.
He has moved onto smaller, more realistic things.
Which is why Myungsoo looks absolutely determined as he stands in the middle of a Japanese candy store; a little ways off from Myungsoo, Sungjong looks positively thrilled at the different candies.
This is how Myungsoo makes his next decision.
He’ll buy out the whole store.
Unfortunately for Myungsoo, he voices this declaration out loud.
“Are you stupid,” Howon deadpans. He heard Myungsoo loud and clear- and even watched as the clerk chuckled nervously over Myungsoo’s announcement of buying them out.
Myungsoo can’t even find it in himself to be offended.
Myungsoo goes out of his way for Sungjong- he knows that, Sungjong knows that, everyone knows that.
Everyone just writes him off as being charmed by their maknae, which is more true than anyone actually thinks- he’s a fool in love. (How in love, no one has bothered to ask just yet.)
Myungsoo wonders sometimes how many people know just how charmed he is by Sungjong- that’s another thought for another time though.
There are more important things to focus on- like how everyone tends to forget is that Sungjong is his only dongsaeng in INFINITE. Sungjong is the only one that he is justified in spoiling, really.
And Myungsoo really doesn’t mean to sound so biased- he loves all of s, he really does- but Sungjong is his favorite. That much is undeniable from how touchy he is, how he can’t keep his eyes off of their maknae, how he is always so quick to defend and protect their precious youngest.
Yeah, sure, it sounds rather biased and unfair towards the other members.
But Myungsoo thinks the definition is clear, that the line has already been drawn. He loves all of his older members in INFINITE, adores them and will adore them for the rest of eternity. But he loves Sungjong in a different way entirely; he is in love with Sungjong, loves him so much he doesn’t know what to do with himself and all of his feelings sometimes.
And that makes all the difference.
He is just really in love with Sungjong.
So his past two ideas were less than doable- which brings him to what he is doing now.
Myungsoo still stands by the fact that Sungjong deserves everything good and happy in the world- and if the maknae looks good and happy while being fed sweets, then damn everything else, he will be fed sweets.
Even if Myungsoo has to bake those sweets himself.
At this point, even Myungsoo is wondering if he enjoys feeding Sungjong too much.
Myungsoo has bought all the necessary ingredients, scrounged up all the baking tools in the dorm, and has printed out all the recipes that he thinks he needs. He even called his family and asked for tips. But he didn’t account for baking to be such a struggle.
Granted, he manages. He follows the recipes to the best of his ability and barely spills things on himself. Okay, so there’s a splotch of flour on his shirt, but come on- besides that, he was doing awesome for normally not baking. It’s harder than he thought it would be, but he still manages. Somehow.
Woohyun had given him a sneaky grin when Myungsoo told everyone that he was taking command of the kitchen and demanded that everyone not come in (unless he somehow set himself on fire) until he was done.
Unfortunately for Myungsoo, there was always at least one member not willing to abide by the rules- with that member usually being his best friend.
Sungyeol takes one step into the kitchen, sees Myungsoo in all his flour glory, and then steps out, screeching, “Lee Sungjong, there’s a mess waiting for you in the kitchen!”
Myungsoo halts mid-whisk with his cake batter. “Lee Sungyeol,” he bites out. What is he doing, ruining the surprise? And- wait a minute, he is not a mess in the kitchen.
“There are much easier ways to woo the maknae, Myung,” Sungyeol tuts, taking in all the attempts at making various cakes, cookies, and cupcakes and putting the pieces together fairly quickly. Myungsoo can only gape at his best friend. Turns out some people did know just how charmed he was over Sungjong. “Yah, Lee Sungjong! What’s taking you so long to get your pretty maknae over here?” Sungyeol calls out again.
Sungjong walks towards the kitchen, stomping and obviously grumpy.
Once the maknae is in sight, Sungyeol turns to leave the scene; he cackles as he passes Sungjong, leaving with only a, “Have fun!”
Sungjong grumbles but enters the kitchen unsuspectingly, with his guess being that the mess is a pile of dishes.
Myungsoo is still gaping.
And then Sungjong actually looks at the kitchen and sees his Myungsoo hyung holding a bowl of what he assumes is batter and a whisk. “What are you doing?” he questions. Sungjong spots sugar on the counters and flour on Myungsoo and sticks of unwrapped butter near baking sheets. There are cracked eggshells near bowls as well as an opened bag of chocolate chips and a carton of milk. Sungjong can only sigh.
(Okay, so maybe Myungsoo made more of a mess than he would like to admit.)
“I’m baking?” is the obvious answer; Myungsoo answers Sungjong by saying it like a question though because now he’s nervous- Sungjong wasn’t supposed to have seen all of this yet. He puts the bowl of batter on the nearest hard surface and chuckles awkwardly.
“Why?” Sungjong continues to question, moving forward towards Myungsoo with narrowed eyes. Sungjong’s sure that if he looks intently enough, he’ll find sprinkles in Myungsoo’s hair. The bottle of sprinkles is open, but he doesn’t see sprinkles anywhere else.
Myungsoo chuckles again, nervously this time, before he picks up a platter of already finished cupcakes. “For you?”
Sungjong is speechless for a moment, not expecting that answer. And Myungsoo is still holding out cupcakes for him. “From one to ten, how serious are you?” Sungjong is just checking.
Myungsoo frowns, finally lowering the platter of cupcakes. “Do you not like this?” He’s still holding it though, just in case Sungjong wants one.
Sungjong is honestly trying to make sense of the situation. And the mess. “Are you trying to feed me so much I’ll explode? Get fat? Be diagnosed with hyperglycemia?”
It is time to figuratively come clean with why he is doing this. The raised eyebrow on Sungjong’s face tells Myungsoo that he should explaining himself soon. “Sweets make you happy,” Myungsoo says, shrugging helplessly. “And I just want to make you happy.”
Sungjong’s first instinct is to scoff in embarrassment at the statement; it’s too cheesy and heartfelt for his taste. But there’s something about Myungsoo that stops him. Maybe it’s the pouted lips or it’s his hands on the baking tray or maybe it’s just the softly sincere look in Myungsoo’s eyes- Sungjong’s not sure if it’s one of those things or a mix of all three that stops him from speaking.
“Plus, I like feeding you,” Myungsoo admits. Just because he likes seeing the brightness in Sungjong’s eyes when he eats- but details.
The only thing Sungjong can do is stare back blankly, unsure of what he’s supposed to be saying or doing. Myungsoo always has this effect on him- he’s able to make him speechless, to take away all of his self-assurance, is able to stop him in his tracks and make him weak to his knees.
But he figures that he does need to say something. “You didn’t have to do all of this, you know.” He snorts, gesturing to all the random trays and the mess and everything else. He stares at Myungsoo with a sigh, appreciating the gesture while wanting to slap Myungsoo a bit for doing too much. While staring, Sungjong finds that- sure enough, there is a sprinkle in Myungsoo’s hair. He knew it.
Myungsoo can only come to one conclusion. “So you don’t like all of this?”
Seeing the kicked puppy look on Myungsoo’s face makes Sungjong feel all different levels of uncomfortable, so he’s quick to fix the situation. “That’s not what I meant, hyung,” he scoffs.
“What did you mean then?” he pouts. He just wanted to feed Sungjong, damn it. Maybe even too much. But Myungsoo had good intentions!
There is a bout of awkward silence before Sungjong sighs. Sincere, heartfelt words are about to leave his mouth. “You make me happy even without doing all of this,” Sungjong declares. He’s bold and shameless and he kind of likes Myungsoo blushing. Because Myungsoo is most definitely blushing thanks to Sungjong’s words.
Myungsoo is still pouting though, even with the obvious blush coating his cheeks, because he can’t completely believe Sungjong’s statement. Not when he’s still pitifully holding a full tray of cupcakes. Sungjong only rolls his eyes once when he figures out why Myungsoo is still pouting.
Sungjong finally picks up a cupcake; there is a small smile dancing on his lips as he does so and Myungsoo swears that in that moment, he falls in love with Sungjong all over again. “You make me happy.”
A/N: fluff because i literally cannot do anything else. hope you like it bby!
StarlightSpirit: The fluff is exactly what I needed after the angst lately! Gah, I don't ship MyungJong but this really is absolutely amazing! So cute :3 The thought of Soo wanting to buy a sweet shop or build a bakery and sungjong eeling sick of eating so much! So cute~!
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Updates will be just me adding direct links as they come in and adding the santas to the chapters, don't worry too much :3


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Chapter 122: Looooool this bunny and hamster thing is so funny hahaha
sunggyu_chingyu #2
Chapter 132: i can't stop laughing when i read the part of their convo with sunggyu's parents XD
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 122: i can imagine the part hahahahha
sunggyu_chingyu #4
Chapter 55: it's really sweet :') i can imagine they doing that in their real life ❤
imsmlee86 #5
Chapter 47: Gdi, reading this at this time when hoya just left is...... the infinite is seven part no i'm not crying those are sweats
Chapter 140: So is there a part 2 or not?
Chapter 55: Waaaahh...
This is so wonderful..

I know since the start when gyu insisted that "cant have a girlfriend" he was jealous...

This chapter is nice... Thank you~~
honeyplum #8
I'm ready to read everything!!! but when will i finish?? T_T
Chapter 57: <3 2woo took to damn long to get together and they are just TOO cute
Piou0102 #10
Chapter 106: Chapter 101: Bwaahahahahaa this was hilarious! xD The five hamsters and one Kim Sunggyu just killed me! xD