For dandeangerrivalry

~Infinite Secret Santa 2013~ *Santas Revealed!*

For dandeangerrivalry

Couple: Myungyeol

Prompt: "Toiletries and moving cars. What the hell, its christmas!"

Sungyeol doesn’t understand how the hell he even ended up here; inside his baby, Alpha Romeo, driving on a deserted highway.

The only thing he remembers is; someone kicked him out from his comfortable bed when he was in his LaLa Land. Hey, don’t look at him like he’s some kind of weird person… everybody must’ve have their own LaLa Land, right?


“Slow the damn car, Yeol! You'll make me swallow the toothpaste!”

Suddenly there it is. The same beautiful annoying voice of his bestboyfriend that he heard when he fell ‘gracefully’ from the bed, leaving the cute koalas and kittens that danced happily around him.

Scoffing, he turns his head towards the speaker.

A boy who seems a bit younger than himself sits on the passenger seat beside him. His face is showing both displeasure and irritation. His left hand holding a glass of water, while his right hand is holding a black… toothbrush?

“Who told you to brush your teeth in the car?” Sungyeol sneers. He can’t help but feel a bit—ok, a lot—irritated towards the younger boy. After all, it was his fault that they ended up here.

The boy, Myungsoo, glares at him. “You’re the one who didn’t want to wake up. Whose fault was that?” his glare sure could kill a person. But because he’s holding a toothbrush and his mouth is foaming (and the damn toothpaste smells just like a freaking vanilla), Sungyeol can’t help but laughs at the scene; Myungsoo looks a bit mentally-retard.

“Pfft, as if you weren’t late yourself. I remember you didn’t even move an inch when the alarm rang,” Sungyeol snickers and turns to face the road ahead of him again. Though he seems like the type who’d say something like ‘this life is a ’ he still wants to live, thank you.

Myungsoo’s face flushes; it’s true. He’s the one who set up the alarm yet he didn’t wake up when it rang. “Oh, shut up. After this you’ll be the one who tells me to slow down since you have to brush your teeth also.” He murmurs and continues to brush his teeth.

“S’not like you can drive anyway.”

“Shut up and drive, Yeol.”


For a while, they drive in silence, before Sungyeol finally decides to break the peaceful atmosphere. “Why’re we here anyway? It’s Christmas for God’s sake! I should’ve been sleeping on my bed, listening to the song that the kittens and koalas sing for me! Why am I driving here again? On a deserted highway for that matter!” he asks in annoyance.

“Because today is Christmas, that’s why! It’s a day where we shouldn’t sleep on our bed and ignoring all the things around us!” Myungsoo replies with the same annoyance as him, completely ignoring the fact that Sungyeol just mentions some animals singing in his dream. “Sunggyu hyung asked us to come to his party. You know how he behaves if we don’t fulfill his invitation, right?”

Sungyeol groans. Sunggyu’s nag is the first rank on his ‘Big No-No’ list. It’s worse than hearing Dongwoo’s monstrous snore or receiving Myungsoo’s violent sleeping habit. “Can’t you just say we were having an extremely rough yesterday and neither of us can move because, well, it was ROUGH.”

“Sunggyu hyung won’t buy that excuse,” Myungsoo shifts his gaze towards the scenery outside his windows while reluctantly pulls out the toothbrush from his mouth. His face tints in a beautiful pink color. Seems like Sungyeol’s excuse made him a bit flustered. The taller male can be really blunt sometimes.

Fortunately, Sungyeol’s attention is fully focuses on the road ahead. “Eeii, you haven’t tried it but you already said it won’t work…”

“I’ve tried it. But he won’t believe me.”

“Oh, seriously?” Sungyeol ruffles his hair in annoyance. He stays silence for a few seconds before his eyes go wide and turns his head a bit, enough to see Myungsoo but not enough to make them fall into an accident. “Seriously???”

“Yeah. Now stop your ing and focus on the road ahead,” Myungsoo stares at him with an ‘I’m-not-really-impressed’ look.

“I can’t believe you really said that. I mean, YOU of all people,” the taller male snickers in amusement. “I wouldn’t be this surprised if it was Woohyun that said that.”

Myungsoo scoffs and shifts his gaze towards the windows again. “No wonder you and him are best friend.”

“Anyway, how much time do you plan to spend on brushing your teeth?” the taller of the two decides to change the topic. One thing the other male doesn’t really fond of; the friendship between him and Woohyun. The duo really makes a perfect combination to prank people—especially a certain naggy old man that gets irritated because of almost everything.

Myungsoo chews the toothbrush rather deliciously, successfully making Sungyeol gulps; he isn’t suppose to get turns on by that sight. “Until I feel my teeth are decent enough to show,” he murmurs through the foaming toothpaste.

Sungyeol thinks it’s unnecessary though. Myungsoo’s teeth are perfectly beautiful in his opinion.

Once again, the peaceful atmosphere is back, surrounding both of them in a comfortable silence. Sungyeol continues to drive, while Myungsoo continues whatever he’s doing now.

There’s a rustling sound somewhere around the passenger seat. Through the corner of his eyes, Sungyeol can see the younger male bends his body towards the back seat, searching of something.

‘Nice ,’ Sungyeol thinks absent-mindedly. ‘Don’t tell me he’s going to wash himself here… s’not like I mind it though…’ he re-focuses his keep faltering gaze on the road ahead. Scratching his not-so-itchy hair, he determines not to lose focus again unless he wants them to end up in a terrible accident—

—something mint and fresh nudges against his lips. He curses silently before glancing at the thing that stubbornly poking his lips.

Myungsoo’s wide eyes fill with something akin to determination when their eyes meet. “Open up,” the cat-like male commands, nudging the pink toothbrush towards the older’s lips.

Sungyeol stares at him with an ‘are-you-insane’ look. “You DO realize we’re on a highway, right?” he asks, trying to make sure the other male aren’t delusional.

“Yes. That’s why I need you to keep driving and focus on the road ahead while I’m brushing your teeth unless you want to die in a terrible accident with a toothbrush dangling in your mouth,” Myungsoo retorts back. Well, he’s not 100% wrong… but it still sounds SO wrong in all aspect!

… On a side note; Sungyeol never thought someone could look so endearing, y, hot and seducing when they threaten you while holding a toothbrush. A pink one—his favorite color—to boast on that matter.

“Are you having es for teeth or what?” he arches an eyebrow in a questioning manner, silently enjoying the slightly fluster look on his companion’s face.

“Of course NOT. Do you think I’m some kind of sick ert that would get hard just because some teeth?” Myungsoo spits in annoyance.

“For someone who enjoys get bitten so much, I suppose you—MmmPhhhgg!!!”

“For someone who enjoys biting so much, I suppose I have to give you something to bite so you’d shut your mouth,” Myungsoo smirks innocently, almost evilly, when he shoves the toothbrush deep into Sungyeol’s mouth.

“Ith WHURRTSHH (it HURTS)!” Sungyeol tries his best to throw the best death glare he can muster up at this moment despite the painful sensation inside his mouth. ‘Damn it, I can taste blood.’ He thinks irritatedly.

Myungsoo’s smirk only gets wider when he notices a thin string of blood trickles down Sungyeol’s lips. Sometimes the younger can turns into a complete sadist when he feels like it. Sungyeol isn’t going to lie that he feels somewhat like a masochist having a relationship with a guy who can be seriously dorky and innocent at one time yet can be a total psycho who calls a pair of scissors with a pet-name.

… okay, the last part is a lie. He’s mixing up Myungsoo with one of his favorite anime character.

“Now stay still and let me brush your teeth,” Myungsoo’s smile is so genuine this time Sungyeol can’t keep mad at the other for too long. So he let Myungsoo do whatever he wants with the toothbrush in his mouth.

“You know… your gums are really pretty,” Myungsoo suddenly says while he’s brushing the older’s teeth. He brushes it gently, making sure to not let the tiny gash upset more than before.

“Well, thank you,” Sungyeol replies. His voice is a bit muffled because of the foam, but both of them can hear it quite clearly anyway. “But I think my gum is nothing compared to your dimples.”

“I’m talking about the organs inside your mouth. You should say something about it too, not my dimples. It’s on my cheeks. Did you pass your biology class?”

“But I think it’s one of your cutest features. And yes, I passed m biology class, thank you very much.”

“Yeol. Mouth.

“Okay. Your tongue, then. It feels amazing against my after all.”

“You know even if you get hard here you can’t stop the car, right? Sunggyu hyung doesn’t like it when someone shows up late to his invitation. He’ll nag for sure.”

“Then we should stop the .”

“You’re the one who started it.”

“Who asked you to be so y?”

“I take that as a compliment, thanks.”

So Sungyeol gets a hard-on, yet he can’t stop driving? FINE. He’s going to grind against the steering wheel then.

“………” Myungsoo’s gaze makes him feels like the younger can read his stupid idea.

“I’m not going to grind against the steering wheel, if that what’s your worrying about.” Sungyeol states seriously.

“I’m not thinking about that, but thank you for telling me your honest thoughts,” Myungsoo sighs and withdraws the bloodied toothbrush from Sungyeol’s mouth. He hands him a glass of water so he can clean his mouth.

“You don’t brush my teeth as long as you brushed your teeth,” Sungyeol says when his mouth clear from any toothpaste remains. “Why is that?”

Myungsoo stares at him like he’s the most oblivious person in the world (in a way, he’s right—Sungyeol can be really oblivious sometimes). “I told you, you’re gum is pretty. Which means your entire mouth is perfect. I can’t do much when your mouth already this pretty.”

“Again, with the ‘mouth’ talk… you really do have es for mouth, aren’t you?” Sungyeol sighs, combing his messy hair. Myungsoo already brushed their teeth; there shouldn’t be any obstacle again when he drives.

“Hm. Only your mouth, though.”

“………” Sungyeol’s hand freezes mid-air. His face is void from any emotions. “… can I just kiss you?”

“Do you want to get us killed?” Myungsoo glares.

“The road is practically empty for God’s sake!” Sungyeol screeches in frustration. “I can look away for a few seconds and I’ll be back in front the steering wheel before you even notice I’m gone!”

“You’re a beast! A few seconds won’t be enough for you!” Myungsoo hisses irritately. “Will it kill you to hold your junior for awhile? At least until we leave Sunggyu hyung's party!”

Sungyeol pouts. ‘Blame Myungsoo and his iness…’ he thinks upsetly. Scoffing, he speeds up ahead so they’d arrive at their destination much faster.

“Don’t you dare to break the speed limit just because you’re ,” Myungsoo states calmly when he notices Sungyeol speeds off the car.

“I am ,” Sungyeol says with a dead-panned expression on his face. He takes a glimpse of what Myungsoo is doing and finds out that the other male is staring daggers towards soap.

A fluid kind, on that matter. It kinda reminds him of lube (the strawberry one, his favorite taste—just because the color is pink).

So his is kinda aching inside his pants now. But Sunggyu’s nagging is still the number one on the top of his ‘Big No-No’ list, so no… he’s not going to stop the car and get themselves late just because of something he can actually take control of.

They stay silent for a few seconds.





“… Should we wash our body too?”

“Just let me stop my baby, Goddamit!”

A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR ALL OF YOU WHO CELEBRATE IT!!! So I managed to finished my prompt right at 25th… aren’t I amazing? *slapped face* anyway, I’m sorry if this fic turned out different from what the prompt-giver hope for :’3 I hope it entertaining enough for your Christmas.

StarlightSpirit: It's kind of hard to not get a mouth with Sungyeol. His mouth *is* perfect <3 This was cute and y and really did stick to the prompt! Love it! 

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Updates will be just me adding direct links as they come in and adding the santas to the chapters, don't worry too much :3


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Chapter 122: Looooool this bunny and hamster thing is so funny hahaha
sunggyu_chingyu #2
Chapter 132: i can't stop laughing when i read the part of their convo with sunggyu's parents XD
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 122: i can imagine the part hahahahha
sunggyu_chingyu #4
Chapter 55: it's really sweet :') i can imagine they doing that in their real life ❤
imsmlee86 #5
Chapter 47: Gdi, reading this at this time when hoya just left is...... the infinite is seven part no i'm not crying those are sweats
Chapter 140: So is there a part 2 or not?
Chapter 55: Waaaahh...
This is so wonderful..

I know since the start when gyu insisted that "cant have a girlfriend" he was jealous...

This chapter is nice... Thank you~~
honeyplum #8
I'm ready to read everything!!! but when will i finish?? T_T
Chapter 57: <3 2woo took to damn long to get together and they are just TOO cute
Piou0102 #10
Chapter 106: Chapter 101: Bwaahahahahaa this was hilarious! xD The five hamsters and one Kim Sunggyu just killed me! xD