For AsianNoodles

~Infinite Secret Santa 2013~ *Santas Revealed!*

For AsianNoodles

Couple: Yeoljong

Prompt: it's Christmas. Sungjong has gotten Sungyeol the best present ever. And Sungyeol totally forgot. 

It was Christmas Eve. Snow was falling, the sun sent some light over the clouds on the sky and everyone was muffled into warm clothes to get home as fast as possible. 
The scenery on the streets of Seoul was beautiful to watch, everyone was smiling, people wished each other a good day and bought some last gifts for their beloved. Everything could be easily seen out of the windows of the Infinite dorm. It was just the best moment to sit aside the window, lean your head against the cool glass and just watch the people pass by while enjoying the peaceful morning. 
But there was one certain person whose only wish seemed to be to destroy the relaxed atmosphere. 
"Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmaschristmaschristmaschristmas-" 
"Someone please make him stop..." 
"Christmas Christmas Christmaaas!"
Sungjong paused and took a deep breath before he started jumping around again. 
"Hyungs, this is the best day ever! I'm sooo excited!"
"Ah yeah, that's cute and stuff," Woohyun rolled his eyes, "But just shut up. We got it,  it's Christmas." 
"I think my ears already got damaged," Sungyeol added. 
"Ah, you're just as annoying as that little , didn't you wake us all on 5 am because it was snowing?" 
Sungyeol acted like he didn't hear the other and looked back to maknae, who totally ignored the complaints of his hyungs, a big smile on his face, tiptoed to reach the top of the blue Christmas tree he bought somewhere - Sungyeol actually wondered where you could buy a blue tree in Seoul, this wasn't natural, was it? - and fixed the decorations a bit while he hummed to himself a version of Last Christmas even though he knew practically all of his hyungs hated that song. 
"Did Sunggyu already go out to buy the food?" Sungyeol asked into the room and rubbed his stomach "I'm so hungry." 
"Ah, he'll be back soon," Myungsoo mumbled, distracted by his new smartphone he was totally unaware how to use. 
His parents got the meaning of Christmas Eve wrong and sent him his gift already this morning, which his hyungs all appreciated a lot because it prevented Myungsoo from changing into his childish self he sometimes suddenly changes into when something big is up. But now super cool Myungsoo was absolutely clueless how to use his phone right although he read handbook twice which left him being so concentrated on this problem and not able to realize that this was the perfect time to act as hyper as their maknae. 
Dongwoo and Hoya were cuddled into one blanket and seemed to couldn't care less about Christmas, the food and their annoying maknae while they chatted in a low voice and giggled from time to time. Which was kind of even more annoying to Sungyeol. 
Yeah, it was really nice that these two got along pretty well lately, but couldn't they just lock themselves into their bedroom and stay there like forever?
Sungyeol sighed and starred out of the window at the snow which made his mood a bit better. Snow was just lovely, it was even amazing enough to easily ignore getting cursed by his hyungs because he woke them early in the morning but the snow was just so beautiful he had to do this. 
His long legs rested comfortably on the couch in front of him while he watched Sungjong stopping his humming and starting to sing Last Christmas which was just so funny because his English pronunciation was like the worst Sungyeol ever heard. 
"Sungjong shut the up!" Woohyun yelled and covered his ears, "Ah, I can't take this anymore, someone please kill me."
"What's wrong?" Sunggyu just entered the dorm with seven boxes of fast-food and raised an eyebrow, "Can't I just leave you guys alone for twenty minutes without someone getting hurt or bullied?" 
"Ah, food's here!" Sungjong paused singing and everyone sighed happily, "Did you buy pepperoni pizza, hyung?" 
"Sure," Sunggyu handed the maknae his box, "Woohyun, are you alright?" 
"I dunno," the singer mumbled and slowly removed the hands from his ears, "I probably won't be able to hear right for the next days. Sungjong singing this song was just... ew, I can't even explain." 
"Hyung, you're overdoing the overdoing," the maknae informed him in a serious voice and sat down next to Sungyeol, "Can I sit here, Yeol?" 
"Go ahead," the brown-haired nodded and caught the box Sunggyu threw to him, "Thanks, hyung." 
Sungjong smiled happily at him and got closer. "You know hyung, I'm so excited because of tonight."
"Because it's Christmas Eve?" Sungyeol opened his box and looked at his pizza, "Sunggyu, what are these grey things?" 
"Ah, mushrooms I think," the leader was sitting on the floor, his feet rested on Woohyun's lap and while he was feeding the main vocal with pizza.
Sungyeol frowned. Eh, did he miss something? Sure, these two were always clingy, but they totally looked like a couple now. 
"It's not only because it's Christmas Eve," Sungjong interrupted his thoughts and smiled at him, "I just got the perfect... nah, I won't tell you." 
"You won't tell me what?" Sungyeol asked confused. 
Sungjong giggled but didn't replied and went on eating his pizza. The brow-haired shrugged and carefully picked the mushrooms off his pizza before he starting eating, too. 
He'll know it soon enough though, because Sungjong was really no one who could keep a secret for more than a day. 
"So after our special Christmas dinner,"
Sunggyu paused and threw angry glances at all of the others. He planned a typical Korean dinner to fit the special day but the others were totally against it because they preferred pizza. Which was, in Sunggyu's opinion, the most unfitting food for Christmas. 
"Well, now's the time to do something christmas-like," the leader added, "Maybe singing a Christmas song?" 
The other Infinite members exchanged glances. 
"Ah, sure," Woohyun replied , "But I think, watching some movies would fit even more."
"Isn't it a special day?" Sunggyu frowned, "Shouldn't we do something more.... special?
But no one really listened to him. Hoya already chose the DVD "P2" because "this is a Christmas movie, right?". 
"It's not," Sunggyu replied, "Just because the movie plays on Christmas, you can't deny the fact that it's a ing horror movie. Do you want Sungjong to piss in his pants on Christmas Eve?"
"I won't," the maknae, who already cuddled himself into a blanket next to Sungyeol on one of their couches, pouted, "Don't treat me like I'm a toddler."
"But you are," Sunggyu rolled his eyes, "Guys, I would be more comfortable if we watch something like "Love Actually" or "A Christmas Carol", you know?"
"Love Actually?" Hoya starred at him in disbelief, "Do you want me to throw up?"
Sunggyu sighed and sat down on the couch next to Woohyun. "Fine. Whatever. But if Sungjong cries I swear I won't comfort him." 
"Ah, don't worry," the maknae chuckled, "Sungyeol will comfort me, right?"
The singer nodded, distracted by the sight of the woman in the movie. 
Sungjong smiled happily before he grabbed some popcorn and concentrated on anything but the movie. Because after all he really couldn't stand horror movies. 
"Please don't do it!"
"But he hurt you! He has to die!" 
The man grabbed a prybar and started beating the out of the other guy. 
"Urgh." Dongwoo buried his face in Hoyas neck, his face pale in the low light from the TV. 
Sunggyu was busy typing on his phone to avoid the TV screen while Sungyeol saw Hoya watching the movie with glittering eyes and a smile on his lips. What a creep. 
Woohyun on the other hand was laying on the couch eating some left-over pizza, startling from time to time, while Myungsoo was on his phone, too. 
"If I press this button, what will... ..." Sungyeol heard him mumbling to himself. 
"Hyung," Sungjong suddenly interrupted his thoughts, "Hyung, I'm scared." 
Sungyeol looked at the maknae, whose eyes were widened and it seemed there were tears in it, too. He didn't know what to do so he just hugged the youngster awkwardly. 
Sungjong's lower lip was trembling and he curled up into Sungyeol's arms. 
"Hyung, you know it's Christmas Eve," the maknae whispered into the elder’s ear, "Usually you give presents to each other, right?"
"Um, I guess so." Sungyeol petted the younger one's back and tried to focus on the movie but gave up because it was just so bloody.
"So, I just-" Sungjong started kind of nervous but he was interrupted soon.
Everyone looked confused at Woohyun who pointed at Dongwoo and Hoya and when Sungyeol looked at them, too, he felt like he needed to throw up. 
Dongwoo had stopped to bury his face in the other's neck and instead these two began to make out right on the couch, Hoya's hand in Dongwoo's hair. They were kissing this really slow and y way with seductive noises, tongues touching and hands in each other shirts - well it would be y if it weren't two boys making out right in front of them. 
Sungyeol covered Sungjong's eyes while Woohyun kicked the couple violently.
"Get a room," he shouted, "Want me to get blind?" 
"Ouch, that hurt," Dongwoo whined and blushed slightly, when he realized his shirt rose up because of  Hoyas heated actions.
The other rapper gently caressed Dongwoo's back. "Are you all right baby?"
"Urgh, please," Woohyun rolled his eyes, "Get out." 
"Huh?!" Hoya starred at the singer, "I'll deal with you later for hurting my baby because you're just so immature, you-" 
Sungyeol ignored the rest of the babbling and placed his chin on the maknae’s head, whose eyes he still covered with his hands. 
"Hyung, what's going on?" Sungjong whined, "I wanna see!"
"Nah, that's nothing for you," Sungyeol tried to balance the popcorn bowl on his lap while he still covered the other's eyes which was definitely a bad idea.
The bowl dropped on the floor and there was practically popcorn everywhere. Sungyeol looked up, ready for his hyungs to yell at him because of his clumsiness - which wasn't actually his fault this time, because Dongwoo and Hoya totally caused this with their gross behavior - but Woohyun was pretty busy arguing with Hoya while Sunggyu buried his face in some pillows. Myungsoo meanwhile was still on his phone. 
Sungyeol kicked the bowl with an innocent face expression in Myungsoo's direction, so it seemed like it wasn't his fault, then he grabbed Sungjong's wrist. 
"Let's get out of here," he said, "I don't want Sunggyu to find out... um, let's just go!"
"Oh, that's perfect timing!" Sungjong smiled at him, "Let's go to my room, then I can give it to you." 
Sungyeol's mind was already too overwhelmed with the things his hyungs just did so he didn't really get what Sungjong was talking about, but fine, it was their maknae after all, he'll find out soon. 
"Sit here!" Sungjong giggled while he shoved Sungyeol down on his bed. 
The elder watched him opening his wardrobe, then Sungjong was hiding something behind his back. 
"So," the maknae started slowly and smiled even brighter, "I was totally thinking what I could get you, because it should be very special and stuff. Then I found this side on the internet where you can create your own cologne and because I know yours is already empty and I wanted to.... give you something very personal, which you also really need, this was just perfect." 
Sungjong handed his hyung a small package and blushed, while he starred at his feet. 
"I hope you like it." 
"Um...“ Sungyeol didn't know what to say, so he just opened the package. 
It was a bottle of cologne with the sign »Sungyeol's very own - from Sungjong« and it smelled like... black pepper, citrus, lavender and also something very spicy but aromatic.
It smelled amazing. 
"Wow," Sungyeol sprayed some of the cologne on his wrist, "That's awesome! Thanks!" 
"You like it?" Sungjong jumped up and down happily, "I'm so glad!" 
"I really like it!" Sungyeol said, "Like you noticed, mine is almost empty. This is perfect." 
Sungjong smiled brightly, while he took a step closer to his hyung. 
"So... what do you got for me?"
"Hmh?" Sungyeol looked at the maknae, "Oh, you mean a gift? Ah, sorry." the singer laughed awkwardly, "I totally forgot to buy you a present." 
"What?" Sungjong's eyes widened in confuse, "You mean you forgot to buy us presents?" 
"Err... actually, I bought something for the others but I..." Sungyeol paused and smiled slightly, "Well it's no big deal after all, right? I'll buy you something for your birthday." 
"You mean you bought presents for everyone... except me...?" Sungjong stared at his hyung in disbelief, "And I... I searched for a perfect present so long."
"Um, sorry?" Sungyeol smiled his bright and childish smile usually everyone loves. 
But Sungjong definitely didn't right now. 
"You bastard!" the maknae suddenly yelled, tears in his big eyes, "I hate you, hyung!"
Sungyeol instinctively took a step back. Their maknae was usually childish, cute and sometimes very y but never angry like this. 
"Look, I'm sorry Sungjong," Sungyeol tried to defend himself, "I just forgot-" 
"Shut up!" Sungjong shouted, "Don't tell me you forgot that there are seven members in our group. I thought you like me!" 
"I do like you!" Sungyeol said and tried to grab the maknae's wrists, but the younger hissed like an angry cat. 
Before Sungyeol could even react, Sungjong turned around and left the room with door slamming and tears dripping down his face. 
"Sungjong, what's wrong?" 
Sunggyu lifted his head from Woohyun's lap - what were these two doing actually? - and looked at the maknae confused. 
"Are you scared? Don't worry, the movie is already over," Sunggyu said, "And your erted hyungs also left the room, everything's fine." 
"It's because of this bastard," Sungjong snapped and let himself fall on the couch, "I hate him!" 
"Hate who?" Woohyun raised an eyebrow, "And is that any way to talk about a hyung?" 
"Shut up!" Sungjong yelled, "He forgot to buy me a present - me! - and just bought some for you. I mean, he bought presents for all of you except me! I hate him!" 
"Ah, don't worry," Sunggyu didn't really know what to do so he petted the maknae's head, "Sungyeol's just - you're talking about him, right? - stupid when it comes to this. He forgets a lot, you know?" 
"But why did he forget just me?" Sungjong whined and rested his head on the leader's shoulder, "Does he like everyone but me?" 
"Nah," Woohyun rolled his eyes, "Sunggyu's right, Sungyeol's just an idiot." 
Some tears fell on Sunggyu's shirt and the leader caressed Sungjong's back. "Don't cry." 
Sungyeol bit his lower lip while he was watching the scene from his door. He felt very guilty now. Hurting Sungjong wasn't exactly what he planned for the day. He ran a hand through his hair and tried to figure out which the best way to calm their maknae down was. 
An idea came on his mind and Sungyeol smiled to himself. This will work for sure. 
He slowly went to the couch and tapped the maknae's head. 
"Sungjong, I-" 
"Go away!" the younger one said muffled into Sunggyu's shirt. 
"Sungyeol, it's really kinda better to leave him alone," Sunggyu said, "You hurt him." 
"And I'm sorry," Sungyeol grabbed Sungjong's shoulders and turned him around, "Listen to me, I'm really sorry." 
The maknae looked at him, his eyes swollen with tears. 
"Don't you care for me?" he whispered. 
"Sure," Sungyeol leaned forward, "I care for you a lot." 
Then he suddenly pressed his lips on the ones of the maknae. 
Sungjong's eyes widened and he tried to push the other away, but Sungyeol kissed him desperately, his lips slowly moving and his tongue tracing Sungjong's lower lip. Suddenly Sungjong smiled before he started returning the kiss, his mouth slightly open so Sungyeol could enter it with his tongue. 
Sungyeol leaned even more forward, his hands caressing Sungjong's hair while he explored his sweet tasting mouth. 
It was perfect. Everything was just perfect, except one thing-
"Urgh, do you want to kill me?! This is so disgusting, get out!" 
Sungyeol rolled his eyes and broke the kiss. "Woohyun-hyung, Hoya's right, you're really immature." 
"Hmh?" the elder raised an eyebrow, "Get out now, you brat!" 
Sungyeol grabbed Sungjong's hand and pulled him into his room. The maknae was smiling brightly, his eyes sparkling. 
"So," Sungyeol leaned forward and kissed his forehead, "Is this a Christmas present you appreciate?" 
Sungjong frowned and took a step back. "What? Never!" 
"Huh?" Sungyeol stared at him confused. 
"I want a real one! Tomorrow!" 
"But it's Christmas Eve!" 
"I. Don't. Care. I swear, if you don't get me a present by tomorrow, you-" 
"Ok, ok. I'll buy you something, promise." 

AN: This took me like ages to finish but I’m kinda happy with it although there’s zero plot. I’m sorry that there’s Yadong and a bit Woogyu in it, too, I just thought this would fit…. I hope you like it my unknown reader :) Merry Christmas <3  

StarlightSpirit: I love the fact that all of Infinite played a part in here and Sungjong and Sungyeol were just written perfectly. Oh my gosh, I adore this, it's just so bleeding fluffy :3 Great work! 

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Updates will be just me adding direct links as they come in and adding the santas to the chapters, don't worry too much :3


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Chapter 122: Looooool this bunny and hamster thing is so funny hahaha
sunggyu_chingyu #2
Chapter 132: i can't stop laughing when i read the part of their convo with sunggyu's parents XD
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 122: i can imagine the part hahahahha
sunggyu_chingyu #4
Chapter 55: it's really sweet :') i can imagine they doing that in their real life ❤
imsmlee86 #5
Chapter 47: Gdi, reading this at this time when hoya just left is...... the infinite is seven part no i'm not crying those are sweats
Chapter 140: So is there a part 2 or not?
Chapter 55: Waaaahh...
This is so wonderful..

I know since the start when gyu insisted that "cant have a girlfriend" he was jealous...

This chapter is nice... Thank you~~
honeyplum #8
I'm ready to read everything!!! but when will i finish?? T_T
Chapter 57: <3 2woo took to damn long to get together and they are just TOO cute
Piou0102 #10
Chapter 106: Chapter 101: Bwaahahahahaa this was hilarious! xD The five hamsters and one Kim Sunggyu just killed me! xD