For InfinitexInspirit

~Infinite Secret Santa 2013~ *Santas Revealed!*

Bunny in heat

For InfinitexInspirit

Pairing: Woogyu

Prompt: "Woohyun and Sunggyu have changed into their respective animals! [Woohyun, bunny. Sunggyu, hamster.]"

Infinite woke up to their furious manager’s voice. Sungjong was the first to stir awake. He lazily walked to the living room. He saw how Hoya and Sungyeol were walking out of their rooms.

What are you guys thinking? Do you know how late it is? Where is Sunggyu? He should have woken you up long ago! Sunggyu-yah! ” His manager shouted, not caring that their ears were still sensitive.

Why are you so angry?” Sungyeol asked, leaning on Sungjong.

You have a schedule in 5 minutes and you are not even dressed! I told Sunggyu to bring you to the salon at 5! Where is your leader?”

The three looked at themselves and then around. It was normal for Myungsoo and Dongwoo to be sleeping even with all this screaming and shouting but Sunggyu was a light sleeper. He would have woken up first.

Sungjong decided to go and wake his Hyung up but there was no Sunggyu on bed. He was not in the bathroom either or anywhere in the dorm.

He is not here…”

Where is he then?” His manager asked, even angrier now.

I will try to call him.”

No, you guys go and dress up immediately. I will call Sunggyu. We don’t have any time! Go wake the others!”

Both Sung’s started to wake the others and Hoya occupied the bathroom.

You wake Myungsoo and Dongwoo! I’m taking care of Woohyun!” Sungyeol yelled as he run to Woohyun’s room. He certainly didn’t want to wake the sleepyheads up. It was always such a hassle.

That’s totally unfair!” Sungjong commented but proceeded to wake up his Hyung’s anyway. He secretly liked it.

Hyung! Hyung! Wake up Hyung! It’s morning! Raise and shine!” Sungjong jumped around on Dongwoo’s bed and waited for the older to react. Well, he did react but only when Sungjong accidentally jumped on his stomach. Dongwoo groaned in pain and rolled around falling off the bed.

Oops.” Sungjong smiled not so innocently and run to the next room.

Myungsoo was a little easier to wake up, so he decided to just give his Hyung permanent hearing damage when he screamed into his Hyung’s ear on top of his lungs. Myungsoo jumped up and gripped his ear as If someone had stabbed him there and fell off the bed as well. He started cursing and Sungjong took that as his signal to leave.

Feeling accomplished the younger run into the bathroom the moment Hoya excited. Of course he didn’t hide there or anything.

I can’t find him.” Sungyeol stated. He had searched through the whole house but Woohyun was nowhere to be seen.

What?” The manager was going crazy! The leader of the group went missing and his phone was lying on his bed. He had no clue of where that guy went and now even the main vocal was missing. This had to be a bad joke! They had a Radio Show today, where singing was required and after that two interviews and practice sessions with the new Vocal trainers. Of course the main vocals have to be present, especially the leader!

While the kids dressed up and prepared to leave the manager called Woohyun only to find his phone lying somewhere as well. He had to resist the urge to throw the phone out of the window in frustration.

"Kids, finish up. We are leaving without them. I will talk to the CEO and see what will happen." The manager gave up and called the CEO.

Like this Infinite left the dorm not before Myungsoo noticed something funny. All the shoes of both of their vocals were still there. Did they go somewhere with bare feet?


Infinite returned in the late afternoon. Tired and exhausted. They had somehow managed to cover up the absence of their main vocals. Infinite H rapped for the radio show. Sungyeol and Hoya managed to talk through the whole interview. The only time where the absence of them was intolerable was when the Vocal-trainer wanted to get familiar with the main vocals voices.

Infinite just sighed and wanted to shower, eat and sleep.

Sungjong won this round of rock-paper-successor and claimed the right to bath first.

Sungyeol went to the kitchen to grab something to drink and the rest just went to their rooms.

The first scream come form Myungsoo's room. Shortly after followed by Sungyeol's shouting around angrily.

Dongwoo and Hoya run to the younger once. Dongwoo to Myungsoo and Hoya to Sungyeol.

Egumonina!” Was Hoya's first reaction. The kitchen looked like a battlefield. The fridge was open, water was covering the whole kitchen floor. Random things were thrown on the ground and everywhere was food and more food.

Who the hell would do this? Should we call the manager?” Sungyeol was angry. There was nothing edible in the fridge anymore and he didn't want to help Sungjong and Myungsoo clean up this mess.

Did someone break in?”

Maybe... Do you think it was Woohyun and Sunggyu Hyung's doing?”

Yeah, of course. It was Sunggyu Hyung. Who else.” Hoya smiled sarcastically. “Because Sunggyu Hyung loves to make a mess in the kitchen.”

Let's call the manager.”


Why did you scream like that, Myungsoo-ah?” Dongwoo come into the room to find Myungsoo in the corner of the room. “Is something wrong?”

T... t-that!” Myungsoo stuttered wile pointing at something across the room. Dongwoo followed the direction and found something fuzzy, white and fluffy on the ground in front of the closet.

What's that?” Dongwoo asked and neared the suspicious thing. “T-thats... Oh my god! That's amazing!” Dongwoo started smiling and hurried over to the fluffy white thing. “Where did you come from?” Dongwoo held it up. It was so cute. He nuzzled with it a bit and started saying random things.

Get that away. Out of the room please!” Myungsoo stated. He didn't like it at all, still hiding in the corner.

Why? Are you afraid of the bunny?” Dongwoo smirked at the younger and walked towards him. “Say 'Hi' to Mr. Rabbit, Myungie.” Dongwoo held it in front of Myungsoo's face and the younger just jumped up and rushed out of the room.

Dongwoo couldn't help but laugh. He rolled around on the found and let go of the bunny who didn't seems to like him. It was fidgeting around the whole time Dongwoo held him.

The bunny hopped of towards the closet again and that was when Dongwoo noticed. There was something else. Something under the closet. It came out once the bunny was taken away but rushed under there, when it saw the bunny coming back. It was.... a hamster. An adorable and fluffy hamster.

Dongwoo took the bunny away and gave it to Sungjong who was dragged there by Myungsoo.

Look! It's freaking real!”

Aww, it's so cute!” Sungjong cooed.

Hold it.” Dongwoo gave Sungjong the protesting bunny and rushed towards the closet. He peeked under it and started smiling. “Come on out. The bad bunny is gone. Come to Hyung, or wait. Am I Oppa for you?” Dongwoo held his hand out and gestured for the cute hamster to come out.

What are you doing there? Get away. I want to go take a bath now.” Myungsoo come back now that the threatening animal was gone, to get his clothes.

Dongwoo gestured for Myungsoo to shut up and continued to play hamster- whisperer. Myungsoo just observed his weird Hyung until he saw something crawling beneath the closet and into Dongwoo's hand.

Even thought it was rather hesitant, the hamster come to Dongwoo. He smiled proudly of his achievement.

The hell... Why are there animals in our dorm?” Myungsoo questioned but observed the hamster and just like Dongwoo, brushed it's cheeks.

Not afraid?”

Of what?”

Nothing.” Dongwoo continued playing with the hamster.

Hyung! It bit me! That freaking bunny bit my nose!” Sungjong screamed and rushed to his Hyung. Two minutes later the Manager stormed in.


They all were sitting in the living room. Their manager had declared this day as the worst ever and considered changing his occupation and now was out to get them something to eat.

Now stop assaulting that poor thing!” Dongwoo finally stated after watching Hoya hold the bunny down, it's paws pinned on the ground and Sungjong kept poking it's exposed front, while Myungsoo stared daggers at it.

We are only playing! And if I let it go, it will try to attack the poor hamster again.”

True. The moment they let go of the hamster and bunny to talk with their manager, they watched how the bunny chased after it through the whole dorm and on his way, throw all the things onto the ground that he had passed. That kind of explained the mess in the kitchen.

Sungyeol had rescued the poor thing and Hoya made it his task to tame that bunny.

Now Hoya, Sungjong and Myungsoo were abusing the bunny, while Sungyeol and Dongwoo played with the hamster.

How did they get in here anyway?” Sungyeol questioned.

I bet it's Woohyun Hyung's doing! He brought them here to tease Sunggyu Hyung!” The maknae concluded.

It looks like something Woohyun would do...” Dongwoo agreed. Still it was weird.

Well, the bunny matches his Character really well. But this hamster is so adorable! Nothing like Sunggyu!”

At that moment the hamster flinched slightly in Sungyeol's hold. It prepared it's paws and scratched Sungyeol's finger.

IT HURTS!” Sungyeol screamed and handed the hamster to Dongwoo. “Now I'm going to get some kind of weird hamster disease!” He dramatically exclaimed and fell to the ground.

Don't be such a drama-queen!”

No fun!” Sungyeol commented and joined the group to play with the fuming bunny.

Did the hamster just sigh?” Dongwoo mumbled to himself. Weird.



Earlier that day – 5:40am

Sunggyu woke up to someon'es shouting. Manager? He opened his eyes but something felt weird. Really weird. He didn't see anything. Everything was dark. He tried to walk but his body felt strangely unfamiliar. He heard s calling for him and the angry manager. He tried to answer but no sound left his throat. He felt suffocated and something was lying on top of him. All of this arose a panic in him and he just tried to move somehow. When he finally moved to get out beneath that something, he strangely didn't walk but crawled on all four.

Suddenly it was too bright. The lights of the room were on and suddenly he heard the door shut close. His eyes adjusted to the bright light and for one moment he thought his eyes shrunk smaller. No, not only his eyes but his whole body. His bed was suddenly to big and he felt like so small. He observed his body and saw that he had paws suddenly. Paws? He wanted to go to the mirror and observe himself.

But... The distance the bed had from the ground seemed so big all of a sudden and he felt so damn small. He somehow managed to slide down the bed and walked in front of the mirror of the closet.

He couldn't even see himself, so he tried to climb up a bit and when he finally saw himself he was shocked! He was a freaking Hamster!

Still totally freaked out he heard someone from behind.

S-Sunggyu Hyung?” He turned around and was even more shocked.

Woohyun?” The bunny behind him just nodded. This had to be a bad nightmare!

While Sunggyu tried to process the new happenings, Woohyun was thinking about something whole different. If he wasn’t a bunny, he would be smirking.

This must be karma. Someone had heard his wish and fulfilled it for him. Okay, this may not be exactly his wish but it was near enough.

Last night was another night were Woohyun sighed and sighed again. He was pretty down. It's been such a long time that Sunggyu finally accepted his confession. The older was reluctant in giving Woohyun anything he desired. Woohyun had to wait a long time until they finally got to the stage of kissing and making out and now he wanted to move on. Take another step in the relationship, you know. He tried to get into Sunggyu's pants. He seduced the older, played tricks, everything! But nothing worked for him! Nothing! It reminded him, that Sunggyu was the one wearing the pants in their relationship and he finally wanted to take those off of him. He didn't even see him completely yet. Every time he tried to do something forceful, which didn't work with Kim Sunggyu, he ended up being punished. Oh, how he would love being punished in other ways but Sunggyu would keep his distance from him. Okay, he may have a few erted fantasies and a nosebleed right now but all he wanted was his boyfriend. Was that wrong?

So when he looked up to the sky from their balcony, he saw a shooting star. While wiping the blood that was dripping out of his nose, he just wished to see Sunggyu for once and together with him. Completely .

That would explain the situation. Even though it was different from what he imagined but this worked. Sunggyu was a hamster and he a bunny. And something in his erted head told him that such a small hamster just couldn't defend himself from a bigger bunny. So he slowly hopped towards his prey. He was determined to do things to the hamster that a bunny would never do! If he was a human he would be his lips right now.

Sunggyu was deep in thoughts when Woohyun hopped towards him. He couldn't explain this crazy situation and he was sure to get scolded by the manager later. When he heard the younger move, he looked up and something in the younger eyes screamed for him to run away. He backed away slightly, his small body moving away from the bunny.

W-Woohyun? What is it?”

Nothing Hyung. Just wanted to take a look of myself in the mirror.”

A-ah, okay.” Sunggyu still backed away and made way for the younger to hop past him.

But Woohyun had no intentions to hop past his lover. The moment he was close enough, he jumped the poor hamster and pinned Sunggyu's paws onto the ground with his own.

Sunggyu was shocked and horrified. Woohyun looked like he caught his prey and Sunggyu felt so much smaller and inferior right now. He didn't like this, not a bit. He started squirming and tried to break Woohyun's grip of him.

You know Hyung, there is something I have always wanted to do. Something you have withhold from me! And I don't like it at all. I think now that we are in this situation... I can get that something from you.” Woohyun's eyes scanned Sunggyu's hamster body.

W-what? Are you crazy? What are you talking about? Let me go!” Sunggyu didn't like this at all!

You know what I want. Something every normal boyfriends want in this stage of a relationship.”

Sunggyu's feared that the younger meant that. “Are you insane? I- I'm a hamster! You are a ing bunny! Stop playing around and think of how to turn back!” Still no success in escaping the bunny.

That doesn't matter. It will work out somehow.” Woohyun had no idea if a bunny and a hamster could actually do it or how but he didn't care! He was in heat and the only one who could cool him down was his adorable hamster boyfriend.

While Sunggyu tired to escape with no success, Woohyun leaned down and wanted to kiss his Hyung. That was all it needed for Sunggyu to escape. The moment Woohyun leaned his head down, into the reach of Sunggyu's paws that were still free, Sunggyu scratched the younger's chin with his paws (legs) and Woohyun lost his grip. Sunggyu took this as a chance to escape and from then on the cat and dog game had started. Well, more like the hamster and bunny game.

Woohyun chased the poor hamster through the whole apartment. Sunggyu ran as fast as he could from the bunny in heat and tried anything to escape his crazy boyfriend. Until Sunggyu found somewhere to hide. It took him a while to realize he was smaller than Woohyun and could use that to his advantage.

He hid beneath the cupboard in the kitchen the first time and tried to catch his breath.

H-Hyung, come out of there. Let's play!” Woohyun stopped in front of the cupboard. He too was really tried and just wanted Sunggyu to surrender already.

Are you crazy? I'm so going to kill you Nam Woohyun! Just you wait, you little-”

Big bunny! You are the little one here!” Woohyun stated and Sunggyu wanted to slam Woohyun's head against the next wall.

Come out already! Let's play!”

No way in hell! Piss off!”

After a few moments of silent Woohyun gave up. “Ok, come out Hyung. I won't do anything.”

I don't trust you one bit!”

Truce until we eat. I'm hungry.”

Sunggyu thought about that for one moment. He was certainly hungry and extremely thirsty.

If you are lying, I'm going to kill you!” Sunggyu crawled out form underneath the cupboard.

That's how the hamster and bunny tried to find something to eat. They had somehow magically managed to open the fridge and Sunggyu had climbed up and thrown everything edible on the ground with a little pushing of his little body, so that Woohyun could eat as well. He then climbed back down.

What do hamsters eat?” He asked, having no idea.

Lettuce? Salad? Don't know. Let's just go for the vegetables.” So the two enjoyed their meal. Now they only had to find something to drink.

Woohyun had this genius idea to let the sink flow over, so that he could drink as well and so Sunggyu climbed up again, managed to stuff the sink and let the water overflow. When it dropped onto the ground for a while, he closed it again and stared at the mess on the floor. When the members get back, he would have to make the maknae-line clean it.

Just when he climbed back down, Woohyun had finished drinking. Feeling full and satisfied he was reminded of his original goal and the heat come back. He hoped towards his lover again and something in Sunggyu told him to run for his life and so the chasing game had started again.

This time Sunggyu had managed to hide beneath the closet. Woohyun waited like a hunter for his prey and tried to coax Sunggyu to come out again.

Yeah, like I would! I thought it was truce!”

Until we finish eating!” Woohyun countered.

You are insane! I'm breaking up with you! Go away! I have nothing t do with you anymore!”

No! Why?”

You want to freaking get into my pants!”

Which pants? You are !” Sunggyu wanted to slap Woohyun so hard right now!

Hey, it's your own fault. Why don't you just let me? It's been almost 2 years and I'm living like a saint! Just give in.”

Maybe I would have considered it, if I weren't a freaking hamster and you a bunny!”

And just like that they kept arguing until the members comeback. Sunggyu had cried for help but sadly they had found out, that no one besides themselves heard them in this from. So when Dongwoo rescued him, he remembered why he loved his Dongsaeng.

After that Woohyun was taken in by Hoya, Sungyeol, Sungjong and Myungsoo and tried to break free somehow, while Sunggyu enjoyed his stay in Dongwoo's hands. He scratched Sungyeol when he felt offended and apparently Woohyun bit Sungjong's nose because the younger tried to nuzzle with him and kiss him, on his mouth. When Woohyun told Sunggyu he added that his lips were only for Sunggyu. Sunggyu just ignored him.

The voice of the manager surprised all of them and the members of Infinite walked towards him.

Get ready guys, there is still one schedule you have to finish. I called somebody to clean the dorm and get the animals. She will come soon.

And just like that Woohyun and Sunggyu were left alone again. Dongwoo was clever enough to place Sunggyu on top of the couch before he left, so that the angry bunny wouldn't be able to reach him.

Hyung, come down! Let's play! You are no fun!” Woohyun tried his luck again but Sunggyu just ignored him.

When Woohyun tried to hop on the couch as well, something funny happened. Suddenly there was this light coming off of Sunggyu and it blinded Woohyun. The younger closed his eyes because of it and when he opened them, he was more than just pleased to find a very human Sunggyu in front of him. He was more than just pleased. He took in every part of Sunggyu's body in and his eyes may have rested on certain parts longer than on others.

He didn't see the smirk growing on Sunggyu's face though.

Sunggyu stood up, revealing more of his body to the younger. Woohyun's bunny nose had started bleeding again, drenching his white fur.

I think I have to talk with you, Nam Woohyun-sshi.”

And just like that Sunggyu bragged the white bunny that was trying to escape and placed him on his lap while sitting down on the couch (still very , to Woohyun's pleasure).

I think you need to get punished my little friend.” Woohyun's imagination was working on full gear but Sunggyu only intended to inflict pain on the younger. Even if he was a small, cute and fluffy bunny. He was a damn bunny that needed to know his damn place.


A woman was coming towards the Infinite dorm. She was told to clean up and get two animals. She tipped the code to the apartment into the system and walked inside. Something was shining brightly in the living room. She closed her eyes for a bit and when she opened them again she was so shocked with the view in front of her, that she ended up fainting. A very man was straddling above another very male.

From that day on Infinite was known for running around in their dorms and liking to expose their bodies.

Sunggyu and Woohyun were gravely scolded for just disappearing.

As to Woohyun's punishment and the question if he ever got what he so desired from his boyfriend, that will be a story for another time. When the bunny isn't as and the hamster is willing to accept all of his erted lover.

StarlightSpirit: I simply adored this! Especially the end when they both change back and are ;3 Woohyun got what he wanted then :P WOOHYUN AS A BUNNY IN HEAT IS SO FUNNY and it's amazing because poor Gyu isn't the big bossy one anymore, Woohyun was the bigger one. Poor little hamster :3 I love Dongwoo in this too! <3

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Updates will be just me adding direct links as they come in and adding the santas to the chapters, don't worry too much :3


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Chapter 122: Looooool this bunny and hamster thing is so funny hahaha
sunggyu_chingyu #2
Chapter 132: i can't stop laughing when i read the part of their convo with sunggyu's parents XD
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 122: i can imagine the part hahahahha
sunggyu_chingyu #4
Chapter 55: it's really sweet :') i can imagine they doing that in their real life ❤
imsmlee86 #5
Chapter 47: Gdi, reading this at this time when hoya just left is...... the infinite is seven part no i'm not crying those are sweats
Chapter 140: So is there a part 2 or not?
Chapter 55: Waaaahh...
This is so wonderful..

I know since the start when gyu insisted that "cant have a girlfriend" he was jealous...

This chapter is nice... Thank you~~
honeyplum #8
I'm ready to read everything!!! but when will i finish?? T_T
Chapter 57: <3 2woo took to damn long to get together and they are just TOO cute
Piou0102 #10
Chapter 106: Chapter 101: Bwaahahahahaa this was hilarious! xD The five hamsters and one Kim Sunggyu just killed me! xD