
I Was Lost And Then You Found Me (HIATUS)
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                Every single day from Monday to Friday, Eunhye woke up early to make his lunch for him. She tried different recipes she had found online. Once in a while she’d see him smile at the dishes she’d made and that made her heart flutter. His smile had the power to erase all the mean things he’s said throughout the week. Eunhye was slowly falling in love with this man but was a little slow in realizing it. She thought these were just feelings of admiration and respect for her boss. Her brain was telling her not to fall in love with him, but her heart was finding it hard to obey such demand. He was simply too captivating, no matter how hot and cold he was. He’d be mean now, and then kill her with kindness later on. He was weird. She couldn’t quite put it. She had never fallen in love before, so she couldn’t classify these feelings easily. But all she knew is that whenever he smiled at her, her cheeks flushed and her heart beat so quickly as if she’s run a mile.


                “Ms. Park?” Joonmyeon called her.


                “Sir? Do you need something?” she responded.


                “You can speak ten languages right? Including Mandarin?” he asked.


                “Yes sir, I have been taught to do so,” she replied.


                “Good. We’ll be having visitors to our company tomorrow. They are the sons of two of our major foreign investors from China. They are not really familiar here in Korea so I want you to give them a tour of our company. Show them the hotels and casinos we’ve built. Also, bring them to the construction site where are newest shopping mall is being built. Give them a good time, okay? We need to achieve the contract signing next month. Besides, they’re my friends back during my college days, so I don’t want to disappoint them.  I would have done this myself but I need to meet Abeoji, he says he has something important to tell me,” Joonmyeon instructed her.


                “I understand. What time will I be meeting them?” she asked.


                “Hmmm. I think they’ll be here by 9 am. Wear something appropriate. We need to impress them. Every detail matters,” he replied.


                “Yes sir. I will do my best,” she responded.




                The next day, Eunhye arrived early at the office. She had worn a white cotton blouse underneath her blazer that matched her skirt’s color. By now she had grown used to wearing stockings daily, along with high heeled office shoes. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and was satisfied. She looked okay. She had always looked alright even with just minimal makeup. Thank goodness she inherited her skin and hair color. No wonder they had always made her dye it black, but now she wore her natural hair color which was of a light brown shade. She liked it this way, but they did not. Stop thinking about it Eunhye! At least they gave you everything, you should just be thankful that you never had to suffer all those years. Eunhye went to her desk, attended to the pile of work that seemed to grow overnight on her table, and waited for Joonmyeon to call her.


                Three hours later, she was called into his office and was told to bring coffee or tea for the guests. She entered, bringing with the drinks and snacks she’d prepared. She approached the sofa where they sat and placed the drink

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Seohan0924 #1
Chapter 31: Love it but at first if you don't read the character you will get confused because in this story seohyun is called eunhye
SeoExoFanatic #2
Chapter 31: T____T I just cry for everyone.
Eunhye, please come save Joonmyun~
Please update soon, author-nim!
SeoExoFanatic #3
Chapter 29: T___T Nooooooooo!!!!
I cry~ T___T
Eunhye, don't leave Joonmyun~
Seomate_Saori #4
Chapter 31: Shouldn't this chapter be rated M-
I ruined my innocence again ;-;
Anyway, I'm glad that Luhan's not giving up.
I want Joonmyeon back, though-
Thanks for the update ;-;
Chapter 31: Good thing she finally confessed to luhan :)
But I still think she should've chosen joonmyeon, cause it seems like she loves him more. Though she have feelings for luhan too, I feel like their past/circumstances & her guilt+gratefuless to him are the only ones that made her stay. Which is unfair to luhan.. (but then, luhan knows & he doesn't care) *sigh*
Things are so complicated >.<
I just hope things will get better from now on (lol..who am I kidding)

Thanks for the update :)
eugenenni #6
Chapter 31: Kyaaaa~~~ Luhan and Eunhae...I'm in shock now. I hope Eunhae make up her mind!!!
And Suho came back... What will hanppen to her? Thanks for the update and have a good weekend^^
eugenenni #7
Chapter 30: OMG What will happend to Joonmyun Luhan and Eunhye will be alright?
Thanks for the update~~
Chapter 30: Please update soon~!
eugenenni #9
Chapter 29: Maybe Lay hate Seohyun... Thanks fot the update!!!
Happy birthday author-nim!!!
Chapter 29: Awww...

Please update soon~

And... Happy Birthday in advance!!!!