It's a Date

I Was Lost And Then You Found Me (HIATUS)
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                Eunhye woke up particularly early on this bright and sunny Saturday morning. She rose from her sleep with a smile plastered on her face. She was excited for her date with Luhan today. She already planned what she would be wearing and had thought of the activities she and Luhan would be doing together. She was really excited. It was still five in the morning and Luhan would be picking her up at eight. She still had three hours to prepare so she decided to make some snacks they could share later if they got hungry.


                After taking a bath she immediately went to her mini kitchen and prepared the snacks. As she was making the food, she realized that she was so used to making food for others. This must be due to preparing his lunches for almost two months now. Eunhye thought to herself. Hmm. He wasn’t at the office again yesterday. It’s really starting to get odd, even Jongdae-sshi was looking for him yesterday. Where could that annoying evil boss of mine be? He didn’t have any trips abroad scheduled, as far as I know. She thought as she crunched her brows thinking of where he might have gone. Eunhye, what are you doing? You’re going on a date with your boyfriend, L-U-H-A-N. Why are you thinking about Joonmyeon? She heard her conscience speak up. Aisht! I’m just worried. Hmm, but that’s right. I should be focusing on Luhan. She checks her watch and sees that two hours had already passed. She goes into her room to change and apply some make up so she wouldn’t look so plain beside Luhan. All thoughts of Joonmyeon were vanquished from her mind as she focused on what lipstick color she should put on, etc.


                A few minutes after Eunhye was finished with her preparations she heard the doorbell ring. He’s here! She looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was exactly eight o’clock. He’s always on the dot. Tsk. So cute. Eunhye thought to herself as she grabbed her bag and walked towards the door to open it.


                “Good mor-“ Luhan was saying as the door swung opened but he stopped what he was saying as he was once again seemingly lost his tongue seeing how beautiful his girlfriend looked today even though she was dressed casually. Eunhye was wearing a sleeveless black dress, with small white flowers printed all over it, which cut a few inches above her knees. She had a light cream-colored cardigan on as well. She was wearing black strap-in sandals that had 2” heels. And she carried a small brown satchel bag that was placed at her right side. The snacks were carefully placed in a small paper bag she carried in her left hand.


                “Good morning Luhan-sshi,” she said to him. She smiled and waited for him to say anything but he was as if frozen on the spot. Is something wrong? Aigoo! I knew this dress was too simple, maybe I should go back in and change. I should have just worn the blue one with the pink ribbon. Oh no, what should I do?


                Eunhye’s face displayed confusion which thankfully Luhan didn’t miss. Mentally scolding himself for not complimenting her immediately, Luhan seemingly found his tongue and was able to speak again.


                “You look so beautiful today Eun,” Luhan told her. He saw her blush and thought how cute his girlfriend was. Aigoo. She always gets embarrassed whenever I compliment her looks! How cute! >_<


                “Tha- Thank you,” she stammered.


                “Are you ready?” he asks her.


                “Yes,” she tells him.


                “Well then, off to the amusement park we go!” he says as he inserts her hand into his as they walked hand in hand. They got into a car Luhan had especially prepared for today and instructed the driver to bring them to their destination.


                “Are you excited Eun? We haven’t gone at an amusement park for a long time!” Luhan excitedly squealed.


                “Yes! But I’ll never be as excited as you Luhan-sshi,” she responded as she giggled at how childish Luhan was acting today. Luhan smiled at her and patted her head affectionately.


                “You never change Eun,” he told her. He smiled to himself contentedly, this day would be such a great day and he could feel it.



                Soon enough the car stopped at the park and the two got out. Eunhye started walking towards the ticket station when Luhan surprised her by showing her the tickets he had prepared beforehand. They were special tickets that gave them access to all the rides. Luhan had already prepared everything which was why he was busy the day before. He saw her smile and mentally celebrated, it was a good thing he always thought ahead.


                They went in and Luhan asked her which ride she wanted to go on first.


                “Hmm. I want to ride that!” she says as she points at a new attraction the park had. It was a large pirate ship that swung to-and-fro. Luhan paled at her suggestion but decided to keep his fears within himself. I am manly. I can do this. He smiles as he grabs her hand and leads her towards his doom.


                They rode the Viking ship and while Eunhye was screaming as she enjoyed the ride, Luhan was silent as a rock beside her all throughout the ride. Finally it ended and they quickly got off.


                “Are you alright Luhan-sshi, you look really pale,” Eunhye said as she touched his face.


                Luhan flinched at her touch. Then he smiled at her and said, “Of course. So where do you want to go next?”


                “I want to ride the rollercoaster, then the giant swing where we’ll be swirled around up and down! Also those river rapids ride, hmmm, and the bumpcars too! Omo! Thank goodness we went here early, we can try out so many rides Luhan-sshi!” Eunhye clasped her hands together as she excitedly chattered beside him.



                Luhan gulped as he heard everything she had in plan. He tried to smile as he followed his girlfriend as she walked towards their next ride. I thought we’ll just be riding the carousel and those tea cups. I’m scared of heights Eun, but as long as you’re happy, I’ll be happy as well. I can do this. You’re manly Luhan, manly. Show her how brave you are.


                A few minutes later, Luhan was screaming as they rode the rollercoaster. “I DON’T WANT TO RIDE THIS ANYMORE. LET ME OFF THIS THING! SOMEBODY HELP ME! EUUUUUUUUUN!!!! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP! JEBAAAAAL! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” Luhan wailed as he gripped the rails tighter. Eunhye was sitting beside him and couldn’t stop laughing all throughout the ride. Luhan looked so scared and was really becoming so pale. He’s eyes were closed tightly as he just kept on screaming until the ride ended. As they got off, Eunhye was still laughing at him.


                “Yah! Stop laughing! It was really scary!” he said as he playfully smacked her arm.


                “I can’t help it Luhan-sshi! You were so funny back there! Jebaaaal~ Make it stoooop!” Eunhye said as she imitated him.


                “Waaah! I can’t help it! I’m scared of heights Eun,” he finally confessed to her.


                “WHAT! You should have just told me Luhan-sshi! Well, the next ride wouldn’t be involving heights. Come on, let’s ride the wild water rapids! I saw online that it’s really a fun and exciting ride,” she said to him as he pulled him towards the queue in front of the ride.


                “You sure this doesn’t involve heights, right? I’m brave! Let’s go!” Luhan said as he tried to reassure himself that he could do this. He won’t scream like a girl again. He was manly and he’ll prove to Eunhye that he can survive rides like these.


                But when they rode the lifeboat, Luhan was screaming as they were rocked back and forth in the raging river.


                “Eun! You said this wasn’t scary!!!” Luhan screamed at his girlfriend who once again was laughing at him.


                “But it’s fun Luhan-sshi! Relax! Weeeee! Here we go~” Eunhye squealed in delight as their lifeboat surged for

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Seohan0924 #1
Chapter 31: Love it but at first if you don't read the character you will get confused because in this story seohyun is called eunhye
SeoExoFanatic #2
Chapter 31: T____T I just cry for everyone.
Eunhye, please come save Joonmyun~
Please update soon, author-nim!
SeoExoFanatic #3
Chapter 29: T___T Nooooooooo!!!!
I cry~ T___T
Eunhye, don't leave Joonmyun~
Seomate_Saori #4
Chapter 31: Shouldn't this chapter be rated M-
I ruined my innocence again ;-;
Anyway, I'm glad that Luhan's not giving up.
I want Joonmyeon back, though-
Thanks for the update ;-;
Chapter 31: Good thing she finally confessed to luhan :)
But I still think she should've chosen joonmyeon, cause it seems like she loves him more. Though she have feelings for luhan too, I feel like their past/circumstances & her guilt+gratefuless to him are the only ones that made her stay. Which is unfair to luhan.. (but then, luhan knows & he doesn't care) *sigh*
Things are so complicated >.<
I just hope things will get better from now on (lol..who am I kidding)

Thanks for the update :)
eugenenni #6
Chapter 31: Kyaaaa~~~ Luhan and Eunhae...I'm in shock now. I hope Eunhae make up her mind!!!
And Suho came back... What will hanppen to her? Thanks for the update and have a good weekend^^
eugenenni #7
Chapter 30: OMG What will happend to Joonmyun Luhan and Eunhye will be alright?
Thanks for the update~~
Chapter 30: Please update soon~!
eugenenni #9
Chapter 29: Maybe Lay hate Seohyun... Thanks fot the update!!!
Happy birthday author-nim!!!
Chapter 29: Awww...

Please update soon~

And... Happy Birthday in advance!!!!