
I Was Lost And Then You Found Me (HIATUS)
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                You woke up a little late for today. You were panicking and decided to just find something decent to wear and applied a little makeup. You couldn’t screw this up. You needed a job and this was probably your last chance. You then rode the bus to your destination and when you arrived you looked up and saw how tall the building was. Is this really it? Uwaa! Am I really going to get a job here when I don’t have any experience? The nerve of me to try! But I can’t give up easily without even trying. Eunhye, fighting! You can do this. You clench your fist and do the fighting gesture earning curious gazes from the people in business attire around you. Good thing you still had your expensive clothes so you didn’t really look out of place.


                You walked towards the receptionist booth and asked where the interview was held. She eyed you curiously and then told you it was on the eighteenth floor. Your eyes slightly widened when you heard it was held on the top floor. You were a little scared of heights and you hated riding the elevator. The receptionist saw you getting a little pale and asked you if you were alright. “Yes, I am. Thank you for the information. I guess I’ll go up now,” you replied. “Good luck young lady! Everyone who went there had been turned down, maybe you’re the one who’ll finally please that man,” you heard her say. Man? So I’ll be working for a guy? If my parents were still alive, they wouldn’t approve of this. They never did like me hanging out or being too close to the opposite gender. They said it wasn’t proper since we weren’t married. But I guess there’s no harm now, I’m twenty after all and they are not here to scold me anymore. The thought of your parents brought some tears to your eyes but you wiped them away. You were stronger now, and you had to try your best to get this job. You forgot your anxiousness about the elevator ride and smiled when you heard the elevator indicate that you were on the eighteenth floor.


               You walked out and looked around. Then you saw a man look at you head to toe and motioned for you to come over. Thinking that he was the one who’ll interview you, you quickly approached him. He then grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards a room. You were going to ask why when he said, “Please be the one! I’m tired of looking for someone that’ll suit him. Now go in and impress him. Just do whatever he asks.” “Okay, but how many girls have gone before me?” you asked him. “About a hundred? And then he rejected them! Gaah! Sometimes this cousin of mine really frustrates me!” you heard him reply. “Cousin?” you were about to ask more but he said, “Let’s chat later shall we? If you get accepted, of course. Now go in, just get the job, and end this!” You then felt him push you into the room and heard him lock the door.


                You looked around and saw that you were inside a really spacious office. It looked a little bit like your dad’s but this was a lot bigger. He must probably be such a big shot. You thought when you saw a man s

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Seohan0924 #1
Chapter 31: Love it but at first if you don't read the character you will get confused because in this story seohyun is called eunhye
SeoExoFanatic #2
Chapter 31: T____T I just cry for everyone.
Eunhye, please come save Joonmyun~
Please update soon, author-nim!
SeoExoFanatic #3
Chapter 29: T___T Nooooooooo!!!!
I cry~ T___T
Eunhye, don't leave Joonmyun~
Seomate_Saori #4
Chapter 31: Shouldn't this chapter be rated M-
I ruined my innocence again ;-;
Anyway, I'm glad that Luhan's not giving up.
I want Joonmyeon back, though-
Thanks for the update ;-;
Chapter 31: Good thing she finally confessed to luhan :)
But I still think she should've chosen joonmyeon, cause it seems like she loves him more. Though she have feelings for luhan too, I feel like their past/circumstances & her guilt+gratefuless to him are the only ones that made her stay. Which is unfair to luhan.. (but then, luhan knows & he doesn't care) *sigh*
Things are so complicated >.<
I just hope things will get better from now on (lol..who am I kidding)

Thanks for the update :)
eugenenni #6
Chapter 31: Kyaaaa~~~ Luhan and Eunhae...I'm in shock now. I hope Eunhae make up her mind!!!
And Suho came back... What will hanppen to her? Thanks for the update and have a good weekend^^
eugenenni #7
Chapter 30: OMG What will happend to Joonmyun Luhan and Eunhye will be alright?
Thanks for the update~~
Chapter 30: Please update soon~!
eugenenni #9
Chapter 29: Maybe Lay hate Seohyun... Thanks fot the update!!!
Happy birthday author-nim!!!
Chapter 29: Awww...

Please update soon~

And... Happy Birthday in advance!!!!