
I Was Lost And Then You Found Me (HIATUS)
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               Joonmyeon was in his office, fidgeting. He couldn’t keep still. He was checking his watch every now and then.

               Where is she? It’s late. The car has returned an hour ago and she’s not here yet! Did she go out with him? Aisht! This is so frustrating! Joonmyeon kept pacing back and forth at his office.

               After meeting with his father, he went straight back to his office and checked if she was back from touring the guests. It had already been two hours since he got back, and still she was nowhere in sight. It was getting late and the staff, including Jongdae, had already gone home.

                What are you doing Joonmyeon? Why are you even waiting for her? You’re acting like a dog waiting for his master to come home! She probably went home already! ! What the hell is wrong with you? Aisht!

               Joonmyeon grabbed a bottle of wine from a shelf by his desk and proceeded to pour himself a glass. He downed it in just two gulps so he poured four more. It did little to calm his nerves. He was still agitated. His mind was in so much turmoil right now. He couldn’t think straight. All he knew was that he wanted those sweet and soft lips of hers against his once more. He wanted to hear her moan. He craved to touch her and mark her as his. He wanted her and he always got whatever he wanted, no matter what or who stood in his way.


               She probably brought those two back at the hotel, I better head there and check. He then decided to go to where Yixing and Luhan were staying. He rode the elevator to the basement floor and walked towards his sleek black sports car. He got in and quickly drove off to the hotel.

               The hotel was a part of the hotel chains his family owned. Joonmyeon entered the premises and the staff recognized him and immediately bowed to greet him. It was a normal sight to see him there. Ever since he turned eighteen and his mother died, Joonmyeon changed and went from a goody two-shoes straight A’s teenager to a party animal. Joonmyeon had opted to have his own room in the hotel which he used whenever he wanted to have fun with someone he’d met at some party. It was his playroom for all the one night stands he’s had in his twenty-five years of existence. The walls of that room were the sole witnesses of all the sins he’s committed with various women. But lately due to the large workload he’s been handed since his dad will be retiring soon, he has had no time to go out and play.

               Joonmyeon merely nodded at the staff and waved his hand dismissively. He approached the concierge and asked which rooms his friends were staying. Due to him being the owner, the girl behind the counter immediately gave the room numbers he requested. Then Joonmyeon went to the elevator and pushed the button for the twentieth floor. He got out his phone and texted Yixing that he was coming over.

                The elevator finally stopped and he walked out. He turned left and headed to where Yixing’s room was located. When he arrived at the right door he promptly knocked three times before the door opened and a sleepy Yixing greeted him.

                “What are you doing here Myeon?” Yixing asked him.

                “Aren’t you even going to invite me in?” he said as he walked past the man and entered the room. He quickly strode towards the couch and made himself comfortable.

                “I knew I didn’t need to. You always did whatever you wanted,” Yixing said as he closed the door and followed behind the man who decided to barge on him tonight.

                “You know me so well Xing,” Joonmyeon replied. He smirked at his friend and reached for the remote to switch on the television in front of him.

                “Quit the act, Myeon. Just say what you want from me, I’m kinda busy tonight,” Yixing tells him. His voiced laced with annoyance as Joonmyeon flicked through the channels. Yixing then grabbed the remote and switched it off.

                “Tsk. So touchy tonight, aye? Fine. Where are they Xing?” he asks.

                “I don’t know,” Yixing responds as he studies Joonmyeon’s face. He could tell that he was a little intoxicated, not too much as he had still been able to drive himself here, but enough for him to lose his cool easily.

                “Don’t toy with me Xing. Just tell me where they are,” he said to him.

                “What do you want with her, Myeon?” he questioned him.

                “It’s none of your business!” Joonmyeon snapped at him.

                “Of course it is! I know you hate her Myeon. No, you’ve despised her for years now. So why are you employing her? Why have her work for you? You could have just thrown her out and allowed her to work some menial job! But you chose to have her near you so you could torment her every single day. What do you really have in mind for her?” Yixing asked him.

                “Why do you even care Xing?” he asked his friend.

                “I care because Luhan loves her Myeon. And I love you both. We’ve been best friends for a long time now. I don’t want you guys fighting over the same girl! You don’t love her, so why bother with her? You can have the pick of the lot with your looks and money. Find someone else to play with Myeon. Hand her over to Luhan and stop whatever it is you’re planning,” Yixing told him.

               Joonmyeon was at loss of words. True, they’ve been friends since their early college days but he had promised his mom on his deathbed that he would avenge her for what Eunhye’s family had done to theirs. He would make her suffer. Even if he has to sacrifice his friends just to achieve that end.

               “I’m sorry Xing, but I can’t. I promised Omma that I’ll make them pay. It’s just unfortunate that she’s the only one left to pay their debts,” he tells him.

               “Fine. If I can’t stop you, then I won’t help you either. Just go Myeon,” Yixing says to him.

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Seohan0924 #1
Chapter 31: Love it but at first if you don't read the character you will get confused because in this story seohyun is called eunhye
SeoExoFanatic #2
Chapter 31: T____T I just cry for everyone.
Eunhye, please come save Joonmyun~
Please update soon, author-nim!
SeoExoFanatic #3
Chapter 29: T___T Nooooooooo!!!!
I cry~ T___T
Eunhye, don't leave Joonmyun~
Seomate_Saori #4
Chapter 31: Shouldn't this chapter be rated M-
I ruined my innocence again ;-;
Anyway, I'm glad that Luhan's not giving up.
I want Joonmyeon back, though-
Thanks for the update ;-;
Chapter 31: Good thing she finally confessed to luhan :)
But I still think she should've chosen joonmyeon, cause it seems like she loves him more. Though she have feelings for luhan too, I feel like their past/circumstances & her guilt+gratefuless to him are the only ones that made her stay. Which is unfair to luhan.. (but then, luhan knows & he doesn't care) *sigh*
Things are so complicated >.<
I just hope things will get better from now on (lol..who am I kidding)

Thanks for the update :)
eugenenni #6
Chapter 31: Kyaaaa~~~ Luhan and Eunhae...I'm in shock now. I hope Eunhae make up her mind!!!
And Suho came back... What will hanppen to her? Thanks for the update and have a good weekend^^
eugenenni #7
Chapter 30: OMG What will happend to Joonmyun Luhan and Eunhye will be alright?
Thanks for the update~~
Chapter 30: Please update soon~!
eugenenni #9
Chapter 29: Maybe Lay hate Seohyun... Thanks fot the update!!!
Happy birthday author-nim!!!
Chapter 29: Awww...

Please update soon~

And... Happy Birthday in advance!!!!