
I Was Lost And Then You Found Me (HIATUS)
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                Yixing felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He immediately checked it and saw that he had ten missed calls from Sehun. Luhan and he were so busy talking that he didn’t take notice of his phone for a while. Hmm, what could it be? Omo! Has he found him?


                Yixing turned to Luhan and said, “Come on. Let’s go home. I think we’ve had enough drama for today.”


                “Alright,” Luhan replied quietly.


                “Hey! Don’t be so down Lu! You’ll see her tomorrow right?” Yixing reminded him as he playfully pat him on the back.


                “Yes, you’re right. I’m probably just over analyzing things again. Silly me,” Luhan said as he laughed.


                The two went down and avoided the reporters as best as they could. They went out via the back exit and quickly got into their separate cars. Luhan waved at Yixing and sped off.


                “Sehun, have you found him?” Yixing asked after Sehun answered the phone from the first ring.


                “Hyung! I’ve been calling you,” Sehun hurriedly explained, “I-I’ve found Joonmyeon hyung. And he’s with a woman.”


                “W-What? Do you know who she is? Sehun! Where did you find him?” Yixing was dreading what he knew Sehun would reveal.


                “I don’t know the girl. But she looks familiar, hyung. She looks like HER,” Sehun replied.


                “Where did you find him?” Yixing asked. So he’s with Eunhye. Does she know about Suho? Maybe not. What is she doing with him? I thought she loved Luhan?


                “At the EXO café, right on the outskirts of Seoul. I was scanning through hyung’s properties and I found that he owns that café as he had bought it a few years back. I sent some men to check the place out and they spotted him there. From the picture they sent me hyung, he looks different. He dyed his hair and he looks thinner,” Sehun narrated.


                “Ahh, yes. His father has told me about that. It’s blonde now right? He dyed it to escape from his guards, Sehunnie. Thanks for finding him. Is he still there?” Yixing asked.


                “Nope. My men are tailing his car and it looks like he’s headed to the hospital,” Sehun replied.


                “Is the girl still with him?” Yixing asked.


                “Yes, she got into his car as well,” Sehun replied.


                “I don’t know how Joonmyeon managed to go undetected for a month. But thanks for finding him Hunnie, I knew you could do it,” Yixing thanked his friend. I should go back to the hospital. I hope Luhan doesn’t find them together. I don’t know how he’ll take it.


                “No problem hyung. Send Joonmyeon and Luhan hyung my regards. Let’s hang out some time, before you guys go back to China. And please, make sure that Joonmyeon hyung doesn’t do anything stupid,” Sehun told Yixing with utmost severity.


                “I’ll keep him in check Hunnie, don’t worry. Sometimes I wonder if you’re really our maknae. You’ve always been so mature,” Yixing reassured him.


                “Well, someone had to keep you guys in check. Anyway, I have to go hyung. Call me again if you need anything,” Sehun ended the call.


                Eunhye, what are you planning? Joonmyeon, why did you hide away? … And what if Luhan sees you two together? What if Eunhye’s met him? Oh dear. What a mess. Yixing thought as he swerved his car at the intersection as did a u-turn and headed back to the hospital.




                “I think it’ll be better if we entered through the back. The media’s still probably out at front, waiting for you to appear,” Eunhye said as she looked at Joonmyeon who was finding a spot to park the car.


                “You’re right. I’ll just have to wear this hoodie tighter. As you might’ve noticed, my hair’s different. I don’t want the investors to lose confidence in me if they see me this way,” Joonmyeon replied as he turned off the car engine.


                “Come on Eunhye, let’s go see my dad,” Joonmyeon held out his hand after opening her door and helping her out of the car. Eunhye took his hand and felt him intertwine her fingers with his. It felt weird to be holding hands with her boss but he’s already told her how he feels about her. She wanted to tell him she liked him as well, but first she had to know more about Suho.


                The two walked towards the hospital and rode the elevator towards the private suites. Joonmyeon knew that his father would be at that floor. When the elevator opened he saw that there were many guards roaming in the vicinity. Appa, I hope you’re alright. Joonmyeon held her hand tighter as they walked towards the room.


                Joonmyeon was about to knock on the door when the guards suddenly blocked his way and asked him who he was and what he was doing there. They wanted him to remove the hoodie and check if he had any weapons whatsoever.


                “Hey! Leave him alone! He’s Joonmyeon. Kim Joonmyeon,” Eunhye tried to tell the guards who were manhandling him and searching his body for anything suspicious.



                “It’s alright Eunhye,” Joonmyeon replied as he smiled at her to reassure her that he was fine.


                The head security had heard the commotion outside the room and decided to check it for himself. When he saw the guards searching Joonmyeon he immediately reprimanded them.


                “YOU! GET YOUR HANDS OFF THE YOUNG MASTER!” the old man screeched. “APOLOGIZE. NOW,” he instructed them.


                The guards immediately let go of Joonmyeon and apologized for mistreating their boss’ son.


                Joonmyeon smiled and told them it was alright. “I’m fine old man. Don’t be so hard on them. They were just doing their job,” he told the head security who was also the man who took care of Joonmyeon whenever his parents were too busy for him.


                “I’m very sorry young master. T-They just didn’t recognize you…” the man replied as he stared at Joonmyeon from head to toe. “…erm… with your hair dyed that way,” he explained. Then he approached Joonmyeon who had opened his arms as if expecting a hug when he suddenly hit him at the back head.


                “Hey! Oww! That hurt! Hey! Stop it!” Joonmyeon exclaimed as he shielded himself from the old man’s hits. Eunhye watched with fascination the scene that was unfolding in front of her. Never in her life had she imagined watching her boss being reprimanded.


                “You stupid kid! Where did you run off to? Don’t you know how worried your father was?” the man said as he hit Joonmyeon once more earning more whining and muttering from him.


                “You had us worried! Who gave you the right to just vanish for a month without leaving any traces? YOU PUNK! I’m so going to punish you!” the man shouted at him, but Joonmyeon knew he was just worried.


                “Don’t worry old man. I’ve been okay and I missed you too,” Joonmyeon smirked at him and winked at Eunhye to tell her he was alright. “Anyway, enough about me, besides your son had always known where I was,” Joonmyeon smiled at him.


                “Aisht! That punk! He even had the guts to lie to his father? I should’ve known he always knew where you were! Aisht! I’m punishing you and Kai later! This isn’t the end of this,” the man reprimanded him.


                 “I’ll accept whatever punishment you have in store for us,” Joonmyeon replied calmly. “But don’t be so hard on Kai, I basically bribed him and threatened him to keep him quiet,” he pleaded to the man. “Anyway, how is appa?” Joonmyeon suddenly grew serious.


                “He’s in a bad condition Joonie… The doctors said that we have to wait if he survives the night,” he replied gravely.


                “No! No! No! He can’t die yet. I need to see him,” Joonmyeon walked past the old man who shook his head in regret and followed Joonmyeon into the room.


                Eunhye stood rooted on the spot, unable to decide what to do next. What exactly was she doing here? What if Luhan saw

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Seohan0924 #1
Chapter 31: Love it but at first if you don't read the character you will get confused because in this story seohyun is called eunhye
SeoExoFanatic #2
Chapter 31: T____T I just cry for everyone.
Eunhye, please come save Joonmyun~
Please update soon, author-nim!
SeoExoFanatic #3
Chapter 29: T___T Nooooooooo!!!!
I cry~ T___T
Eunhye, don't leave Joonmyun~
Seomate_Saori #4
Chapter 31: Shouldn't this chapter be rated M-
I ruined my innocence again ;-;
Anyway, I'm glad that Luhan's not giving up.
I want Joonmyeon back, though-
Thanks for the update ;-;
Chapter 31: Good thing she finally confessed to luhan :)
But I still think she should've chosen joonmyeon, cause it seems like she loves him more. Though she have feelings for luhan too, I feel like their past/circumstances & her guilt+gratefuless to him are the only ones that made her stay. Which is unfair to luhan.. (but then, luhan knows & he doesn't care) *sigh*
Things are so complicated >.<
I just hope things will get better from now on (lol..who am I kidding)

Thanks for the update :)
eugenenni #6
Chapter 31: Kyaaaa~~~ Luhan and Eunhae...I'm in shock now. I hope Eunhae make up her mind!!!
And Suho came back... What will hanppen to her? Thanks for the update and have a good weekend^^
eugenenni #7
Chapter 30: OMG What will happend to Joonmyun Luhan and Eunhye will be alright?
Thanks for the update~~
Chapter 30: Please update soon~!
eugenenni #9
Chapter 29: Maybe Lay hate Seohyun... Thanks fot the update!!!
Happy birthday author-nim!!!
Chapter 29: Awww...

Please update soon~

And... Happy Birthday in advance!!!!