

(Time passes: Exam Day)

“Aigoo, so nervous…” Baekhyun fidgeted. He kept flipping the book Yoorim gave him when he saw a girl walking in. His jaw dropped. She sat beside him. “M-Mia?”

“What..?” She said taking her mirror out. “So uncomfortable without make up…”

“You ate something weird?” She shook her head.

“I’m trying something new. Wae? Do I look weird?”

“A-Ani. You look…pretty.” Baekhyun didn’t lie. She did extremely look beautiful without make up. He kept stealing glance at her and kept being shocked. When was she this pretty? He thought. But these thoughts were only friend to friend. He still had feeling for Yoorim.

“Dae, do well or Guk hyung will slap you if you fail.” Youngjae cheered as he and Daehyun walked in. Daehyun pushed him away with a irritate face. He walked to his desk. He flinched when he saw Mia. “Wah..” He sat down trying to be un-noticeable. “She’s kinda pretty…” He mumbled.

“I don’t look weird right…?” Mia asked Baekhyun. He shook his head. “Very pretty.” She raised her eyebrows. “Wae? You don’t believe me?” He tapped Daehyuns shoulder with his pencil. Daehyun turned around. “Isnt she pretty?” Baekhyun pointed at Mia. Daehyun widened his eyes by the sudden question. “Y-Yea. Pretty.” He smiled slightly before turning back.

“See? Even your crus-” Mia covered his mouth. “Yah!”

“He doesn’t know?” He whispered. She shrugged. “He does but likes someone else…”

“Ah…” Just then Yoorim walked in with earphone in her ears. She smiled when she saw Mia. She sat on her seat and turned to Mia. She did thumbs up. “Very pretty!” She whispered not wanting Daehyun to hear.

“You think?” Mia kept checking herself in the mirror.

“Yea! Yah, stop checking yourself. You look good!” Yoorim smiled.

“Hey, since when were you this close…?” Baekhyun asked in confusion.

“We’re sisters.” Mia said quite loudly. Daehyun slightly turned his head to listen to the conversation. Some students started to whisper. One of the queenka members walked to Mia.

“This nerd is you sister?” She said. “You didn’t tell us?”

“Why would I? I don’t even know you.”

Girl scoffed. “What do you mean by that? Why did you even ditch us?”

“Ah, I didn’t ‘ditch’ the gang. I ‘quit’ the gang. Tell Jaehi she can be the lead. And I would be grateful if you and others don’t talk to us. Goodbye.” Mia waved sarcastically. Girl went back and told the other people.

“We’re sisters.” She said again to Baekhyun.

“You quit the gang?” Baekhyun asked.

“Why can’t I? I didn’t even want to be the Queenkas lead.”

“Ah…but how are you sisters?” he asked. “You’rr Park and you’re Lee…”

“Her mum and my dad are getting married in sometime soon…” Yoorim said.

“Since when…?” Daehyun asked turing around.

“Anyeong, Daehyun-shi…” Mia bowed. Daehyun bowed back.

“Couple weeks ago…” Yoorim replied.

“Ah…” Just then teacter walked in holding big pile of exam sheets. “Good morning class. Only pencil, rubber, ruler and sharpener on the desk. Everything else inside your bag.” Students did what they were told. “Pass this back.” He put piles on front of each row. After the sheets were passed back, the exam had begun.

‘Oh, this question is similar from the book. Hehe.’ Baekhyun grinned. ‘Wait, what? What the hell is this question? Why does it look so hard? Meh, SKIP~”

‘Why is this so easy…?’ Daehyun turned the sheet.

‘Gosh, these questions are from last year test…’ Yoorim wrote down answers being annoyed.

‘Come on, I can do this. TOP 100!’ Mia widened her eyes as she saw a big word problem. ‘I’ll come back to that later…’ She moved on.

‘This is quite easy and fun.’ Sehun smirked. ‘Should’ve done it since before.’

‘What the hell is this…? Wheres the formula…? Yaish, I don’t get this. I’ll just do the working out. It will give me at least one or two mark, right…?’ Kai thought while tapping his pencil on the question sheet.

‘All these questions are making me hungry…’ Youngjae rubbed his tummy.

‘Kak-kung! I, Park Chanyeol, demand you to reveal the answers! Oh, where did my pencil go…?’ Chanyeol searched for his pencil which was behind his ear.


“Put your pencil down or ill chop off your hands.” Teacher said. He collected the sheets and went out after saying class dismiss.

“What kind of exam was that…?” Yoorim mumbled. “It’s the same from last year…”

“It was? But it was kinda easy…” Daehyun said. She nodded.

“I did well.” Mia said. “I think…I hope…”

“I left out some many…” Baekhyun dropped his head down on the desk. “Why did the question have to be so long…?”

“Hun-ah!” Kai ran in and to Sehun. “How was it?” Sehun shrugged.

“Fun, I guess…” “Fun? I didn’t even write the answers. Just did the working outs…”

“Guys, I didn’t finish the booklet. I left half of the booklet blank…” Chanyeol walked to them with a long face.

“Wae?” Kai asked.

“I lost my pencil.” Chanyeol said earning a slap on his head by Sehun. “Wae?!”

“It’s behind your ear, you idiot.” Chanyeol touched his ear. Pencil fell in the ground, he picked it up.

“ANDWE!!!” Chaneyol shout.

“Why do you care about exams anyway…?”

“I don’t but I left half of it blank which I’m positive I’m on the last 10. It gonna be embrassing…”

“Aigoo-ya, lets go eat…” 

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i was gonna update it today bt wat to do!!! i got stuck on fb nd k-news...miahn!!! wait a little bit more!!! purlzz!!!


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qistina16 #1
So happy...thnks 4 thz novel..hehe..keep writing authornim..fighting
Puff_Michelle #2
I loved the story! It kinda relates to my life...... Weird.
katcha #3
Chapter 14: Lol,DAEHYUN! " u wanna be my wife? Yah wanna die!" "Fine I'll be the wife u can be the husband" lololololol
Chapter 11: DAMN WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!! I don't want her to die but I dont want her with the Exo boys either.. #teamdae
Chapter 10: So good! Please update!
Chapter 5: WOW OMG OMG OMG SUCH AN AWESOME CHAPPIE!!!!!!!! N u double updated now im so confused who is going to go with who!!! Xo WAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: Yh why couldnt she just do that doe? Oh n u didnt have grammer mistakes !! (well only one bt its OKAY cuz u cant tell xD ),
Chapter 3: Oooooo "Nerd?!" oooooooo~ XD HAHA lol i wonder what will happen ooooo
......*fangirls to just death just because I see Daehyun*
Chapter 2: i hope daehyun will protect her! XS URGHH!!~ I started smiling like a crazy bastard n crninged when youngjae came along!! XD LOL!~ i feel so werid.....