Chapter 9

Sometimes, you just have to share the pain...

As soon as they were back stage, Doojoon stopped abruptly and turned to Junhyung.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" Doojoon shouted while pushing Junhyung.

Junhyung who was caught off guard, stumbled backwards but managed to regain his balance. Without even looking at Doojoon, he just walked away.

"Ya! Junhyung!!" Doojoon shouted. The other members did not blame Doojoon for being angry at Junhyung. In fact, they expected Doojoon to do more than just pushing.

"I'm going off first. Anything call me," Doojoon told the others. The rest of the members nodded as Doojoon rushed out.


Hyora was still shocked and confused at what had happen. She had no idea why out of the blue, Junhyung kissed her. She started to cry thinking what might happen next. Lucky for her though, Junsuk had already left for Japan. If he was there with them, Junhyung might have been beaten up to death.

As she lay on her bed, her mind keep thinking of reasons why Junhyung did what he did. Suddenly there was a knock on her bedroom door. She quickly sat up, feeling nervous as she was not expecting anyone to come.

"Oppa! What are you doing here?!" Hyora said in a surprised tone. "Shouldn't you be with the others?"

"And leave you here alone? I don't think so," Doojoon said while walking towards Hyora.

"I'm ok..." Hyora said, looking down at her hands.

"You don't seem ok," Doojoon said as he sat infront of Hyora on her bed. Hyora looked up at Doojoon who seemed distraught. She sighed and looked back down at her hands.

"I just don't understand..." she trailed off. She turned her attention back to Doojoon. "Do you have any idea why he did that?"

Doojoon looked away from Hyora. It hurt him to see her in that state. As much as he want to tell Hyora everything, he still respect the promise he had made to the others.

"I do. When I think the time is right, I'll tell you ok?" Doojoon said, hoping Hyora might understand.

Hyora wanted to argue back when her bedroom door suddenly burst opened. It was a guy whom she recognised as Mr Hong, the CEO of Cube Entertainment.

"Mr Hong!" Doojoon exclaimed in shock.

"Call Junhyung over," Mr Hong said, looking straight at Hyora. He then turned to Doojoon who was still not moving. "Now."

Doojoon hesitated for a while. But he soon went out of the room and called Junhyung. Hyora started to feel nervous and scared as Mr Hong kept staring at her. She did not even dare to look at his direction.

"He'll be right over." Doojoon suddenly appeared by the door. He turned to the pale Hyora. "Hyora..." he called out.

When Hyora turned to him, he gestured her to come over to him. Hyora then get down from her bed and walked slowly towards Doojoon, knowing that Mr Hong had his eyes still fixed on her.

Doojoon took Hyora's hand and brought her to the living room. He knew that his boss was furious and knew then, that the pictures was out. Mr Hong soon joined them in the living room.

"You're Junsuk's sister, right?" Mr Hong asked Hyora as he sat down.

Hyora nodded.

"Are you dumb! Speak up!!" Mr Hong shouted while glaring at Hyora.

Hyora's body shook in shock. "Y-y-yes. I'm Junsuk's sister," Hyora finally said. She felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"Mr Hong! It's not her fault ok?" Doojoon protested.

"Shut your bloody mouth. This is none of your business," Mr Hong said coldly.

Doojoon was at a loss of words. He turned to Hyora, who was trembling a little. He felt helpless and useless not being able to do anything for the woman he love.


After a few minutes have passed, Junhyung came looking a little nervous. He looked around at the three people sitting on the couch. He took a glance at Hyora and was not surprised when he saw that she was glaring at him. Ignoring Hyora, he then sat beside her.

"Get out of here," Mr Hong said to Doojoon.

Doojoon was taken aback. He wanted to stay but seeing his boss' stare, he did as told and went to Beast's dorm.

"You're not going to tell me why you kissed her, aren't you?" Mr Hong asked, looking straight into Junhyung's eyes. Just like Mr Hong, Hyora turned to Junhyung, hoping for an answer. But instead, Junhyung just kept quiet.

"Are you two dating?" Mr Hong asked uninterestedly.

"No!" both Hyora and Junhyung said at once.

"You are, now," Mr Hong simply said. Hyora and Junhyung froze.

"Mr Hong!" Junhyung shouted.

"From now on, you guys are a couple. Do you understand?" Mr Hong said sternly.

"Mr Hong!" Junhyung shouted once again.

"Shut up! Isn't this what you want?" Mr Hong said mockingly. Junhyung did not know what to say. He knew what his boss was trying to do.

"Mr Hong..." Hyora said pleadingly.

Mr Hong shifted his gaze to Hyora. "You have no say in this, Hyora." He looked at her with no emotion. "What do you think the media will say when they found out that the daughter of Kim Hyejin, the richest businesswoman in Korea, kissed a guy who is not her boyfriend. Huh? What do you think?" Mr Hong said, threatening.

Somehow, Mr Hong knew Hyora's weakness. Hyora's eyes widened upon hearing her mother's name. She started to feel nervous and trembled a little. The last thing she wanted was to get her mother into trouble and made her worry. Her mind started to think of all the negative things that could happen. Mr Hong smirked seeing Hyora's scared look.

Junhyung was looking at Hyora with gritted teeth. He felt guilty for dragging her into his problems. But he felt angrier at Mr Hong for making it worse.

"Mr Hong, stop it, ok? This is unnecessary," Junhyung said in a firm voice.

"What do you mean Junhyung? Isn't this what you wanted?"

"I said stop it! This is not what I freaking want ok!"

"Then what the hell do you want?! Why did you kissed her in the first place!" Mr Hong shouted, making the whole house shook.

Junhyung and Mr Hong was staring at each other, both fuming in rage.

"You listen here. Both of you. If it ever come to anybody's knowledge that you guys are in a fake relationship, I won't hesitate to fire Junsuk. Do you get it?" Mr Hong said. He then walked away.

Hearing Junsuk's name, Hyora started to tremble once again. Junhyung on the other hand, was frustrated. He kept pacing back and forth while ruffling his hair. He only stop when he heard Hyora sobbing. He turned to Hyora and true enough, she was crying. Suddenly he did not know what to do.

"Hyora..." Junhyung called gently.

"Wh-why did you do that Junhyung? Why d-do you have to g-give me problems? Why Junhyung? Why?" Hyora said in between sobs. She covered her face with both her hands and started to cry uncontrollably.

Seeing Hyora in that state made him regret what he did. He wanted to apologise and console her but instead, he found himself glued to the floor. He just looked at Hyora as she cry herself to sleep. He then carried her to her room. 

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Mayenne #1
Chapter 24: So sad. Was crying while reading the last 2 chapters. Though the story made me sad and cry, I loved it. Thanks, author-nim.
Chapter 24: Me crying :(
kimakemi #3
ommo...i dont want this to end sadly!...
Will you guys kill me if i say that this IS gonna be a sad ending? Will you guys leave me? *pouting mouth*
i-ronny-lover14 #5
new reader here:i loved ur story so much,i coudn't stop reeading so i just read the whole thing today lol<br />
comment: you better not let Hyora die ot else i'll hunt u in ur sleep...jk but u rly shoudn't let her die!!<br />
lots of love and update soon d(^w^)d
Oh no!<br />
Please tell me she's gonna live!
kimakemi #7
update soon!
Oh My God~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hyora don't die!~!!!!!!!!!! JEBAL!!<br />
<br />
<br />
Update soon!!~~ <3333333333
aww you guys are too sweet..hehe i'm glad that you enjoyed the story!!Thank you!!^^
Ah!!!<br />
The Junhyungie in your story is messing with my bias list!!!<br />
HAHAHA.<br />
Update soon :D