Chapter 20

Sometimes, you just have to share the pain...

It has already been 3 hours since Hyora was brought to the hospital. Everyone was waiting outside the operating theatre. Junhyung could not sit still. He kept fidgeting in his seat. Junsuk on the other hand, was pacing up and down the corridor. Not one person was feeling a tad bit relaxed at that point of time. The atmosphere was tense.

"Doctor, how is my sister?" Junsuk asked the doctor who just came out of the operating theatre.

The doctor looked at the others who started to surround him. He sighed and hesitated for a while. "There's some fractures to Hyora's arm and leg. But the problem is her head. She had a very bad head injury. And...there's a blood clot in her brain. We could do surgery and remove it, but the chances of her surviving from the surgery is less than 50%. So, we need a decision from you."

"Don't do the surgery!" Junhyung said without hesitation.

"Junhyung! Can we at least think about this first? Don't make decision hastily," Junsuk said, feeling irritated by Junhyung's rashness.

"Hyung, it's less than 50% chance! What is there to think?!" Junhyung shouted. He turned to the doctor. "Don't do it. Please! Don't do it..."

"Mr Kim?" The doctor looked at Junsuk, asking for a decision.

"If we omit the surgery...what will happen to her then?" Junsuk asked.

"We are not really sure about that either. But the probability of her living is definitely higher," the doctor explained.


Junsuk turned to the person calling him. "Mum!" he called in return.

"How's Hyora? What happened to her?" Hyejin asked worriedly.

"Mum, the doctor is asking for a decision. There's a blood clot in Hyora's brain. And if they perform surgery, there's only less than 50% chance that she will survive. W-what should we do?" Junsuk asked for his mother's opinion.

"No." Hyejin turned to the doctor. "You're not gonna do any surgery."

"Are you sure? What if-"

"Junsuk! It's not even 50%! I'm not gonna take the risk ok?! I just met her after 5 years...I'm not gonna lose her again. Do you understand?" Hyejin sternly said. Junsuk had no choice but to nod.

"So, no surgery will be done?" the doctor asked for confirmation.


'4minute's Hyuna has been arrested yesterday for attempted murder. The victim is Kim Hyora, ex-girlfriend of Beast's Junhyung. It was said that jealousy was the cause of Hyuna's planned attempt. From the CCTV at the crime scene-'

Doojoon turned off the television.

"So...what's gonna happen to her now? What about 4minute?" Hyunseung asked, facing the others.

"She deserve it," Junhyung coldly said. He turned away from the television and gave his attention back to the fragile-looking Hyora infront of him.

"Baby...Please wake up...Don't you miss me?" Junhyung sighed and took Hyora's hand and gently caressed it. Hyora had already been transferred to a room. It has been 2 days but she was still unconscious. Junhyung have been at her side since then, not budging from his seat at all.

"Junhyung, you should go home. Get some rest," Doojoon said, looking worriedly at Junhyung.

Junhyung shook his head. "I want to be the first person Hyora see when she wakes up."

"Junhyung-ah..." Doojoon sighed and shook his head, admitting defeat.

Junhyung took Hyora's hand into his once again and planted a kiss at the back of her hand. He then rested his head on it. "Hyora...I'm sorry for everything. This is all my fault. I'm sorry that you had to suffer because of me. If I knew this would happen, I-I wouldn't...I shouldn't have kissed you in the first place. I shouldn't have dragged you into my problems. I wish I can turn back time. How I wish I had meet you earlier. How I wish all this didn't have to happen. Baby...If you can hear me right now, please...please wake up..."

The other Beast members looked at Junhyung pitifully. They did not know what to do. Junhyung have been blaming himself a lot lately. They knew how he felt and knew that nothing they say can lessen his guilt.


Junhyung quickly looked up. "Hyora?" He held Hyora's hand tighter. "'re awake?"

Slowly, Hyora opened her eyes. It took her a while to adjust her vision. She smiled weakly upon seeing Junhyung.

"Oppa..." Hyora called again.

"I'm here. Are you ok? Do you feel any pain? Do you need anything?" Junhyung asked continuously.

Hyora smiled seeing Junhyung's concern. "I'm ok oppa..."

They looked at each other without saying anything. It was as if just by looking at each other, all their pain, both physically and emotionally, would be gone.

"I'm sorry," Junhyung finally said.

Hyora frowned. "For what?"

"For everything..." Junhyung said, looking away.

"For loving me?"

"No," Junhyung quickly said. "God, no. That's not what I meant."

"Then stop saying that you're sorry. It's as if you regret loving me." Hyora looked at Junhyung, feeling a little hurt.

"Sorry...I mean-" Junhyung pouted. Hyora smiled at him.

"We're glad you're ok," Doojoon said.

Hyora turned to him and smiled. "Sorry for making you guys worried."

"It's not your fault, Hyora," Yoseob joined in. He stood up from where he was seated and smiled at Hyora.

"Everything is gonna be ok now," Junhyung said, smiling at Hyora reassuringly.

Hyora turned to Junhyung. She took a deep breath, telling herself that everything is back to normal. Junhyung caressed her cheek gently while looking at her. And they remained being like that for a while until Hyora's vision became blurry. She blinked her eyes a couple of times and everything became clear again.


It took Hyora ages to persuade Junhyung to go home. That was also with the help of Beast. They literally dragged him out of the hospital. Hyora was glad that nothing serious happened to her. Or so that was what she thought.

There was a knock on the door and a man in white coat came in.

"Hi Hyora. I'm Dr Lee. I'm the doctor in-charge of you. How are you feeling?" Dr Lee said as he stood by Hyora's bed.

"I'm good," Hyora answered, smiling at the doctor.

"Are you sure? You don't feel pain or experience anything weird? You don't feel anything different?" Dr Lee asked one after another.

Hyora raised an eyebrow. "Erm...No...Why? Should I be feeling all that?" Hyora asked as she starts to get worried.

Dr Lee let out a soft sigh. He put the file he was holding on the drawer and sat on the chair beside Hyora. "First of all, do you know what happened to you?"

"Err...I was hit by a car?" Hyora answered, unsure if that was what the doctor meant.

"Yeah. And it causes a blood clot in your brain. It's still there actually." Dr Lee then stared at Hyora's bandaged head as if he could look through it.

Hyora looked at him weirdly. "Ok...So?"

"So...Because we didn't remove the blood clot from your brain, as requested by your family, we are afraid that there might be consequences to that."

"Why didn't my family want to remove the blood clot?" Hyora asked, frowning.

"Well, that's because the chances of survival was around 30%. So...I guess your family didn't want to take the risk. I wouldn't recommend it either."

Hyora remained quiet for a while, trying to process what the doctor just said. She then turned to look at him.

"So...What are the consequences?"

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Mayenne #1
Chapter 24: So sad. Was crying while reading the last 2 chapters. Though the story made me sad and cry, I loved it. Thanks, author-nim.
Chapter 24: Me crying :(
kimakemi #3
ommo...i dont want this to end sadly!...
Will you guys kill me if i say that this IS gonna be a sad ending? Will you guys leave me? *pouting mouth*
i-ronny-lover14 #5
new reader here:i loved ur story so much,i coudn't stop reeading so i just read the whole thing today lol<br />
comment: you better not let Hyora die ot else i'll hunt u in ur sleep...jk but u rly shoudn't let her die!!<br />
lots of love and update soon d(^w^)d
Oh no!<br />
Please tell me she's gonna live!
kimakemi #7
update soon!
Oh My God~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hyora don't die!~!!!!!!!!!! JEBAL!!<br />
<br />
<br />
Update soon!!~~ <3333333333
aww you guys are too sweet..hehe i'm glad that you enjoyed the story!!Thank you!!^^
Ah!!!<br />
The Junhyungie in your story is messing with my bias list!!!<br />
HAHAHA.<br />
Update soon :D