Ego Killer


Ego : noun

1. egotism; conceit; self-importance

2. self-esteem or self-image; feelings


A man with ego. He has everything. Does he think he can have you as well?


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Chapter 5: Can't wait for an update
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 5: gosh~ this state i wonder who's right who's wrong~ she have her own way of love and he has his own way of love.. not everyone know how to really express themselves in love.. but who shall we say right? love your story~ nice update~ hope for your update soon~ ^^
Chapter 5: You're back! I missed this story. UNF! It's getting good!
dubdub #4
Chapter 5: I dont want to sound y or demanding but i was expecting more for this chapter but yeah thanks for updating...i still love the story dont get me wrong :)
This is really good. I love it.
PandaBear #6
Chapter 4: Waaaa I'm gonna cry!!!
Chapter 4: Love this story:D
dubdub #8
Chapter 3: Ummm more please :)) i bet there more to that in the story than her being tired of him... interesting plot btw :D
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 2: Why things seems getting worse? Is there really no turning back? I mean really there's no more love to him? How can she treat him so cold and feelingless?
ChoLilith #10
Chapter 2: I feel so sad. :'(