Chapter 24- Final

Sometimes, you just have to share the pain...

A few weeks have passed but the atmosphere in Beast's dorm was still gloomy. Junhyung have been keeping to himself since that day, locking himself in his room. The others knew he needed time alone but it has been going on for far too long.

"Junhyung-ah, you have to stop being like this," Doojoon finaly said. "Do you think Hyora will be happy seeing you in this state? She's probably hurting right now."

"Hyung, we know you love her. We love her too. But you have to move on. Even Junsuk, her own brother, have moved on," Dongwoon added.

"Try thinking from her point of view, Junhyung." Doojoon placed his hand on Junhyung's shoulder and gripped it for a while. He then nudged Dongwoon and they both left the room.

Junhyung continued lying on his bed. s' words lingering in his head. Finally, after much thought, he brought himself up and walked towards the desk at the corner of the room. He sat on the office chair reluctantly. He closed his eyes for a while and suddenly all the memories came pouring in.

"Oppa!" Hyora shouted as soon as she opened the door.

Junhyung was startled and jumped in his seat. "Baby..." he whined, holding his chest. He turned to look at Hyora who was chuckling as she made her way towards him. She then sat on his lap, still smiling cheekily.

"Sorry..." Hyora glanced at the table where pieces of paper was scattered all over. "Writing for the new song?" she asked, looking back at Junhyung.

Junhyung nodded, closing his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Hyora's waist. Hyora smiled and hugged him as well.

"Oppa, I know that your work is important, but please don't work too hard. Your health is more important than anything else in this world, you know," Hyora said.

"Hmm..." Junhyung shook his head. "You're the most important thing in my life," he corrected. He then looked up at Hyora who was looking down at him. He gave Hyora a peck on her lips. "I love you."

Junhyung opened his eyes, tears already welling up. He took a deep breath and opened one of the drawers. The unopened envelope that contained Hyora's letter was still lying there. He then took out the envelope and tore it open.

To my dearest Junhyung,

Oppa...I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier about my condition. I just didn't want you to worry and be sad when I'm around. I had rather see your happy face.

Oppa...I have never regretted the times I'm with you. Even though you always hurt me, I still love you. Hehe. But the only thing that I regretted is the little time I had in feeling your love for me. But even though I'm no longer by your side, you will still love me right? You have to! Or i'm gonna haunt you! Haha. But that being said, I won't prevent you from loving somebody else. You deserve to love and to be loved. I know that whatever happens, I will always be in your heart and you'll always be in mine. I know that it won't be easy for you to move on, but I really hope that you will.

I love you, oppa. I'll love you forever.


Hyora <3

With shaking hands, Junhyung folded the letter. Tears was already pouring down. He glanced at the photo frame on the desk. A photo of him and Hyora when she came back from the hospital. He traced his finger along Hyora's face in the picture.

"Hyora-ya...Baby..." Junhyung started to cry. "I-I will never be able to love anyone else as much as I love you. Why...why did you have to leave me?" Soon, Junhyung's cries was overwhelmed by the sound of the rain.


Beast had their comeback in Music Bank. They were standing at the front of the stage, waiting for the result of the week's winner. They stood nervously.

"And the winner for this week's Music Bank K-Chart is On Rainy Days by Beast!!" the MC announced.

Beast was shocked. Gikwang received the trophy while the MC passed the microphone to Doojoon. But instead, Doojoon passed it to Junhyung.

Junhyung was taken aback. But he soon took the microphone. "Erm...Thank you so much. First of all, we would want to thank the owner of On Rainy Days, Kim Hyora, for creating this wonderful song for us. We love you, Hyora-ya. I love you. We love you forever..."






Ok people so that is the end of the story!! Sorry if I disappoint you guys in any way. :( I tried my best. I promise I will write a better story next time. In fact, I'm writing a new story right now. Hehe.


Ok so if you guys notice or understand, the song that Hyora sang in Chapter 22 is actually the lyrics to On Rainy Days. But obviously I changed it here and there. Hehe. Ok so until we meet again..


Ciao!! :D

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Mayenne #1
Chapter 24: So sad. Was crying while reading the last 2 chapters. Though the story made me sad and cry, I loved it. Thanks, author-nim.
Chapter 24: Me crying :(
kimakemi #3
ommo...i dont want this to end sadly!...
Will you guys kill me if i say that this IS gonna be a sad ending? Will you guys leave me? *pouting mouth*
i-ronny-lover14 #5
new reader here:i loved ur story so much,i coudn't stop reeading so i just read the whole thing today lol<br />
comment: you better not let Hyora die ot else i'll hunt u in ur sleep...jk but u rly shoudn't let her die!!<br />
lots of love and update soon d(^w^)d
Oh no!<br />
Please tell me she's gonna live!
kimakemi #7
update soon!
Oh My God~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hyora don't die!~!!!!!!!!!! JEBAL!!<br />
<br />
<br />
Update soon!!~~ <3333333333
aww you guys are too sweet..hehe i'm glad that you enjoyed the story!!Thank you!!^^
Ah!!!<br />
The Junhyungie in your story is messing with my bias list!!!<br />
HAHAHA.<br />
Update soon :D