Chapter 5

Sometimes, you just have to share the pain...

A week has passed and Junhyung have yet to say a single thing to Hyora. For the past few weeks, he had been talking to her. Ok, well, they were not really talking. They were more like arguing. They were like the male-female version of Yoseob and Dongwoon. Actually, Junhyung will purposely make Hyora angry. But after the incident in the dressing room, he had been trying to stay away from Hyora as far as possible.

Hyora felt the difference in Junhyung. He was back to his cold self again. He no longer annoy her like how he used to for the past weeks. Surprisingly, Hyora missed his irritating teasing. Even though it made her angry, at least he was talking to her. Now, everytime they bumped into each other, or when they are face-to-face, he will ignore her as if she is not there. She had no idea what made him change. But she was not letting it pass.

So one day, when Beast was having pre-recording performance at KBS, she decided that she needed to do something. And when she saw Junhyung walking the opposite direction towards her at a corridor, she smiled.She pretended to read the papers that she was holding while walking towards Junhyung. He was looking down at his handphone and did not realised Hyora was there. As they got nearer, Hyora moved a bit more to her left. And just as planned, she bumped onto Junhyung. She turned to him and pretended to be shocked.

"Ouh sorry. I didn't saw you," Hyora said. Instead of a reply, Junhyung glared at her and started to walk away.

Hyora was surprised by his reaction and quickly said, "Why aren't you scolding me?"

Junhyung who wanted to literally run, stopped at Hyora's question. He paused for a while before turning to Hyora. With a straight face, he said, "I don't want to waste my breath on someone like you."

Instead of feeling angry or irritated, Hyora felt delighted. Her lips soon crept into a smile. Junhyung frowned at Hyora's unexpected response.

"Why are you smiling?" he asked coldly.

"You finally talked to me." Hyora smiled, ignoring his tone of voice.

Junhyung was taken aback. He suddenly felt uncomfortable. As if he was caught red-handed. He then quickly defended himself. "So? It's not like I was avoiding you or something!"

Hyora pouted her lips and tilted her head to one side. "I didn't say you were avoiding me...Were you?!" she asked, widening her eyes.

Once again Junhyung was taken aback. Thinking that if he said anything else, it might backfire to him, he remained quiet. Hyora was smiling at him.

"Ya! Stop smiling! You looked like a clown, you know that?" Junhyung shouted.

Hyora rolled her eyes at him. She looked away and saw a familiar face coming towards her. It was Jiyong. He did not saw her as he was talking to another guy. Junhyung followed her gaze.

"Jiyong?" Hyora called out when he was walking past her.

"Oh Hyora-ya." Jiyong was surprised to see her. Especially when he was with Big Bang.

"Hi!" Hyora said while smiling. Jiyong did not seemed happy to see her which made her smile disappear, bit by bit.

"I have to go. Sorry." And with that, Jiyong walked away, leaving Hyora confused and speechless.

"You know him?" Junhyung asked. Hyora was still looking at Jiyong but nodded at his question.

With pouted lips, Hyora turned to Junhyung. "I met him last week," she said.

"Do you know who he really is? Because I thought you don't know anything about Kpop."

"Yeah, I don't. He said he's Big Bang's manager," Hyora innocently said.

"Big Bang's what?!" Junhyung almost shouted. He then let out a snigger. "Ya! You're seriously stupid, you know that?"

"What...?" Hyora whined. With a smirk on his face, Junhyung bent down slightly and looked at Hyora.

"When you have the time, research on Big Bang, ok?" Junhyung said. Then, he turned around and walked away, shaking his head in disbelief. He could not believe Hyora actually believed that Jiyong was Big Bang's manager. Jiyong is way too stylish for a manager. And too young too.

Hyora felt uneasy. As if something was wrong. She took out her handphone and started to type Jiyong's name on the search engine. Her eyes widened seeing what one of the link states.

Kwon Jiyong also known as G-Dragon is the leader of the South Korean boy group Big Bang.

She blinked a few times, trying to understand what it all means. She then quickly walked towards Beast's dressing room. As soon as she was in the room, she went towards Junhyung and stood beside him.

"Jiyong is Big Bang's leader? Not manager?" Hyora asked, confused. Without looking at Hyora, Junhyung just smirked.

"You know Jiyong?" Doojoon who was at the couch asked.

Hyora nodded. "Is he Big Bang's leader?" she asked Doojoon this time.

"Yeah, he is. Why?" Doojoon frowned at Hyora's sudden interest in Jiyong.

Suddenly a few people in the room let out a gasp. Hyora turned to where they were looking at.

"Hyora, can I talk to you for a while?" Jiyong who was at the door asked, looking straight at Hyora.

Hyora looked at him for a while before turning away, not knowing what to do.

"Please?" Jiyong pleaded, when he saw that Hyora was not moving from her spot. She turned to him again. And finally walked away towards him. The rest of the people just stared at them blankly.


Hyora was walking aimlessly with Jiyong following her from behind. Seeing that she was not going to stop, Jiyong swiftly grabbed her wrist, which made her stopped. Hyora then turned and faced Jiyong.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Hyora asked coldly.

"I already knew about it?" Jiyong asked hesitantly.

Hyora was glaring at him. "One thing you should know about me, I hate liars."

Jiyong bowed his head slightly. "I'm sorry." He looked back at her. "It's just that everyone here knows me. And girls tend to flirt with me or act cute around me. I hate it. But when I was with you, and you didn't know who I was, it felt good. It felt good to talk to someone who talks to me for me and not because I'm G-Dragon. And I want it to stay that way."

Hyora softened hearing what he said. "So, am I flirting and acting cute around you, now that I know who you are?"

Jiyong looked at her and slowly started to smile. "No, you're not. And I'm happy for that."

Hyora rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Thank you," Jiyong said, still looking at Hyora.

Hyora slowly looked up at him. "Just don't lie anymore, ok?" Jiyong nodded and bit his lower lip while smiling, his signature smile.

Hyora then went back to Beast's dressing room. Everyone started to ask her what Jiyong said and so on but she just shrugged it off. Now she know how Jiyong might have felt when people keep bugging him, trying to get close to him for the wrong reasons. 

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Mayenne #1
Chapter 24: So sad. Was crying while reading the last 2 chapters. Though the story made me sad and cry, I loved it. Thanks, author-nim.
Chapter 24: Me crying :(
kimakemi #3
ommo...i dont want this to end sadly!...
Will you guys kill me if i say that this IS gonna be a sad ending? Will you guys leave me? *pouting mouth*
i-ronny-lover14 #5
new reader here:i loved ur story so much,i coudn't stop reeading so i just read the whole thing today lol<br />
comment: you better not let Hyora die ot else i'll hunt u in ur sleep...jk but u rly shoudn't let her die!!<br />
lots of love and update soon d(^w^)d
Oh no!<br />
Please tell me she's gonna live!
kimakemi #7
update soon!
Oh My God~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hyora don't die!~!!!!!!!!!! JEBAL!!<br />
<br />
<br />
Update soon!!~~ <3333333333
aww you guys are too sweet..hehe i'm glad that you enjoyed the story!!Thank you!!^^
Ah!!!<br />
The Junhyungie in your story is messing with my bias list!!!<br />
HAHAHA.<br />
Update soon :D