Chapter 14

Sometimes, you just have to share the pain...

Junsuk was shocked when he saw Hyora's swollen face. Knowing Junsuk, Hyora quickly said that she fell down. Surprisingly, Junsuk believed her without a single doubt. If Junsuk were to know the truth, Hyora can just imagine what could have happened to Junhyung. She made the other members promise not to tell anyone about what really happened.

The days after passed by rather slowly. Junhyung still felt guilty and have yet to apologise to Hyora. He did not even know where to begin. Hyora on the other hand, was acting as if nothing happened, which confuses Junhyung. He thought Hyora might be angry at him of some sort. But instead, she became even more loving. He realised she called him honey even more now and will act all lovey-dovey when they are in public. Sometimes, it felt so real that he thought it was not an act at all.


It was soon the day of the recording of Inkigayo. Beast was having their rehearsal while Hyora get their costumes ready. She was at the parking lot of the SBS building. She took the 6 costumes from the van and also her make-up box. As she closed the door, a van suddenly pulled into a halt infront of her making a screeching sound. She jumped in shock. The door opened and out came Hyuna, looking pissed.

Seeing Hyuna, Hyora quickly looked away. Hyuna came nearer to her and suddenly slapped her on the cheek. The impact made Hyora fell to the ground, with all her make-up stuff scattered on the floor.

"You!" Hyuna shouted, pointing a finger at Hyora who was still on the floor. "Don't you ever think you can take Junhyung away from me. He's mine! You think you can fool me? You think I have no idea that your relationship is just an act?" Hyuna smirked. "He loves me. Why the hell would he go to some ordinary girl like you?!"

"Hyuna!" Hyora heard Doojoon shouted. Doojoon was running to where the girls were. "What the hell did you do to Hyora?" he said, glaring at Hyuna while helping Hyora up.

"How many guys do you want, Hyora?"

"Hyuna stop it," Doojoon said with gritted teeth.

Hyuna turned to Doojoon and rolled her eyes at him. She then turned her attention back to Hyora. "For your information Hyora, I love Junhyung too. So, if you are clever enough, you should know by now that you're just a third party, ruining our chance to be together. I believe, now you know what you should do."

Hyuna then walked away with a smirk on her face.

Doojoon felt his face turning red in anger. He turned to Hyora and was shocked to see that she was trembling.

"Hyora!" Doojoon pulled Hyora to face him. "Hey, listen to me. Hyora look at me! Don't listen to a single she said ok?!" Doojoon said, raising his voice. He pulled Hyora's chin up and saw tears threatening to flow out of her eyes.

"Hyora?" a familiar voice called out. Both Doojoon and Hyora turned to the person. Seeing Jiyong, Hyora quickly turned away.

"W-what did she mean your relationship is an act?" Jiyong asked hesitantly. Hyora's heart skipped a beat hearing Jiyong's question. She suddenly became nervous.

"I-I have to go," Hyora said and quickly picked up Beast's costumes before half-running towards the lift lobby.

"Hyora!" Jiyong shouted after her.

"Jiyong, this is not the time," Doojoon said, stopping Jiyong from running after Hyora.

Jiyong turned to Doojoon with a confused expression. "Is their relationship...fake?"

Doojoon turned to Jiyong and stared at him for a while before saying, "I said this is not the time." He then picked up Hyora's make-up stuff and walked towards the lift lobby.


Hyora slowly walked out of the lift. Her mind was in a mess. She find it hard to believe what Hyuna said. But at the same time, she was starting to believe it. All sorts of things filled her head which made her nervous and scared. Soon, she found herself infront of Beast's room.

"What took you so long?" the senior stylist asked as soon as Hyora opened the door. She took the costumes from Hyora. "Where's Doojoon? He went to look for you just now. You didn't see him?"

The stylist looked up at Hyora when she did not get an answer. "Ya! Hyora! Are you even listening to me?"

"Huh? Erm..." Hyora did not know what to say.

"Hyora, why is your cheek so red?" Yoseob asked when he saw that Hyora's cheek was red on one side.

"Err...n-nothing," Hyora quickly said while touching her cheek that became Hyuna's victim.

"Hyora..." Junhyung called out while walking towards Hyora. "Baby, what's wrong?" he asked while caressing Hyora's cheek.

Hyora looked up at Junhyung. She looked at him with what Junhyung thought were sad eyes. Junhyung frowned at Hyora. But his frown soon disappeared and his eyes widened when Hyora suddenly hugged him, her arms around his waist. It took him by surprise and he just stood there doing nothing for a while. But soon, he realised that one of his hands was at the back of Hyora's head while the other was on her back, pulling her close to him.

'I know I have to let go. I know he's not mine. He was never mine to begin with. I know he loves Hyuna, not me. And now that I know Hyuna loves him too, I have more reason to stay away from him. But why is it so hard for me to let go of him? Why do I want to continue hugging him like this? Junhyung-ah...I've fallen deep and it's hard for me to get up.' Hyora said in her heart.

"Hyora..." Jiyong who was at the door with Doojoon called out.

Hyora pulled away from Junhyung and turned to Jiyong. Knowing what he was going to say, Hyora quickly pulled Jiyong by the arm. "Let's talk somewhere else."


Hyora brought Jiyong to the rooftop of the SBS building where no one goes to.

"Hyora." Jiyong started. "Was what Hyuna said, true?"

Hyora knew that she could not hide the truth from Jiyong any longer. She took a deep breath and nodded at his question. She then told him everything. The truth. But of course, she left out the part regarding her feelings for Junhyung.

"God Hyora! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Jiyong said while ruffling his hair in frustration.

"I-I was scared," Hyora stuttered. "I didn't want my family to be in trouble because of me. I was afraid that if I tell you, and Mr Hong knew about it, he will..." She sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Hyora, I'm the one who should apologise to you. I've said mean things to you. I'm sorry," Jiyong said with full regret. "God, you must have suffered a lot. And alone..."

He then pulled Hyora into a hug which Hyora willingly accept. "I miss you," Hyora said, resting her head on Jiyong's chest.

"I miss you even more." Jiyong tightened his hug. "I'm sorry."

Hyora shook her head. "It's ok," she said.

Jiyong pushed Hyora a bit and looked at the face that he dearly missed. He then kissed both of Hyora's cheek and her forehead. "Is there something else bothering you?" he asked while looking at the obviously troubled-looking Hyora.

"Hmm? No...Nothing. I'm ok. Now that I've got my bestfriend back, I'm ok." Hyora smiled widely at Jiyong. But her heart was feeling otherwise.

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Mayenne #1
Chapter 24: So sad. Was crying while reading the last 2 chapters. Though the story made me sad and cry, I loved it. Thanks, author-nim.
Chapter 24: Me crying :(
kimakemi #3
ommo...i dont want this to end sadly!...
Will you guys kill me if i say that this IS gonna be a sad ending? Will you guys leave me? *pouting mouth*
i-ronny-lover14 #5
new reader here:i loved ur story so much,i coudn't stop reeading so i just read the whole thing today lol<br />
comment: you better not let Hyora die ot else i'll hunt u in ur sleep...jk but u rly shoudn't let her die!!<br />
lots of love and update soon d(^w^)d
Oh no!<br />
Please tell me she's gonna live!
kimakemi #7
update soon!
Oh My God~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hyora don't die!~!!!!!!!!!! JEBAL!!<br />
<br />
<br />
Update soon!!~~ <3333333333
aww you guys are too sweet..hehe i'm glad that you enjoyed the story!!Thank you!!^^
Ah!!!<br />
The Junhyungie in your story is messing with my bias list!!!<br />
HAHAHA.<br />
Update soon :D