
Kiss Me

Sunday morning was spent touring around the city, buying souvenirs and trying out local delicacies with Siwon and Seunghyun narrating the city’s history rather enthusiastically like professional tour guides. Sunny had dubbed them the ‘twin tower’ and Yuri added, dubbing the Chois as ‘Choi towers’. It was also the day Taeyeon learned about Jessica being allergic to cucumber as the girl screamed at the top of her lungs to take the ‘ugly green thing’ away from her. Of course there was no such thing as ‘allergic to cucumber’ and Taeyeon claimed it was just all psychological. But Jessica hated the poor vegetable with a passion so Taeyeon ended up eating a lot more cucumber than she ever did in her whole life that day.

After lunch, the group bid the Chois goodbye as they needed to get back to Seoul for their classes for the coming week. It was bittersweet watching Krystal hug Jinri tight, promising to keep in touch, and giving Minho a peck on the cheeks which probably caused the poor boy a nosebleed.

Taeyeon walked to the car first, followed by Jessica who had pinned her to the car door, assaulting her lips and neck, just for the fun of it. Krystal stared at them with wide eyes before screaming bloody murderer at her sister’s ‘indecent public display of affection’. Jessica had rolled her eyes at her sister while Taeyeon awkwardly scratched her thighs, not being able to meet Krystal piercing gaze.

“Is she really younger than you? I can just imagine how your mom would burn up the whole place when she walks in on us like that. Or maybe like last night.” Taeyeon whispered teasingly making Jessica blush at the memory of the night. The shorter girl had grown rather cheeky overtime and Jessica had to face-palm herself for corrupting Taeyeon’s “used to be” innocent mind.

Jessica pretended not to hear anything and pretended to busy herself with the seatbelt.

“Anyway, where were the both of you last night? And Jessie, are your cramps better now? You seem to be having difficulty walking last night.” Krystal fired her questions as soon as their car moved forward.

“I—we went ski—swimming l-last night.. a-and the water’s cold.. so yeah, cramps.. yeah.” Taeyeon sniggered as Jessica stuttered on her words.

“Okay, but are you okay now?” Krystal asked, her head popping between Taeyeon and Jessica’s seat.

“Yeah, a little sore but yeah.” Jessica smiled before kissing Krystal’s cheek.

Krystal smiled at her sister before leaning back on her seat to take a nap.

“Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked as soon as the chattering inside the car died down, their friends knocked out at the back seats.

Jessica smiled and nodded before resting her hand on Taeyeon’s thigh.

She kept Taeyeon accompanied through the whole drive, fighting sleep with all her might. Taeyeon told her to sleep when she yawned a few times but Jessica shook her head, claiming that she wasn’t sleepy. Of course Taeyeon knew better but just let Jessica be.

Sunny was dropped off first when they reached Seoul, then Yuri and Yoona who—unexpectedly—lived in the same neighborhood.

Then there was Sooyoung.

“Taeyeon,” she approached Taeyeon’s side of the car as soon as she got off.

“You must be really important to Sica.. sacrificing her sleep just to accompany you, you know?” she whispered to Taeyeon’s ear making the girl blush like mad.

“Take care you guys!” Sooyoung waved them off with a huge smile on her face.

“What did she say?” Jessica asked when Taeyeon started driving again.

“Nothing,” she answered with a smile.

After fifteen minutes, the trio stood in front of the Jungs’ house before Krystal waved Taeyeon goodbye first, leaving Jessica and Taeyeon alone.

“So..” Taeyeon intertwined her fingers with Jessica’s. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said and smiled.

“I’ll miss you.” Jessica pouted cutely at her girlfriend. Taeyeon fought the urge to kiss her girlfriend right then and there.

“I’ll miss you too,” she replied and hugged Jessica shortly.

“How about you stay over for dinner? I’ll introduce you to my parents.” Jessica smiled widely at Taeyeon with expectant eyes.

“A-are you s-sure? I mean.. what if.. if.. you know.. isn’t it t-too early? We haven’t been dating for a m-month yet..” Taeyeon’s eyes panicked at the mention of Jessica’s parents.

“What? There’s no such thing as too early, Taengoo.. I mean, I’m really serious about you, about us. B-but if you don’t want to, then I’ll understand.. I’ll just.. go now.” Jessica said dejectedly.

“Sica, I’m serious about us too.. But I’m just not ready yet.. I mean, we’re not the n-normal.. couple. What if they tell you to break up with me? A-and what if..”

“They won’t, I promise. And if they ever do, I’ll stand up for you. Please Taengoo?”


“Are you planning on breaking my heart, Kim Taeyeon?”

“Wha-what?! No! No of course not!”

“Good, because I’m not letting you.” Jessica whispered in Taeyeon’s ear, purposely blowing warm air in her girlfriend’s ear.

“Baby you can’t do that to me right now..” Taeyeon said weakly as her eyes rolled back at the sensation.

Jessica smirked and pulled Taeyeon by the hand inside their house.

They were greeted by Mrs. Jung as soon as they were inside the house. She smiled shyly at Taeyeon as she combed her short hair with her fingers, apologizing for the mess the house was in. Her smiles were warm albeit shy. She looked rather young and lively despite the apron and old dress that she was sporting. Mrs. Jung looked so opposite to Taeyeon’s mother but the same in a sense. Taeyeon had apologized for the intrusion too but Mrs. Jung said there was no need to apologize and that she was glad to have Taeyeon. The woman had been polite all the while she talked to Taeyeon.

They sat on the living room, waiting for Mr. Jung, as Mrs. Jung prepared their dinner.

Taeyeon’s palms were sweating by the time Mr. Jung arrived home. The man wore a Ray Ban Clubmaster eyeglass, a light blue dress shirt paired with a navy blue tie and black trousers. The lines beside the man’s eyes showed when he smiles as Krystal and Jessica hugged him tightly and his wife kissed him on the lips. He looked younger for his age. He nodded at Taeyeon and smiled warmly too before disappearing upstairs to change into comfortable clothes.

Jessica had explained that her father travels for work so he sometimes work on Sundays and that he was away most of the time.

They all settled on the dining table. Taeyeon sat beside Jessica as Krystal sat across Taeyeon with Mrs. Jung beside her, across Jessica, and Mr. Jung at the end of the rectangular table for six.

The family chatted happily as they catch up with Mr. Jung’s whereabouts. Taeyeon kept silent and ate from her plate, out of habit. Her family never chatted when they eat meals. Her father was strict about table manners.

“So, Taeyeon, are you on the same class with Sooyeon?” Mr. Jung asked when he noticed the girl eating silently.

“Sooyeon?” Taeyeon asked with confused looks.

“Jessica.” Mrs. Jung answered for her husband with a smile.

Taeyeon’s mouth formed an ‘o’ before answering, “uhm, no Sir.” Taeyeon answered. Formality was encouraged in their household whenever speaking to the head of the family.

“Oh please, don’t ‘sir’ me. I feel so old.” Mr. Jung laughed heartily, making Taeyeon look at the man with confusion.

“I’m s-sorry,” she said shyly as she bowed.

“You are one polite kid, I like you. But please just call me Uncle or whatever you feel like. Just not ‘sir’, okay?” Mr. Jung smiled warmly at Taeyeon.

“O-okay, Mr. Jung,” she returned the smile, albeit shyly.

“So, anyway, how did you know Sooyeon? A friend from school, I suppose?” Mr. Jung carried on with his questions.

Taeyeon looked over Jessica for a moment before bringing her attention back to Mr. Jung.


Taeyeon was cut off when Jessica spoke.

“Actually, dad.. mom,” she looked at Taeyeon, her eyes were nervous but she masked it with a grin. “Me and Taeyeon, we are.. she’s my.. girlfriend,” she then looked over her parents, waiting for them to react.

The table fell silent as they wait for the heads of the family speak. Krystal’s eyes shifted from her mother to her father with worry before she smiled apologetically at Taeyeon. Jessica held Taeyeon’s hand tightly under the table, hoping to ease all her girlfriend’s worries.

Mr. Jung cleared his throat before saying, “I guess this is something serious since you are the first one to be introduced to us.” His voice was stern but oddly, Taeyeon found it comforting. The corners of his lips tugged upward into a little smile. “All the more reason you shouldn’t be calling me sir.” He joked and Taeyeon exhaled the breath she was holding.

“I may not understand these things, but who am I to hold you girls back? I was once your age too and well, keeping my love here,” he said while he held Mrs. Jung’s hand above the table. “Keeping your mother was hard enough. I can’t imagine how hard it would be for you girls when your own families won’t support you,” he continued with his lips breaking into a warm smile.

Krystal had ‘awwwed’ by the end of her father’s mini-monologue while Jessica stood up hastily from her seat to envelope her father in a tight hug, forgetting that she had her hands locked tightly with Taeyeon’s, bringing her girlfriend with her. Mrs. Jung smiled at the beautiful sight, her eyes travelling from Jessica and Taeyeon’s intertwined fingers to the fidgeting Taeyeon who stood awkwardly beside Jessica who was now peppering her father’s face with kisses as the man laughed heartily.

Standing up from her seat, Mrs. Jung beckoned Taeyeon to come closer to her. Taeyeon reluctantly let go of Jessica’s hand before proceeding to walk to Mrs. Jung. The woman enveloped her in a tight hug as soon as she was in an arm reach. Taeyeon awkwardly returned the hug with Krystal sniggering at the side.

“Aigoo, aren’t you too cute? At least Sooyeon chose someone so harmless. A little short but yes, harmless.” Mrs. Jung joked and Krystal chuckled.

“Can we adopt you? Oh, of course we can’t adopt you.. but can you come here more often? No sleeping over yet, but yes come here more often and I’ll cook you food. You seem to really like my cooking,” she patted Taeyeon’s head like a puppy and smiled at the girl. Now Taeyeon had an idea where Jessica got her habit of blabbering when she’s happy or excited. And sometimes nervous.

“Mom, Taeyeon’s not a puppy~” Jessica whined when her mother the back of Taeyeon’s head.

“But Sooyeon look at her, isn’t she so cute? She’s cuter than a puppy!” Mrs. Jung countered with a laugh.

“Mommmm~!” Jessica whined, pulling Taeyeon beside her.

The rest of the family laughed and Taeyeon finds herself joining in as they settled back in their respective seats.

“There will be rules, Taeyeon, if you’re going to date my daughter.” Mr. Jung then spoke as the laughter died down.

Taeyeon straightened up, all ears for Mr. Jung.

“No sleeping over yet,” Mr. Jung said with all seriousness. “I don’t want to be a grandfather yet, I’m too young for that,” he joked and Mrs. Jung smacked his arm playfully.

“Dad, you’re scaring Taeyeon-unnie!” Krystal commented.

“I see you have bagged all my girls. Quite a charmer, aren’t you?” Mr. Jung grinned at Taeyeon.

“Dadddd~!” Jessica whined again.

“Okay, okay, kidding aside. Taeyeon, seriously, no sleeping over yet. And no late night movie dates on weekdays. No skipping classes for dates,” his gaze landed on Jessica.

“And lastly, Taeyeon, no more calling me sir or Mr. Jung. Call me uncle... or better yet, dad.”

Taeyeon shyly nodded as a blush crept on her cheeks at Mr. Jung’s last words.

“Dadddd! It’s too early for that.” Jessica whined again but her protests were brushed off by her father.

“Come with me on Fridays, okay? I’ll make reservations down at Choi’s bar, let’s drink.” A wink was sent in Taeyeon’s way and she awkwardly laughed.

“Uhm, Dad you might not want to invite Taeyeon-unnie drinking out, she might end up abusing Jessie’s li—“

“Jung Soojung!” Jessica yelled, her eyes narrowing at her sister.

“Ops.” Krystal said with a sheepish grin.

The dinner lasted a little longer than it usually does. The family, with Taeyeon, happily laughed at Mr. Jung’s stories of his teenage years with Mrs. Jung blushing and smacking his arm once in a while. The food was great, and so was the company of the Jungs. Taeyeon wondered why they couldn’t eat meals like that in her own house.

Taeyeon offered to help Mrs. Jung with the dishes but Mr. Jung dismissed her politely, saying he wants some time alone with his wife too with a erted grin. Well, for Taeyeon it was erted.

She ended up cuddling with Jessica on her bed after dinner while Krystal watched TV downstairs.

“Sooyeon..” Taeyeon said while she held Jessica in her arms.


“Nothing. I just want to say your name.. err, Korean name.”

Jessica just smiled and snuggled closer to Taeyeon.

“Baby, thank you.” Taeyeon spoke again, trying to keep Jessica awake.

“For what?”

“For tonight, for your family.. I never.. never thought they’d be.. okay.. with us.”

“I told you not to worry, didn’t I?”

“I should really listen to you from now on.” Taeyeon grinned and kissed Jessica on the lips.

“I love you,” she said through the kiss.

“I love you too Taengoo.”

Taeyeon moved on top of Jessica, hovering over her girlfriend. She was about to lean in and kiss Jessica again when the door burst open.

“Oh my God! Didn’t dad just told you not to do.. t-that.. yet?!” Krystal hissed as she closed the door and locked it.

“What? This?” Taeyeon leaned in and captured Jessica’s lips again, teasing Krystal. Jessica giggled while Krystal covered her eyes dramatically.

“Jung Sooyeon! Stop your girlfriend, right NOW!” Krystal’s eyes widened when she heard her sister’s moans.

“Oh my God! Oh my God!” She panicked and took her hands off her eyes. She came face to face with two grinning girls as soon as her eyes were uncovered.

“Yaaaah! Don’t play around like that! It’s not funny!” She stomped her foot as she made her way to the study desk.

After an hour of cuddling and fooling around, Taeyeon bid goodbye to the Jungs with Mrs. Jung asking her to drop by next time. Jessica had send her off with a kiss and waved her goodbye until her car turned to a corner.

That night, Taeyeon went home to a silent house, opposite to the Jungs’ but she was too happy to mind.

She took her desk calendar and a marker as she sat down on her study desk. She outlined the date with a heart and a ‘Best Sunday. Ever.’ under it. Seeing the date before the outlined one, she grinned and put another heart around it as visions of Jessica’s glory came rushing in.

She slept with a smile, anticipating for Monday again.




Short update for my awesome readers! :) Next chapter is Prom! Ciao!

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
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Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
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Chapter 32: here again
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