
Kiss Me

Taeyeon's eyes followed the guy as he paced inside her room, hands grazing the spines of the books on the bookshelf before stopping at a small story book. He smiled before pulling the book out.

"Thumbelina," he muttered before turning to face Taeyeon.

"You still keep this?" He asked with a smile, tapping the book against the palm of his left hand.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

“A little girl living in a big and scary world, everybody wants her, but not everybody deserved her.” He said and glanced at her, “Aren’t you just like her?”

He inspected the small book once again; its thick covers almost worn-out but the pages were dog-ear free since Taeyeon had always been careful with the things she cherished the most. Jiwon smiled, remembering how Taeyeon had jumped up and down when their father gave her the small book. He scoffed back then, annoyed at the fact that their father would give anything Taeyeon wanted while he had to work for the things he asked from him. She’s our princess, treat her well; the old man would always say. He hated having Taeyeon because she stole all the attention. But he loves Taeyeon because as their father says; she is their princess. He might bully her a lot of times when they were younger, but he had sworn to be the only one to make her little sister cry. He loves the fact that he could pacify the little girl with his toy cars; and he feels proud when he does that, like he is actually doing his task as her brother.

He was about to put the book back to the shelf when a shiny black thing behind the books caught his eyes. He took off one more book from the shelf and a miniature toy car came in view. He took it before returning the books to the shelf.

"I missed this." He said, bringing a black Volkswagen toy car close to his eyes for inspection. It was his toy car. His favorite toy car, to be exact. Taeyeon had cried one day, asking him to give the toy car to her. He was hesitant because it was the only thing their father gave to him without him asking, but Taeyeon wouldn’t stop crying and his heart is breaking at the sight. He gave in to his sister’s request with bitterness, but it was soon replaced with joy when Taeyeon happily hugged him, burying her face in his stomach. Thank you, Jiwon! I love you! She mumbled in his shirt and Jiwon’s heart jumped at the words. It was the first and last time he heard Taeyeon say those words to him.

Taeyeon stood up from the bed and grabbed the toy car, jerking Jiwon back to life.

"Don’t touch it. You’re going to ruin it.” She hissed before putting the toy car inside her desk drawer.

“Still possessive over your most prized possessions, I see.” He smiled sweetly.

“What are you doing here anyway?” Taeyeon asked, feigning annoyance.

“I missed you,” he says and opened his arms wide for Taeyeon to hug him.

Taeyeon eyed him skeptically and waved her hand, brushing him off.

“What? I can’t miss my baby sister now?” He said and enveloped Taeyeon in a bear hug despite the girl’s protests.

“Yah! Kim Jiwon! Let go of me now! NOW!” She stomped a foot on the floor but her brother only tightened the embrace.

“I missed you Taeng.. life had been lonely without you.” He said lovingly, as if reconciling with an old lover.

“Yah! What are you talking about?! You’re.. weird.. disgusting.. ew!” She said, pushing him with force this time. Jiwon laughed heartily before ruffling Taeyeon’s hair.

“Kidding!” He says, “I do miss you though.”

Taeyeon shook her head and returned to her previous seat on her bed while Jiwon sat on her desk chair.

“So, anything happened while I was away?” He glanced at Taeyeon briefly before his eyes scanned the things on the desk. There were papers, Taeyeon’s sketch book, a cup holding assorted pens, a calendar desk and a picture frame. His brow quirked at the lone picture frame. It was Taeyeon and a blonde girl. It looked recent because she wasn’t wearing her glasses anymore and her hair is darker. Taeyeon was grinning while the blonde girl smiled. It looked like it was taken on a lake or a pond because Jiwon could make out the figures of a paddle and the water in the background. Taeyeon was back-hugging the blonde girl while the latter’s arms were stretched forward.

“I think something happened,” he commented, holding the picture frame and showing it to Taeyeon.

“Don’t touch that! You might break it!” Taeyeon hastily walked up to him and grabbed the picture frame, placing it back on the desk.

Jiwon rolled his eyes before retorting, “I was just holding it, how could I break it?”

“Because you’re clumsy!” She answered back, shooing him from the desk chair. He ended up sitting on Taeyeon’s carpeted floor as his sister took his place on the desk chair.

“Who is she?” Jiwon asked, still eyeing the picture frame.

“A friend.” Taeyeon answered as she fumbled with her fingers.

“Liar.” Jiwon said casually and Taeyeon flinched.

“I don’t see any pictures of Yuri and Sunkyu lying around your room. I doubt she’s just a friend,” he added, “A special friend, maybe?”

Taeyeon looked at him in the eye before nodding.

“She’s Jessica,” she turned to look at the picture once more. “She’s my girlfriend.”

Jiwon’s eyes widened for a second before he looked at Taeyeon with a skeptical look.

“So.. you’re gay?”

Taeyeon nodded her head yes.

“Since when?”

Taeyeon shook her head before answering, “I don’t know. I only figured it out when I met Jessica.” A small smile then grazed her lips at the thought of the blonde. It had been two weeks since the night in the lake and Jessica had been busy as she took another part-time job as a cashier in a bookstore. She merely sees Jessica these days and she misses the girl so much.

“No wonder you liked my toys when we were younger,” Jiwon said before continuing, “Does she know that you’re the heiress of Appa’s company?”

“Yes. And before you could say something stupid, no she’s not after our money or whatever. She loves me and I love her.” She said with much conviction.

“Whatever you say,” he rose up from the floor and ruffled Taeyeon’s hair. “I don’t want to see my Thumbelina’s heart being broken by some blonde girl.”

Taeyeon swatted the hand away and hastily pushed his brother out of her room, blood boiling at how his brother could even think of Jessica like that even before meeting the girl.




Jessica leaned against the front counter, eyes scanning the coffee shop. Her mind goes off to Taeyeon, wondering what the shorter girl is doing at the moment. Is she practicing another song? She giggled inwardly at the memory of what happened two weeks ago. She misses Taeyeon badly; two part-time jobs drained her energy most of the time, so they weren’t able to go to dates anymore. But Taeyeon said it was okay and that they should just spend Jessica’s free time sleeping at the Jungs’. But Jessica knew it wasn’t okay, she saw the sadness and longing in those chocolate brown orbs.

The bell on the counter rings and Jessica jumped in surprise. She bowed apologetically before smiling at the new customer.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention. What can I do for you today?” She said, trying to sound cheerful.

The guy in front just looked at her with nonchalant eyes.

“Sir?” She tilted her head slightly to the side.

“Your number,” the guy said coolly, taking his phone out from his pocket.

“Excuse me?” Jessica raised her brow at the cockiness of the guy.

“I said give me your number. You asked me what you can do for me today. I want you.” He said in the same nonchalant tone.

“I’m sorry but can you step out now? If you don’t want to order anything, just please get out.” Jessica said as calm as she could but it sounded harsh. She breathed in large amount of air to calm her down.

“Fine, just give me a cup of Espresso and brownies.” The guy finally said.

Jessica punched in his orders as fast as she could on the cash register, annoyance creeping in as the guy looked at her intently. He paid for his orders and Jessica pushed a tray to him without uttering a single word.

“You know, my offer is still available. Sit with me if you change your mind.” He said, winked and then left the counter.

Jessica scoffed from his back, cursing under her breath as anger crept in. She needs distraction. She looked around first before taking out her phone from the front pocket of her apron.

“Sooyeon? What’s wrong?” Taeyeon’s voice came after three rings. Jessica knew her girlfriend was worried because it’s unlikely for her to call at this time of the day.

“Nothing, Taengoo.. I just.. missed you.” She said as a smile crept its way to her lips when she heard Taeyeon sigh.

“I miss you too. But are you sure nothing’s wrong?” Taeyeon’s voice was skeptical.

“Yes, baby. I just wanted to hear your voice.”


“I miss you.” Jessica said.

Taeyeon giggled before saying, “Yeah, you just said that.”

“Taengoo~!” Jessica whined, her voice going up a notch, making some of the customers turn towards her. She bowed her apologies. “I have to go now. Bye Taengoo~ I love you.”

“Bye baby. I love you too.”

The call ended and Jessica slipped her phone back to her apron. She leaned on the counter again, the annoying guy long forgotten.


Jessica bowed to her co-workers as they stepped out of the coffee shop. It was already nine in the evening and she still needs to catch a bus. She was dead tired. She lazily dragged herself to the bus stop.

“Hi,” A voice spoke from behind her and she hastened her pace as a reflex.

“Hey, wait up!” The voice shouts and she heard footsteps coming close to her.

Her brain was telling her to run but her feet are sore from standing in the coffee shop. She tried, but lost her balance. She closed her eyes, waiting for her body to crash against the ground, but it didn’t happen. Instead, two strong arms grabbed her by the shoulder.

“Are you okay?” The person asked, jerking Jessica back to life and she immediately backed away from the guy from the coffee shop earlier.

“You! Why are you following me?!” She yelled, pointing an accusing finger at the guy.

The guy scratched the back of his head awkwardly before shoving his hands inside the pocket of his coat.

“I just wanted to talk to you,” he said and looked at Jessica. “I want to apologize for earlier. That was rude of me.”

Jessica eyed the guy skeptically without uttering a word.

“Look, I’m really sorry. I was just fooling around.” He said sincerely.

“Fine. I don’t really care. Will you just leave me alone now? I need to go home or I’ll miss my bus.” She said and started to walk forward again but the guy caught her arm. She hissed before swatting his hand away angrily.

“What in the world do you think you are doing?!” She spat and glared at the guy.

“So-sorry. I—sorry. Not gonna happen again, I swear.” The guy said, scratching the back of his head again. For some odd reason, Jessica was reminded of Taeyeon as she looked at the guy.

Taeyeon. Right, the girl would be worried if she won’t be home in time. She turned to walk away again, and this time the guy didn’t dare to hold her again but she heard faint shuffling of feet behind her, indicating that someone followed her.

“Let me send you home instead!” Jessica ignored the guy as the bus stop came into view.

“You know, my sister would really kill me if she’ll know what I did today. At least let me make it up to you.” He said as he walked beside Jessica.

Jessica’s ears perked at his statement. She turned to look at the guy. Brown orbs, buttoned nose, a dimple showing in his right cheek as he smiled like a dork in front of her, and the smooth skin like the Kims. Kim. Could it be?

“Are you—“

“Your Taengoo’s brother. Hi, Jessica.” He said, cutting her off and smiled widely.

Jessica’s eyes widened for a second before annoyance took over.

“Don’t play around. I know you heard me while I was on the phone earlier. I don’t know you and I don’t trust you. So please, just leave now and stop bothering me.”

“So stubborn, just like our little Thumbelina.” Jiwon snickered, making Jessica glare at him.

“Okay, at least let me accompany you until the bus arrives. It’s late, you shouldn’t be going home alone. Aish, that short thing, she have a car and she doesn’t pick you up after work? Tsk.” Jiwon blabbered, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Excuse me?” Jessica said, raising a brow at the guy.

“Huh? What?”

“You just called my girlfriend ‘short thing’!” Jessica hissed, making Jiwon back away a little from the girl.

“Ye—yeah. She’s short and small and—“

“Shut up! Don’t call her that!”

“Woah, woah! She is short!” Jiwon stubbornly yelled back.

“Yah! I said don’t call her short!”

“Yaaah! Don’t yell at me! I’m older than you! And I’m your girlfriend’s brother! Shouldn’t you try to be on my good side? I can always tell Taeyeon to break up with you!”

“As if she’ll listen to you!” She stomped on his shoe before glaring at him. “Douche!” She said in English.

“Yaaah! I understand that!”

Their bickering was cut short when the bus arrived and Jessica hurriedly ran to get inside it, not allowing Jiwon to follow her as he continued kneading his feet.

“Dammit Thumbelina, your girlfriend is really something.” Jiwon muttered under his breath, shaking his head in amusement.




Taeyeon smiled widely at her girlfriend as they sat across each other inside the diner they frequent when Jessica has the time. She extended her hand across the table, opening her palm upwards, asking for Jessica’s hand. The latter put her hand on top of Taeyeon’s as she mirrored the shorter girl’s smile.

“Two more weeks,” Taeyeon said as she squeezed Jessica’s hand.

The blonde girl hummed and nodded.

“I can’t wait to move in with you.” Taeyeon added, the wide smile not leaving her face.

Jessica chuckled at the sight.

“What are we still doing here Taengoo~?” Jessica asked when she noticed that they weren’t ordering anything anymore.

Taeyeon’s smile narrowed into an awkward one and Jessica’s brows furrowed.

“I—well.. Someone.. want to.. err.. meet you.”

“Meet me? Who?” Jessica asked, having the slightest idea of who the person might be.

“My uh.. my—“

“Hello, ladies.” Jiwon’s voice cut Taeyeon off as he stood beside their table and sat beside Taeyeon afterwards, facing Jessica. He was grinning which irritates Jessica.

Jessica quirked her brow at Taeyeon, lips forming to a semi-scowl. The shorter girl smiled awkwardly at her.

“Jiwon, this is Jessica..” Taeyeon said as she introduced Jessica to Jiwon.

“Sooyeon, this is my brother, Jiwon..” She added and looked at Jessica.

“Hello, Jessica-ssi. Nice to formally meet you.” Jiwon said, his voice full with sincerity, contrary to the guy Jessica bickered with at the bus stop a week ago.

“Hi.” She curtly answered.

Taeyeon eyed Jessica questioningly at the attitude but the latter shrugged it off.

Jessica listened as the siblings talked about something Jessica couldn’t bother herself with. She was lost in her own thoughts when Taeyeon tapped her hand, excusing herself because she needed to use the restroom. Jessica nodded and smiled at her girlfriend.

“Sooyeon, huh?” Jiwon spoke, breaking the silence but Jessica merely shrugged at the comment.

“Tell me, are you still angry because I called Thumbelina short?” He added.

Jessica quirked a brow at the question. She would have laughed if only she like Jiwon’s guts. Albeit the cute nickname he had for her girlfriend, Jessica still hates his guts.

“No. I just don’t really like you.” Jessica said in a cold tone. Jiwon shook his head at the rudeness.

“Aigoo, aren’t you rude?”

“Only to you, though.” Jessica scoffed.

Jiwon shook his head.

“Fine, I won’t try to get close to you anymore. But I have one question, Jessica-ssi.” He stared intently at her before continuing, “What are you after?”

Jessica furrowed her brow at the question, she don’t understand what Jiwon was talking about. And as if reading her mind, Jiwon spoke again.

“Taeyeon will manage Appa’s company in four years. I believe you are aware that she’s the heiress of South Korea’s biggest mirror manufacturer.”

Jessica’s eyes widened as the realization dawned on her.

“I am not.. after your money. I—I love Taeyeon! I’m not—“

“I just wanted to make things clear here.” Jiwon said, cutting her off.

“I love Taeyeon, and I never saw her as the heiress of your father’s company. I always saw her as the dorky girl who always wants to see me smile. I only see Taeyeon as the girl who loves me and the girl that I love dearly. I don’t care how much money she have in her bank or how big her company is, I just want to be with her. And I’ll stay with her for as long as she wants me to.” Jessica said with much conviction, staring back at Jiwon.

A smile broke from Jiwon’s lips before he patted Jessica’s hand on top of the table twice.

“That was all I wanted to hear. Please take care of my Thumbelina. I can’t always be there to watch over her. She’s a little clumsy at times.” He said and chuckled.

Jessica could swear she’ll go crazy at the sudden mood swings of Taeyeon’s brother. One time he’s scary and all, then the next he’s chuckling like they’re long time friends.

“Are you sure you’re a businessman? You look more like an ex mental patient to me.” Jessica commented, making Jiwon burst into laughter. He was never called crazy before, not when all the people surrounding him treat him like a god because of his surname.

“You’re really something, Jessica-ssi.” He commented, shaking his head with a smile.


“So, how was Jiwon?” Taeyeon asked as they walked hand in hand along the streets of Seoul. They left the diner as soon as Jiwon bid them goodbye.

“He’s a retard.” Jessica answered nonchalantly as her fingers played with Taeyeon’s. Her girlfriend chuckled at the comment.

“He’s a little playful at times, but he’s a good person.” Taeyeon said.

Jessica only hummed her answer as her fingers continued to play with Taeyeon’s.



“What if.. if I’m not good enough for you? I mean..”

“Sooyeon, where is this coming from? Did Jiwon say something?”

“No.. no.. I was just.. I‘m just wondering if.. someday.. you’ll take over your father’s company.. and me.. I’m just me.. Jung Sooyeon.. with merely a thousand bucks in her bank account while you..”

“Sooyeon-ah, you’re not making sense. And since when did money become an issue to us? I mean, we’re happy, right? I’m happy with you. That should be enough, right?”

“I know.. it’s just that—“

“And baby, that’s still years away. Why are you stressing yourself with the things that don’t really matter? Your body is tired enough from work; don’t strain your mind too.”

“I’m.. sorry.”

Taeyeon stopped on her tracks, causing Jessica to stop too. She cupped Jessica’s cheeks and looked intently at the two light brown orbs that were staring back at her before her lips formed to a sweet smile.

“Remember what I asked you that night in the lake?” She asked, tilting her head slightly to the side. Jessica nodded.

“You said you’ll be mine forever. I know you keep your promises, but I’m reminding you. Just in case you forget.” Taeyeon leaned in and placed a quick peck in Jessica’s lips.

“I don’t like seeing you so insecure and so lost. I want the confident Jessica I had always known.”

Jessica nodded her head in response, arms instantly wrapping around Taeyeon’s neck, pulling the girl in for a tight hug as they let the world spin around them.

“Let’s move in tomorrow.” Taeyeon said abruptly, making Jessica pull back from the hug and look at the girl with questioning eyes.

“That way, I’ll get to kiss you goodnight every night and kiss you good morning every morning with breakfast in bed. Then I won’t miss you that much. I think I’m going to go crazy soon.” She grinned at Jessica.

“And I really miss your..” Taeyeon trailed off, hand squeezing Jessica’s briefly before her awkward laughter echoed inside Jessica’s ears.


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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
Mihyun101 #9