
Kiss Me

Small feet glided across the wooden floor; hoping she isn’t too loud so her Mommy and Taengoo won’t wake up. Curious eyes looked around the foreign room, stopping at the rather big bookshelf situated beside a wooden desk. She had always fancied books, especially the colorful ones; she loves being lost with Hansel and Gretel, or flying about with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. She loved books ever since she could remember and her Mommy Jess said that she got it from her other Mommy. She wondered if it was Mommy Krys or Mommy Hyo or Mommy Tiff? But none of them finished a story for her; they ended up sleeping or just giving up halfway to the story. It was only Mommy Jess who patiently read stories for her.

Tiny fingers grazed the spines of the books that were neatly stacked on the lower case of the shelf while teeth gnawed on her bottom lip; wondering if she was allowed to touch anything. Eyes lit up as a colorful thin spine stood out from all the black and white spines; she immediately positioned her fingers to pull the book, only to stop and look back at the figures tangled on the bed. Surely, Taengoo wouldn’t mind, right? But she was unsure. Her Mommy’s friend may smile and play with her all the time, but Mommy Jess had told her before to never touch anybody’s things unless she got their permission. Taking a deep breath, her fingers carefully pulled the attractive book. Maybe Taengoo wouldn’t mind.

She found a spot on the wooden floor and sat there crossed legs with the colorful book laid on her pajama-covered lap. Her brows furrowed as she tries to make the word in purple with a girl inside a flower below it.

“Ta—tum..” she stuck her tongue out, “Tom—tombolin..”

She huffed at the weird letters, “Thomb—thumbel.. lina.”

Nodding her head, she continued on opening the book. Her eyes lit up at the pictures as she scans each page with haste and pure awe; not bothering to read the words written above the pictures.

She was so engrossed in her new found book that she didn’t realize the presence beside her, only to gasp when she was lifted from the ground before being nestled in a comfortable lap. She looked over her shoulder and a smile instantly settled on her lips as she came face to face with a smiling Taengoo.

The book was pulled out of her tiny hands and she froze in Taengoo’s lap; thinking that her Mommy’s friend might have been angry at her for touching her book.

“Why aren’t you reading? You’re just looking through the pictures.” Taeyeon said with a chuckle, making Seohyun relax on her lap as the little girl leaned the back of her head in-between Taeyeon’s chest; the spot where her heart is.

Seohyun shook her head, eyes fixed on the opened page of the book.

Taeyeon pats her head before flipping the book back to the first page, “Once upon a time..”


Jessica stirred on her sleep when she felt the warm bodies beside her disappeared. She groggily cracked one eye open to scan the bed before fully opening both eyes. Her brows furrowed at the absence of the two important people in her life before giggles caught her attention. She whipped her head to where the sound came from and was instantly greeted by the sight of her girlfriend and their daughter on the floor with Seohyun settled comfortably in Taeyeon’s lap. A smile found its way to her lips as she took in the endearing sight before her eyes. She moved out of the bed then, feet lightly walking on the floor before sitting beside Taeyeon.

“Morning, sweetie.” She said, leaning down to kiss the crown of Seohyun’s head.

Seohyun stretched her arms towards Jessica before hopping out of Taeyeon’s lap and into Jessica’s lap, arms clinging on her mother’s neck as she showered Jessica’s face with kisses.

“Morning Mommy!”

Jessica chuckled as she rubbed the back of their daughter, “You woke up early.”

A hum was Seohyun’s response as she hopped back to Taeyeon’s lap who instantly wrapped her arms around the little girl’s body.

“Then?” Seohyun asked, eyes fixed on the book again, urging Taeyeon to continue on the story.

“And then, they lived happily ever after.” Taeyeon said as she closed the book, only to be opened again by Seohyun.

“That it? No more?” The little girl said as she examined the pages again.

“Yup, princess. Did you want more?”

Seohyun nodded and Taeyeon’s gaze travelled to her bookshelf, only to sigh when she realized that she didn’t have any other children’s book except for the one she was holding.

Jessica noticed the dejected expression in her girlfriend’s face and she leaned in to kiss the frown away. “Good morning, Taengoo. It would really be nice if you cook breakfast for me and Hyunnie.”

Taeyeon looked over to Jessica who had a grin plastered on her face and she finds herself reciprocating the grin before she nodded.

“Come on, sweetie. Let’s watch Taengoo cook, okay?” Jessica stood up, arms stretched towards her daughter who stood up almost instantly at the gesture.

“Taeng cook for Hyunie?” Seohyun said as they walked out of the room, one hand held tightly by her mother while the other was in Taeyeon’s.

“Would you like Taengoo to cook for Hyunnie?” Taeyeon asked with a smile as she looks down at Seohyun.

Laughter echoed inside the humble apartment as the youngest of the three occupants nod her head vigorously.


“Taeng cook for Hyunnie and Mommy e’rday!” Seohyun said before stuffing another spoonful of the tuna fried rice Taeyeon had prepared for them.

Taeyeon chuckled before wiping the corner of her daughter’s mouth, “Slowly, princess. You might choke.”

"I think she doesn’t like my cooking anymore,” Jessica commented with a pout.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes before scooting closer to the sulking woman, “Don’t worry, you’re still the best cook.”

“Yeah right.” Jessica commented and playfully slapped Taeyeon’s arm.

“But you shouldn’t really deep fry a bacon or ham.. or egg. And hotdog too. And— ow! What was that for?” Taeyeon said, rubbing the sore spot on her arm.

“You just said I’m the best cook but you’re just complaining!”

Taeyeon let out her infamous laugh before engulfing Jessica in a bear hug, nose nuzzling the Jung’s neck, “You’re still the best cook for me though.”

A blush crept its way to Jessica’s cheeks before she lightly pushed Taeyeon away from her.

“Kim Taeyeon, finish your breakfast and drive us home.” She ordered; an attempt to change the subject which only earned laughter from Taeyeon.

“I never thought you’d still blush like that.” Taeyeon mumbled.


Sunny groaned as she desperately reached out for the body that had just slipped out of the covers. “Where are you going?” she said, cracking one eye open.

The dark haired girl raised a questioning brow as she slipped back in her black mini dress, “Home, why?”

“Sunyoung, it’s six in the morning. At least stay for breakfast.” Sunny sat up on the bed and reached for her shirt.

“All the more I should be home. Jiyeon will wake up an hour from now.”


Hyomin heaved a sigh, never once glancing back at the girl she had spent the night with. She can’t, or else she will never be able to leave.

“Hyomin..” Sunny’s voice was low, pleading, and it breaks Hyomin’s heart, knowing that she doesn’t deserve the girl’s affection.

“Soonkyu, when are we going to stop this? I’m hurting you. This is unfair.”

Sunny shook her head as she engulfs Hyomin in a back hug, “Don’t say that. You saying that is hurting me more than you leaving me in the morning. Please, just… let me have this... have you... even in this way. This is enough for me.”

Hyomin in a deep breath, holding her tears in as she turns to face Sunny who immediately buried her face in the dark tresses.

“I’m sorry for hurting you,” was all Hyomin could say, hoping to ease Sunny’s pain.

Sunny pulled out from the hug as she smiled brightly at Hyomin, “Just love me, okay? No need for apologies.”

Hyomin nodded, “If only Jiyeon wouldn’t try to kill herself every time I try to leave, life would have been very beautiful with you.”

Sunny bit the inside of her cheek as she tries to calm her fluttering heart down, “Now, go. I may not be able to hold myself and lock you here for the rest of our days.”

Hyomin smiled while shaking her head before closing all the gaps between hers and Sunny’s lips, all the air out from the latter’s lungs. “I love you, Soonkyu. Remember that, alright?”


Hyomin sent Sunny another apologetic smile before strolling off to the front door, leaving Sunny to drown in her own miseries.


Taeyeon gnawed at her lower lip as her eyes try to focus on the male and female standing on the platform with white backdrops, arms linked together as they smile happily at the camera. She wanted to look away, but was too afraid that if she does, the male model would come any closer to Jessica than he already was. It was just an ad for a clothing line and Taeyeon doesn't understand why on earth would the guy be clinging to Jessica like a koala, and it irked her. She resisted the urge to swing her fist towards the guy's face; if only the guy wasn't taller and her arms were longer, she would’ve had wiped the grin off the guy's face by now.

So, this is why Jessica hesitated when I asked if I could accompany her to the photoshoot today. Pft.

A tug on her right hand had her looking down at the chocolate brown orbs that were staring expectantly at her. “What’s wrong, princess?” she asked, lifting Seohyun from the ground before settling her daughter in her lap.

“Why Taeng angry? Taeng not like pretty dress?” Seohyun asked, head tilting to the side while she reached out for Taeyeon’s face; wanting to smooth out the creased brow, only for her fingers to stop just inches away from Taeyeon’s brow.

Taeyeon chuckled before leaning in so Seohyun would be able to reach her face. A sweet smile plastered on the little girl’s face as her hands finally came in contact with Taeyeon’s brows.

“I’m not mad, princess. Taeng is just..." she casted one last glance at Jessica who was now wrapped in the guy's long arms, "..tired."

Seohyun looked at her questioningly before burying her face in Taeyeon’s chest.

“Hyunnie tired too.”

Taeyeon leaned back to the backrest of the chair as she caressed her daughter’s hair. She rocked her body slightly, humming a random song which had been stuck in her mind since she woke up to see Seohyun sticking her tongue out, brows furrowed as she try to pronounce 'Thumbelina' correctly. It had been a long day and surely the little girl had gone tired from running around the studio. Taeyeon mentally scolded herself for focusing too much on Jessica's photoshoot instead of paying more attention to Seohyun.

She looked at her wrist watch before chancing a glance at Jessica. It had been four hours since the shoot started and 5 hours since she sat her on the leather swivel chair that was situated behind the shoot directors and all the equipments, giving her a good view of her girlfriend.

She continued humming as her eyes focused on Jessica who stood alone on the platform now, clad in an Aztec-patterned white dress cover with a navy blue blazer, hair tossed to the side. Taeyeon's breath was trapped somewhere inside her chest as Jessica smiled sweetly at her -tired, but sweet nonetheless. Jessica looked so elegant, so surreal under the lights that it was hard for Taeyeon to tear her eyes away from her girlfriend. Jessica had always looked classy even when they were still in high school. Everything looked gold on Jessica, even Taeyeon's old, over-sized, gray shirt that had been Jessica's favorite for years. And it makes Taeyeon scared for a moment; thoughts of Jessica leaving her for someone better rushing about.

She heaved another sigh, tearing her eyes away from Jessica before kissing her daughter's head.


Taeyeon instantly tilted her head back, eyes automatically locked with Jessica's baby brown ones and as a smile unconsciously plastered on her face. She stood up and pecked at her girlfriend's lips, something she rarely does in public, earning a questioning look from Jessica. She just smiled at her girlfriend before her gaze travelled for a millisecond to the pair of eyes that was looking at them from Jessica's back.

"Tired?" she asked, beckoning Jessica to sit while her hand went back to rubbing Seohyun's back.

Jessica nodded but didn't sit, eyes examining her daughter who was in Taeyeon's arms.

"She’s sleeping already?"

Taeyeon nods, "She said she was tired." She chuckled, "She totally got this habit from you."

Jessica raised a perfect brow towards her girlfriend, feigning annoyance, to which Taeyeon just brushed off with another peck on the lips. "Shall we get you home now?"

Jessica opened to ask Taeyeon about her suspicious behavior but was cut off by a deep, male voice from behind her. "Jessica, would you like to join us for dinner tonight?"

Taeyeon cocked a brow at the male model as Jessica turned to face him, "Oh, hey, Dongwok-shi. I.. don't know. I'm really packed tonight."

The tall male smiled brightly at Jessica, "Maybe next time, then? What do you say?"

Jessica looked over her shoulder to see Taeyeon biting the corner of her lips before she turned to face Dongwok again. She smiled apologetically at him and said, "I'm sorry, Dongwok-shi but I don't think that's a good idea."

Jessica stepped back and intertwined her fingers with Taeyeon's free hand, smiling brightly at her girlfriend.

"Oh," Dongwok said before bowing at Taeyeon. "Sorry, I didn't.. know."

Taeyeon nodded, watching Dongwok turn to walk away.

"Dongwok-shi," she called out, making the tall male to turn back at her with a questioning look in his face.

"That's Jessica-shi for you, not Jessica." Taeyeon said before pulling Jessica to her dressing room.


"Taengoo?" Jessica's voice came low, just above the low hum of the car stereo as they drive back to Taeyeon's apartment. She held Seohyun tighter in her arms as the little girl continued to sleep.

Taeyeon didn't say a word as she focused on the road, choosing to hum instead.

Jessica her lips, eyes looking in front of them; to the brake lights of the cars as they rush to go home, hoping to make it before dinner.

"Are you.." finally glancing at Taeyeon's side, Jessica bit her lower lip. "..mad?"

Taeyeon smiled a little, "Seohyun asked the same thing earlier.." she casted Jessica a glance before turning her attention back to the road. "Not mad, Sooyeon. I'm just.."

Jessica raised a brow when Taeyeon trailed off. She waited for Taeyeon to continue but only got frustrated when her girlfriend didn't.

"Jealous?" Jessica asked, interest perking at her girlfriend's response.

Taeyeon chuckled, right hand reaching to hold Jessica's.


Jessica laughed then, squeezing Taeyeon's hand.

"..and scared," added Taeyeon.

Jessica stopped laughing and looked at Taeyeon who still had her gaze fixed on the road, "Why?"

"Because.." Taeyeon intertwined her fingers with Jessica's before bringing it close to her lips, kissing the delicate hand she adores. "..today I realized that there are a lot of people out there that are way better than me. And I can't help but think that one day, you'll realize that too."

Jessica squeezed Taeyeon's hand again as their intertwined hands rested on Taeyeon's lap, "What nonsense are you talking about, Kim Taeyeon?"

"I love you, Sooyeon."

"Taeyeon, you know I love you too. And if there was anybody that I thought was better than you, don't you think I wouldn't be here with you right now?"

Taeyeon nodded. True, Jessica could have been anywhere but here by now, inside her old car, holding her hand, saying words of assurance. But Jessica is here, and she just said she loves Taeyeon, and she rejected the gorgeous male's offer for dinner. That should mean something, right?

"Sorry. I just.. sometimes.. my insecurities.. you know how I am."

Jessica nodded in understanding, "Let's just not talk about it, alright?"

Taeyeon smiled a genuine smile before kissing Jessica's hand again.

"Do you think Seohyun would like to spend the night with Hyoyeon and Soo?" Taeyeon said in a shy little voice as the street lights exposed her blushing cheeks to Jessica.

"Why?" Jessica asked, biting her tongue so that she wouldn't burst out into laughter at Taeyeon's beet red face.

"N-nothing.. I.. j-just thought.. maybe H-Hyo would want t-to spend some time with Seohyun." Taeyeon stuttered, unconsciously tightening her grip on Jessica's hand.

"Are we really going to leave our daughter in Soo and Hyo's care for your y time?"

Taeyeon frantically shook her head, "N-no! I wasn't thinking l-like that!"

Jessica smirked, "Oh yeah?" She unlaced her fingers with Taeyeon's before gliding it towards the beat red ear, "Then why are your ears so red?"


Taeyeon was cut off by Jessica's laughter, which woke Seohyun up, too.


Hyoyeon's eyes formed into crescents as soon as she swung the door open and little arms latched towards her, almost knocking Jessica out as Seohyun giddily hopped towards her Mommy Hyo.

"Hyunnie?" Hyoyeon asked, sending Taeyeon and Jessica questioning looks.

"Mommy! Hyunnie miss you!"

As much as Taeyeon would like to say she was happy, a part of her was envious. Envious of the way Seohyun calls Hyoyeon 'Mommy'; something she wanted ever since she knew about the little girl being hers.

"You okay?" Jessica's voice snapped her out of her thoughts as lanky fingers found its way to hers, interlacing them like her hand was magnet and Jessica's was metal.

Taeyeon smiled and then nodded before turning to face Hyoyeon and Sooyoung again who looked at them questioningly.

"Can Seohyun stay for the night?" Jessica was the first to ask.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Sooyoung asked, worry lacing her words.

Taeyeon shook her head, "No.. I just.. wanted to spend some time with.. Sooyeon."

Sooyoung nodded while she mouths an 'oh'. Hyoyeon, on the other hand, smiled at the couple as she hugged Seohyun tighter, emitting giggles from the small mouth.

"Alright then. You guys take care, okay?" Hyoyeon said.

Taeyeon nodded before sticking her arms out towards Hyoyeon. Seohyun saw the gesture and immediately moved out of Hyoyeon's embrace and latched onto Taeyeon's neck, earning chuckles from her mother.

"Is it okay if you stay with Mommy Hyo and Soo tonight?" she said, smiling sweetly at her daughter.

Seohyun looked over her shoulder to look at her two guardians for the night before nodding her head at Taeyeon.

"Taeng read Hyunnie book tomorrow?"

Taeyeon grinned and nodded, "Of course, princess. And the day after that, and the day after."

Seohyun grinned too, before kissing Taeyeon's chin dimple. "Promise?"

"I promise."


Taeyeon tensed up a bit when the door to her room cracked open; revealing a Jessica Jung wrapped only in a white towel. The sight wasn't new to her but it still makes her weak and wobbly. It always did.

Her gaze followed Jessica as she rummaged through the drawer, searching for her favorite over-sized gray shirt. Jessica was sinfully beautiful even without anything on her and Taeyeon fought with all her might the urge to jump at the younger girl right then and there.

"Taengoo, I can't find your shirt." Jessica complained, back still turned towards Taeyeon.

Taeyeon moved out of the bed and made her way towards the drawers to help Jessica out. She started at the bottom drawer and there was the shirt they were looking for, along with all her old stuff.

"Here you go," she said, standing up and facing Jessica.

Jessica smiled, "Thanks, Taengoo."

Jessica was about to reach for the shirt but Taeyeon moved her hands to her back, hiding the shirt from Jessica.

"I don't accept ‘thank yous’, sorry."

Jessica rolled her eyes, "Seriously Taengoo, I'm getting cold."

Taeyeon grinned then, stepping closer to Jessica.

"Really now," Jessica said, noticing the reddening ear of her girlfriend. She smiled seductively at Taeyeon too, arms wrapping around Taeyeon's neck as she pull her girlfriend closer to her body. Taeyeon's arms encircled around Jessica's waist, hands still holding the gray shirt.

"What do you want, then?" Jessica asked, purposely blowing warm air towards Taeyeon's lips.

Taeyeon her lips when she felt like it was becoming dry, "A kiss would do."

Jessica giggled, mouth moving agonizingly slow towards Taeyeon's left ear, brushing it against the blushing cheek in the process.

"Just a kiss?" She whispered in a very low and sultry voice, making Taeyeon's insides do a somersault.

Taeyeon nodded, not being able to control the heat that had built up inside her lower abdomen.

"Are you.." Jessica moved her lips back in front of Taeyeon's, "..really, really sure, Kim Taeyeon?"

"Actually, no."

And before Jessica could say another word, Taeyeon moved to capture her lips, and tugging the pink flesh like a hungry wolf devouring her meal for the night. It was rare for Taeyeon to act like that; she had always been gentle towards Jessica.

Taeyeon continued kissing Jessica as she walked them slowly back to the bed, stopping for a moment when Jessica's calf hit the bed and fell down. Taeyeon didn't waste any time as she move on top of Jessica, capturing back the swelling lips of her girlfriend. Her hands roamed at the side of Jessica's body, caressing the curves that only she has the privilege of touching. Jessica didn't mind the roughness and urgency in Taeyeon's kisses because, truth be told, she liked it as much as she likes gentle-Taeyeon.

Their lips parted for a moment as Taeyeon looked Jessica dead in the eyes; emotions swirling as she takes Jessica's left hand in hers, intertwining their fingers and kissing each one of it.

Jessica took in long, deep breaths as she tried to calm her beating heart; eyes glazed with everything she feels for Taeyeon right at the moment; love, lust and some things she can't really put into words.

Taeyeon leaned down again, slowly this time, before recapturing Jessica's lips in a slow kiss, pouring everything she had for the girl; like how she kissed Jessica on the beach at Sooyoung's grandparents' place. Tingles ran down her spines when she was reminded of Jessica screaming her name that night. That glorious night.

She drank every ounce of Jessica like the drug she was; intoxicating and definitely addicting. Even after all the years, she never really gotten enough of Jessica. And maybe, she will never really get enough of her girlfriend. But she was fine with that. She was perfectly fine with that.

Jessica's free hand went to Taeyeon's cheek; caressing the porcelain-like, smooth skin as she responds to Taeyeon's kisses with the same fervor, if not more.

Parting their lips, Taeyeon then moved to kiss Jessica's jaw line before deciding that her tongue would do better, emitting moans of pleasures from Jessica as her body arched towards Taeyeon a little. Taeyeon smiled, realizing that she still has this effect on Jessica, as she continue gliding her tongue across Jessica's defined jaw.

She then kissed Jessica's chin before moving to kiss her girlfriend's neck. By the time that Taeyeon was and nibbling on the skin of her neck, Jessica's moans were becoming louder and uncontrollable as heat surges from her abdomen to her ears. Taeyeon was barely doing anything yet but Jessica already felt like releasing for the night. Oh, the things Kim Taeyeon does to her.

"Do you have another photoshoot tomorrow?" Taeyeon asked in a husky voice, her warm breath brushing against Jessica's neck.

Jessica mentally groaned at the question. It was totally out of the mood.

She nods before letting out a shaky 'Yes'.

Taeyeon smiled against Jessica's skin then trailed her tongue down to the base of Jessica's neck before attaching her lips on the skin once again; lightly biting it before . Jessica's fingers were caught up in the mass of Taeyeon's blonde hair as she tries to move her hand to the back of Taeyeon's head, wanting nothing more than to press Taeyeon's lips deeper into her neck. But Jessica didn’t need to press Taeyeon's head because the latter on more skin, creating more marks that had Jessica's knees shaking underneath hers.


Taeyeon didn't say a word. Instead, she unlaced her other hand with Jessica's as she unwrapped the towel Jessica was still wearing, revealing her girlfriend's glorious figure that hadn’t changed much after the years, even after giving birth to Seohyun. She pulled away for a second, admiring the marks she had left in Jessica's neck; a mark that would hopefully make every guy--and girl, stop hitting on her girlfriend.

Satisfied of the glorious sight, she dove in; lips instantly connecting with Jessica's mounds as her hand gently caressed the other mound. She and at the skin before her tongue encircled the perked , earning louder moans from Jessica; body arching and all.

Taeyeon knows Jessica well, she knows when to be rough and when to be gentle; so when her was inside Taeyeon's mouth, she can't help but whimper at the sensation as her hormones went to an overdrive because of Taeyeon's ministrations. She bit her lower lip, body arching upwards, wanting nothing more than to be closer to Taeyeon as her hand went to the back of Taeyeon's head; pushing Taeyeon’s face closer to her body. Four years apart and Taeyeon still knows all the sweet spots.

Taeyeon's free hand went to hold Jessica by the small of her back, steadying her as Taeyeon continued pleasuring her other . Throwing her head back, Jessica unconsciously brushed her exposed center against Taeyeon's thigh, earning a groan from Taeyeon. Eyes rolled back and Jessica was officially in seventh heaven as Taeyeon trailed wet kisses from the space between her s, down to her abdomen, stopping for a while to take off her shirt and expose her bare upper-body to Jessica.

Taeyeon then moved lower, stopping just when she was in front of Jessica's center, hands moving to hold each side of Jessica's hips. Head moved again to trail sloppy kisses from Jessica's knee to her upper thigh.

Jessica didn't know how long she had been holding her breath, but she sure was when her lungs ached; demanding for oxygen. She took in long and deep breaths, only to stop again when she felt Taeyeon's wet lips coming closer and closer towards her center. Taeyeon was sending her to the brink of sanity with her slow and agonizing wet kisses.

And then Taeyeon abruptly stopped, moving up to Jessica's face again to kiss her lips, pulling Jessica down from cloud nine.

"I love you." Taeyeon whispered, placing a chaste kiss on Jessica's lips.

Jessica hugged her as she let out a shaky 'I love you too'.

Taeyeon then detached herself from Jessica as she moved down between Jessica's legs again, placing her tongue on the spot that made Jessica scream her name like no other. Eyes rolled back and body arched upward as Jessica skyrocketed back to seventh heaven, hands clutching Taeyeon's blonde hair, pushing her girlfriend deeper into her. Jessica's grip on Taeyeon's hair might have hurt but she had long lost all control as she ride the wave of euphoria; adrenaline rushing through her veins as she rolls her hips against Taeyeon.

Jessica's screams of 'I love yous' rings inside Taeyeon's head as they spent the rest of the night making love. And that, was enough reassurance for Taeyeon that Jessica will always be hers.

Mine,” she thought as her grip on Jessica’s hips tightened.




Heya! I just want to apologize for being MIA for a while. Anyway, Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year to the awesome readers! :) Sorry for the , by the way, I really don't know how to write . But rest assured I'd study and practice for the byuntae readers. :P

What are your wishes? Mine was just like any shipper's; that 2014 be TaengSic's year. <3










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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
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