
Kiss Me

Taeyeon glanced at the wall clock; it was about to strike four in the afternoon. She breathed out, adjusting her dress as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. A smile graced her lips when she saw the person sitting on the wheelchair behind her. She turned and hugged her mother.

“You look so beautiful, Taengoo,” her mother cooed, Taeyeon's back.

Taeyeon pulled away and placed a peck on her mother's cheek.

“Don't cry,” Mrs. Kim said with a smile as she wiped Taeyeon's tears with her thumb. “You're going to ruin your makeup.”

Taeyeon laughed before hugging her mother once more. “I love you, umma,” she said and continued sobbing silently, overwhelmed with emotions that she has yet to name.

After seven months of preparation, she will finally stand beside Jessica and exchange vows of forever.


“Ready?” a slight tug on her hand got Jessica turning to her side. Her gaze was immediately met with Taeyeon's smiling face. They tried to keep their nervousness in but Taeyeon was never good at hiding her emotions. Jessica smiled, squeezed Taeyeon's hand and placed a peck in the corner of Taeyeon's lips.

“I was ready seven months ago,” she said, making Taeyeon's smile widen.

They stood at the end of the golden carpet that was laid on the ground, ending up to an arch made up of flowers a few feet away from the cliff that overlooked a beautiful sea and the endless horizon. It was breathtaking.

Taeyeon personally chose the place in Jeju. She knew the view of the sunset was clearer there, that's why they chose to hold the ceremony at four in the afternoon. Jessica didn't protested at the idea; she just wanted the wedding to push through.

The weather was perfect, the sun was slowly setting and the sky was turning into hue of orange and pink. Taeyeon smiled, it definitely was the perfect day to get married.

Chairs with golden ribbons lined up beside the aisle where guests sat. There were white rose petals scattered on the carpet. The judge stood behind the flower arch. It was a simple set up but Taeyeon and Jessica loved it that way. They were never fond of fancy looking things.

They both stood at the end of the line as they watched their friends and family march down the aisle before sitting down on their respective chairs.

Tiffany and Jiwon volunteered to personally serenade the couple as they walked down the aisle. Jiwon played the guitar while Tiffany sang for them. Taeyeon wondered if Jessica and her looked as perfect as her brother and his wife.

I've never been this close to anyone or anything, I can hear your thoughts, I can see your dreams..

Yuri and Yoona were the first couple to march down the aisle, clad in identical white dresses and silver high heeled shoes. Yoona was all smiles as she held Yuri's hand tightly.

I wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side, forever and ever..

Next were Sunny and Hyomin. Sunny was wearing a cream-colored tube dress while Hyomin opted for a  long gown that hugged her figure perfectly. They were planning to get married in two months.

You touch every place in my heart, oh it feels like the first time every time..

Then came Hyoyeon and Sooyoung, looking as dorky as ever as they marched down the aisle. The two girls kept their communication even after Hyoyeon returned to California. There was still no label between them but they both know they had a special place in each other's hearts. As long as there was food to share and stories to tell.

Every little thing that you do, baby I'm amazed by you..

Krystal's cheeks were blushing as she marched down the aisle with Minho, Sooyoung's cousin. Taeyeon had an incredulous look in her eyes as she grinned cheekily at Krystal. Who would have thought that the stuttering boy would actually capture Krystal's heart?

I wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side, forever and ever..

Seohyun marched down the aisle with her little basket full of flowers. Taeyeon watched her daughter with glee as she cutely strolled towards the end. The little girl had a confused look on her face when they were fitting for her gown and when they told her she was going to be a flower girl.

“What's that, Mommy? Seohyun had asked with furrowed brows and Taeyeon found herself getting nervous. Seohyun was too young to understand marriage.

Jessica and Taeyeon had a hard time explaining to Seohyun about the wedding but at the end, the little girl just shrugged her shoulders. “I don't understand, she said, “But we live with Mommy Taeng, right? Jessica and Taeyeon nodded their heads then Seohyun smiled at them and hugged them. “Okay, let's get married! she had beamed, making the couple laugh at her innocence.

When it was Taeyeon and Jessica's turn, the song changed. Taeyeon felt nervous and giddy at the same time.

She intertwined their hands before she pulled Jessica gently to start walking.

I see you smiling back at me, It's like all my dreams come true.

Jessica didn't know how or when they reached the end of the carpet but she found herself standing in front of the judge, beside Taeyeon. The judge smiled at them warmly as he greeted them.

You are the love of my life and I'm so glad you found me.

“Today, we are fortunate to witness a love that is strong and pure,” the judge started, “Not many people may understand it, but for those of you that are here to witness this wonderful love, you are truly blessed.”

Taeyeon squeezed Jessica's hand.

The ceremony went on. Jessica found herself tearing up as the seconds tick by. It all felt surreal. She was going to be married to Taeyeon any moment now.

“Please say your vows,” the judge said, handing Taeyeon the microphone.

Taeyeon blushed, clearing as she brought the microphone up to speak.

“Err, hi,” she smiled sheepishly at Jessica, “I can't believe we're actually doing this,” she said and the guests laughed.

“Jessica,” she looked straight into Jessica's glossy eyes, “When we first met, I never really liked you. Not when you tried shoving your tongue into my mouth.” Jessica laughed, covering with her right hand as tears slowly dropped from her eyes. Taeyeon wiped them before continuing, “But as time went on, I found myself falling for the beauty that was you,” she smiled, “And that fall was so hard I haven't ever recovered since.”

Taeyeon took Jessica's hand in hers. “Jessica, I can't promise you the world and I can't promise you things that are too good to be true,” a pause, “But I will promise; to be your world, to love you more each day, to never get tired of you and to always be your partner in whatever you do. I promise to be the partner that you deserve, the partner that you need.”

Jessica's tears fell again.

“I, Kim Taeyeon, stand before you today to promise that I will be yours for the rest of our lives.”

The judge smiled, taking the microphone from Taeyeon and handed it to Jessica.

“I never thought we'd end up here,” Jessica said and sniffled. “But I am grateful.”

“Taeyeon,” she took in a deep breath, “I could never find the right word to describe how I feel standing before you today, just like how I can't find the words to describe how I feel whenever you look me in the eyes. It's as if the world is turning but we're standing still, stuck in that moment. It feels so.. magical.. so wonderful.. so cliche that I sometimes find myself asking if I were dreaming or not.”

Taeyeon nodded. That's how she feels for Jessica, too. As if words were scarce everytime.

“Taengoo, I know you know I can't cook that well,” the guests laughed, “But I promise to be your personal chef everyday. I promise to take better care of you. I promise that, no matter where life takes us, we will always have each other and our daughter. I promise to be by your side through good and bad times. I love you, Taeyeon.”

The guests clapped their hands and Taeyeon found herself tearing up as the judge went on with the ceremony. The world didn't exist for a moment and Taeyeon found it hard to focus on whatever the judge has to say.

She didn't know how but she managed to put the ring on Jessica's finger through her dazed state.

“I now pronounce you partners in life,” the judge said. “You may now kiss.”

Jessica stepped closer to Taeyeon when the woman just stayed rooted on her spot, seemingly daed. She smiled, put her hands on each side of Taeyeon's jawline and pulled her gently before connecting their lips. Taeyeon didn't respond at first but eventually snapped out of her daze as she put her hands on Jessica's waist, pulling her partner closer to her body. Time stopped and everything froze. It was just them and the backdrop of the sunset. Everything looked so picturesque, so perfect.

“I love you,” Taeyeon said when they pulled away from the kiss.

Jessica gave Taeyeon an eskimo kiss before pulling her in a hug, “I love you, too.”

A smile of contentment graced Taeyeon's lips. This is where they belong; in each other's life.





Hi, guys! I am happy to announce that this fic has come to its end. It had been wonderful reading all your comments and I can never thank you guys enough. I hope you know how grateful I am for all the love that you've shown for me and this fic. And I hope, somehow, this fic left an impression on you. Thank you so much again and you guys are so awesome!



I'm sorry for the crappy ending. This is a bit rushed and to be honest, I'm not satisfied with it. Regardless of all that, I still posted this because there's nothing coming out of my brain anymore and the last chapter had been long overdue. I will re-write the last chapters again if inspiration comes, but for now I hope this would do. :) Once again, thank you so much <3

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
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