The Lake

Kiss Me

Fumbling fingers took hold of a fishing rod. Jessica frowned. Fishing isn't her thing but Taeyeon had dragged the group along for a weekend getaway with her parents. It was nerve-racking at first but Taeyeon's expectant eyes made Jessica indulge at her girlfriend’s request. She wanted to spend some time with Taeyeon anyway.

But the girl had been evasive ever since Mr. and Mrs. Kim arrived. Even if it was understandable, sort of kind of, it was still irksome. She just wanted to laugh with Taeyeon, cuddle or talk. She was bored and there was no fish eating her bait, making her more irritated than she already is. She hissed before cursing under her breath. She turned to her right where the other girls were happily chatting, laughing as Krystal told them her latest misfortune at the mall with Baekhyun. Another turn of the head and her sight landed on Taeyeon and her father. They were sitting on a stool far away from the group; fishing rods in hand but no words were exchanged between them. Jessica wondered if the Kim household had always been so silent.

"Have you gotten any, yet?" Mrs. Kim's voice bolted her back to life as the woman sat beside her on the wooden dock.

"H-hi.. Mrs. Kim."

"Oh sweetie, drop the formalities. Sunkyo and Yuri calls me Auntie, I think it would just be right if you call me Auntie too." Mrs. Kim smiled and turned to glance at the other girls.

"Are those yours and Taeyeon's friends?" She added when her sight fell on Yoona, Sooyoung and Krystal.

"Ye-yes.. Auntie,” she awkwardly said before continuing, “The tallest and thinnest of all is Sooyoung, my childhood friend. The other tall and pale girl is Yoona, one of my bestfriends and Yuri’s girlfriend. The red haired girl is Krystal, my sister."

"Oh, your sister is lovely. Your parents are lucky to have such beautiful children." Mrs. Kim said with a smile as her sight lingered on Krystal before bringing her attention back to Jessica.

Jessica smiled and blushed at the compliment, not really knowing what to say.

"I apologize for Taeyeon's behavior just now." Mrs. Kim then said and Jessica looked at her questioningly.

"I know you might think that she's avoiding you. But believe me, right now all she wants is to sit here in my place," Mrs. Kim chuckled and glanced briefly at her daughter before continuing, "But it had been a long time since she last went fishing with the old man."

Jessica nodded and smiled.


Taeyeon sighed in relief when the figure of her mother sat beside Jessica in her peripheral vision. The girl had been sulking and been quiet, but Taeyeon knew her evasiveness had something to do with it. Another sigh. Fishing is getting boring. She just wanted to talk to Jessica.

"Tired?" Her father's voice brought her attention back to the lake. She shook her head no. She was bored, not tired.

"The fishes are being evasive today. Maybe they went to school? You know.. School of fish?" He added with a grin.

Taeyeon had to suppress her laughter before whining, "Appa~! Still the lamest joke ever. Go buy yourself a new joke book."

Mr. Kim laughed along with Taeyeon.

"Maybe I should really buy a new joke book." He said as he snickered.

Taeyeon just shrugged as their laughter died down.

"You have many friends now." Mr. Kim commented.



"Was. Yuri and the two tall girls are still in their last year in High School. Sunkyo and the blonde girl," there was a pause as Taeyeon looked over her girlfriend briefly. "Jes-ssica will be in college soon while the red haired girl, Jessica's sister, is a freshman in High School."

Taeyeon's father nodded and glanced at the group for the last time.

"Your mother looks close with the blonde girl." He commented as his sight landed on her wife that was talking to Jessica.

"Ye-yeah. Guess you could say that. Umma taught her how to bake cupcakes."

“Hmm,” he hummed and nodded, bringing his full attention back to the fishing rod.

“You’re starting college soon. Are you excited?” Mr. Kim asked, breaking the silence that had occurred between them.

“Ecstatic.” Taeyeon answered with a smile, the thought of living together with Jessica clouding her mind.

“Good. I know people from your department, it shouldn’t be that hard.” He said with a satisfied smile.



“What if..” Taeyeon trailed off, looking at her father first.

“What if what?” He said, urging her to continue.

“What if.. I change my course? What if I don’t want to take up business?”

There was silence between them as Mr. Kim pursed his lips.

“Taeyeon-ah, our company means a lot to me, and you are the only person I could entrust it with. Jiwon had started his little business and wouldn’t take over the company even if I asked him to.” His eyes were sad.

“I can’t just let some random  employee take over something I worked hard for a very long time.” He added.

“You understand me, don’t you?” He asked when Taeyeon fell silent.

Taeyeon nodded her head, throwing away all her dreams. For her Appa. For the man that had given her everything she ever needed in life. For the man who loved her even before anybody else did.


Jessica stood under a big oak tree by the lake, taking in the beautiful sight before her eyes. The setting sun behind a hill was giving off a perfect hue of orange and pink across the sky with white cotton candy-like clouds here and there. She had always adored sunsets. There was something about them that pulls her every time. She smiled. Taeyeon is like a sunset, nice and inviting. She suddenly missed the shorter girl. She looked over the cabin Taeyeon’s parents had rented for them, it looked small because of the distance but she could still make out the figures inside it through the glass window. There was Krystal, Sunny, Sooyoung, Yuri and Yoona but not Taeyeon. She wondered where her girlfriend could have gone to. She shrugged it off and instead she took her smartphone from her back pocket, opened the Camera application and snapped a photo of the beautiful sunset. A content smile lingered in her lips.

Jessica’s smile widened when a memory replayed on her mind.

“Kiss Kim Taeyeon. Now.”

Sooyoung had a devilish smile as she brought a hand up to slap it against Yoona’s and Jessica could only glare at them.

She looked over the nerd she was supposed to kiss before she stubbornly exclaimed no.

But then Sooyoung have her ways of making things work the way she wants them. And so Jessica found herself walking towards the nerd girl who looked so out of place in the school. She was small, had child-like features with glasses too big for her small eyes. She tapped the girl’s shoulder but she was ignored and irritation kicked in as she hastily pulled the small girl up, pressing her lips against the plumped lips. The girl had stubbornly clamped her lips shut and Jessica glided her tongue across it, wanting more. She can’t help it. The girl was unexpectedly intoxicating. The world was spinning faster than it ever did. She definitely wanted more.

Then the world stopped spinning and Jessica found herself seated on the misty ground, blades of grass poking her thighs. She looked up only to see Kim Taeyeon glaring at her before stomping her way out of the ground. Her gaze followed Kim Taeyeon until the girl disappeared inside the halls.

Her blood should be boiling by now because Kim Taeyeon had just pushed her away... But her skin was so smooth and so inviting and—wait, no not inviting, not pretty, not attractive. Nope. Definitely not.

Jessica’s right hand touched her lips unconsciously as her left hand clutched her phone close to her chest, heart beating fast.

Short arms encircled her waist and warm breath brushed against her neck, making Jessica jerk back up to the present.

“What’s on your mind, Sooyeon?” Taeyeon mumbled against the skin in Jessica’s neck.

Jessica stiffened a bit as tingles ran down her spine. “N-nothing,” she said before a smile formed in her lips again as Taeyeon grazed her lips against the skin in Jessica’s neck.

“I missed you,” Taeyeon mumbled again, arms tightening its hold around Jessica’s body.

“Missed you too.” Jessica answered and turned her head to kiss Taeyeon’s temple before turning her body inside Taeyeon’s arms to face the girl.

“Why is my baby upset?” She asked when her eyes connected with Taeyeon’s.

“It’s nothing.” Taeyeon answered with a shook of her head before placing a chaste peck on Jessica’s lips. “Come, I wanna show you something.” She said before letting go of Jessica, taking her hand and pulling her towards a pathway. They stumbled a bit through the dark pathway as rocks and branches littered the way. Darkness was slowly creeping in as dusk consumed the lake.

“Taengoo, this is dangerous.” Jessica whispered, tugging Taeyeon’s hand lightly so the girl would stop walking.

“No, I’m here. Don’t be afraid.” Taeyeon assured and pulled Jessica closer to her instead.

Taeyeon smiled as the wooden dock came into view and a boat was tied securely on it. She squeezed Jessica’s hand, making the girl turn to look at her; she then nodded her head towards the boat.

“A.. boat?” Jessica asked hesitantly. Taeyeon grinned, nodded and pulled her further into the wooden dock until they were standing beside the boat.

“A boat.” Jessica uttered, eyeing the boat.

“Get on.” Taeyeon instructed.

Jessica looked out at the dark lake before shaking her head no.

“I’m afraid of dark waters, Taengoo~” She admitted in a low voice.

“But you weren’t afraid when we were in Sooyoung’s grandparents’ place.” Taeyeon teased as formed into a wide grin.

Jessica’s blush was hidden, thank goodness to the night.

“Come on.” Taeyeon said, pulling her hand as she stepped inside the wooden boat first. Jessica protested for a while but was soon dragged into the boat.

“Do you even know how to make this thing move?” Jessica asked incredulously as Taeyeon untie the knots on the dock.

“Nope,” she answered with a pop.

“Kim Taeyeon! What in the world are you doing?!” Jessica frantically said when Taeyeon pushed the boat away from the dock.

“Making it up to my girlfriend?” Taeyeon grinned and took hold of the paddles that were attached on either side of her.

“But there’s nothing to make up to. I’m not mad. Can we just go back now? Please?” Taeyeon shook her head with a smile as an answer. Jessica looked at her girlfriend with amusement as the small girl skillfully propelled and steered the wooden boat with the paddles, wondering if there is anything the shorter girl can't do.

Jessica saw the physical effort Taeyeon was exerting just for the boat to move, and she stopped whining, instead she closed her eyes and let her skin feel the cold air and listened to the faint sounds the crickets were making.

“Open your eyes, princess.” Taeyeon whispered, face centimeters away from Jessica. The latter did as told and her eyes connected with Taeyeon’s for a brief moment before the shorter girl closed all the distance between them, capturing her lips in a slow kiss.

Jessica was about to deepen the kiss but before she could, Taeyeon had moved away a little. She pouted cutely. Taeyeon chuckled and placed a peck on Jessica’s lips before she moved back to sit on her side of the boat.

Jessica then looked around, noticing the change of location. They were now in a small lake with trees and flowers on the shore. She turned to her back to see a small opening with branches of two opposing trees arching above it, making it look like an entrance of a church. The moon graced them with her present, slightly illuminating the waters. Jessica then turned to her girlfriend with delighted eyes only to find the shorter girl hugging a guitar.

“Where did you get that?” She asked, eyeing Taeyeon incredulously.

Taeyeon didn’t say a word; instead she pointed below the center thwart that she was sitting on. Jessica looked over where Taeyeon had pointed and saw a black guitar case lying on the bottom boards.

Taeyeon strummed a couple of chords before she cleared . Jessica furrowed her brows as Taeyeon looked up to face her again.

“While you were working..” Taeyeon paused for a moment and wiped her sweaty palm against her jeans.

“While you were working.. I was.. practicing,” she smiled at Jessica before continuing. “I’m not that good yet.. it’s the only song I’ve learned.”

Taeyeon started strumming on the guitar strings before her angelic voice blended with the guitar.

Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in

Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms

Taeyeon’s fingers clumsily changed position on the guitar fret and she pouted cutely but she continued singing and strumming.

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

She looked up to Jessica again, connecting their eyes as her fingers got used to the changing of chords. Jessica looked back at her with a sweet smile on her lips.

Settle down with me
And I'll be your safety
You'll be my lady


I was made to keep your body warm
But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

Oh no
My heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with this feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Jessica wanted to cry. Her feelings were overwhelming. Kim Taeyeon never fails to make her fall in love all over again.

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

The moment was beyond perfect. The moonlight, the steady water, the cold air, Taeyeon’s voice; everything was perfect and Jessica fought the tears that were welling up on her eyes. She didn’t want to ruin the moment with her overly dramatic actions, but the sincerity and clarity in Taeyeon’s voice was making it hard to hold her tears.

Yeah I've been feeling everything
From hate to love
From love to lust
From lust to truth
I guess that's how I know you
So I hold you close to help you give it up

So kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Her tears slowly streamed down her face. She wasn’t sad. She was happy. Very, very happy that Kim Taeyeon came along, making her feel special in every way she could.

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

By the time Taeyeon finished the song, Jessica was sobbing. She panicked and carefully moved near the mast thwart where Jessica was seated, sitting her guitar down in the process. She knelt down in front of Jessica and cupped the crying girl’s cheeks.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” She asked as she wiped Jessica’s tears away with her thumbs.

Jessica didn’t answer; instead she wrapped her arms tightly around Taeyeon’s neck, knocking the girl in the process.

Taeyeon grunts when her back hit the center thwart but Jessica didn’t budge, instead, she buried hear face in Taeyeon’s neck and straddled the shorter girl’s lap.

“Sica, be careful. You’re rocking the boat.” Taeyeon said as her hands rubbed Jessica’s back in a soothing manner.

“What’s wrong? Was my voice that bad?” She asked when Jessica’s body relaxed against hers.

Jessica shook her head against Taeyeon’s neck, nuzzling her nose against the skin.

“Then why are you crying? Are you afraid? Let’s go back then.”

Another shake of the head before Jessica leaned back a little, staring intently at Taeyeon’s eyes.

“That was.. the sweetest thing.. ever.” She said in a strained voice.

Taeyeon then grinned upon hearing her girlfriend’s words.

“Glad you liked it,” she said and kissed the tip of Jessica’s nose.

“Are you kidding?! Who wouldn’t? And I don’t just like it. I love it!” Jessica chirped and wiped the remaining tears on her eyes.

Taeyeon chuckled before pulling Jessica in for a tight hug as the girl straddled her lap.

“Does it hurt?” Jessica asked after a while, words muffled in Taeyeon’s neck.

“What hurts?” Taeyeon asked as her fingers glided to the bottom of Jessica’s spine.

“Your fingers. Do they hurt?” Jessica asked again. Taeyeon nodded her answer.

Jessica kept silent and listened to Taeyeon’s breathing, chest rising up and down against hers.

“But it’s all worth it.” Taeyeon whispered after a while, breaking the silence that fell upon them.

“Hmm?” Jessica hummed with eyelids half-closed, half-opened.

“The soreness and blisters. They’re all worth it. I made you happy, didn’t I?”

Jessica opened her eyes fully and leaned back again so she was eye to eye with Taeyeon again.

“Taengoo~ you always make me happy. Always. Remember that.”

Taeyeon smiled before pushing Jessica by the back towards her. She leaned in and tilted her head slightly to the side. She then closed her eyes and pressed her lips against Jessica’s. Their lips danced to the rhythm of their racing hearts that synchronized perfectly. Taeyeon nibbled on Jessica’s lower lip before the tip of her tongue traced the nonexistent bite mark slowly and teasingly. Jessica opened her lips slightly before they were engaged in a game of tonsil hockey.

Jessica’s moans were muffled by Taeyeon’s dominant tongue and she felt the shorter girl’s hands gliding up and down her thighs. Another muffled moan emitted from her lips, her hormones going haywire. She badly needs Taeyeon closer. She pushed the shorter girl towards her, leaving no space between them as their bodies pressed against each other.

Pulling her lips away to breath, Taeyeon pressed her forehead against Jessica’s chin, eyes still closed.

“I love you.. I.. love you. I really.. love you.” Taeyeon whispered breathlessly.

Jessica nodded with a smile. “I know. I know,” she says, “I love you too.”

She was about to get off of Taeyeon’s lap when she felt the shorter girl’s lips pressed against her neck, bodies pressed tightly against each other again.

She smiled as Taeyeon’s singing voice replayed on her mind.

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Taeyeon nibbled the skin on Jessica’s neck and on it, marking her as if she was her most prized possession. Jessica groaned; her brain trying to tell her that it’s going to leave a mark, but her heart was telling her that it was okay because this is Taeyeon, her Taengoo, and she’ll happily carry the mark for as long as she can.

“Sica-ah~” Taeyeon called out lovingly, her lips moving against Jessica’s neck. “Be mine forever. Don’t ever leave me.”

“I am yours. Forever.”

Their bodies molded into one as they held each other tight under the moonlight. The flowers swayed, blessing them. The trees bowed, wanting to kiss them. The water stayed still, symbolizing Jessica’s place in Taeyeon’s life. Still. Definite. Clear.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
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