Mommy Taeng

Kiss Me
Fingers drummed against the denim-covered lap as she waits for her girlfriend. It had only been ten minutes but Taeyeon feels like Jessica was taking too long to dress up. Stretching her arms above her head, she rose from the couch and proceeded to walk to her room, only to stop when an angry looking Seohyun walked out of the room; lips formed into a frown, brows furrowing, arms crossed above her chest as she walked right straight into Taeyeon. The sight would have been cute, if only her daughter didn’t look as scary as HellSica.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Taeyeon crouched down, stopping Seohyun in her tracks.
The little girl huffed from her nose before uncrossing her arms, letting it drop to her side.
“Hyunnie no like dress.”
Taeyeon stopped herself from chuckling, not wanting to enrage her daughter further.
“What does Hyunnie want, then?”
Seohyun casted her a thoughtful look before dropping her head low. “Hyunnie wants Mickey. Mommy Jess say no Mickey.”
Taeyeon nodded before standing back up. “Do you want to go with Taengoo?” She extended her hand for Seohyun to take.
Seohyun contemplated for a while before finally taking hold of Taeyeon’s hand, letting the woman guide her back inside the room.
Taeyeon slowly opened the door and was immediately greeted by the sight of Jessica sitting on the edge of her bed, face buried in her palms. She wasn’t crying, but Taeyeon knows her girlfriend isn’t happy either.
“Sooyeon,” she called out, stopping just beside the dejected girl.
“Sooyeon, are you okay?” Her free hand went to rub Jessica’s back.
Jessica sighed before bringing her hands down, revealing her stressed face to Taeyeon. The older girl frowned at the sight.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” She repeated the same question she asked Seohyun just a while ago.
“Taengoo.. Seohyun stormed out on me. She’s never done that before.”
The little girl hid behind Taeyeon’s legs as soon as her mother mentioned her name.
“Why? What happened?” Taeyeon said, noticing the tight grip on her legs.
“I told her to wear the dress, but she wouldn’t. She wanted her Mickey Mouse shirt but she can't because it's a wedding. And then she just stormed out of the room.”
Taeyeon inwardly chuckled. What did she ever expect? Of course Seohyun would be as hard-headed as Jessica.
She turned to lift Seohyun in her arms before sitting down beside Jessica.
“Well, she’s here now and she wants to say something.” Taeyeon sat Seohyun on her lap.
The little girl tilted her head towards Taeyeon and looked at the woman questioningly.
“Shouldn’t we tell Mommy, sorry?”
Jessica looked at her girlfriend and their daughter as the two exchanged looks that she would never understand. She smiles a little, realizing how Seohyun had become so attached to Taeyeon at a short time.
“Hyunnie is sorry, Mommy.” Seohyun said, head hung low as her bottom lip quivered. Familiar hands then took her from Taeyeon, transferring her to the lap she had grown up with. She moved closer to Jessica’s body as she wrapped her short arms around her mother’s body.
“It’s okay, sweetie. Just don’t be mad at Mommy like that again, okay? I get upset when you’re upset with me.”
Seohyun’s head rubs against Jessica’s chest as she nods her head, causing for a smile to form in Taeyeon’s lips.
“I have something for you,” Taeyeon said, rubbing her daughter’s back. Jessica and Seohyun watched her as she stood up from the bed and walked to her closet, rummaging the drawers before finally returning with a red paper bag.
“What that?” Seohyun asked, pointing at the paper bag.
Taeyeon smiled, offering the paper bag to Seohyun. “It’s for you. Open it.”
Seohyun looked up to her Mommy Jess who nodded at her before taking the paper bag from Taeyeon. Her eyes sparkled as soon as she opened the paper bag with a white Mickey Mouse shirt neatly folded inside. She took the shirt out and wrapped her small arms around Taeyeon’s neck as she dived into the woman for a hug. She squeaked, causing Taeyeon and Jessica to laugh.
“Thank you, Mommy Taeng!”
Taeyeon stiffened at the word as her insides churned in a very, very good way. A blush settled on her cheeks as she looked at Jessica who was smiling widely at her.
“Y-you’re.. w-welcome.. sweetie.” Taeyeon let out, still too flustered at how the word seemed to roll out of Seohyun’s tongue so naturally.
Jessica giggled, “Taengoo, you look like you had been kissed by your long time crush.”
“D-did you hear what she called me?” Taeyeon said, a smile slowly breaking from her lips.
Jessica nodded, dropping her head into her girlfriend’s shoulder. “I did, and it was so sweet. It sounded like how she calls me.”
“Exactly.” Taeyeon broke into a full smile.
Fingers played with hers and a sweet smile settled in Taeyeon’s lips, eyes never leaving Seohyun who was busy running about inside the garden.
“You look like a love struck teenager,” Jessica commented, poking Taeyeon’s chin-dimple with her free finger.
Taeyeon’s signature laugh resounded in Jessica’s ear, traveling to her heart where she kept every laugh, every smile of Taeyeon.
“But I am,” Taeyeon said, bringing their intertwined fingers to her lips before kissing the back of Jessica’s hand. “Eight years and it haven’t changed a bit.”
A blush tainted Jessica’s cheeks, giving her an instant blush-on to complete her light make up.
“Eight years and you’re still cheesy.”
Taeyeon laughed once more. “I am?”
Jessica rolled her eyes, pinching Taeyeon’s nose before dropping her head into Taeyeon’s shoulder. “How did you make her wear the dress?” she asked, eyes trained on their daughter.
Taeyeon shifted some so they could both sit comfortably. “I don’t really know. She said she wanted to wear it because Mommy Jess will be upset again.”
Silence fell upon them as they watched their daughter play with the flowers she was holding, giggling at it every once in a while.
“Do you really have to leave?”
Taeyeon’s question broke the comfortable silence and Jessica sighed; of course she knows how hard it is for Taeyeon.
She nods. “You understand, right?”
“You’re not running away again, right?”
“Taeyeon, of course not. I’d stay if I didn’t have a contract in California.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just that… I’m going to miss you and Seohyun.”
Jessica sat up straight, facing Taeyeon. “Taengoo, you can always visit,” she bit her lower lip, “Or you can... come with us... you know.”
Taeyeon looked at Jessica apologetically, “I’m sorry, Sooyeon, I still have to look after the company.”
Jessica nodded, offering Taeyeon a comforting smile. "Look after Seohyun, I'll just go talk to Tiff," she placed a peck in Taeyeon's temple before standing up and walking to where she thought Tiffany was.
Tiffany turned from the wide window of the room and a smile immediately settled on her face when she saw Jessica standing at the doorway before she slowly made her way to Tiffany.
"Very," she answered, thumb fiddling with her engagement ring.
Jessica smiled, engulfing Tiffany in a comforting hug.
"Don't be," she pulled away just enough to look at Tiffany in the eyes, "You're so beautiful."
A blush crept its way to Tiffany's makeup-covered face.
"Give Hyunnie a playmate soon, okay?" Jessica's smile widened in a teasing manner, deepening the blush in Tiffany's cheeks although it wasn't visible under her makeup.
"What are you talking about," Tiffany shyly looked away.
"Oh my gosh, don't tell me--"
"I-I'm not sure yet, okay. Maybe I'm just late," Tiffany answered in a low voice.
"Thank God your wedding was rescheduled earlier, I don't want to see you walking down that aisle with a huge bump on your tummy," Jessica stuck her tongue out playfully at Tiffany, making the younger girl break out into giggles.
"Jessi, you're such a child."
Jessica just grinned and a comfortable silence fell upon them as they stood beside each other by the huge window, eyes looking over Taeyeon and Seohyun who were happily chatting in the decorated garden.
"Do you think I should stay?" Jessica asked in an uncertain voice and Tiffany casted her a glance before turning her attention back to the garden where her wedding will take place.
"Is that what you want?"
Jessica bit her lower lip. Of course she wanted to stay with Taeyeon, but a part of her wanted to go back to her life in California. She loves her job, and she doesn't think she'll be able to give that one up just yet.
"I don't know.."
Tiffany pulled Jessica closer to her side, wrapping an arm around the slender waist of her best friend.
"I think you know what you want. You're just afraid."
Jessica looked at Tiffany incredulously. "What are you talking about?"
"You want to succeed in your job, but you're too afraid that Taeyeon and you will end up the way you did before."
Jessica looked away, not sure what to answer Tiffany. Yes, she's always been afraid ever since she got back with Taeyeon. Her insecurities were still there and she feels like it's just a matter of time until Taeyeon chooses something over her again.
"You know she loves you so much, right?" Tiffany said in a comforting tone and Jessica nods her head.
Of course she knows that. Taeyeon had been so vocal about her feelings, and if that wasn't enough proof, Taeyeon had always showed her through her actions. But Taeyeon has the tendency to act selfless at times that irritates Jessica how someone could be so selfless as her; at the expense of her own happiness.
"Everything will work out just fine, Jessi. If getting back after four years apart isn't a proof yet that you are meant for each other, then I don't know what is."
Jessica watched Taeyeon carry Seohyun in her arms. Their daughter was growing exceptionally fast and Taeyeon looked so awkward with a big child in her arms but Jessica saw the contentment in her girlfriend's face and in that moment, she knew Taeyeon was for her to keep this time around.
"You don't have to choose right now," Tiffany followed Jessica's line of sight. "I'm sure Taeyeon will wait for you. And if things doesn't work out after a few months, then that's when you decide what you really want."
"But I want to be with Taeyeon," Jessica said, not tearing her eyes off Taeyeon and Seohyun.
"But you want to continue your job, too."
Jessica sighed, "I do."
"And I think Taeyeon understands."
"She does."
"Then I don't see any problem with that."
Jessica turned to face Tiffany, eyes filled with worry. "But Tiff, California's too far from here. What if she finds--"
Tiffany shook her head, "She won't, Jessi. She won't."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I can feel it. She loves you way too much to ever find someone else."
Jessica kept mum.
"She won't, okay? Why are you so worried?"
Jessica bit her tongue before a blush made its way to her cheeks. "I-I don't think I could afford losing her. And I-I don't think I'll ever love someone.. o-other than her."
Tiffany's eyes turned into crescents. "Of course you won't, silly. You're in too deep for Kim Taeyeon." She laughed then, "And she's equally into you."
Jessica clasped Tiffany's hands. "I'm sorry, today was supposed to be your day and here I am, venting all my worries at you."
Tiffany crinkled her nose in an adorable manner. "You made me forget how nervous I was and I couldn't get any more grateful for the distraction."
Jessica pulled Tiffany in for a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you, Tiff. Really, really happy."
"Thank you, Jessi."
 "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."
Taeyeon turned her head to the side and saw Jessica tearing up, she immediately took out her handkerchief, wiping Jessica's tears.
"Why are you crying?" She said as she took Jessica's hand in hers, intertwining their fingers.
Jessica shook her head. "It was just so beautiful. They're so beautiful. Tiffany is so happy."
Taeyeon nodded her head, turning to watch her brother kiss her sister-in-law, Tffany. "I know."
She imagined kissing Jessica on the altar, too, and it made her heart flutter. The thought of Jessica being her wife was so lovely. The thought of growing old with Jessica never really left her mind even after everything that had happened. She still believed that Jessica was for her as she was for Jessica. And now that they're back together, she had every intention in keeping Jessica, whatever it takes.
"Taengoo? Are you okay? You're spacing out."
She smiled and turned her head towards Jessica, placing a peck on her girlfriend's lips. "I love you."
Jessica looked at her questioningly before a smile showed up on her face, too. "I love you, too."
"Mommy Taeng! Come! Come!"
Taeyeon laughed as she let Seohyun drag her to the bedroom of her apartment. She was dead tired from her brother's wedding but Seohyun's excitement effectively brushed off all the exhaustion in her body. Her daughter had been calling her 'Mommy' since the morning and Taeyeon couldn't be any more happier.
"Careful, sweetie, Taengoo is tired." Jessica said, walking behind them.
"Mommy Taeng read book!" Seohyun announces, skillfully twisting the doorknob open and pulling Taeyeon inside the room before pushing her Mommy Taeng to sit on the bed. She then walked to the bookshelf and took out her newly found favorite book.
With sparkling eyes and a pout that Taeyeon could never say no to, Seohyun laid the book on Taeyeon's lap before climbing on the bed, sitting beside Taeyeon. Jessica watched everything from the doorway with a sweet smile on her face
Taeyeon looked at Seohyun questioningly. "We've already finished this, didn't we?"
Seohyun nodded, hands reaching to open the cover. "Can Mommy Taeng read it again? Pretty please?"
"After you wash up, alright?"
Seohyun nods her head vigorously before hopping off the bed and running to her Mommy Jess. "Wash Hyunnie please Mommy!"
Taeyeon laughed and stood up from the bed. "Come on you two, let's go wash up." She scooped Seohyun in her arms before pulling Jessica by the wrist towards the bathroom.
Taeyeon helped Seohyun with her dress and hair as soon as they were inside the bathroom while Jessica filled the bathtub with water and bubble soap.
"Mommy? Is it ready yet?" Taeyeon purred, arms encircling Jessica's waist from the back and propped her chin on Jessica's shoulder.
Jessica giggled, Taeyeon's hands on her stomach. "Almost there, baby."
"Yay," Taeyeon semi-squealed in a very cute voice before placing a peck on Jessica's neck.
"Mommy Taeng ish weird," they heard Seohyun murmur as she, too, waited for the tub to be filled.
When the tub was finally ready, Seohyun immediately got in with the help of Taeyeon.
"Mommy bath too?" Seohyun asked with innocent eyes as she played with the bubbles on the tub, eyes shifting from Taeyeon to Jessica.
"Yeah, Mommy, you should bath, too." Taeyeon smirked, ing her dress. Jessica rolled her eyes before she did the same and followed Taeyeon who was already inside the tub with Seohyun, back pressed against the wall of the tub. Taeyeon pulled Jessica gently towards her as soon as she went inside the tub. She held Jessica tightly, pulling her girlfriend's towards her chest. Jessica pulled Seohyun along with her, too, as their daughter played with a rubber penguin that Taeyeon owned. The little girl squealed when a sound came out from the rubber penguin when she pressed it, eliciting laughter from her mothers. Taeyeon smiled in contentment as she held the two most important girls in her life. This was how life supposed to be years ago. In that moment, she knew this is how she wants life to be in the future. Seohyun and Jessica fits perfectly in her tub, just like how they fit perfectly in her life.
She kissed Jessica's bare shoulder as her girlfriend put shampoo on their daughter's hair. Jessica looked over her shoulder and when their eyes met, she smiled; the smile that was meant only for Taeyeon. She tilts her head more, reaching for Taeyeon's lips before placing a chaste kiss on the awaiting lips.
Taeyeon placed another kiss on Jessica's shoulder before washing Jessica's back, scrubbing the milky-white skin ever so gently.
"A swallow was passing by and saw how sad she looked, and said, 'Come south with me to warmer lands--"
A pat on her thigh made Taeyeon stop her narration. She looked up at Jessica with questioning eyes.
"She's already asleep, Taengoo-yah." Jessica whispered, pointing at their daughter who was snuggled in-between their bodies.
Taeyeon smiled, closing the book and taking her glasses off. She stood up from the mattress to transfer beside Jessica. Her arm immediately went to hold Jessica by the waist, spooning her, while they lie on the mattress that was placed on their living room. Jessica had requested it because she missed sleeping on the living room like they always did in college when they had to cram for their exams. Taeyeon perfectly remembers those, and how Jessica would always make sure she doesn't strain her eyes from too much reading. Jessica was always like that, she always makes sure Taeyeon was taken care of and it makes Taeyeon love her more.
"I'll surely miss sleeping with you," Jessica spoke, breaking the silence that momentarily engulfed them.
Taeyeon hummed, nuzzling her nose in the back of Jessica's head. "Me too."
It had been half an hour since Jessica had fallen asleep in Taeyeon's arms. The latter stayed awake, choosing to look at her family as they sleep soundly. Their daughter was clinging onto Jessica's shirt while Jessica held Seohyun in her arms and it had Taeyeon's heart fluttering.
She dipped her face into the crook of Jessica's neck, unable to contain her feelings. She trailed feather kisses down to Jessica's shoulder, making the girl stir in her sleep. Jessica slowly opened her eyes, looking over her shoulder. Taeyeon smiled before placing a chaste kiss on Jessica's lips.
"Sorry," she said, patting Jessica's hips in hopes that her lover would fall back to sleep.
"Why aren't you sleeping yet?" Jessica said in a groggy voice, shifting on her spot to face Taeyeon.
Taeyeon peeked over her shoulder -at their daughter- first before she pulled Jessica closer to her body again.
"I can't sleep," she said, grazing her lips along Jessica's lips.
"Why? Is there something wrong? Are you having a headache again?" Jessica was fully awake by now, worry evident in her voice.
Taeyeon lifts Jessica's right hand, bringing it to her lips and kissing it before intertwining their fingers. She smiled and shook her head before answering, "No, I'm perfectly fine. I just wanted to watch you sleep."
Jessica looked at her in the eyes, seemingly unconvinced by her reason. They stared at each other for a while before Jessica's face finally relaxed.
"What's bothering you, Taengoo?" she said in a soft voice that always had Taeyeon's insides doing somersault.
Taeyeon kissed the tip of Jessica's nose before landing another kiss in her lips. "Nothing, really. I just--you're so lovely, Sooyeon."
Jessica giggled. "You always say that when you run out of words to say."
"I do?"
"Yes. Yes, you do, you lovely dork." Jessica cupped Taeyeon's left cheek, her thumb rubbing the smooth skin ever so gently. Taeyeon's eyes fluttered close and a smile crept back into her lips.
Taeyeon's eyes instantly opened when she felt the added weight on her stomach. She looked at Jessica questioningly as the girl straddled her. Jessica just smiled while inching her face closer to Taeyeon's. She was just inches away from capturing Taeyeon's lips when a pair of hands held her by the shoulder, stopping her from moving closer. Jessica raised a brow at Taeyeon and the older girl just smiled sheepishly before pointing at the sleeping Seohyun.
"Sorry, baby." Taeyeon said with a playful smile.
Jessica groaned before climbing off Taeyeon, returning to her previous spot in-between Taeyeon and their daughter. Taeyeon immediately pulled her by the waist.
"Cuddle?" Taeyeon asked and Jessica smiled, nodding at her lover before she hid her face in Taeyeon's neck like she always does. It was her very own comfort zone.
"You smell nice," Jessica teased and she felt Taeyeon's body stiffen when her breath touched Taeyeon's skin. She inwardly giggled.
"I.. always smell.. n-nice." Taeyeon said, her grip on Jessica tightening.
Jessica nodded before kissing the skin on Taeyeon's neck, making the Kim's breathing turn ragged.
"S-Sooyeon.. d-do you want to.. err, go to the bed-bedroom?"
Jessica giggled before shaking her head no. "I'm sleepy, Taengoo."
"And you should really sleep, too. It's late and we need to wake up early tomorrow because I haven't packed yet."
Taeyeon sighed as she loosened her grip on Jessica. "I can't believe you're already leaving."
"Me neither. Three months went by so fast."
They fell into a comfortable silence for a moment as they snuggled with each other.
"Hurry back to my arms, baby, I don't think I could last a year without you." Taeyeon whispered, occasionally brushing her lips against Jessica's ears, sending tingles to the younger girl's toes.
Jessica pulled away a little, tilting her head to press her lips against Taeyeon's as she mumbled on the plump lips. "Don't you dare fall in love with someone else while I'm away, Taengoo."
It was clearly a threat but Taeyeon can't help but chuckle at her lover's words.
"You know you're irreplaceable. I don't think I'd ever find someone as wonderful as you."
Jessica smiled, lips still pressed against Taeyeon's. "Good to know."
Taeyeon's hand went up to Jessica's cheek, brushing the stray hair away from her lover's face before her lips started moving against Jessica's. They kissed, slowly and softly, just the way they both like it. Taeyeon sighed in contentment as they continued kissing. She could never get enough of Jessica. Even after all the years, she was still irrevocably in love with one Jung Sooyeon who stole her first kiss that afternoon at school. Who would have known that the lips that she despised for a brief moment were the same pair of lips that were made for her and only for her.
Taeyeon's hands unconsciously slipped inside Jessica's shirt out of habit and before she could even deepen the kiss, Jessica pulled away, swatting Taeyeon's hand away from her, making Taeyeon groan in frustration.
"Sorry, baby." Jessica pointed a thumb at their sleeping daughter, mimicking Taeyeon with a smirk on her face.
Taeyeon groaned again before she was pulled into Jessica's body.
"Good night, Taengoo. Sleep well," Jessica said in a sweet voice that had Taeyeon relenting.
"Good night, Sooyeon. I love you," Taeyeon answered, kissing the tip of Jessica's nose.
Jessica smiled with eyes closed before whispering, "I love you, too."
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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
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