Single-lip Kiss

Kiss Me

Twelve minutes.

Jessica sat on the same bleachers she sat at just four days ago.

Thirteen minutes.

She was becoming impatient.

Fourteen minutes.

One more minute, then I'm gone. Jessica thought.

Fifteen minutes.

Okay, maybe one more minute.

Sixteen minutes.

Damn, where's that girl?!

Seventeen minu--

"Jessica!" Her head automatically turned to the panting short girl. Perspiration evident on her forehead as the four-eyed girl hastily wiped it with the back of her hand, sweeping her bangs along to the side.

Seriously, the girl could easily be mistaken for a middle-schooler.

"I'm sorry, I got stuck in a meeting. Have you waited for long?" Taeyeon's voice was worried and Jessica couldn't bring herself to get mad at Taeyeon. At least not anymore.

"No, it's perfectly fine. I've been just a minute ahead of you. I lost track of time." Jessica lied.

It had been four days since their first session. Taeyeon had been incredibly busy these days that they haven't had the time to meet up. But Jessica was fine with that. She should be.

Krystal had been constantly bombarding her with questions. Questions about Taeyeon. Irrelevant questions. Ridiculous.

"So, Jess, how did you two met?"

"Wha-- who?!"

"Taeyeon? Duh!"

"No-- no! We-- we're not-- not like that."

"Aw, come on now Jess! Don't be shy. Come on."

"No, Krystal. Really. Not like that."

"Really? Then why were you kissing her?"

"Huh? I-- what? I-- I did not!"

"Yes, you did!"




"Yes yes yes yes. A million yes!"

"Gah! Why are we even having this conversation?"

"Jessica?" Taeyeon's voice snapped Jessica out of her thoughts.

"Oh. Right." Jessica answered as she picked up her bag.

"Err.." Taeyeon hesitantly said, scratching her thigh.

"Yes?" Jessica quirked her brow. For some odd reason, she found Taeyeon's habit... cute.

"Uh, do you want to.. uh, come.. over?" The four-eyed brunette shyly asked.

"Uh, sure. But I can't be out late. Curfew." Jessica said, pointing at her wrist watch.

"Oh. Right. Let's go." Taeyeon started walking, leading Jessica to their house.


Jessica stared wide-eyed at the big house in front of her. Her eyes scanned the grand exterior as she takes in every detail of the Kims’ House.

A big wooden double door stood in front of her and a balcony above it. A garden on the far right with its beautiful flowers lay in the front yard, beside the driveway. A white swing was positioned in the center of the wide garden, plain and simple but inviting.

The double door opened, revealing a woman in her late thirties.

“Taengoo? Oh, who’s your friend?” The woman hugged Taeyeon and smiled warmly at Jessica. The latter bowed shyly.

“Mom, this is Jessica. My… friend?” Taeyeon answered and looked at Jessica, confirming her last word.

Jessica smiled and nodded at Taeyeon.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Kim” Jessica said politely and bowed again.

“Oh, Jessica no need to bow. It’s nice to know that my daughter has a friend besides Yuri and Soonkyu.” Mrs. Kim smiled widely at Jessica.

“Anyway, mom, we—uh.. have to finish our project. We’ll be in my room.” Taeyeon said and pulled Jessica by the hand.

Jessica was dragged inside the house before she could even bid Mrs. Kim goodbye. They made a dash for Taeyeon’s room, passing by the huge living room with a chandelier and plush seats, a huge LED TV and the latest sound system in the market. They climbed the carpeted stairs and went inside the third door in the hall.

Baby blue walls greeted Jessica as soon as the door opened. A single bed with baby blue covers was pushed to the wall and a side drawer was beside it. A huge bookshelf full of books and a study desk next to it stood beside the huge window. The room had its own bathroom and a closet was positioned beside the bathroom door.

“Are you hungry?” Taeyeon’s voice brought Jessica’s attention to the four-eyed brunette who sat in her bed.

“Huh? Uh, no.” Jessica smiled and stood beside the door frame.

“Uh, you.. can.. sit.. here.” Taeyeon shyly said and tapped the space beside her.

“Oh. Right.” Jessica hesitantly made her way to the bed.

“Are you comfortable.. here?”

“Uh, your house is huge. I feel so.. little.” Jessica shyly admitted as she straightened her skirt as she sat down.

“Oh, please, don’t be.” Taeyeon tapped Jessica’s shoulder, causing the brunette to turn towards her.

“Sorry.” Taeyeon shyly said and immediately retracted her hands.

Silence filled the room as they sat side by side on Taeyeon’s bed. Jessica fiddled with her fingers while Taeyeon scratched her thigh occasionally.

Jessica has never been comfortable being around rich people. Taeyeon, on the other hand, doesn’t know how to make people feel comfortable since she wasn’t around them that much.

“Ehem..” Taeyeon decided to break the silence and Jessica’s attention was on Taeyeon again.

“I.. uh.. should.. we.. uhm..” Taeyeon stuttered as she tried to form her next sentence decently.

“Right, right.” Jessica smiled, trying to ease the tension that had abruptly formed between them. She knew Taeyeon's family was rich but she didn't thought they were this rich. And now she feels so... small, not just because of the huge house but also because of how different they were in every way imaginable.

Jessica willed herself to forget about their social status and scooted closer to Taeyeon.

“May I?” Jessica’s hands hesitantly went up to Taeyeon’s glasses.

Understanding what the other brunette wanted, Taeyeon nodded her head. Jessica then took Taeyeon’s glasses off.

“There.” Jessica smiled contently as she looked at Taeyeon’s appearance. “You look prettier without your glasses.”

Taeyeon’s cheeks heat up at the compliment and she tried to hide it with a cough.

Jessica suppressed her giggle.

After a while, Taeyeon straightened up, but still wasn’t able to meet Jessica’s eyes.

“I’m sorry.”

“Huh? For what?” Taeyeon’s eyes finally landed on Jessica’s.

“If I made you feel uncomfortable. I know you know I’m gay and maybe that makes you uncomfortable.”

“What? Jessica, no. I’m just.. not used to compliments. But no, it’s not because you’re gay. I’m perfectly fine with that... with you.” Taeyeon smiled warmly at Jessica.

“You know, you should smile more. It suits you.”

Taeyeon blushed again at the compliment and this time, Jessica wasn’t able to suppress her laughter.

Jessica’s laughter was somehow contagious and Taeyeon found herself giggling along with the brunette.

“You’re so cute when you blush. And you surely blush a lot.”

“It’s because I’m not used to compliments. I told you.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

When they both stopped laughing, Taeyeon’s hands went back to scratching her thighs.

“You’re nervous.” Jessica commented as her eyes landed on Taeyeon’s hands. “You scratch your thighs when you’re nervous.” She added matter-of-factly.

“I.. well.. I’m always nervous.. around.. you.”

“Why? Do I make you nervous?”

“Well, these lessons do. And err..”

“Oh, don’t be nervous. It’s just a kiss.”

A wide smile plastered on Jessica’s face as Taeyeon looked up to her.

“So, should we get started? My mother’s going to kill me if I get home late.” Jessica said apologetically.

“Oh. Right. Curfew.”

Jessica turned her body towards Taeyeon. The latter reciprocated the action so they were sitting face to face now.

“Uhm, I kind of need your participation on this one, Taeyeon.”

“B-but I—I don’t know.. h-how.”

“That’s why I’m teaching you. Just move your lips with mine. You’ll be fine.”


With that, Jessica leaned closer to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon’s eyes widened for a second as Jessica leaned closer. Her eyes landed on Jessica’s thin lips, then to her brown orbs.

Taeyeon found herself anticipating as Jessica’s face inched closer to hers.

With every beat of her heart, Jessica’s face inched closer, taking all the air out of Taeyeon’s lungs.

“Close your eyes.” Jessica ordered when her face was just centimeters away from Taeyeon’s.

Taiyuan hesitated for a while, but eventually obliged.

It was after a quarter of a second that Taeyeon felt a pair of cold lips her upper lip before tugging on it lightly, sending tingles up and down her spine.

With eyes still closed, Taeyeon frowned a little when the cold lips left hers.

“Single-lip kiss.” Jessica said and giggled, causing Taeyeon to immediately open her eyes.

“You like it?” Jessica asked.

“Huh? Uh.. y-yes.” Taeyeon admitted shyly.

“Next up.” Jessica positioned herself again, leaning closer to Taeyeon.

“Should.. should I.. clo-close my.. eyes?” Taeyeon inquired innocently.

“Suit yourself. But you need to learn.” Jessica answered, her breath brushing against Taeyeon’s upper lip.


“Kiss me, Taeyeon.” Jessica ordered.

Taeyeon blinked once, twice, thrice too many at Jessica.

“I.. I do-don’t know.. h-how.”

“I’ll judge that for yourself.” Jessica said and returned to her previous position, away from Taeyeon.

“Errr.. o-okay.” Taeyeon said nervously.

Before Jessica could even close her eyes, Taeyeon’s face was merely centimeters away from her, causing her to laugh.

“Excited much?” Jessica teased and Taeyeon blushed. “Now, now you should move slowly to make the moment more romantic. Take your sweet time, Taeyeon. Make me anticipate for your lips… err, I mean your prom date.” She added. Taeyeon returned to her previous position.

“Slowly, Taeyeon.” Jessica said before closing her eyes.

Taeyeon inched closer, gaze fixed on Jessica’s thin lips. As she leaned closer, Taeyeon’s breath hitched. The world seemed to be scarce of oxygen as she closed the distance between Jessica’s face and hers. Taiyuan aimed for Jessica’s upper lip, but was unsuccessful.

“Ouch.” Jessica opened her eyes and saw Taeyeon caressing her nose.

“Sorry.” Taeyeon said as she continued rubbing her nose lightly.

Jessica smiled before a chuckle escaped from .

“How do I do it? My nose bumps into yours.” Taeyeon said with furrowed brows.

“Tilt your head a little so your nose won’t bump into mine.”

“B-but my lips.. won’t align with.. yours.”

“Oh, Taeyeon. You are so cute. Just try and tilt your head a little, okay?”

“Tilt, like, forty-five degrees? And the speed? How about the speed? I don’t want to hurt your lips.”

Another chuckle escaped from Jessica’s mouth.

“Taeyeon. We’re kissing. Why do you have to calculate everything?”

“Errr.. I just.. want to make it.. perfect.”

“It’s okay, Taeyeon. You’re learning.” Jessica smiled and took hold of Taeyeon’s hand that was on the bed.

“Relax, okay?” She added and Taeyeon nodded.

Jessica closed her eyes again, signaling Taeyeon to inch closer again.

Taeyeon did as told. She leaned closer, taking her sweet time, appreciating Jessica’s lips. Thoughts about prom date and first kiss seemed to be forgotten. There’s no more first kiss, anyways since technically Jessica had it.

Tilting her head to the side a little, Taeyeon aimed for Jessica’s upper lip again, remembering how Jessica had and tugged on hers a while ago.

Again, it sent tingles up and down her spine, just like how it did a while ago.

She was about to let go of Jessica’s upper lip when she felt Jessica’s lips move against hers, brushing her cold lips against hers. Taeyeon’s senses were once again filled with Jessica’s Strawberry Chapstick. She stopped kissing for a moment, but Jessica continued what she was doing and Taeyeon found herself reciprocating the action like she was a pro.

Jessica’s right hand went to the back of Taeyeon’s head, pulling the girl closer to her, leaving no space between them while her left hand landed on Taeyeon’s waist.

Taeyeon kissed Jessica back as tingles ran from her spines to her fingers, electrifying her, making her feel lightheaded.

Jessica moved closer to Taeyeon, not breaking the kiss, eventually straddling Taeyeon’s lap and locking her feet behind the girl. Her hand moved to the back of Taeyeon’s neck as Taeyeon’s hands were firmly placed on the bottom of her spine, steadying her.

Jessica’s tongue slid across Taeyeon’s lower lip, and this time Taeyeon didn’t push her away, but an involuntary moan escaped from the girl’s lips, causing it to part. Jessica didn’t waste time as her tongue darted out from and inside Taeyeon’s mouth, exploring every detail of it.

Taeyeon was stunned for a moment; she never thought that kissing involved tongues, but the sensation Jessica’s tongue giving her was weakening, all her will to protest before her own tongue reciprocated Jessica’s action.

Jessica gave Taeyeon’s lips a peck before parting their lips. Their lungs would explode any minute if the kiss continued.

“French kiss.” Jessica said as she tries to catch her breath, her hands rested on Taeyeon’s shoulders.

Taeyeon nodded as she, too, tried catching her breath from the heated kiss. Her head rested on Jessica’s chest unconsciously while her hands were still firmly placed behind Jessica.

“Are you okay?” Jessica asked worriedly.

“That was.. was..” Taeyeon said, trying to say the right words.

“Wow, right? I didn’t know you were a good kisser.” Jessica said sheepishly.

“Wha—what?” Taeyeon looked up at Jessica with a blush.

“You. Kiss. Good.” Jessica smiled.


“Yes, really. Seems like you won’t be needing my help anymore.”

“What, why? There’s still like over fifteen kisses and I still need your help.”

“You can google the rest. What’s important is that you know the basics.”

“B-but, it’ll be.. different. I mean.. r-reading and.. d-doing it. You know?”

“Oh Taeyeon, you are so cute.”

“B-but you h-have to.. t-teach me.. still.”

“Fine, fine. I was just kidding. I’ll be helping you as long as you like.” Jessica grinned cheekily, causing Taeyeon’s cheeks to heat up again.

“I.. errr.. can I come down now?” Jessica asked, pointing at Taeyeon’s arms that were wrapped protectively around her hips.

“Huh?” Taeyeon raised her brow before her expression changed.

“Oh. Oh.” She said as she slowly let go of Jessica’s hips.

Jessica went back to her previous position on the bed before her eyes landed on the clock at Taeyeon’s study desk.

“! It’s already seven in the evening? I’m so screwed!” Jessica exclaimed as she gathered her bag and books.

“I’m sorry, Taeyeon but I have to go now.”

She fished out her phone from the pocket of her uniform skirt. There were ten missed calls from Krystal and messages saying that their mom was looking for her and to call as soon as she reads the messages. She dialed Krystal’s number and after three rings her sister answered.

“Krys, I’m on my way.” Jessica hurriedly said.

“Hurry up already. I just covered for you. I’ll wait outside okay?”

“Thanks Krys, you’re the best.”

“I know, I know. Come home now and take care.”

“I will.”

Jessica immediately ended the call and faced Taeyeon again.

“I’m really sorry, Taeyeon. I have to go now.” She said apologetically.

“Don’t be, Jessica. I’m the one who’s supposed to be sorry. Sorry for keeping you.”

“It’s no big deal.” Jessica smiled.

“At least let me take you home?”

“Uhm, you don’t have to, really.”

“Please, I insist.”

Jessica hesitated for a while before answering, “Okay”.

They dashed their way to the Kims’ driveway as a black Honda City came into view. Taeyeon pressed a button from her key holder and a ‘beep’ echoed through the doorway as the brake lights of the car lit up.

“Get in.” Taeyeon said as she opened the door of the passenger seat before running to the driver’s side. Jessica did as told.

Taeyeon professionally maneuvered the car out of the driveway and into the road.

“Wow, you drive?” Jessica asked with an amazed expression.

“Uh, yeah? Obviously?”

“But you don’t bring your car at school.”

Taeyeon just shrugged and they both fell silent.

“Hey, you want to learn to drive?” Taeyeon then asked, breaking the silence between them.

“Err.. I’m not.. sure.”

“Come on, it’s really easy.”

“But.. I don’t have a car.”

“That’s why we are using my car. Please? Think of it as my payback for your help.”


“No buts, okay? I’ll fetch you on weekends.”


“I said, no buts.” Taeyeon grinned, not taking her eyes off of the road and Jessica could only shake her head.


A worried Krystal came into view as soon as Taeyeon pulled up near Jessica’s house.

“Thank you so much, Taeyeon.” Jessica said as her hand reached for the door handle, unlocking the door.

“You’re welcome. And I’m really sorry.” Taeyeon said apologetically.

“Don’t worry.” Jessica turned to face Taeyeon again before giving the other girl a smile.

“Eat your dinner and sleep tight, Taeyeon.”

“Thanks, Jessica.”

Before Jessica went out of the car, she gave Taeyeon a kiss on the cheek, causing the other girl to blush.

She waved Taeyeon goodbye as the girl started driving again.

“I saw that!” Krystal’s voice made Jessica jump a little as the girl stood behind her.

“Jung Soojung! You’ll be the death of me!” Jessica said, clutching her chest as if she’s going through a heart attack.

She started walking towards their back door with Krystal on her heels.

“I thought you’re not together like that.” Krystal said teasingly. “Your girlfriend is cute, by the way.” She added when Jessica didn’t bother to answer her.

“She’s not my girlfriend, okay? And we’re not together like that.” Jessica answered as she opened the back door.

“Really? So, can I take her then? I think she’s cute.” Krystal giggled.

“She’s not a toy! And she’s not.. gay.” Jessica hissed as they slowly made their way upstairs.

“I’ll make her gay. Gay for me.”

“Jung Soo--!” A hand was placed over Jessica’s mouth so she won’t be able to finish.

“Shhh. Fine I’m not stealing your little Taeyeon. Just don’t shout and we’re both screwed, alright?” Krystal whispered as she dragged her sister inside their room.

Jessica hastily swatted Krystal’s hand from as soon as the door closed.

“But seriously, Taeyeon is cute. And pretty. And she has a car! Oh my gosh.” Krystal said excitedly as she plopped down on her bed.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”

Jessica was about to take her uniform off when her phone beeped, signaling a new text message. Her brows furrowed at the unknown number.

Hey, Jessica. It’s Taeyeon. I asked Soonkyu for your number. Err, are you okay?

A smile unconsciously grazed Jessica’s lips as she typed her reply.

Hi Taeyeon! Yes, I’m okay. Have you eaten yet? Thanks for the ride!

“Someone’s in love.” Krystal commented as she watched her sister smile like a love sick puppy.


“Just look at you all giddy with a text message. Bet it’s Taeyeon.”

“What?! No! Of course not! It’s.. it’s Yoona!”

“Ha! Yoona doesn’t text. Duh! That alligator is lazy.”

Jessica kept quiet.

“See! It’s Taeyeon, right?”


A pillow landed on Krystal’s face.


Jessica tossed and turned in her bed as she found it hard to sleep that night. Images of Taeyeon’s blushing cheeks keep repeating in her mind and the tingling sensation the shorter girl’s lips gave her seemed to be present all the time. Her fingers unconsciously grazed her lips, feeling Taeyeon’s plump lips on it. Jessica smiled for a moment, then frowned.

She’s not gay. Get a grip of yourself, Jung Sooyeon. She’s not gay. She’s doing this for a guy.

She kept reminding herself, but her heart was so stubborn, fluttering at the thought of Taeyeon.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
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Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
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