Catch Me

Kiss Me

Jessica absent-mindedly shoved food in as Yoona and Sooyoung talked beside her. The chattering abruptly stopped as they noticed Jessica’s silence.

“Are you okay?” Sooyoung asked, pressing the back of her hand against Jessica’s forehead.

“Huh? Yeah. Why?” Jessica answered as she took Sooyoung’s hand away from her forehead.

“You don’t have a fever. So what’s wrong with you?”

“I haven’t had enough sleep. I’m so sleepy.” Jessica answered and pushed her tray away from her as she folded her arms on the table and laid her head on it.

“What’s new about that? You always say you haven’t had enough sleep even if you sleep for a century.” Yoona said nonchalantly.

“Hey!” Jessica yelled weakly.

“So, what happened?” Sooyoung probed as she finished Jessica’s food.

Jessica hesitated, biting her lower lip.

“Hi.” A familiar voice spoke and Jessica immediately raised her head.

“Ouch.” She said as her head suddenly ached a little because of the action.

“Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked worriedly.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” Jessica answered with a smile.

“Can we, uh, join you guys?” Taeyeon asked shyly.

“Oh, yeah, sure. Please sit down.” Jessica said and scooted closer to Sooyoung to make room for the three newly arrived girls.

Taeyeon sat beside Jessica while Sunny and Yuri sat down beside Yoona.

The table fell silent for a moment before Sooyoung faked a cough.

“Oh, right.” Jessica said and all eyes turned to her.

“Err.. guys, this is Taeyeon, Yuri and Sunny.” Jessica introduced them and pointed at them respectively.

“Sooyoung and Yoona, right?” Sunny said and the two tall girls nodded.

“You’re the girl from my chemistry class!” Yuri exclaimed, pointing at Sooyoung.

“Yeah, so?” Sooyoung said with a raised brow.

“You wanted to copy my work—“ Yuri said, but was cut off mid-sentence.

“And you didn’t let her, nerd. You’re a selfish little kid, aren’t you?” Yoona finished.

“Why you!” Yuri stood up, but Sunny tugged on her hand and forced her to sit down.

“Aren’t we here to hang out with Jessica’s friends?” Sunny said and Taeyeon nodded.

“Let’s all eat, shall we?” Sooyoung said.

They started eating their meals and Taeyeon noticed that Jessica didn’t have anything to eat.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Taeyeon asked in a low voice and Jessica turned her head towards Taeyeon.

“Oh, Sica’s not in the mood for food. She's lacking sleep.” Sooyoung answered for Jessica.

“Why? Did something happen?” Taeyeon asked again.

“What? No, no.” Jessica gave Taeyeon an assuring smile.

“Here.” Taeyeon pushed her food tray towards Jessica.


“Eat up. I’m not really hungry anyway.”

“But it’s yours and I’m fine, really. I’m not hungry too.” Jessica said, pushing the food tray back to Taeyeon.

“No, really. I insist.” Taeyeon’s arm brushed against Jessica’s as she pushed back the tray towards the latter, sending tingles all over Jessica’s body.

“You guys, if you’re not eating, I’m taking that.” Yoona said as Jessica and Taeyeon fell silent.

“Yah! Your tray is full with food and you still want Taeng’s food? Such a glutton!” Yuri commented which earned a glare from Yoona.

“Shut up, nerd. I need food in my body.”

“But that’s gluttony!”

“I’m saving that food over there! If they won’t eat it, it’ll just go to the trash bin!”

“Ugh. Glutton!”


Sunny let out a sigh as she listened to Yoona and Yuri’s bickering while Sooyoung continued eating like nothing’s happening.

“Or Sica and Taeyeon can share.” Sooyoung commented with full with food. Sunny then smiled and nodded.

The lunch went on with everyone chatting except for Yoona and Yuri, who seemed to be holding a grudge against each other.

When the bell rang, they all stood up and prepared to return to class.

“I like your friends.” Taeyeon whispered to Jessica as they walked out of the cafeteria.

“I like your friends too.” Jessica answered and smiled.


The four-eyed brunette was out of her classroom even before the last bell of the day rings, earning looks from her classmates. Two steps out the door and the bell rang, making Taeyeon grin. She strolled towards the soccer field, not minding her surroundings.

She was about to step on the paved pathway to the soccer field when a voice called out.

“Taeyeon!” A smiling Sooyoung came closer as she halted in her steps.

“Oh, Sooyoung. Hi!” Taeyeon greeted the tall girl, happily.

“So, how are things with you and Sica?” Sooyoung asked as they continued walking on the paved pathway.

“Huh?” Taeyeon furrowed her brows at the question.

“Oh, I mean the ‘lessons’. Sica had told us about it.”

“She did?”

“Yeah, of course.” Sooyoung grinned.

They fell silent for a moment and continued walking towards the bleachers.

“Anyway, I heard it’s for the prom?” Sooyoung asked again as they sat on the bleachers.

Taeyeon nodded shyly.

“So, are you ready yet?”


“Ahm, prom?”

“Oh, that. I-I don’t k-know.”

“Don’t be nervous, it’s just prom. Nothing could go wrong.” Sooyoung’s smile was inviting and contagious in a way that Taeyeon found herself smiling too.

“I-I guess.”

“Sica’s really a good kisser, huh?” Sooyoung abruptly asked, causing Taeyeon’s cheeks to heat up.


Sooyoung just chuckled.

“So, how about the dance?” Sooyoung said as soon as she straightened up.

“How about the dance?”

“You know how to dance?”

“What? Of course! It’s so easy. Isn’t that like a human nature?”

“What?! Haha, you’re so cute and innocent! Sica was right. But no, it should be learned.”

“Don’t you just move your feet with your partner’s?”

“Yeah, if you want to end up stepping on their foot for the whole night.” Sooyoung snickered.

“You should ask that nerd, Yuri to teach you.” Sooyoung added.

“I-I guess.”

“Or better yet, I’ll ask Sica to teach you since she gets invited to dances way too many times.” Sooyoung’s eyes lit up as the idea came into mind.

“Really? She’s that popular, huh?” There was a sudden shift of pitch in Taeyeon’s voice that Sooyoung couldn’t point out why.

“Well, you see how beautiful our Ice Princess, yeah? I wouldn’t be surprised if the boys would line up to ask her to prom.” Sooyoung answered with a smile.

“Yeah, she’s really pretty. B-but, she’s gay..” Taeyeon whispered the last part.

“Yeah, but that didn’t matter to the boys here.”


“Wow what?”

“Nothing. Just wow.”

“So, anyway, it’s set then? Sica will help you with the dance.” Sooyoung smiled and patted Taeyeon’s head.

“Oi! I’m not a puppy! Why pat my head!” Taeyeon swatted Sooyoung’s hand away, which earned a giggle from the tall girl.

“But you’re cuter than a puppy! Can I adopt you? Pretty pweeaaaassseeee~” Sooyoung teased with an aegyo that made Taeyeon cringe.

“Hey! You giant! Stop that! Ew ew ew!” Taeyeon whined as she covered her ears.

Sooyoung continued laughing.

“I’m a giant just because you’re a midget!” Sooyoung retorted.

“Choi Sooyoung, haven’t you had your fun yet?” Jessica’s stern voice brought the two girls’ attention to her.

“Opss. Gotta run!” Sooyoung said as she stood up from the bleachers.

“And oh, Sica? You’re helping Taeyeon with her dance. And 'no' is not an option.” Sooyoung added as she waved her phone at Jessica. The latter groaned.

“Hey midget! I know a place where they give growth acupuncture. Beep me up some time so I could take you there.” Sooyoung teased, sticking her tongue out at Taeyeon as she dashed towards the school building again.

“Choi Sooyoung!!” Taeyeon yelled at the girl before she disappeared inside the school building.

Taeyeon turned her attention towards Jessica, whose face was red from suppressing her laughter.

“Let it out.” Taeyeon said in a defeated voice, plopping down.

“Aigoo, aren’t you cutest?” Jessica said as she pinched both Taeyeon’s cheeks. A blush crept its way to Taeyeon’s cheeks as her ears turned bright red.

“H-Hey! Not funny!” Taeyeon faked annoyance, but Jessica just laughed at her.

“Seriously though, I think your height is cute. Don’t ever go to that growth acupunctures. You’ll end up like Sooyoung. A giant and a glutton.” Jessica laughed and patted Taeyeon’s head.

“Hey! I’m not a puppy! Ugh!”

“Cuter than a puppy. I agree with Sooyoung.” Jessica said and snickered. Taeyeon just rolled her eyes and sat back down on the bleachers.

“Aw, sorry, okay? You’re just really really cute, Taeyeon-ah.” Jessica grinned as she, too, sat down on the bleachers.

“Anyway, what should we do today? It’s a nice Friday, don’t you think?” Jessica tilted her head back as she let the remaining light of the sun hit her face in the warm afternoon.

Taeyeon’s heart raced as she looked up to Jessica, her contour adorn by the orange and pink hue of the setting sun. The girl looked like Mother Nature’s masterpiece as the light outlined her perfect features. A smile unconsciously danced its way to Taeyeon’s lips.

Must be the coffee. She reasoned inwardly, trying to come up with something that might have caused her heart to palpitate.

Jessica turned her head towards Taeyeon as she felt eyes on her. She raised her brow at the smiling Taeyeon who seemed to be lost in the moment.

“Taeyeon?” Jessica said, tilting her head back down.

“Huh? Ow, aw, ouch.” Taeyeon said as she rubbed her shin as a soccer ball hit her.

“So sorry. Sorry.” A boy bowed rapidly as soon as he came close to the bleachers and picked the soccer ball up.

“Hey, are you—“ Jessica was about to say something to Taeyeon when a boy’s voice interrupted her.

“Taeyeon? Are you okay?” A worried Baekhyun came into view and Jessica can’t help but frown at the intrusion.

“Will you be careful next time?!” Jessica spat with an annoyed expression. Baekhyun froze as he looked at Jessica.

“Taeyeon? Are you okay?” Jessica asked the flustered Taeyeon who stared at Baekhyun like she forgot the rest of the world exists. Her blood boiled at the sight.

“Earth to Taeyeon!” Jessica waved her hands in front of Taeyeon.

“Oh. Oh, ha.. huh? Oh, Bae-Baekhyun.. I’m fi—ow!” Taeyeon stuttered and rubbed her shin again.

“I’m really sorry, Taeyeon. Can I take you to the clinic? I’m really sorry.” Baekhyun said apologetically.

“I’m fi-fine.” Taeyeon said and she turned to her side and noticed Jessica’s change of mood.

“Are you sure?” Baekhyun said persistently.

“She said she’s fine.” Jessica commented nonchalantly, looking at her nails. Taeyeon’s brow rose at the cold attitude.

“I’m fine, really. Don’t worry.” Taeyeon said and smiled at the boy.

“I’m really sorry.” Baekhyun bowed once again and his eyes landed on Jessica before he jogged back to his teammates.

“Hey, are you okay?” Taeyeon asked Jessica as soon as Baekhyun left.

“Wha—of course. Are you?” Jessica asked, eyes not meeting Taeyeon’s.

“Yeah, it wasn’t that bad.” Taeyeon answered while she continued rubbing her shin.

“Should I take you home now?” Jessica said, finally looking at Taeyeon’s direction, but her eyes were looking at everything but Taeyeon’s.

“What? No, I mean I’m fine.”

Jessica’s brow quirked at the sudden protest.

“What should we do then?”

“Err.. kiss?” Taeyeon shyly said, scratching her thighs.

“Hahaha. Seriously?” Jessica laughed and Taeyeon sighed in relief. Just like that, the awkwardness that had settled between them disappeared.

Taeyeon shyly shrugged her shoulders.

“Hey, how about we skip our lesson for today and go out with friends?” Jessica suggested.

Taeyeon thought for a moment before a smile found its way to her lips.

“Sounds fun. Let’s go and watch a play in the local theatre.” Taeyeon said and her smile widened.

“What? That’s not fun at all! Ha! I know somewhere where we’ll have fun.” Jessica said and nodded her head at her own idea.


“You’ll see. Go to my house at six.”

“In your house?”

“You’re fetching me since you have a car.” Jessica grinned cheekily.


A black Honda City pulled up at the parking lot of a local bar and the two tall girls quirked their brows as three figures got out of it and made its way to them.

“The midget has a car?” Sooyoung asked Yoona who stood still behind her.

“Maybe?” Yoona answered.

“Why is Baby Jung with you?” Yoona asked loudly as soon as Jessica, Taeyeon and Krystal came closer.

“Mom won’t let me go out without the annoying girl.” Jessica made a face.

“Bad unnie!” Krystal said as she elbowed Jessica in the ribs.

“Oh, hi Taeyeon!” Yoona greeted the short girl who was silent the whole time.

“Err.. Hi, Yoona, Sooyoung.” Taeyeon waved at the two tall girls.

“Oh, so you know my sister-in-law? Wow, where have I been.” Krystal teased, suppressing her laughter.

Taeyeon’s cheeks instantly heat up and her ears went bright red.

“Jung Soojung!” Jessica stomped her feet on the ground, causing Sooyoung and Yoona burst out into a laughing fit, occasionally raising their hands for high fives.

“Yah! Yaaahhhh! You t-two.. s-stop.. i-it!” Jessica stuttered as she tried hard to hide her blush.

“See you inside, Unnies!” Krystal yelled before disappearing inside the bar.

“Are we even allowed in there?” Taeyeon said innocently, trying to change the subject.

“Oh, yeah, I told my father that I have guests tonight. So it’s all cool.” Sooyoung answered as she straightened up.

“You f-father?” Taeyeon asked.

“Yeah, Sooyoung’s father owns this place.” Jessica answered. Sooyoung smiled and nodded.

“Let’s go!” Yoona excitedly said and beckoned them to follow.

“Wait!” Three heads turned towards Taeyeon.

“What is it, Taeyeon?” Jessica asked.

“Can I.. uh, invite Sunny and Yuri over?” Taeyeon shyly asked.

Jessica smiled and looked at Sooyoung.

“Of course! The more the merrier!” Sooyoung said cheerily.

“What? The nerd? Does she even drink?!” Yoona said, earning glares from Jessica and Sooyoung.

“Fine!” Yoona groaned and they started making their way inside the bar.


Taeyeon’s eyes wandered around the bar. It was her first time in this kind of place, she often spends her time at home studying or watching plays.

The place looked like one of those in movies with cowboys. There was a billiard table at the center of the bar, a modern looking jukebox, a mini-stage with musical instruments, tables and a bar counter. The floor was wooden, opposite to the concrete exterior of the place. The place was crowded with young adults that seemed harmless with huge smiles on their faces.

“Come.” Jessica whispered, tugging on Taeyeon’s hand.

Soon, Krystal came into view as she sat on one of the tables with an elderly man talking to her.

“Appa!” Sooyoung ran towards the elderly man.

“Sooyoungie! Where’s Jessica and Yoona?” They heard the elderly man ask and Sooyoung stepped to the side to reveal Yoona, Jessica and Taeyeon.

“So, who’s the little friend?” Mr. Choi asked teasingly as his eyes landed on the intertwined fingers of Jessica and Taeyeon.

Jessica noticed the elderly man’s eyes and immediately let go of Taeyeon’s hand.

“Uncle, this is Taeyeon. Our new friend.” Jessica said with a wide smile.

“Friend, huh?” Mr. Choi teased again and Jessica rolled her eyes.

“Good evening, Mr. Choi.” Taeyeon bowed politely at the elderly man.

“Oh please, call me Uncle. Like how our Sica here calls me.” Mr. Choi said, causing Krystal to chuckle.

“Jung Soojung! What are you drinking and who gave you that?!” Jessica instantly went closer to her sister when she saw the dark liquid in Krystal’s glass.

“Ops. I think I need to run now.” Mr. Choi joked and patted Yoona’s head before smiling warmly at Taeyeon.

“Yoong, there’s a lot of burger in the kitchen.” He whispered, causing Yoona to jump up and down in excitement as she grabbed Sooyoung towards the kitchen.

Taeyeon stood awkwardly as she let her eyes scan the place once again. She flinched when she felt a warm hand tugged on her hand.

“You might want to sit down.” Jessica said and pulled Taeyeon to the chair beside her.

“Unnie, what do you want to drink?” Krystal asked as soon as Taeyeon settled down.

“Uhm, coke?” Taeyeon answered innocently and Krystal chuckled.

“Jess, you should really teach Taeyeon-unnie to drink.”

“I’m not a bad influence! And you can’t drink alcoholic drinks either! It’s coke for the both of you tonight.” Jessica stuck her tongue out at Krystal who groaned in protest. Taeyeon faked a cough to hide her chuckle.

After a while, Sooyoung and Yoona went out from the kitchen with a tray of burgers and fries.

“Can we finish all of these?” Taeyeon’s eyes widened as the tray was laid on the table.

“Believe me, it’s not enough.” Jessica said and stuffed a fry in .

They were about to devour on their food when Mr. Choi came with a tray containing a pitcher of beer and glasses.

“It’s on the house because I missed you girls.” He said and winked as he laid the tray on the table.

“Just call me when you need more okay?” He added and strode off.

“Beeeeerrrrrrr!!!!” The girls’ attentions turned towards the owner of the voice, cringing a little at the aegyo filled voice.

“Yah! Soonkyu! You can’t hold your liquor!” Yuri reprimanded behind Sunny.

“Aw, come on Yul, it’s Friday! It’s that day of the week to enjoy. Righttttt?” Sunny retorted and looked around the table. Sooyoung and Yoona gave her thumbs up and she smiled widely.

The two newly arrived girls were introduced to Krystal as they settled on the table before the group devoured the food.

Sunny started pouring beer on the glasses and distributing it around the table, except for Krystal, who pouted as she watched the older girls drank from their glasses.

“It’s so bitter!” Taeyeon exclaimed with a pout, causing the girls around her to laugh.

“It’s beer! Of course it’s bitter!” Yuri said as she gulped the remaining contents of her glass.

“B-but why does Sunny drink it like she’s drinking coke?” Taeyeon said as she brought her glass closer to her nose, smelling the liquid.

“Drink it with your mouth, unnie, not with your nose.” Krystal commented and snickered.

“Go go go!” Sooyoung urged Taeyeon as she poured herself another glass of beer.

“What about hangover?” Taeyeon asked, her eyes shifting from Sunny to Sooyoung to Yuri.

“Just enjoy the moment, will you? Stop thinking about what’s going to happen.” Sunny said, rolling her eyes at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon looked at the girls at the table before her attention turned to the glass in her hand. She swallowed the saliva that formed on before her hands moved up to , bringing the glass closer to it. She closed her eyes and gulped the bitter liquid.

“Woooh!” She heard the girls cheered and before she knew it, the glass’ content vanished.

Taeyeon opened her eyes to a smiling Jessica, who held a tissue in her hand.

“Beer mustache.” Jessica coolly said, wiping the bubbles on Taeyeon’s upper lip.

Taeyeon felt her head bobbing involuntarily as it felt heavy against her neck. She shook her head once, trying to clear her head but to no avail.

Krystal, who noticed Taeyeon’s tipsiness after two glasses of beer, smiled mischievously as she poured beer into Taeyeon’s glass.

“Unnie, drink up.” Krystal said, nudging Taeyeon.

“Huh? Oh, right. Beer. Drink. I like beer. More beer!” Taeyeon exclaimed with a dorky smile.

Jessica turned towards Taeyeon who seemed to be a little tipsy before she looked at the girl’s glass disapprovingly.

“No more, Taeyeon-ah. You still have to drive.” Jessica said as she tried to take the glass away from Taeyeon’s hand.

“Beer. I like beer. More beer! Drink drink drink!” Taeyeon chanted and tried to get her glass back from Jessica.

“Hey, that’s my beer! Beer! Beer!” She said as Jessica pushed the glass further away from her.

“No more beer.” Jessica said and glared at Krystal, who tried to suppress her laughter. The other occupants of the table seemed to be oblivious as they watched the band on the mini-stage.

Taeyeon pouted and adjusted her glasses as she tried to focus on the glass that was beyond her reach now.

“Arms. Short arms. Ugh!” Taeyeon said and puffed her cheeks. Jessica and Krystal chuckled at the cute sight.

“Here, drink this instead.” Jessica pushed a can of coke towards Taeyeon.

Taeyeon eyed it for a moment before sipping from it.

“Sweet. Like your lips. Sweet.” The intoxicated Taeyeon said with a dorky smile as she continued sipping on the can of coke. Jessica’s cheeks heat up at the statement which didn’t go unnoticed in Krystal’s observant eyes.

“Hey Taeyeon-unnie, you want to dance?” Krystal said and nodded at the makeshift dance floor.

“Dance? No. Don’t know dance.” Taeyeon said, shaking her head.

“Jessica will guide you. Come on now.” Krystal tugged on both Jessica and Taeyeon’s hand to stand up.

“Go, go.” She said giddily as she pushed Taeyeon and Jessica towards the dance floor.


“Hey that’s mine!” Yoona exclaimed at Yuri, who was about to grab a burger from the tray.

“There’s still another one, why can’t you just eat that instead?!” Yuri retorted as she continued taking the burger from the plate.

“I said that’s mine!” Yoona grabbed the burger from Yuri’s hands.

“Just get the other one!”

“No! I want this one!”

“It’s all the same!”

“No! I said I want this one!”

“No! I got this first!”

“No! That’s mine!”

“Stop it, you two!” Sooyoung joined in, annoyed with the bickering.

“Hey, I got this first!” Yuri answered Sooyoung defensively.

“No, Soo that’s mine!” Yoona whined.

Sooyoung grabbed the hot sauce from the table and hastily grabbed the burger from Yuri’s hands.

“Sorry kiddos, it’s mine now.” She grinned at Yoona and Yuri who groaned in defeat.

“Aish. What are you guys, like, five?” Krystal whispered to Sunny.

“Don’t mind them.”

Krystal grabbed Taeyeon’s glass and was about to drink from it when Sunny’s hand stopped her.

“Can’t let Jessica kill me. Sorry kiddo.” Sunny said and shoved a can of coke in Krystal’s hand instead.


Jessica and Taeyeon awkwardly stood on the dance floor with Taeyeon wobbling occasionally. Jessica held Taeyeon by the waist to steady the tipsy girl.

“Are you okay? Let’s just sit, okay?” Jessica asked worriedly.

“No no. Dance. I like dance.” Taeyeon smiled and pulled Jessica closer.

Jessica stumbled a bit because of the force, but eventually gained her balance, her hands never leaving Taeyeon’s waist. Taeyeon held Jessica by her shoulders.

The close proximity caused Jessica’s heart to beat rapidly. Taeyeon’s breath brushed against her skin, intoxicating her, making her weak to the knees - if that's even possible. She swayed them slowly as the music changed into a much slower one.

Before I fall too fast, kiss me quick but make it last
so I can see how badly this will hurt me when you say goodbye

Keep it sweet, keep it slow
let the future pass and don't let go
but tonight I could fall too soon into this beautiful moonlight

Jessica looked at Taeyeon who looked back at her and a smile made its way to her lips. She felt Taeyeon’s hands pulled her closer towards the girl and she obediently leaned closer, closing all the distance between them.

But you're so hypnotizing,
you've got me laughing while I sing,
you've got me smiling in my sleep.
And I can see this unraveling,
your love is where I'm falling,
but please don't catch me...

Taeyeon closed her eyes and moved her head closer to Jessica’s, meeting the girl’s lips halfway.

Jessica’s lips touched Taeyeon for an eternity before it started moving.

See this heart won't settle down,
like a child running scared from a clown.
I'm terrified of what you do,
my stomach screams just when I look at you

Jessica’s stomach did a three hundred and sixty degree flip as Taeyeon’s lips started moving in-sync with hers. It felt like her lips belonged to Taeyeon’s from the start.

Taeyeon started on Jessica’s upper lip, electrifying Jessica from the pit of her stomach, making her toes curl.

Run far away so I can breathe,
even though you're far from suffocating me.
I can't set my hopes too high
'cause every "Hello" ends with a "Goodbye"

Jessica gave Taeyeon’s lips a peck before her lips traveled to Taeyeon’s earlobe. She put Taeyeon’s earlobe in between her lips and and tugged on it lightly before her lips grazed it. Taeyeon shivered at the sensation, her eyes rolling back for a moment.

“Earlobe kiss.” Jessica whispered before her head landed softly on Taeyeon’s shoulder.

A sweet smile lingered on Taeyeon’s lips before a camera flash caught her attention and her head turned towards the source and she saw Sooyoung grinning at her with a smartphone in hand.

If this is love please don't break me
I'm giving up so just catch me.


Krystal looked at Taeyeon and Jessica, who happily chatted beside her. A content smile made its way to her lips as she saw her sister’s twinkling eyes. Taeyeon seemed to have sobered up.

“Here, Taeyeon.” Sooyoung’s voice snapped Krystal out of her thoughts and she looked up at the tall girl who winked at her in response. She nodded knowingly.

Taeyeon accepted the glass of beer Sooyoung had offered and drank from it seamlessly like she was a pro at drinking.

Glasses after glasses was offered to Taeyeon as she drank from it without protest. Jessica was busy talking to Sunny that she hadn’t noticed Taeyeon was on her sixth glass.

“Bathroom. Bathroom. Woooshh.” Taeyeon said, tugging at Jessica’s sleeves.

Jessica’s eyes widened at the drank Taeyeon before her. She looked around the table for the suspect, but the girls’ kept their cool.

“Jung Soojung!” She hissed at her sister who sipped from her canned coke.

“Yes, unnie?” Krystal answered formally, keeping a straight face.

“What did you do now!” Jessica hissed again as she tried to steady Taeyeon.

“I did nothing, unnie.”

Jessica rolled her eyes and held Taeyeon by the arm, steadying the drunken girl.

“Pee. Bathroom. Naaaawwwww.” Taeyeon whined as Jessica struggled to steady her.

“Alright, alright. Just stay still for a second!”

Jessica struggled to get Taeyeon inside the cubicle as the girl continued tugging at her sleeves, begging Jessica not to leave her. And so, they both end up inside the cubicle as Taeyeon did her business and Jessica stood there awkwardly, her back facing Taeyeon.

“Done. He-he.” Taeyeon said as soon as she finished peeing and Jessica instantly turned back towards Taeyeon, afraid that the girl might hit her head on something.

“Why did you drink too much. Aish.” Jessica said as she wrapped Taeyeon’s left arm around her neck.

“You smell.. g-good.. Jeshka.” Taeyeon smiled sheepishly with her eyelids half closed.

Jessica blushed.

“You kiss.. g-good. Sweet. Sweet lips. Soft. Strawberry.” Taeyeon said incoherently.

“Okay, okay. Let’s get you back.” Jessica said and tried to open the cubicle door when Taeyeon’s hand stopped her.

“Kiss?” Taeyeon said as she leaned in.


Taeyeon’s lips shut Jessica up and she found herself kissing Taeyeon back.


“So, who’s driving now? And how are we going to explain to Mrs. Kim what happened to her daughter?!” Jessica asked as they went out to the parking lot with her arms wrapped protectively around Taeyeon’s waist and the latter’s head on her shoulder.

“I can drive.” Sunny said happily as she fished out Taeyeon’s car keys from the latter’s pocket.

“And the second question?” Jessica said, her brow raised.

“Well, we can all sleep over my house.” Sunny answered as they strode towards Taeyeon’s car.

“Sleep with Jeshka? Yish yish!” Taeyeon said in her half-awake, half-asleep voice.

“Alright, let’s go!” Sooyoung happily said as she opened the door to the back seat of Taeyeon’s car.

“You and Taeyeon sit on the front.” Sooyoung ordered as Jessica was about to enter the back seat.

“What why?! We won’t fit!” Jessica protested.

“Come on, Sica, the stupid nerd passed out too.” Yoona said as she shoved the sleeping Yuri to the back seat.

“Let’s go unnie I’m so sleepy.” Krystal pushed Jessica aside and climb on the back seat too, leaving Jessica no choice but to sit on the front seat.

Jessica ended up sitting on the front seat with Taeyeon on her lap. Good thing they were both small so they fit perfectly in the car.

“I’ll call Taeyeon’s mother once we arrive at my house so she won’t freak out.” Sunny said as she maneuvered the car out of the parking lot and into the road.


After thirty minutes, they all stood outside Sunny’s apartment, waiting for the girl to open the door.

“Do you live alone?” Jessica asked.

“Yeap.” Sunny said and smiled as the door opened.

They all walked inside, with Jessica still supporting Taeyeon and Yoona and Sooyoung carrying Yuri. Krystal sleepily walked inside as well.

“So tired.” Krystal said as she plopped herself down in the couch.

“Soojung get up, let Taeyeon rest there.” Jessica ordered as she brought Taeyeon to the couch.

“Uhm, Jessica? You can sleep in my room with Taeyeon. I think it’d be better if somebody looks after for her.” Sunny said.

“What? Why can’t you do it? I’ll sleep with my sister.”

“Unnie, I don’t want to sleep beside you. You always kick me out of bed.” Krystal whined.

“Jung Soojung!”

“Please, Jessica? I’m worried about Taeyeon, she sleepwalks and I’m a heavy sleeper so I won’t be able to notice if she’ll be gone.” Sunny said as she brought out extra pillows and mattress from her room.

“I’ll take care of Krystal and your friends, don’t worry.” Sunny added and smiled.

Jessica sighed and obliged, bringing Taeyeon to Sunny’s room.

Jessica stumbled as she struggled to bring Taeyeon to the bed as the girl seemed to gain another pound each second.

“Taeyeon. Taeyeon. Wake up.” Jessica called out, trying to wake the sleeping Taeyeon.

“Taeyeon I can’t carry you to the bed. You need to walk on your own now.” She added, but Taeyeon just lay still on her shoulder.

She huffed and tried carrying Taeyeon to the bed again.

She had her back to the bed and was about to turn around when her right foot stumble upon a pillow on the floor, causing her to lose her balance. Fortunately, her back landed on the bed, but her heart was palpitating when she opened her eyes to Taeyeon’s brown orbs as the girl landed on top of her. Taeyeon smiled sheepishly at her.

“Nyt nyt. Kiss kiss.” Taeyeon said and leaned closer, pecking on Jessica’s lips before her eyes closed again.

Jessica smiled unconsciously as she pushed Taeyeon lightly off of her.

“Good night, Taeyeon.” Jessica said before kissing Taeyeon’s forehead as she took the sleeping girl’s shoes off. She then crawled under the covers beside Taeyeon.

“Don't let me fall too hard, Kim Taeyeon.” Jessica’s eyelids felt heavy against her eyes and she immediately closed them, left arm wrapped around Taeyeon’s waist as she snuggled closer to the sleeping girl.

A smile once again graced her lips as she felt Taeyeon’s warm arm wrapped around her small frame.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
Mihyun101 #9