
Kiss Me

Italized words are flashbacks and/or emphasis, while the bold ones are spoken in English.




Rubbing her temples gently, the young CEO leaned her head against the headrest of her leather swivel chair. She shook her head lightly before opening the topmost drawer in her desk, hoping to find refuge from her migraine pills. She then took her compact mirror from the same drawer and held it in her left palm, bringing it towards her face. She frowned when she noticed the bags under her eyes that seemed to be growing each day. She glided her tongue across her pale and dry lips. Another frown. She’s so pale. The long hours in the office had been taking its toll on her health. She had grown thinner for the past four years ever since taking over her father’s company. Since then, maintaining her weight had been her biggest struggle.

Her friends had insisted she take a week or two away from work, but she couldn’t afford that. Not when the company is miserably falling. She’d do anything just to salvage their company. Or at least, what’s left of it. She sighed. The company has so many debts that they were not able to pay yet. Another sigh. Oh how playful time is; one moment they were South Korea’s biggest mirror manufacturer, the next they’re just one of those companies. But then it’s not always rainbows and butterflies, right? Truer words were never spoken. She snorted, mocking herself.

A buzzing phone snapped her out of her reverie. Her eyes widened in shock when she realized why the person is calling.

“Soo, I’m coming!” She answered while hastily picking her things up and shoving them onto her handbag.

“Taeyeon! Where the hell are you?! We are all waiting for you! The wedding’s about to start!”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I’ll be there.” She said as she hurriedly left her office and went straight inside the elevator.

“Fifteen minutes!”

“What?! But the garden is thirty minutes away from here!” Taeyeon complained while she tapped her foot on the metal floor impatiently.

“Bring your lazy here in fifteen minutes! You don’t want to upset her, right?!”

“Fine! Fine!” With that, Taeyeon ended the call, inwardly cursing as the elevator seemed to be taking more time than it usually does.

Taeyeon stepped out of the elevator as soon as it reached the parking lot and ran towards her car, driving away with haste.


“You’re late!” Sooyoung hissed while handing Taeyeon a white dress and pulling the short girl into a dressing room. She expertly put light makeup on Taeyeon’s face while Sunny braided Taeyeon’s now shoulder-length blonde locks.

“There! Perfect!” Sooyoung beamed at her masterpiece while Sunny gave her two thumbs up.

“Now go and walk on that aisle, you midget!” Sooyoung said, pulling Taeyeon out of the room.

A grass covered ground then came in her line of sight and her short legs had to keep up with Sooyoung’s long ones as the girl dragged her further into the red carpet that was laid on the ground in a straight line up to the altar where a judge stood.

She smiled and bowed at the people that turned to watch her as she marched on the aisle. The mini-band on the side played a wedding song that Taeyeon could care less. She smiled as she locked gaze with the person standing at the end of the aisle. The girl looked so happy that her aura seemed to be contagious. A few more steps and she found herself face to face with the girl. They exchanged sweet smiles before briefly hugging.

“Thought you’d ditch my wedding.” Yuri said, feigning annoyance at her short friend.

“Never,” Taeyeon said and flashed her brightest smile at her bestfriend before continuing, “..I’ll never miss your wedding for the world, you dork!”

Yuri then patted Taeyeon’s shoulder as they stood side by side. Sooyoung came walking on the aisle next, her long white gown complimenting her tall figure.

“Yah.. Are you the one who’s marrying Yuri? Why are you dressed like that?” Taeyeon whispered to Sooyoung as soon as she joined them. Sooyoung rolled her eyes before playfully smacking Taeyeon’s arm.

The three of them turned to watch Sunny as she walked down the aisle gracefully with a big smile plastered on her face. Taeyeon smiled at her now brunette friend.

“And this bunny acts as if she’s the one who’s getting married too. Seriously?” Taeyeon whispered to Sooyoung again, earning giggles from the tall girl.

“She desperately wants to get married. Too bad she doesn’t have anyone to marry right now.” Sooyoung whispered back.

“I heard that, you shikshin!” Sunny pursed her lips at Sooyoung as she stood next to the tall girl.

“Opsie.” Sooyoung replied, covering playfully.

“Here she comes..” Yuri said, bringing all their attentions back to the other end of the aisle.

A smiling girl came into view as soon as the song changed. It was a softer version of Jung Yup’s Nothing Better. Yuri searched for the doe-eyes behind the white veil. Their eyes locked instantly and Yoona’s smile widened when she saw a tear threatening to fall from her lover’s eyes. She took a deep breath before moving forward, holding her own tears in before mouthing a quick but sincere I love you. Yuri then smiled before wiping her tears with the tissue that Taeyeon managed to pass to her.

“Yuri-ah..” Yoona’s mother smiled as soon as they reached the other end of the aisle. Yuri opened her arms before lunging herself at Mrs. Im.

“I’m pretty sure you girls will take care of each other,” Mr. Im said as he enveloped Yuri in a tight hug too.

“..I love you both.” He added, letting go of Yuri and turning to face his daughter again.

“And you..” He pinched Yoona’s cheeks, earning chuckles from Taeyeon, Sunny and Sooyoung.

“I’m so glad you finally found your happy ever after.” He enveloped Yoona in a tight and long hug.

Taeyeon watched the interaction with sad eyes which Sooyoung instantly noticed. She draped an arm around Taeyeon’s shoulders, bringing the girl’s attention to her. Sooyoung then tilted her head towards the chairs at the front, signaling her to take a seat. Taeyeon smiled and nodded at Sooyoung before following the two girls.

The place became solemn as soon as the judge spoke, asking for anybody who objects to the marriage. When no one spoke, he went on with the ceremony. And by the time he announced Yoona and Yuri wife and wife, Taeyeon found herself crying along with her friends. The wedding was beautiful, the couple was beautiful. Everything looks so perfect. Even the heavens agreed, as the sky cleared into a beautiful blue with white cotton candy-like clouds scattered all over it.

The reception was held at the same place. Taeyeon watched as Sooyoung went back to the buffet table for the nth time that day while Sunny went around taking pictures of the newlyweds. Much like prom, she thought.

She was about to pour herself another glass of wine when Sooyoung snatched the glass from her.

“Here. Eat. This is much better than wine.” She said and pushed a plateful to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon made a face before shaking her head.

“Not hungry.” She said, snatching the wine glass back from Sooyoung.

“That’s your fourth glass already but I haven’t seen you eat yet.” Sooyoung commented as she watched Taeyeon pour wine to her glass. Much to her dismay, Taeyeon just shrugged her shoulders, dismissing her.

“Seriously.. you need to have a life, Taeng.” She commented, eating the food she got for Taeyeon instead.

“I have a life, Soo. A busy one at that.”

“No! I mean like, life life. Like really living, Taeyeon. Not just breathing and hiding in the confines of your office.”

“You don’t get to tell me how I should live my life.”

“I am not telling you. I’m merely suggesting.”

“But you are stepping on the lines!”

“What? So that’s what I get for caring now?!”

“Damn it Soo!”

“No. Damn you, Kim Taeyeon! You know you brought this to yourself!”

“I know! Okay? I know! You didn’t have to remind me!”

“What’s going on here?” The two bickering girls turned their heads to the direction of the voice.

“Nothing, Yoong. Sorry.” Taeyeon said apologetically and brought her attention back to her glass.

“Soo?” Sunny asked before sitting down on the chair beside Taeyeon.

“Nothing.” Sooyoung answered, pushing her plate away.

“Anywaaaay..” Yuri then spoke up, beckoning for Yoona to sit on the chair before sitting on the chair beside it. “Taeng.. that guy is checking you out,” she said, index finger pointing at a guy sitting a few tables from them. The group turned to look at the guy Yuri was referring to.

Taeyeon grimaced upon seeing the guy. Sure she loved mustache; but the guy overdid it as the facial hair almost covered his lips. She shook her head no. “He looks like a terrorist,” she said before turning her attention back to her friends. By the time she finished her comment, Sooyoung had already gripped the side of her stomach as she held her laughter.

“Yah! What’s wrong with you?!” Taeyeon asked, poking Sooyoung by the shoulder.

“Oh my gaaahhh! Did you.. just see him.. wink at.. Tae.. Taeyeon? He looks like an.. ahjussi!” Sooyoung said in between laughter, causing the other girls to laugh too.

“Oh Taeng.. you’re such a charmer.” Sooyoung said, pinching Taeyeon’s cheek.

“Yaaaaahhhh! Choi Sooyoung!!” Taeyeon protested, prying the girl’s hand away from her face but it was futile.

“He wasn’t that bad, you know.” Sunny commented, swatting Sooyoung’s hand away.

“Not that bad? Sunny are you blind?!” Taeyeon retorted, widening her eyes dramatically at the aegyo queen. Sunny rolled her eyes before waving a hand at Taeyeon.

“Okay, his beard is thick. But it’s not like shaving won’t solve that, right?”

“Wha—no. No no. And I don’t need another boyfriend, thank you very much.”

Yuri rolled her eyes before saying, “How about the nursery teacher guy.. what’s his name again? Wasn’t he so caring and all?”

“Jo Kwon? Oh my gaahh! He was caring alright, too caring that he made Taeyeon one of his students.” Sooyoung said, snickering.

“Tae, baby you should take a nap.. Tae, baby you should eat these cookies.. Tae, baby drink your milk.” Yoona added, making the group burst into laughter except Taeyeon.

“Wasn’t he gay though?” Sooyoung added and Sunny nodded her head vigorously.

“Oh! I know! I know! How about the psychology professor? What was his name again?” Yuri said, looking at Yoona for answers.

“Can’t remember.. ugh.. Hyusong? Hyunseong? Oh! Right! Shim Hyunseong!” Yoona beamed, clapping her hands together. Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

“Oh, Mr. erted Professor? The guy who almost Taeng?! No way!” Sooyoung said, making a face and frantically shaking her head.

“Or Mr. Fiancé Jang Wooyoung.” Sunny commented, making the group fall silent.

“The engagement was cancelled a long time ago, Sunny. That’s why I lost more than half of the company, remember? And I and Wooyoung are close friends now.” Taeyeon answered, breaking the silence.

“Why are you so choosy, Taeng. We’re not teenagers anymore.” Yuri commented while Taeyeon merely shrugged her shoulders.

“Or maybe because my long lost bestfriend still has her heart?” Sooyoung said, making the group fall into another uncomfortable silence.

“Who? Sica?” Yoona asked innocently.

“Like I have other bestfriends.” Sooyoung rolled her eyes at the youngest girl of the group.

“I wonder what happened to her. Even her whole family disappeared. Didn’t Baekhyun cry his eyes out for a week because of Baby Jung’s disappearance too?” Sunny casted a glare at Yuri after her statement which she merely shrugged at.

A bitter smile found its way to Taeyeon lips as she say, “She might even chop me into pieces if we ever meet again.”

A sad and sympathetic smile plastered in Sunny’s face while she tapped Taeyeon’s hand.

“I miss Sica..” Sooyoung abruptly said, making all the girls turn towards her.

“..what? I just miss my bestfriend, alright? It had been four years.” She said defensively, looking straight in Sunny’s eyes as the aegyo queen glared at her to shut up.

“Sorry, Soo.” Taeyeon said, forcing a smile.

“It’s not your fault, Taeng.” Sooyoung answered, draping an arm around the shorter girl’s shoulder.


That night, Taeyeon lay in bed as she waits for sleep to consume her. She brought the duvet up to her chin and turned to lie on her side, facing the empty side of the bed. The bed was too big for her, but she couldn’t bring herself to replace it. It was their bed. There were a lot of Jessica’s memories in it. She smiled unknowingly as images of Jessica flooded her mind.

She looked at Jessica’s sleeping face. Her girlfriend looked dead tired from all the activities from last night. She smiled as she leaned her face closer, breathing in Jessica’s scent. Her eyes then landed on the inviting lips of her girlfriend, and before she could stop herself; she dove in, indulging in her girlfriend’s strawberry scented lips. She on Jessica’s upper lip before the girl stirred on her sleep. Taeyeon’s hand instantly rubbed Jessica’s back as she pull away a little with a smile on her face.

“Morning, Taengoo..” Jessica said groggily, snuggling closer to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon’s heart fluttered in nervousness as she found it hard to form the right words.

“Marry me.. Sooyeon-ah.” She whispered while her hand continued rubbing Jessica’s back.

Jessica’s eyes opened instantly. She looked at Taeyeon for a while before running to the bathroom to wash . Taeyeon waited patiently, puzzled and nervous at the same time, thinking that she might have shocked Jessica. Or worst, her girlfriend wouldn’t want to marry her.

She watched as Jessica made her way back to the bed, sitting on her previous spot.

“What did you just say?” Jessica asked with incredulous eyes. Taeyeon smiled and got out of the bed too before entering the bathroom. After a while, she sat on her previous spot on the bed, facing Jessica with a small box of dental floss in hands. Jessica arched a brow at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon cut a short length of the thin filament before taking Jessica’s hand in hers. She delicately knotted the floss in Jessica’s ring finger then kissed it.

“When I was young I used to forget things a lot.. be it a word or a chore. So Umma would always tie a thread on my fingers. She said that if I look at it, I’d remember things..” Taeyeon paused, admiring Jessica’s fingers.

“..I’m putting this in your finger now so you wouldn’t forget that today, I asked you to be my wife.” She added, kissing Jessica’s hand.

“So..?” Taeyeon asked, looking at Jessica with expectant eyes.

“Yes.. yes Taeyeon. I will marry you!” Jessica chirped as tears fell from her eyes before lunging herself at Taeyeon, making the girl giggle as she steadied their bodies.

“I love you Taengoo-ah~”

“I love you, Sooyeon~”

Jessica reached for her smartphone at the bedside table as soon as she stopped crying. She raised the hand that Taeyeon had knotted the floss on to, bringing it beside Taeyeon’s face.

“Smile, Taengoo..” Jessica instructed as she pointed her smartphone at her hand and Taeyeon. The latter did as told and soon enough, Jessica snapped a photo of Taeyeon and her hand.

“So that I won’t forget that today you asked me to be your wife.” Jessica said with a smile before leaning in and capturing Taeyeon’s lips in a deep and passionate kiss.

Taeyeon’s eyes fluttered opened and the image of Jessica’s smiling face vanished into thin air. She brought a hand to her cheeks as something warm and wet trailed down on it. She hastily wiped it before sitting up on the bed. Her gaze then landed on her alarm clock; 4:02 in the morning. Another short slumber. With a sigh and shook of the head, she put on her slippers and got out of the bed, then out of the room.

She brought the coffee cup near her nose before sipping from it. She waited until the hot liquid reaches her stomach. Her mind wandered back to her dream. It had been eight years since she first met Jessica, four and a half years since she proposed and four years since Jessica disappeared from their lives. She didn’t tried tracking her though, because she knew she was to blame. Do something! Anything! She remembers Sooyoung screaming bloody murderer at her with weary eyes. Jessica was nowhere to be found. Even the Jungs. It was like they all vanished into thin air. But of course that wasn’t the case; Taeyeon knew she was to blame. Though Sunny and Yuri stood by her side back then, she knew her two bestfriends weren’t really happy of her decision. But she needed to choose. And chose she did. Even if it cost her much more that she gained.

Sigh. Life had gone downhill since then.

The months after Jessica disappeared were spent inside the ICU. Talking and talking, and talking to her comatose father, as if it would bring back his health. The doctor had shaken his head then. Lupus, terminal stage. He said with apologetic eyes. That was the same time she found out about their company’s debts. And her father’s words from a few months before he was rushed to the ICU replayed on her head; Taengoo.. I don’t want to lose the company. I’m really sorry, Taengoo. But please, please do this for me. Marry Wooyoung, that’s the only way you can save the company. There, that was what he meant by ‘a merger in six years’. She should have known. Well, who would have thought fixed marriage were still ‘in’? Not her, at least. Her mother had cried. Because she was torn, she cried for Taeyeon but she also cried for her husband. Taeyeon.. the company, were her father’s last words. Taeyeon nodded, accepting her fate.

Taeyeon shook her head as migraine crept its way to her head. Walking down memory lane was never a good idea to start your day, eh? She sighed. At least she still have their friends. But what about Sooyeon? Her Sooyeon. Does she have friends too? How did she cope up? Is she living happily now? Does she remember about her Taengoo too? Does she miss her? Questions. A lot of them. But there were no answers. She will never know the answers to her questions.


Taeyeon lifelessly followed Sunny as they strode inside the supermarket. The aegyo queen had been going on and on about a photoshoot she had a few days ago and how hot the guys were. Taeyeon nodded, not really listening to Sunny’s blabbering. Her mind still lingers on Jessica.

“Taeng, are you even listening?” Sunny asked while putting a box of cereal on her basket.

“Huh? Ye—yeah. You were saying?” Taeyeon scratched the back of her head while her eyes scanned the cereals in front of her, searching for the brand Jessica always bought for them before.

“Here.” Sunny said, poking Taeyeon with the box of cereal.

“Thanks, Sunny bunny!” Taeyeon beamed and grinned at Sunny.

The aegyo queen rolled her eyes before saying, “I wonder when you’ll change cereal brand.”

Taeyeon looked at her questioningly.

“Don’t play dumb. We all know that is Jessica’s favorite cereal brand.”

Taeyeon didn’t answer and instead she brought her attention to the vegetable fridge at the back of the cereal rack they were in. There was a girl standing in front of it, she looked like she was contemplating on what vegetable to buy. Taeyeon looked at the girl’s back. Her gaze landed on the girl’s smooth, long and slender legs as they were exposed because of her short floral skirt. The figure looks familiar. Taeyeon racked her brain for a name but found none. She moved a little to her left, hoping to get a glimpse of the girl’s face. She froze on her spot as soon as she did.

“Taeng?” Sunny asked, moving to her side.

“It’s Jessica.” Taeyeon whispered as if all hell would break loose if she says it a little louder.

“Jessica as in Jessica Jung? Barbie?” Sunny clarified, eyes searching the supermarket for the blonde.

“There’s no other blonde here except you.” Sunny commented as her eyes continued to scan the whole place.

“No, not blonde. Dark brown wavy hair. Blue cardigan. Short skirt. Legs. Smooth legs. White. Long.” Taeyeon rambled, making Sunny pull her eyebrows together.

“Taeng, you know you can tell me things.. right?” She said, turning Taeyeon’s body to face her.

Taeyeon arched a brow at her friend before nodding.

“Now tell me..” Sunny looked from left to right before continuing, “..are you on drugs?” She whispered.

“Wha—what?! No! No! There! She’s there!” Taeyeon said, pointing at the girl’s direction. Sunny followed the direction Taeyeon was pointing at.

“S—sica?” Sunny uttered with wide eyes.

“Sica!” She yelled happily even before Taeyeon could cover .

“Sunny! What are you doing!” Taeyeon hissed as she covered Sunny’s mouth.

Sunny took the hand from and said, “Saying hello to my friend?”

She skipped happily towards Jessica, pulling Taeyeon along with her.

“Sica~” Sunny greeted happily.

The girl turned to face them. Her eyes landed on Sunny before landing on Taeyeon, lingering for a moment. Taeyeon smiled awkwardly at the girl.

You.. you called for me?” The girl answered in perfect English.

Uh, yes?” Sunny answered, glancing at Taeyeon for a moment. The latter merely shrugged.

“Anyway, how are you? You look good!” Sunny beamed again, reaching out to hold Jessica’s hands but the girl immediately shoved her hands inside the pocket of her cardigan. Sunny pouts and retracted her hands.

“I’m sorry, but do I know you?” The girl asked Sunny with nonchalant eyes.

Taeyeon tilted her head a little, looking straight into Jessica’s eyes but they gave nothing away.

“Sunny. Remember? High school friends? Like really really friends. College housemates?” Sunny said, eyebrows knitting to the center again.

“I’m s-sorry. I had an.. uhm.. amnesia. Right, amnesia. I have amnesia from an accident four years ago, so I don’t remember any of my past.” The girl said with calm and expressionless face.

“Really?! Oh my gosh!” Sunny’s eyes widened even more.

“Did you hear that, Taeng?!” She added, shaking Taeyeon’s hand. The latter just nodded; her eyes never leaving Jessica.

“I’m really sorry if I don’t remember you and your.. err, sister?” The girl said, eyeing Taeyeon for a brief moment.

“Oh, this is Taeyeon. Your.. err,” Sunny looked at Taeyeon and the latter shook her head. “..your friend from High School too.”

“H-hi.” Taeyeon said, smiling awkwardly at the girl.

Hello, I’m Jessica. But I guess you already know that.” Jessica said, giving them a small smile.

“Uh. When did you.. when—“

Mommy!” A little girl’s voice cut Taeyeon off mid-sentence as they all looked down on the little bundle of joy running towards Jessica. She hugged Jessica’s legs as soon as she reached her and Jessica bent down to pick up the girl, brushing their noses together; making the little girl giggle.

Did you have fun?” Jessica asked the little girl sweetly and the little girl nodded her head.

Mommy Hyo say she waits durr.” The little girl pointed at one of the cash counters.

Alright, let’s go then.” Jessica said, as she put the little girl down.

“It was nice seeing you guys but I have to go now. Sunny-shi.. and..?” Jessica tilted her head in a questioning manner with furrowed brows.

“Taeng—Taeyeon.. Kim Taeyeon.” Taeyeon said, extending her hand to Jessica but the latter chose to bow to them instead before walking off to the cash counter.

“Was that her daughter?” Sunny asked after making sure Jessica was out of earshot.

“I.. I think so..?” Taeyeon answered in a low voice as her gaze followed Jessica to the cash counter, approaching a blonde girl.

“Wow, so she’s married now? Wow, just wow. This is too much.” Sunny said, shaking her head as she picked up a vegetable.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
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Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
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