
Kiss Me

Taeyeon paced back and forth inside the hospital room as her father lay unconscious on the bed. They had been here since yesterday and the old man have yet to wake up and it worries her to no end. She sat down on the chair beside his bed as she pondered on her father’s words before the man fell unconscious.

“Taeyeon.. you’re taking over the company in a few weeks from now.” He smiled as he beckoned his daughter to sit on the chair on the other side of the desk.

Taeyeon nodded and smiled at her father. “That’s the plan.”

“Finally, I can rest.”

Taeyeon nodded again.

“How are things with you and Wooyoung?” Her father abruptly asked, making Taeyeon quirk a brow at the man.

“We’re okay.. why did you asked?”

“Oh, good. And nothing, I just really like him for you.”

“But Appa, we’re just friends and I’m with Jessica. You know that.”

The man smiled before waving a hand at her daughter.

“That kind of relationship won’t last, Taengoo. It won’t be acceptable in our society. Especially when you become the CEO.” He said coolly, as if he had predicted his daughter’s future.

“I don’t care about what society says.” Taeyeon answered with a stern voice, making her father frown.

“Taeyeon, the company is going downhill.” He admitted with a serious tone. The one he uses when he deals with investors.

“I sold three-fourths of the company to Wooyoung’s parents..”  He trailed off, looking off to the side.

“Why would you do that?! You worked hard for that company! Appa!” Taeyeon didn’t mean to raise her voice but it came rather harsh as the shocking news sank in.

“I didn’t have a choice.. I will lose the company either way.” He said dejectedly.

“Your Umma doesn’t know.. yet.” He added.

“Do you even plan on telling her? You always keep her in the dark.” Taeyeon said coldly.

“I do. I will. I’m just waiting for the right time.”

“And when is that?”

“As soon as I settle everything.” He looked up to his daughter.

Taeyeon held his gaze.

“I would need your help though.” He said, making Taeyeon arch a brow.

“I.. Wooyoung, he’ll be the CEO by next week.” He started, looking anywhere but Taeyeon.

“His parents wants grandchildren..” He paused again as Taeyeon kept mum, brows knitting together.

“I.. well, you see Taengoo.. they offered me.. something.”

Taeyeon scoffed. Of course.

“If.. if you marry him.. we will.. you will remain as the CEO while the company retains its name. if you.. marry him and bear his child.”

Taeyeon stood up, slamming her palms on the wooden desk.

“NO!” She yelled.

“You have to do this. For the company.”

“All you think about is your god damned company! What about me?! I’m your daughter! I have a girlfriend that I’m marrying soon!”

“This is the best for you. Do you think Jessica will stick around if you lose everything?”

“Jessica is not like that! Gah! How many times do I have to tell you?! She loves me! Me! Not my money! Not your god damned money!”

“You can never be so sure!”

“NO! No I’m not marrying Wooyoung! Never!”

“The company is all we have, Taeyeon! Think about this family for a second and stop being selfish!”

“Me?! Selfish?! How about you? Aren’t you just as selfish as I am?!”

“I am doing this. For. The. Family.”

“No! You are doing this for yourself! Why can’t you just let your company go?! It’s your fault it went downhill! Why do I have to suffer the consequences of your actions?!”

“Taeyeon, the company is all we have. I worked hard for it. I spent all my time for that company. All I’m asking is a little help.” Taeyeon’s father said in a softer tone.

“Yeah, you spent all your time there, that’s why you neglected your family. And little help? Little help?! Are you kidding me? You want me to marry a person I don’t love! Little help?! Ha!” Taeyeon scoffed again, plopping back to her chair.

“No, Appa. I am not marrying anyone but Jessica. I already proposed to her and the wedding will be in two days time. I am marrying her whether you like it or not.” She added in a monotonous tone.

“You can disown me. I don’t care.”

Her father snapped his head towards Taeyeon as the ridiculous statement caught his attention. Disown? His own child? No, that is not happening.

“Taeyeon please, I don’t have much time. Just this once. Grant me just this once.”

“No.” She answered firmly, standing up from her chair before casting her father one last glance.

“I’m marrying Jessica and that’s final.” She added before turning her back towards her father.

She heard her father rose from his seat as well but she didn’t mind as she continued walking towards the door. She was about to twist the doorknob open when a loud thud caught her attention, making her turn back to her father instinctively. Her eyes widened at the sight of her father’s lifeless body sprawled beside the wooden desk. She hurriedly ran to his side before shaking him but the man wasn’t responding. She started panicking and calling out for her mom. Everything afterwards went in a blur. The ambulance, her mother crying hysterically, the emergency room, the doctors hurrying to her father’s aid.

“Taeng?” A voice broke her from her reverie as the person entered the room.

Taeyeon’s eyes briefly looked at the new comer before bringing her attention back to her father’s sleeping figure.

“Thumbelina, you should rest.” Jiwon said, squeezing his sister’s shoulder lightly.

“I.. did this to him. I’m such a bad daughter. Jiwon.. I.. I’m sorry.” Taeyeon whispered, hanging her head low.

“Shhh. You did not. He already had the illness, he was just so stubborn. He could have just rested at home instead of running that company of his. So don’t blame yourself, okay?” Jiwon pushed his sister’s head sideways lightly so it was leaning on his torso as he stood beside the chair she was sitting at.

“I don’t want to lose him. I.. told him he can.. disown me.. but I didn’t mean it.. I swear.. I was just angry.. and I said things.. I shouldn’t have..” She trailed off as tears started streaming down her face.

“I know, I know. Don’t worry about it too much, he’ll eventually wake up. And again, don’t blame yourself.” Jiwon cooed, his sister’s black hair.

“Should I—“

“No, no, Taeyeon. Just because he has this illness doesn’t mean you’ll submit to his plans. No, I won’t let you suffer.” Jiwon stated in a stern voice, making Taeyeon sigh. She was so torn. Just yesterday she was so sure she is not considering her father’s plea. But her father’s condition had unexpectedly made her mind go haywire. It was now between her father, her own blood, the man who gave her everything and Jessica. Jessica who changed her world in a wonderful and pleasing way. Jessica who bent all her principles in life. Jessica who she loves with all that she is. Jessica who is expecting to see her on the altar tomorrow.

“You are contemplating.” Jiwon stated matter-of-factly, breaking Taeyeon’s chain of thoughts yet again.

“What happens when he loses the company?” Taeyeon asked, gaze fixed to her father.

“He would still have us, Taengoo.”

“But we will never be enough for him.”

“Then he doesn’t have any other choice.”

“But I do have a choice.”

“..that you are not taking.”

“But I don’t think I have to the heart to see him fall into depression.”

“And you think you have the heart to break Jessica’s? What about her, Taeyeon? She won’t make it through this.”

Taeyeon opened to speak, only to close it again as words drowned in . Stupid. Of course, why did she think about breaking the lovely girl’s heart in the first place?

“Pabo.” Jiwon said, flicking Taeyeon’s forehead. He expected the girl to lash out on him, but was disappointed when she seemed to be zoning out again.

“Thumbelina, listen..” He said, bringing Taeyeon’s attention up to him.

“The thing is, Appa can always build another business.. but you, you won’t find another Jessica. You get me?”

Taeyeon was about to nod when the door creaked open, revealing an elderly man in white suit. The siblings turned to gaze at each other with arched brows before bringing their attention to the doctor.

“Taeyeon and Jiwon.” The man spoke with a stoic face. Both Taeyeon and Jiwon nodded without uttering a word.

The doctor cleared his throat before continuing, “We reviewed your father’s medical files for the last four years..”

Taeyeon looked at her brother questioningly who was met by her brother’s equally puzzled look.

“Wait, four years? But this is the first time he’s been sick.” Jiwon clarified to which Taeyeon nodded.

The doctor shook his head. “He had been in and out of the hospital for four years. I think your mother knows about this.”

“Wait, Umma knows?” Taeyeon cocked her brow at the elderly doctor.

The doctor nodded his head before continuing, “As I was saying. We were reviewing your father’s medical files and I’m sorry to say that the Lupus had already damaged his kidneys and central nervous system. He will be transferred to the ICU as soon as you sign some documents.”

The siblings’ shoulders slumped at the news. The man who was the family’s provider, the man who always had the most hearty laughter they could ever remember, the man who they looked up to ever since they were kids; their father.. is dying. Taeyeon could feel her eyes watering while Jiwon held her tight, steadying her beside him.

“Where are the documents? I’ll sign it.” Taeyeon looked up to her brother as he spoke with a croaked voice. Jiwon had always been the strongest one between them, but seeing him tear up just made Taeyeon cry even more. Oh how playful life can be.

“I’m sorry.” The doctor looked at them with sympathetic eyes.

Taeyeon looked back to her father. He’s too young to die, she thought.


Their father had woken up thirty minutes after he was transferred to the ICU and Taeyeon insisted that she look after their father. Jiwon shook his head disapprovingly, insisting that Taeyeon should take a rest first but as the stubborn girl that she is, Jiwon could do nothing but allow his sister.

Taeyeon sat on the chair adjacent to her father’s bed as she stared at him.

“How are you feeling, Appa?” She asked, bringing her gaze to her father. The man smiled weakly at her before reaching out to hold her hand. Not wanting her father to exert extra effort, Taeyeon reach out to meet her father’s hand.

“You shouldn’t be moving too much.” She said, patting her father’s hand.

“Taengoo..” The man spoke in a weak, broken voice through the tube connected in his mouth.

“I don’t want to lose the company..” Taeyeon caught a sight of a lone tear rolling down his temple.

“I’m really sorry, Taengoo..” He continued, voice sounding weaker and weaker each time.

“But please, please do this for me..” He pleaded yet again, eyes fluttering as another wave of headache slowly made its way in his head.

“Marry Wooyoung, that’s.. the only way.. you can.. save the co..company.” He finished, tightening his grip on Taeyeon’s hand as the unbearable headache racked his head.

Taeyeon saw her father closed his eyes as he succumbed to unconsciousness again. She pressed and pressed the buzzer beside her father’s bed to call the attention of nurses and doctors in panic and fear that she’ll lose her old man. No, she wasn’t ready for that yet. She’ll hold on to her father for as long as she can.

By the time the nurses and doctor came in, Taeyeon was already crying frantically. A nurse guided her outside the ICU as she walked lifelessly. Jiwon approached her as soon as he saw her.

“What happened?” was Jiwon’s frantic question.

“I.. Appa.. he’s—“

“The patient is in a state of coma.” The doctor spoke behind them, breaking Taeyeon’s heart yet again.

Taeyeon wept even more. Why was everything happening all at once?

“Ho—how is he? Will he be..” Jiwon trailed off, not really knowing what to ask the doctor as his thoughts went incoherent. It was too much to take in.

“I’m really sorry. But your father’s nervous system is failing. I can’t promise you anything right now but rest assured that we will do everything.”

“Where.. where is Umma?” Taeyeon asked in a croaked voice as the thought of her mother abruptly came to her mind. She hasn’t seen their mother since they brought her father in the hospital.

Jiwon arched a brow at the doctor as he fidgeted on his spot, as if contemplating about something important.

“What’s wrong?” He asked the doctor, catching him off guard.

“I.. uh.. no-nothing. I have to.. uh, go now.” The doctor stammered, making Jiwon’s curiosity rise.

“Dr. Park, what’s wrong?” Jiwon asked, not letting their family doctor go just yet.

Taeyeon furrowed her brow at her brother then at the doctor.

The doctor sighed before speaking, “I think it’s time you both know.”

Tayeon and Jiwon threw puzzled looks at each other before turning their attention back to the doctor.

“I.. you can follow me. I’m going to see her now.” The doctor said as his eyes softened.

“Who?” Taeyeon asked before they all walked off.

“Your mother.”


“She fainted when you brought your father here.” The doctor stated in a softer tone, the one he always used around the Kim household.

Taeyeon and Jiwon stared at their mother’s solemn face as she slept.

“It’s just fatigue, right?” Jiwon was the first one to break the silence.

The doctor shook his head, jerking Taeyeon and Jiwon’s head back to him.

“Your mother is very ill. As ill as your father.”

Taeyeon can’t believe what she was hearing. No she wouldn’t believe it. This is just one of those bad dreams. Wake up, Taeyeon, she kept chanting inwardly as if it would wake her from the predicament she found herself in.

“What.. what is.. it?” Jiwon managed to ask, snapping Taeyeon out of her trance.

The doctor looked at them, hesitation evident on his eyes before he answered, “Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.”

Taeyeon’s world fell apart. First her father, and now her mother? How cruel life could get?

“She had it after giving birth to Taeyeon. She wasn’t aware of it until she felt her body weakening. She had been attending chemotherapy since then. That was the time when she went home to her province, leaving you with your father. We were able to fight the cancer cells away and she was back to normal but just last year, she complained that she feels weak again. And when we ran some tests again, we were devastated by the results.

“She asked me to keep it from you and your father. I was hesitant a first because it was a serious matter. But she pleaded, so I agreed.” The doctor stated apologetically. By the time he finished his revelation, Taeyeon had already settled herself beside her mother on the bed, scooting closer as if the sleeping woman would vanish any time soon.

Jiwon noticed this and rubbed Taeyeon’s back in a comforting manner as the girl cried her heart out.

“Will she wake up soon?” Jiwon asked, not tearing his gaze off of his mother.

“Yes, but she’s very weak. And I have one request..” The doctor trailed off, waiting for a response from the Kims. When nothing came, he continued; “Please don’t tell her that you know. She will eventually tell you.”

Jiwon nodded, not looking back at the doctor, as his hand continued rubbing Taeyeon’s back. Seeing that the siblings needed some privacy, the doctor walked out of the room with a heavy heart; mind wondering how the two Kims would handle the unfortunate fate.

“Taengoo.. shh.. it’s okay.. everything will be okay..” Jiwon said as he helplessly watched her sister cry like a baby.


Taeyeon woke up to a warm hand her cheeks. She didn’t know how long she had cried until she fell asleep but she was sure it had been long enough to make her head throb. She snuggled her cheeks closer to the warm hand, afraid that it might vanish soon and she would really lose her sanity this time.

“Taengoo..” The weak but wonderful voice called out. She unconsciously smiled.

“Taengoo wake up..” The voice cooed.

Taeyeon hesitantly opened her eyes, afraid that she might breakdown in front of her mother. Her mother smiled warmly at her as soon as their eyes locked. Warm liquid welled up in Taeyeon’s eyes.

“Don’t cry.. everything is going to be fine.” Her mother assured, but Taeyeon felt the hesitation in her words.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I could have been there for you.” Taeyeon’s voice croaked but she didn’t mind as she continued, “I.. I should have been by your side all this while.”

Taeyeon’s mother didn’t answer her but she enveloped Taeyeon in a tight hug, making the tears she kept at bay fall freely onto her cheeks.

Mrs. Kim rubbed her daughter’s back, hoping to ease the girl’s hurt but it only made Taeyeon cry more. The thought of losing both her parents is too much to bear, yet it wouldn’t leave her mind.

They both settled after a while with Taeyeon laying her head in her mother’s lap as Mrs. Kim her hair gently. She missed it so much. She can’t remember the last time she was this close to her mother but she missed it a lot. It was comforting.

“Why aren’t you in your wedding yet?” Taeyeon’s mother asked, looking down at her daughter expectantly.

“I..” Taeyeon trailed off as another tear rolled down her cheek.

Mrs. Kim nodded knowingly, and patted her daughter’s hand.

“You don’t have to answer me.. I was just—“

Taeyeon sat up on the bed when her mother abruptly stopped talking. Her eyes widened when she saw her mother gripping her abdomen and her face contorted in pain.

“Nurse! Nurse!” Taeyeon frantically called outside the hospital room as her mother’s whimpers echoed inside.

Nurses hurried inside and she was again ushered outside. She paced nervously in front of the door. She d her pockets for her phone so she could call Jiwon but unfortunately it wasn’t there. She inwardly cursed.

“Taeng? What’s wrong?” Her brother’s voice came from beside her. She immediately turned to her brother and lunged herself towards him, making him stumble back a bit.

“Umma.. we.. talking.. she.. pain.. she.. umma..” Taeyeon said incoherently against Jiwon’s shirt. His hands rubbed the back of his sister by reflex.

They stayed on their spot for about half an hour before the doctor went out of the room. His face was glum and Jiwon knew it was bad news. He looked down on his sister before looking back at Dr. Park.

“She’s unconscious again. The cancer cells are spreading rather fast.”

“What can we do?”

“We can give her painkillers for now, but she would need a bone marrow transplant really soon.”

“She didn’t have before?”

The doctor shook his head, “No, she didn’t need it before.”

“Can you schedule a transplant as soon as possible?”

“I.. well, we still have to find compatible donors.”

“How long will it take?”

“Depending on the donors.”

Jiwon pursed his lips as he looked over her distressed sister. The girl looked like a walking dead. She was supposed to be getting married right now.

“I’m sorry, Jiwon.” The doctor patted Jiwon’s shoulder before walking off.


“Here,” Jiwon handed his sister a cup of coffee before sitting beside her on a bench situated in the hospital’s mini garden.

“Why are you taking all of this so lightly?” Taeyeon spoke with a broken voice as she looked up to the night sky.

“I am not taking this lightly, Taeyeon. I am just as hurt as you.” Jiwon answered, sipping from his cup.

“What’s going to happen to them now?” She asked as her eyes searched for her favorite star.

“They are going to be fine.” Jiwon answered, scooting closer to her sister.

“Why do all these happen to us, Jiwon?”

“It’s just a test, Taeyeon.”

“Well, it’s one hell of a test.”

“I know.”

Silence engulfed them as they sip on their coffee.

“Do you think Jessica will forgive me?” Taeyeon spoke, breaking the silence.

Jiwon turned to his side for a brief moment before answering, “For ditching your wedding?”


“I don’t really know Jessica that well but I think she would.”

“What about the company?”

“What about it?” Jiwon asked, arching a brow.

“Do you think she will ever forgive me?”

“I think I’m lost.”

“If I marry Wooyoung, will she forgive me?”

Jiwon jerked up from his seat and grabbed Taeyeon’s shoulder, turning her towards him.

“Why would you do that?!”

“Jiwon, I’ll marry him. For Appa.”

“Taeyeon are you out of your mind?!”

“I want to retain Appa’s name on that company.”

“And give yourself to someone you don’t love? Taeyeon you are not thinking straight!”

Taeyeon didn’t answer and looked off to her side, avoiding Jiwon’s accusing gaze.

“Damn it, Taeng!”


Taeyeon sat beside her college friend and fiancé, Jang Wooyoung in front of the reporters. Questions after questions were thrown at them and Taeyeon felt a little lost. She kept mum, choosing not to answer any of their questions. Jiwon squeezed her hand lightly and smiled at her, making her reciprocate the action.

She knows the news of her engagement will hurt Jessica as much as it hurts her. But as the saying goes; blood is thicker than water. And so she chose to grant her father’s plea, even if it meant losing Jessica. It had been a week since their supposed wedding but she still can’t bring herself to talk to the girl. She’s too ashamed of what she did and what she is doing right now.

The Jangs smiled warmly at the press, except for Wooyoung and it made her curious. He looked just as lost as she is.

“So, the company retains its name and a wedding is to be expected in three months time, alright?” Mr. Jang said cheerfully as he shook Taeyeon’s hand.

Taeyeon just nodded.

“Congratulations on becoming the CEO, by the way.” Mr. Jang added.


It was a week after the engagement--press conference when the news was printed on Seoul Times. It had been one hell of a week for Taeyeon as she balanced her time with their company and her father who was still in the ICU. Her mother, on the other hand, had regained consciousness but was still confined in the hospital.

The next week, she finds Sooyoung barging in on her office, yelling at her.

“You idiot! I hate you! I hate you so much!”

Taeyeon knew she deserved to be called that. She was the world’s biggest idiot after all.

“Do something! Anything!”

“Bring her back!”

Sooyoung had cried in the middle of her outburst and Taeyeon’s heart broke at the sight.


The day after Sooyoung outburst, Taeyeon decided that it was time to face Jessica and explain everything. She wasn’t sure of the outcome but she hoped there would be some closure between them.

She was about to knock when a neighbor walked by.

“The Jungs just left yesterday, not gonna be back soon.”

Taeyeon turned to ask the man who spoke but he already crossed the street. Her heart sank at the thought of her being a day late.


It had been months since her father was transferred to the ICU, but he was still in coma. She always made it a point to visit him every after work. Taeyeon frowned at her father’s physique. He had grown thinner over the months. The doctors had looked at them with sympathetic eyes every time they visit. Mercy killin; one doctor had suggested, making Taeyeon’s blood boil in anger. How could they just suggest that like her father’s life was of no value? But then Dr. Park told them that her father’s central nervous system isn’t responding anymore and it was only the machines that were keeping him alive. Her mother cried and cried until her weak body gave in to fatigue. It was too much for Taeyeon, she felt like breaking too.

Signing the waiver was the hardest thing to do. The pen felt a thousand times heavier in her fingers. Dr. Park looked at her with sad, sympathetic eyes as he accepted the papers. She moved to hug her father one last time before whispering, “I love you, Appa.

Her world stopped spinning for a brief moment as the doctor turned off the machines that kept her father alive; and it finally crumbled down when the heart monitor displayed a flat line.

“Time of death, 6:02 P.M.” Dr. Park announced, looking Taeyeon straight in the eye.

She held her father tighter and cried until her brother’s arms wrapped around her small frame, bringing her up to her feet before enveloping her in a hug.


The day her father was buried was the day that Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Yoona, Yuri and Sunny were reconciled. They looked at her sympathetically, although there was still the hurt in Yoona and Sooyoung’s eyes, they had comforted Taeyeon as she cried her heart out while her father’s coffin was being buried six feet below the ground.

The day after that, Wooyoung announced the cancellation of their engagement; stating that he took over her parents’ share on the company and that he was finally able to decide for himself. His parents went berserk when he announced that he didn’t want to be engaged with Taeyeon anymore but she could still retain her position in the company.

Everything was almost perfect with her mother recovering from cancer. Almost. If she still have Jessica, everything would have been perfect. But she’s not in the position to complain since it was her decision. The most stupid decision she ever made. And every night, she finds herself staring at Jessica’s side of the bed before tears rush down her face.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
Mihyun101 #9