
Kiss Me


Sooyoung stopped munching on a piece of a pork rib when her cousin’s deep voice caught her attention. She reluctantly tore her eyes away from the food to glare at her cousin.

“Woah, what’s up with the face?” Seunghyun said, sitting on the chair opposite hers.

“What do you need?” Irritation laced the younger Choi’s voice.

“Aw, come on. I don’t get a hello?”

“Hello, dear cousin.” Sooyoung said with much sarcasm then rolled her eyes.

“Aw, you don’t miss oppa? I’ve been away for a while.”

“I know that. That’s why we have this welcome party in the first place, right?” Sooyoung stated nonchalantly as she continued munching on her pork rib.

“Still a shikshin, I see.”

Sooyoung ignored the snide remark and pretended that her cousin wasn’t there in front of her, talking. She doesn’t hate Seunghyun, she just hates it when people interrupt her meal time.

“Listen, Soo..” Seunghyun paused, waiting for the girl to bring her attention back to him.

“Hey, listen up. I just have questions. After that, I won’t be bothering you and your precious meal time, okay?”

Sooyoung looked up to him with annoyance written all over her face. Seunghyun would have been scared for his life if only the question that had been irking his mind wasn’t that important.

“Your question better be important or I swear I’ll cut your ribs and eat it.” The threat was absurd, alright. But Seunghyun couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Who knows what her cousin could do when the girl gets really angry. And hungry.

He swallowed the inexistent saliva down his throat before speaking in a croaked voice, “How is everyone?”

Sooyoung looked at him incredulously.

“That was what you wanted to ask?!”

Seunghyun immediately waved his hands in front of him to stop the younger Choi from murdering him.

“No, no-I mean.. how’s.. Taeyeon?”

Sooyoung’s brow quirked then, confused as to why her cousin would ask about the short girl since she doesn’t have any recollection of the two being close.

“What do you mean how’s Taeyeon?” Her voice had a hint of curiosity that made Seunghyun confused. It had been almost four years; surely the girls had already known of the donation?

“Was it hard? I mean, I heard that it’s more sensitive when you were impregnated through donation.” He hung his head low, trying to hide his blush. Now, he doesn’t have any romantic feelings towards the short girl, but the thought of having a baby with a girl was wonderful. Although he never touched Taeyeon, of course. Jessica only asked him if he could donate a for Taeyeon one day, and he was in no place to reject the girl’s request. Jessica was like a sister to him, after all.

“Wha—what?! Taeyeon? Pregnant? You’re not making sense, oppa!”

Seunghyun then furrowed his brows as he looked at Sooyoung. He was sure that the day she met Jessica at the hospital, they were doing the transplant for Taeyeon. It was odd though, since he didn’t see Taeyeon coming with Jessica. Or maybe the short girl was just late? Since he went out of the hospital as soon as Jessica was called by the nurse and he didn’t hear a word from Jessica or Taeyeon since then.

“Y-yeah. Sica asked me to be a.. s- donor.. for Taeyeon.”

Sooyoung’s eyes widened at her cousin’s words while she unconsciously leaned her head towards Seunghyun who looked at her questioningly in response.

“You are not making this up, right?” She inquired with a hushed voice, as if they were sharing their family’s deepest secret.

Seunghyun shook his head vigorously before pushing Sooyoung by the shoulder to settle back on her seat.

“I’m telling the truth. Sica asked me not to spill it to you guys, so I didn’t. You know how scary that girl gets when she’s very very angry.”

Sooyoung’s breathing became erratic as she tried putting the pieces together.

“W-when did this.. happen?”

“Some four years ago? Two weeks before their wedding, I think.”

“Are you really sure?”

“Yeah, I was there with Sica in the hospital. Although I didn’t see Taeyeon, I’m sure that she’s the one who’s bearing the baby since Sica told me that she wanted the baby to be Taeyeon’s.

“W-wait. So.. Seohyun is.. Taeyeon’s?”

A smile crept its way to Seunghyun’s face before saying, “So, Seohyun is the baby’s name? That’s cute.”

Sooyoung ignored her cousin as she started doing the math in her head.

“How does the baby look? Did he looked a little like me?” Seunghyun probed, oblivious to his cousin’s zoned out state.


Sooyoung snapped out of her trance and focused her eyes on her cousin who was grinning like a proud father—oh wait, right, he was a father. Seohyun’s father.

“She’s a she and no, she doesn’t look anything like you except for the height maybe. And now that makes sense. She has Taeyeon’s eyes and those chubby cheeks! Oh what the hell? Why were we so oblivious to those things?! B-but how could Seohyun be Taeyeon’s when I never saw the midget pregnant? I mean, we’ve been with her since Sica left.”

Sooyoung rambled, forgetting about her companion who looked at her with puzzled looks.

“Soo, you okay?”

“No! I’m not okay! This is not making sense at all! How can Taeyeon be Seohyun’s mother when I never saw her pregnant?”

“I—I don’t know, okay? Jeez, I was just asking about the baby. Why are you raging on me?”

Seunghyun had to cover his precious face when his cousin stood from her seat and propped her palms on the table rather violently.

“Jeez, Soo. Calm down, will you?”

“I cannot calm down! This is so absurd! Jessica will never lie to us. Especially me!”

“Wait, who said about lying? You saw their daughter, which means you know about Taeyeon’s pregnancy, right?”

“We saw her daughter, alright. And for the gazillionth time, Choi Seunghyun, TAEYEON DIDN’T GET PREGNANT.” Sooyoung said as she settled back down on her chair with hands rubbing her temple. The pork rib in front of her was screaming for her attention but it didn’t look so appealing to her anymore.

“What? That can’t be possible. I swear when Jessica—“

Sooyoung and Seunghyun’s eyes widened simultaneously as the realization dawned on them.

“Jessica.. was a surrogate.. mother?” Seunghyun uttered first with eyes widened ten times. He had always thought that Taeyeon was the one to bear the baby. But of course, the Jung was an unpredictable girl. As always.

“And she didn’t tell all of you?” He asked again.

Sooyoung shook her head and was unexpectedly much calmer now than earlier, her eyes wore a sympathetic look.

“Maybe she forgot about it too, since she’s suffering from amnesia.” She heaved a sigh before slumping down on her seat. She was happy and sad for the information. Happy that there was actually something that bound Taeyeon and Jessica physically. And it was her niece too! But sad that the Jung can’t remember anything about it, except that Seohyun is her child. She wonders what kind of troubles Jessica had gone through with the pregnancy. It would have been the biggest shock of her life to wake up with no memories and a bulging tummy.

“What’s with the face again?” Seunghyun inquired when Sooyoung’s eyebrows met on the middle again, accompanied by a deepening frown.

“If the accident was so serious that it wiped off her memories, then how did the baby survived? I mean, I’m thankful that Seohyun is a healthy baby girl and all but I’m confused. A fetus barely a month old can’t survive that kind of accident.”

Seunghyun rubbed his chin, pondering on the situation. Being a medical practitioner, he knows that Sooyoung had a point.

“Are you really sure she has amnesia?” He asked in a curious voice.

“I—I’m not sure. She said she was involved in a car accident and suffered from amnesia since then.”

“Do you think she’s telling the truth?”

“Do you think she’s lying?” Sooyoung asked back.

“But why would she lie about something like that?” Sooyoung added with furrowed brows. It just didn’t make sense.

“I don’t know. You are closer to her, you would know why.”

Sooyoung’s attention perked up before saying, “Because she’s hurt?”

It was Seunghyun’s turn to a brow at his cousin.

“What do you mean?”

Sooyoung then filled her cousin with what happened four years ago. From the supposed wedding, to Taeyeon’s engagement and eventually Jessica’s disappearance.

“..and now she’s back with a child and a wife.” Sooyoung finished her narration.

“Wife? You mean Taeyeon?”

Sooyoung rolled her eyes. For a medical practitioner, her cousin could be really dumb.

“I told you, the wedding didn’t push through.”

“Oh, right.. but who’s this wife you’re talking about?”

“Kim Hyoyeon, someone she met in Cali, obviously.”

“Now, where did I hear that name..” Seunghyun said, rubbing his chin.

“Anyway, do you think Sica is pretending?” Sooyoung inquired with curiosity and.. well, hurt. Jessica never lied to her. Ever.

“I can’t really tell if she is or she is not. But based on your story, the girl had gone through a lot. Well, not that Taeyeon didn’t. But she was the one who was more hurt… being left with no explanation and all.”

Sooyoung nodded.

“But why don’t you ask her?” Seunghyun suggested.

“Maybe she needs her bestfriend now more than ever.” His eyes disappeared when he smiled brightly at Sooyoung.


Sooyoung could only sigh. What in the world was Jessica Jung thinking hiding all of these to her? She was hurt alright. But she needed answers too.


Sooyoung observed as Jessica nodded at Yoona’s stories. She had dragged Jessica along in the preschool where Yoona was working. They brought Seohyun too, and the little girl’s eyes lit up as soon as she saw the story books on a cute little bookshelf by the wall.

“..and we were laughing so hard coz the guy almost peed on his pants because of your infamous icy glare.” Yoona clutched the side of her stomach as she laugh in a not-so-ladylike manner. Jessica was chuckling along with her and Sooyoung swears she saw a glimpse of guilt on those lazy baby brown orbs.

“Right Soo? You even had his picture, right? He was sweating like mad then.” Yoona added and Sooyoung nodded.

“Ah, good old times. High school was the best time for me since we spent every day together. Especially when you and—“ Yoona stopped herself before blurting out Taeyeon’s name.

“Me and?” Jessica probed.

“Oh, uh, n-no one. You and Sooyoung. You were childhood friends while I came later. I owe you guys my sanity, actually. You helped me through a break up.” Yoona smiled widely at them.

Jessica returned the smile while Sooyoung continued studying her subject; Jessica Jung.

“Sica, I was just wondering..” Sooyoung turned her gaze at her niece who was so engrossed in a colorful story book. “ did Seohyun came to be? I mean, you never mentioned about your pregnancy.”

Jessica fidgeted on her seat then as her eyes wavered for a bit. She averted her gaze everywhere, looking at anything but the two girls sitting in front of her, waiting for her response.

“Ah, oh, Seo.. Seohyun.. she.. uh,” She scratched the nail on her thumb with her index finger; a habit Sooyoung knows she does when she’s nervous or uneasy.

Yoona kept silent, waiting for Jessica’s answer as she too became curious of Jessica’s pregnancy.

“Ahh, she’s..” Jessica trailed off as her mind went haywire. Is this really the right time to come clean to her best buddies? But they would hate her, she know that look in Sooyoung’s face. The girl is doubting.

“You were involved in a car accident, right? Four years ago? And Seohyun is what? Three? Four? Anyway, I was just wondering how the kid managed to stay in your womb that time. But you don’t have to answer if you feel uncomfortable talking about it.”

Yoona looked at Sooyoung after the girl’s statement. The statement may sound nonchalant to others but Yoona knew Sooyoung well. The words were laced with mockery and something she can’t quite comprehend. Hurt? Why would Sooyoung be hurt if she was just curious? And why would the older girl mock Jessica? It didn’t make sense.

Jessica hung her head low as she found it hard to keep her tears at bay, before speaking in a hoarse voice; “I—I’m s-sorry.. Yoong.. Soo.. I..”

Yoona was taken aback by the nickname. Not that she didn’t hear it from the other girls, but she haven’t heard Jessica call her that since she reappeared.

“You c-called me.. Y-yoong?”

They saw Jessica nod before slowly bringing her guilt-stricken face up, cheeks wet with uncontrollable tears.

“I—I pretended that.. t-that I have.. amnesia.. I.. I’m so sorry.”

Sooyoung scoffed, making Yoona look at her momentarily before she brought her attention back to Jessica who was still fiddling with her fingers.

“Sica.. y-you lied to us?” Yoona inquired. Her voice sounded hoarse although she wasn’t crying.

“I—I’m so sorry.”

“Why?” Sooyoung’s voice sounded hostile although she didn’t mean it to be like that.

Jessica didn’t answer. What was she supposed to say anyway?

“I thought we were bestfriends, Sica. Now, why? Didn’t you trust us enough? You left us without even bothering to say goodbye or keep in touch. And now, now you come back acting like you didn’t know us because of your freaking amnesia? Sica, we’ve practically known each other all our lives! Now, why was it so easy for you to lie to us? I get that you were hurt before. But why did you have to lie to us? We were bestfriends, Sica! Bestfriends!”

Sooyoung’s outburst brought new tears to Jessica’s eyes and she finds herself sobbing uncontrollably inside the confines of the small classroom. All the children’s attention turned to her, including Seohyun who immediately dropped her book to approach her mother with worried eyes.

“Mommy?” The little girl called out as she stood beside her sobbing mother.

“Why Mommy cry?” She turned her attention towards the other adults in the room. Yoona extended her arms towards her but the little girl shook her head and climbed on top of her mother’s lap before straddling her. She then cupped her mother’s cheeks with her tiny hands when they were face to face.

“Mommy?” Seohyun cooed.

“Why Mommy cry? Mommy mad with Hyunnie? Hyunnie is sorry.” She pouts before lifting herself to kiss her mother’s lips.

“Hyunnie no bad anymore. Mommy no cry please? Pretty please?” Seohyun then buried her head in her mother’s chest. Listening to her mother’s sobs.

Jessica’s arms wrapped around her daughter before her right hand rubbed circles on Seohyun’s back; an action she makes to calm herself. Seohyun’s tiny hands then gripped the fabric on Jessica’s shirt.

“Hyunnie sad when Mommy cry.” The little girl mumbled.

“I’m sorry.” Jessica said, looking at Sooyoung and Yoona for the first time since she started crying.

Yoona, being the calmer one, nodded with a smile before reaching out to hold Jessica’s hand that was holding Seohyun.

“I may be hurt because you lied, but that would never change the fact that you are my bestfriend, Sica. And I will forgive you, no matter what.” She said comfortingly to Jessica. She then turned to look at Sooyoung who had her head turned sideways, avoiding any eye contact from Jessica. Yoona smiled sadly at Jessica before nodding.

“Seohyun? Do you want me to read a story for you?” Yoona said in a gentle voice as she rubbed the little girl’s back.

Seohyun, however, shook her head vigorously against the fabric of her mother’s shirt.

“Hyunnie stay with Mommy please. Hyunnie no like Mommy cry.”

Jessica then pulled her daughter away from her and looked deep into those chocolate brown orbs.

“It’s okay, baby. Mommy is okay now. Mommy isn’t going to cry anymore. Don’t worry, okay?” Jessica offered an assuring smile to her daughter.

“B-but..” Seohyun said as she fiddled with the fabric of Jessica’s shirt.

“Mommy needs to talk to Soo. Will you come with Yoona, please?”

“Mommy sure?”

Jessica smiled and nod at her daughter.

“’kay.” Seohyun said before lifting herself again to kiss her mother’s lips.

“Love you, baby.” Jessica tapped Seohyun’s nose twice, making the little girl smile.

“Love you Mommy.”

Yoona then took Seohyun from Jessica’s lap and carried her back to the bookshelf. Soehyun looked back at her mother with worried eyes.

“Soo..” Jessica said as soon as she saw Yoona and Seohyun settled on the floor.

Sooyoung didn’t bother to look at her as she coldly spoke. “Do you even have any plans on telling us?”

“O-of course! Soo, you know I can’t lie to you and Yoona.”

“But you did! You lied! You made us all look like total idiots!” Sooyoung turned to face Jessica this time and Jessica found herself cowering at the glare the tall girl is sending her.

“I-I’m sorry, Soo. Please..” Jessica muttered dejectedly.

“Why? Why did you lie to me?”

“I—Soo, I never intended to lie. I lied to Taeyeon without thinking that this would go out of hand. I would never hurt you or Yoona. You know that.”

“But I’m really hurt, Sica. I’m really really hurt. I didn’t do anything to you. I have always been there. I was even willing to kill that midget when she ditched you on your wedding day. I was furious but I was even furious when you left. You left without thinking about how I or Yoona would feel!”

“I’m sorry.. I w-was selfish.. I’m really sorry, Soo.”

A cowering Jessica was too hard to see, and Sooyoung finds herself approaching her bestfriend. Her long arms wrapped instinctively around Jessica’s shaking body as the girl cried.

“I’m sorry too. I am not in the place to be scolding you right now. But I can’t help it. I really missed you and the last thing I ever wanted was for you to forget about me and Yoong.”

Jessica shook her head before croaking, “I.. I should a-apologize.. n-not you.. or Yoona.. I-I’m really s-sorry.”

“You can never forget about me, Sica. Promise me.” Sooyoung held Jessica tighter inside her arms. She felt Jessica nod her head and a small smile plastered on her face as little tears started making its way out of her eyes.

“I will never forget about you.. Choi Sooyoung. Never.”

Sooyoung’s smile widened when she felt Jessica’s arms wrapped around her thin waist.

“Now, now. You still have one question to answer.”

Sooyoung then pulled away from the embrace to look Jessica in the eyes. The latter looked at her with puzzled eyes as she wiped her tears with the back of her hands. Cute.

“Seohyun..” Sooyoung looked at the little girl in Yoona’s lap momentarily before turning to face Jessica again. “She’s biologically Taeyeon’s, right?”

Jessica was taken aback by the question but she promised to never lie to Sooyoung and Yoona again so she nodded her head in response. Sooyoung’s eyes lit up in an instant.

“I knew it! Those eyes were too small to be yours. And those chubby cheeks! Only the midget has those. And she’s my niece too! Oh goodness, I have a niece!” Sooyoung said cheerfully and Jessica widened her eyes at the last words.

“W-what are you t-talking about?”

“I talked to Seunghyun two days ago. He was asking about Taeyeon and her pregnancy. I was really surprised because I never saw Taeyeon with a bulging belly. And then he mentioned that he was the donor and told me about everything.” Sooyoung said, sounding like Sooyoung. Not the hostile Sooyoung anymore but the cheerful shikshin Jessica had always known.

“B-but how? I mean about Seohyun being Taeyeon’s?”

“Well, we kinda figured it out.”


A comfortable silence fell upon them and Sooyoung settled back on her seat while Jessica calmed herself down.

“Does the midget know?”

Sooyoung’s question had Jessica turning towards the tall girl.

“I already told her that I wasn’t involved in an accident. And I don’t have amnesia.”

Sooyoung nodded. “And about Seohyun?”

Jessica shook her head. She wasn’t able to tell Taeyeon about Seohyun yet. She fell asleep on the night they went to the park after crying. But was she willing to tell Taeyeon?

“Do I have to? I mean, she’s okay now. I’m okay now. We both moved on. We already had our closure.”

Sooyoung looked at her incredulously before shaking her head.

“Of course you have to. Seohyun is Taeyeon’s daughter as much as she is yours. And really? You think she’s okay? You haven’t noticed those longing orbs yet? The regret and guilt were always there, Sica. It had always been there.”

Jessica opened but Sooyoung beat her to it.

“And you are not okay, either. Your eyes say so. None of you had moved on yet, Sica. You can’t just forget a love that strong.”

Jessica’s heart skipped a beat as Sooyoung hit the spot. She loves Taeyeon, yes. But it’s not as strong as it used to anymore. Maybe it’s just because of the memory that they once shared that’s why the girl still holds a part of her heart. But Seohyun had been filling the void Taeyeon left. And so maybe that’s why she doesn’t feel anything for her anymore.

“I-I don’t think I love her like that anymore.. Soo. And she’s married already.”

Sooyoung shook her head. No, Jessica Jung loves Kim Taeyeon just the way she did all those years.

“You’re just confused. Your brain is telling you that loving Taeyeon isn’t right and that you should feel hatred towards her because it is the right emotion to feel when someone left you. But your heart, it’s telling you to forgive and forget because Taeyeon was all you needed, all you need and all you’ll ever need.”

Sooyoung spoke as if Jessica was a book that she was reading. The words came easily and wonderfully from her tongue.

“And she’s not married. The engagement was cancelled a few months later.” Sooyoung added.

Jessica didn’t answer and Sooyoung decided it would be best if the Jung would realize it herself. She then turned her head towards her niece.

“She’s a bright and loving little girl.”

Jessica smiled proudly at the compliment before nodding her head.

“I have Krystal to thank for. And Hyoyeon too. And oh, Tiff. They were a big help raising Seohyun.”

Sooyoung’s brow quirked at the last unfamiliar name. She knows Krystal and Hyoyeon but the Tiff person is unfamiliar.

Jessica noticed Sooyoung’s furrowed brows and realized that she hasn’t told her about Tiffany yet.

“Uh, Tiff is Tiffany. The fiancée of Taeyeon’s brother. She had been with me in California.”

Sooyoung got even more confused at this. How come Taeyeon didn’t know her whereabouts when her soon-to-be sister in law is with Jessica all this while? Unless—

“Taeyeon didn’t know about it. Jiwon had kept it from her. He also knew about me being a surrogate mother.” Jessica then spoke before Sooyoung could draw her conclusions.

She then told Sooyoung what happened in California and how the other Kim and his fiancée got involved. Sooyoung nodded her head before heaving a sigh. How did something so innocent and lovely turned into a whirlpool of emotions? She will never know.


By the end of the day, the trio bid their goodbyes with light hearts. Jessica was happy to be able to come clean. There’s only Yuri and Sunny to worry now. But knowing the two girls, they’ll understand her. Hopefully.

She was walking to the bus stop with a sleeping Seohyun in her arms when suddenly a honk from a car startled her, almost losing her footing. She groaned in annoyance and turned to rage on the driver. However, she was greeted by the sight of her ex-fiancée in her black Honda City. Taeyeon then got out of her car with an apologetic smile.

“I was driving home when I saw you. I-I startled you. Sorry.” She said while awkwardly scratching her thigh.

“I-it’s okay.” Jessica answered before looking down at her daughter who was still sleeping.

“She’s sleeping?” Taeyeon moved closer to them. Jessica just nod at the question.

“Come on, I’ll drive you home.” She added when she was standing in front of Jessica.

“I—it’s okay, Taeyeon. You don’t have to. We’ll just catch the bus.”

“No, no I insist. I mean, Seohyun is sleeping and riding the bus could be a hassle. I mean.. yeah.” Taeyeon scratched her thigh again.

Jessica looked around first. The bus stop was only a few feet away but there were too many people waiting for the bus. She hesitantly nodded, not looking at Taeyeon.

“Really?” Taeyeon’s voice went a pitch higher. And Jessica fought the urge to chuckle at the childish voice.

“Ah, yes. If you insist.”

“Oh, oh yes. So, let’s go?”

Jessica nodded and started walking towards the black car but stopped when Taeyeon held her arm.

“I.. uh, l-let me carry her for you..” She shyly said, extending her arms to carry Seohyun. Jessica smiled at the thoughtfulness before complying.

“She’s pretty heavy, huh?” Taeyeon commented as they walked the short distance to her car.

“And really, really beautiful.” She added as she put Seohyun down in Jessica’s lap who settled on the front seat. Their arms accidentally brushed, sending tingles down Taeyeon’s toes, making her a little giddy.

“Taeyeon?” Jessica said when the blonde girl seemed to be zoning out.

“Oh, oh right.” Taeyeon smiled before speed walking towards the driver’s side.

“Buckle up,” Jessica reminded her.

Silenced engulfed them as Taeyeon starts driving. She stole glances from Jessica from time to time, not forgetting to focus on the road. The car was filled with Jessica’s scent. Her senses were filled with Jessica, making her insides flip. Oh how she missed this scent. She’s definitely not cleaning her car for a week, just to hold Jessica’s scent inside.

Her fingers reached for the power button of the car stereo and before she could even realize it, a song echoed inside the confine of her car.

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Settle down with me
And I'll be your safety
You'll be my lady

I was made to keep your body warm
But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

Taeyeon’s eyes widened and immediately skipped the track that she had been listening to, since this morning. She looked at Jessica through her peripheral vision and the girl looked like she was blushing, but Taeyeon can’t be sure since she didn’t fully faced Jessica.

Taeyeon breathe out the breath she was holding when an upbeat song came. She was nodding her head to the tune when the next lyrics caught her attention.

Girl I just wanna see you strip, right now cause it's late, babe
Girl I just wanna see you strip, girl take your time with it
Girl I just wanna see you strip Goddamn you're y
Goddamn you're y! Goddamn you're y!
Girl I just wanna see you...

A blush then graced her cheeks when her mind wandered to the first night she had touched Jessica on the beach. The temperature inside the car felt too hot for Taeyeon and she had to fan herself. She again pressed forward and skipped the current song. The next song was a slow and for Taeyeon, it was better than the previous sensual song. It was an old song but she can’t remember the tile. She remembers Jiwon singing this when they were kids. The song was okay, actually. She liked the tune. But it was like the gods were making fun of her as her cheeks heat up again when the chorus of the song started.

I'll make love to you
Like you want me to
And I'll hold you tight
Baby all through the night

She mentally face palmed. She had put her iPod on shuffle and god knows why the song orders were like this. And for the fourth time that night, she changed the song. She didn’t care if it would be dub step or whatever. Just not songs like the previous ones.

Taeyeon frowned at the new song. The gods must really be playing a trick on her as Jessica’s voice came booming out of the speakers.

You make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up
Just one touch
And I erupt like a volcano and cover her with my love
Baby girl you make me say
And I just can't think (of anything else I'd rather do)
Than to hear you sing (sing my name the way you do)
When we do our thing (when we do the things we do)
Baby girl you make me say

Jessica’s cheeks heat up as she listened to her voice. It was a cover she had recorded once as an anniversary gift for Taeyeon. It even had a message on the end of the song.

Taeyeon was about to change the song again when Jessica spoke, stopping her midway.

“I.. didn’t know you still.. keep this.”

Taeyeon just smiled sheepishly as she retracted her hand.

“I.. like it. I listen to it everyday.” Taeyeon admitted openly with a shy smile.

Jessica just nod her head as the song went on.

Oh I love making love to you
Say baby girl you know you're my.. y love

They both blushed and Jessica had to turn her head sideways. Taeyeon, on the other hand, clutched the steering wheel tighter, making her knuckles turn white. She bit the corner of her lips as she tried supressing a grin. Flashes of Jessica’s body under or on top of hers invaded her mind. She felt her ears warm up and before she could even hide it from Jessica, the girl already noticed it.

“Your ears are red. You’re thinking of erted things again.”

“I—I wasn’t. I-it’s just hot.. in.. in here.” Taeyeon stuttered as she tried covering her ears with her hair.

Jessica rolled her eyes but chose to stay quiet, not wanting to embarrass Taeyeon more.

“Taengoo-ah~ happy anniversary! I love you forever, okay? I will always be here for you. I love you, Taengoo-ah~” Jessica’s voice spoke from the speaker as the song came to its end.

The ride to Jessica’s house was quiet. They didn’t utter another word after the recorded song ended. And Jessica found the silence actually comforting.

“Thank you, Taeyeon.” Jessica said while Taeyeon helped her with Seohyun. Her warm breath brushed against Taeyeon’s earlobes as the blonde bent down to scoop Seohyun from her. Jessica stifled a laugh when Taeyeon’s ears turned bright red again.

“I-it’snoproblem.” Taeyeon said with haste and immediately straightened up with Seohyun in her arms.

“I’ll see you around then?” Jessica said and took Seohyun from Taeyeon’s arms as soon as she got out of the car.

“Yeah, see.. see you.” Taeyeon stuttered again when their arms brushed.

“Bye, Taeyeon.” Jessica smiled before walking towards their front door, only to stop when Taeyeon called after her.

“G-good night, Sooyeon-ah. Sleep well.”

Jessica’s heart skipped a beat and her world stopped turning for a millisecond. Oh how she missed that nickname. And it still sounds perfect coming out from Taeyeon’s mouth.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
Mihyun101 #9