Stay, please

Kiss Me

Jiwon jogged his way to the main entrance of Incheon International Airport with a wide grin plastered on his face. He immediately engulfed the waiting girl in a tight hug and her eyes disappeared into inverted crescents.

Missed me?” Tiffany asked, still in the arms of her fiancé.

“Nope, not a bit.” Jiwon replied through his fiancée’s dark tresses.

“Yah! Kim Jiwon!” Tiffany playfully smacked his shoulder, pulling away from his embrace.

Jiwon grinned before pulling Tiffany by the waist again. “I didn’t miss you because you are always here,” he pointed his index finger in his chest where his heart is. “Stephanie Hwang Miyoung.”

Tiffany tried glaring at her boyfriend but failed miserably when her warm cheeks gave her away.

“Is my baby blushing?” Jiwon teased, brows wiggling.

“Come on, Kim Jiwon we still have so many things to do. We should meet up with Jessi and your mother,” Tiffany said, walking hastily past Jiwon as she hides the blush that seemed to be permanently residing on her cheeks everytime she’s with the guy.

“Aigoo, it’s so hot in here.” She said as she fanned herself. Jiwon chuckled before taking her hand in his, guiding her towards his car.

“Umma says she misses you.” Jiwon said, buckling Tiffany’s seatbelt as she rides shotgun.

“I miss her too. How is she?” There was sadness in Tiffany’s voice as the image of the weak woman appeared on her mind.

“She’s almost recovering. But she’s still on wheel chair.” Jiwon said, maneuvering the car out of the parking lot.

Tiffany nodded before asking, “Should we talk to Jessi first?”

Her expectant eyes met Jiwon’s for a brief moment before the guy nodded.


Jessica found herself fidgeting as she looked at Tiffany, her bestfriend; and Jiwon, her ex-fiancée’s brother, who sat across her on the living room. Hands intertwined on Jiwon’s lap. She had just finished cleaning their old house in Seoul, the house where she and Krystal grew up and spent their lives before flying to California, when a knock came on the door. She was hesitant to open since she was sure she didn’t order anything, but when her eye-smiling bestfriend appeared on the other side of the door, her eyes lit up immediately but disappeared just as soon as her eyes caught the sight of the guy behind Tiffany.

Erm, Jessi?” Tiffany broke the uncomfortable silence that lingered around the living room, snapping Jessica out of her thoughts.

Jessica didn’t answer but looked at Tiffany with pensive eyes. She put on her cold façade again, like how Tiffany remembered it the first day they met. This made Tiffany frown. Jessica is putting her guards up again.

Jessi, I know you have questions. I know that look.” She added when Jessica refused to talk.

What is he doing here?” Jessica asked coldly, casting a glare at Jiwon. The guy stayed muted, allowing his girlfriend to talk first.

Jessi.. Jiwon is my.. fiancé.” Tiffany noticed how Jessica’s eyes wavered for a split of a second before putting her cold façade again. Tiffany mentally rolled her eyes. She was used to Jessica’s coldness, that’s why she always blush at the small warm things the girl does. Like hugs or pecks on the cheeks. Jessica was like the sibling that she had always wanted… well, except for the coldness.

How.. how long.. have you known each.. other?” Jessica managed to ask as she tried processing what Tiffany had just said.

Since college? I forgot when exactly, but yes we’ve known each other for a long time now. We were supposed to get married four years ago, but..” Tiffany trailed off as she moved to sit beside Jessica.

Jessi.. are you.. mad?” Tiffany asked, reaching for Jessica’s hand but the girl moved it. Tiffany frowned again.

I’m.. con..fused.” Jessica muttered.

“Okay, first things first..” Tiffany said, taking a deep breath before continuing, “I know of you and Taeyeon’s failed relationship..” Jessica opened to speak but Tiffany silenced her.

“I knew what happened on the day of your wedding. Or supposed wedding. Or whatever it was.” There was a pause before she continued again, “And I know how Seohyun was conceived.”

Jessica’s attention perked at the mention of her daughter. She looked at Tiffany before her gaze landed on the Kim that sat idly across them.

“I know that you’re just her surrogate mother.” Tiffany finished, bringing Jessica’s attention back to her. She frowned when she saw Jessica’s panic-stricken face. She reached out to cup the younger girl’s face.

“Wha—what do you guys.. w-want?” Jessica asked as her voice broke. Thoughts ran wild on her mind as she let her eyes land on Jiwon again.

“Jessi.. relax.. relax.. we just wanted to talk. We’re not taking Baby Seohyun if that is what’s bothering you. She’s yours and nobody else’s.” Tiffany said with an assuring smile when she heard Jessica sigh in relief.

“Did you guys.. planned this? E-everything that happened in California?” Jessica inquired, eyes settling on the floor. She felt betrayed. All this times she had confided in Tiffany, only to turn out that she is Taeyeon’s soon-to-be sister in law.

“I did,” Jiwon spoke, earning the two girl’s attention. Tiffany smiled at him before nodding.

“When I heard that you became the surrogate mother of Taeyeon’s child, you were already in California. And Tiffany was also there for her work, so I asked her if she could keep an eye on you and make sure you and your baby are okay.” He added.

“How.. did you know?” Jessica asked.

“I was.. err, I hired a private investigator a week after Taeyeon introduced you as her girlfriend.” Jiwon looked down at the floor, unable to meet Jessica’s gaze anymore because of shame.

“You.. what?” Jessica’s voice croaked.

“I didn’t trust you at first, and I was afraid that you were only after her money..” Jiwon looked up to Jessica for a moment before he looked at his girlfriend.

“I know it was wrong.. and I asked him to stop what he was doing after a few months. I’m sorry, Jessica.. I just wanted to look after Taeyeon.”

He paused before continuing, “When you disappeared from Korea, I hired him again to look for you. And that was when he found you on California. And then he found out about you being pregnant and all. At first I thought you cheated on my sister, but then my investigator managed to dig some files from the hospital that had your name. That was when I knew about you being a surrogate mother to Taeyeon’s child.”

“And then he asked me to look after you, which I did.” Tiffany added.

“I—why you? Why not Taeyeon? I mean, why did she not look for me?” Jessica looked at Jiwon with pensive eyes.

“She was a wreck, Jessica. She suffered from losing our father and learning about my mother’s illness. Then she had the company to take care of. And she was betrothed to Wooyoung.” Jiwon answered.

“Your.. father died? And your mother is.. sick?”

Jiwon nodded, answering Jessica’s inquiries.

“He died a month after you disappeared. And we learned about Umma’s condition the day of your wedding.” He said, holding his tears in as the image of his weak father replayed on his mind.

“Why didn’t Taeyeon tell me anything? I would have understood. I would have been there for her.”

“That’s what I told her. But she didn’t want you to worry. And she can’t face you, knowing that she’d break your heart because of her decision. She tried being selfless, Jessica, for our father but she still end up hurting you.”

Jessica was left speechless. She didn’t know what to say to Jiwon. Yes, Taeyeon had been selfless, but it still irked her that the girl chose to just disappear without a word. Much more, leave her on their wedding day. But then, will she be able to handle Taeyeon’s decision that time? No, definitely not.

“How’s.. how’s your mother?” Jessica asked when she remembered what Jiwon had just said.

“Umma is fine.. but she’s still very weak. She chose to live in Jeonju after Appa’s death.”

“How sick is she?”

“She has cancer.”

“I—I’m sorry.. about your parents.”

“It’s okay, Jessica. We all moved on. Well, except for one..” Jiwon smiled warmly as he locked gazes with Jessica.

“Can I.. see your.. mother?” Jessica asked shyly.

“Of course! She’d be more than happy.” Jiwon beamed.

Jessica smiled genuinely before she casted the couple a thoughtful look.

“Does.. does Taeyeon know?”

“About Seohyun? No. I haven’t told her yet. I feel like it’s not my place to do so. You two should talk things out, really.” Jiwon answered.

“About that.. err, I kinda made a.. mistake.” Jessica smiled before continuing, “I told her I’m suffering from amnesia.”

Jessica mentally counted up to three before Tiffany’s loud voice came from beside her.

“You what?! Jessi are you nuts?! Why would you do that?!”

“I.. Tiff I panicked, okay? I—we met at the supermarket and she was smiling at me like nothing happened. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to bawl in front of her. I had to pretend.”

“But Jessi that’s just unacceptable! Seriously?! Pretending not to know her? Oh come on!”

“Did she believe you?” Jiwon joined in, cutting her girlfriend’s protests.

Jessica nodded and Jiwon chuckled.

“She’s so dense sometimes. Seriously, amnesias only exist in books and movies.” He said while chuckling.

“And your friends?” Tiffany asked.

“They believed too. And I’m feeling really guilty, Tiff.” Jessica admitted, earning a roll of the eyes from the older girl.

“Of course you are, you silly girl. Come here and hug me, you haven’t formally welcomed me yet!” Before Jessica could even protest, Tiffany already pulled her in a tight bear hug.

“And I’m hurt. You haven’t been telling me about Tae-tae. You only refer to her as your ‘ex-fiancée’, you never mentioned her name.”

“What’s the use? You already know her… and did you just call her Tae-tae?”

“But still, it would have been nice if you didn’t kept things from me. I thought we were bestfriends-slash-siblings, Jessi?” Tiffany complained with a pout.

“Tae-tae?” Jessica asked, as if she did not hear a word Tiffany just uttered.

“Yes, she’s Tae-tae for me. I actually met her when I started dating the older dork.” Tiffany pointed at Jiwon.

“But we’re not that close. I only get to see her when there’s an occasion at their mansion. I would say house but you know how huge that thing is.. so yeah, mansion.”

Jessica rolled her eyes.

“You’re lucky I really like your girlfriend, or else I wouldn’t be able to forgive you for stalking.” Jiwon flinched when Jessica glared at him.

“Hey, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” He answered defensively.

“Thank you, Jiwon.. and Tiff. Thank you, really.”


Jessica sat back on the couch after seeing Jiwon and Tiffany off the door. Seohyun was still sleeping upstairs and Hyoyeon was spending the night with her family. She was left to walk down memory lane, which she always hated on her first months in California. She hated to be reminded about Taeyeon and the void she left in her heart, but this time; she indulged.

“Do you think we’ll be good parents someday?”

Taeyeon’s question had been irking Jessica’s mind since the short girl had blurted it out some four years ago. Was Taeyeon implying something then?

“B-but.. isn’t it too early to think about that?” She had asked back then, unsure if she was ready for the idea. But Taeyeon had proposed a few months ago, and they will be married two weeks from now. Maybe it is time to plan about family? Jessica giggled at the thought of little Taengoos running around the living room.

“I was just thinking though. It would be nice to have a family with you.”

She remembers blushing at Taeyeon’s blunt statement back then. It would really be nice to have a family with Taeyeon. And so she came to a decision that she knows will make her fiancée happy.

“Oppa?” She approached the tall guy who sat on one of the benches of the hospital.

The guy’s eyes lit up as soon as she stood in front of him.

“Sica!” He stood up and engulfed Jessica in a short hug.

“Seunghyun-oppa.. thank you so much for agreeing to be a donor.” Jessica shyly said as they settled on the bench.

“I am more than happy to be of help, Sica..”

“And don’t tell anyone, okay? Not even Soo. It’s a surprise for Taeyeon.”

“I know, I know. I’m keeping your secret for now. Okay?”

“Thank you, oppa.”

A few moments later, Jessica was called by a nurse and was ushered inside a clinic. The doctor smiled warmly at her as she beckoned Jessica to sit.

“Miss Kim’s eggs were successfully fertilized with Mister Choi’s . We can transfer the embryo into your uterus now.” The woman in her mid-forties said as she looked over her chart.

“You mean.. right now?”

“Yes, Miss Jung.”

Jessica wasn’t sure what to feel. This was what she came here for, but she feels a little hesitant. She had been through a lot just by trying to talk Taeyeon into preserving her eggs without giving away much about her ‘surprise’. Taeyeon always wanted a family with her and she knows that. It was time to use the money that Taeyeon deposited on her bank account into something that would make them both happy. And a baby would complete their upcoming family. Jessica smiled before nodding at her doctor. She was then beckoned to lie on the bed.

Jessica smiled at the memory. It was one of the best decisions she ever made in her life. Having Seohyun inside her kept her from doing irrational things. She needed to stay calm if she wanted to keep Seohyun inside her because her pregnancy was a little sensitive. Seohyun was basically the reason why she didn’t broke apart yet. Seohyun had been keeping her together all those months. And finally, she was able to move on with her life as she kept a piece of Taeyeon with her. Little Seohyun was her miracle.

A knock came on the front door again, pulling Jessica out of her reverie. She looked up to their wall clock first before standing up to answer the door. It was almost ten in the evening and Hyoyeon said she won’t be going home tonight. She peered through the peephole, only to be greeted by a tousled mop of blonde hair. Her heart skipped a beat at the recognition of the person behind the door. She then slowly opened the door, trying to compose herself and putting a cold façade that she had used since meeting Taeyeon and the group again.

“Soo..yeon~” Taeyeon mumbled as she lunged herself into Jessica, surprising the girl.

“I’m.. sooorry.. Soo.. Soo.. yeooon~” Jesica grimaced at the girl’s alcohol reeked breath.

“Taeyeon, were you drinking?” She said, supporting Taeyeon with her shoulder as she drag the girl to the couch.

Taeyeon giggled before a hiccup escaped her lips.

“You smeeeell gooood.. like alwayyyys. I like yooouuur smeeell.” Taeyeon said in her drunken state.

“How did you even get here? Were you drunk driving?!” Jessica asked, plopping Taeyeon down on the couch.

“I rode taaakshiiii.” Taeyeon motioned her hands as if she was holding a steering wheel.

Jessica rolled her eyes before standing up to get a basin and a towel to wipe at the girl. She was about to walk away from the couch when stubby fingers wrapped around her wrist, turning her back to the owner of the hand.

“S-staayy pleaseeee.” Taeyeon pleaded through closed eyes. A lone tear slipped down her cheek before she hastily wiped it with her free hand.

“Soo..yeon.. I-I may h-have beeeen a terrible.. terrible person.. but sstayy please.” She added and Jessica finds herself biting her lower lip as she tried holding her tears in. This Taeyeon was a stranger. Not only was she drunk but she was also pleading, as if her life depended on Jessica’s answer. This Taeyeon looked vulnerable; contrary to the Taeyeon she tried engraving in her head for four years just so she would be able to hate the girl. She needed to hate Taeyeon. What she did was unforgivable. But how could she ever hate Taeyeon when her heart flutters every time she thinks about the girl?

“Just.. tonight.. please.” She heard Taeyeon say before she finds herself being pulled towards the couch, lading on top of the drunken girl.

“I missed you.. so much.. Sooyeon-ah.” Another tear slipped from Taeyeon’s eyes and another, and another until Jessica heard the drunken girl sob.

Jessica eventually relaxed as Taeyeon held onto her while she cried. After Taeyeon had stopped crying, Jessica moved to lie beside Taeyeon on the couch with Taeyeon’s arms wrapped around her securely.

“Sooyeon.. I love you.” Taeyeon whispered before she succumbed herself to sleep. Jessica stayed by her side until Taeyeon’s breathing steadied. She then slipped out of the drunken girl’s delicate arms. She watched Taeyeon for a while before giving the girl’s forehead a peck.

“Sleep well, Taengoo.”

Jessica then climbed up to the stairs to sleep beside her Little Seohyun; her personal piece of Taeyeon.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
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