Kiss me again

Kiss Me

Taeyeon huffed as the lift door opened to the floor where her office was situated. She dragged herself listlessly towards the other side of the floor -to her office. It had been almost three months since Jessica, Hyoyeon and Seohyun flew back to California but Taeyeon still finds herself shedding tears every night. She missed her family. She wanted to file for an indefinite leave but luck wasn't on her side because their company is going through a tough time and she can't afford to leave her employees and business partner behind to deal with the problems. And so she waits, and does her best to find solution for the current problems, resulting to more overtimes in the office and more arguments with Jessica over the phone or Skype.

“Tough night?”she raised her head to see Wooyoung sitting on the chair across her desk. She sighed before nodding.

“Another argument with Jessica?” Wooyoung added and she nods again.

“It's been three days and she's still rejecting my calls. She hasn’t been online, too. I tried asking Krystal but all I got was a 'sorry, unnie' and it's so frustrating!” Taeyeon flailed her arms above her head in exasperation. She haven't been sleeping for the past few days, trying to match Jessica's time zone just to get hold of the girl but it was all pointless.

“Giving up already?” Wooyoung crossed his legs as he leaned back on his seat.

“What? No! I didn't say I'm giving up. I just said it's frustrating.” Taeyeon glared at her business partner before slumping on her seat. She hates it when people tell her she's giving up on something she treasures the most. She will never give up on Jessica.

“Are you frustrated with Jessica or are you frustrated with the situation?”

“Of course I'm frustrated with both! She won't even listen to my explanation and the distance is making it harder!”

Wooyoung shook his head. “You sound like you're giving up.”

Taeyeon stood up, glaring at Wooyoung. “What is wrong with you? I said I'm not giving up!”

Wooyoung looked at her briefly before flashing another bright smile, enraging Taeyeon more. “You know what she wants. Why can't you give it to her? Just take a break for a week. Don't worry about the company, I'll handle everything.”

Taeyeon scoffed as she sat back down on her swivel chair. “The last time you said that, our company almost went into bankruptcy.”

Wooyoung chortled before speaking in a deep voice, “You worry too much. Go, chase after the love of your life and make more babies than the both of you can handle.”

Taeyeon's mouth fell agape as she stared at her friend in pure bewilderment. “Who are you and what did you do to the workaholic Jang Wooyoung?”

Wooyoung laughed again before he pats Taeyeon's hand that was resting on top of her desk. “Love changes people, doesn't it?”

The question got Taeyeon's brow rising before she spoke in a low and amused voice, “You're in love, aren't you?”

Wooyoung looked away shyly and Taeyeon broke out into chuckles.

“Really? Who's the unfortunate girl?” Taeyeon said and Wooyoung narrowed his eyes playfully.

“Lee Jieon, the girl from the advertising company. Remember her?”

Taeyeon shook her head as a grin broke out from her lips, momentarily forgetting her own problems with Jessica.

“Of course! The sweet girl. Ah, you lucky thing.”

“Hey! You sound like you're in love with her. I'm totally telling Jessica!” Wooyoung warned.

Taeyeon frantically shook her head, “No! I didn't mean it like that! Oh god no, please, you don't know how terrifying Sooyeon is when she's mad. She's gonna eat me alive!”

Taeyeon's panicky face had Wooyoung laughing so hard that he almost peed on his pants. “Oh my god you are so whipped!”

Taeyeon straightened up on her seat. “No I'm not. I'm just.. being the.. good girlfriend that I am.. yeah, I'm just being a good girlfriend. Yeah, I'm not whipped.”

Wooyoung grinned when he settled down from his laughing fit. “Whatever you say, buddy.”

Taeyeon rolled her eyes. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I still have things to do, so.. shoo!”

Wooyoung stood up from his seat and went for the door. “Think about what I said, okay? Don't let this argument last,” he said before walking out of the office.


Jessica stared at her food. It had been a busy week--actually, she had been busy with photoshoots ever since she returned from Korea. It was exhausting.

“Mommy,” Seohyun's soft voice automatically brought a smile in Jessica's lips as she turned to face her daughter who was sitting beside her.

“What's wrong, sweetie?” she coos.

Seohyun shook her head and looked at her mother worriedly, “Mommy, are you okay?”

Jessica's smile widened, pride evident in her eyes because, finally, Seohyun learned to talk properly; all thanks to Taeyeon's efforts in Korea to teach the little girl. She nods her head before taking her daughter's hand, pressing the little girl's palm onto her cheek.

“I'm fine, sweetie. I'm just a little tired.”

She saw her daughter hesitating for a moment before bringing her head down, muttering almost inaudibly. “I miss Mommy Taeng.”

It was low but Jessica heard it clearly, causing a pang in her chest. She looked at her daughter, seemingly at a loss for words.

“Why doesn't Mommy Taeng call anymore? I want to see her again on the screen, Mommy.” Their daughter whines cutely, referring to the video calls they ritually do until one week ago.

Taeyeon. Of course she missed the woman, too. But she stopped picking up Taeyeon's calls and declining her invitations for video calls a week ago because she felt like Taeyeon was taking them for granted. She hates doing it but she wanted to let Taeyeon feel what she felt all those days the woman was at the office doing god knows what; too busy to pick up her phone or too busy to even leave a message to say she's doing fine. She started thinking that maybe Taeyeon was getting tired.

Three months of long distance relationship and she's getting tired, Jessica thought bitterly.

Jessica let out a sigh. “Your Mommy Taeng and I,” she paused, trying to think of the right words to say. “Well, we are not really in good terms right now, sweetie,” she said in a sad voice.

“But I get to see Mommy Taeng again, right Mommy? She promised to read me a story, Mommy,” Seohyun pleaded with eyes that mirrored Taeyeon's whenever the short woman would do the same gesture.

Jessica nods, “Of course, sweetie. I'm sure your Mommy Taeng misses you too.”


Taeyeon sighed after settling down on the table with Yuri, Yoona, Sooyoung, Sunny and Hyomin. The girls had insisted she go out with them tonight. She didn't want to, at first, but Wooyoung practically threw her out of her office upon overhearing her declining Sooyoung over the phone; he reasoned that her 'miserable' state was rubbing off on everybody in the office and that she should at least spend some time with her friends.

After much persuasion, Taeyeon eventually relented.

“You're not drinking, Taeyeon?” it was Hyomin and Taeyeon instantly raised her head from her phone to look at the woman across from her. She smiled a little smile before shaking her head, making the other girls look at her questioningly.

“Really?” Sunny said in an accusing tone.

“Yah,” Taeyeon narrowed her eyes at her best friend. “Do I look like I need a drink?”

Sooyoung snorted. “Well, duh?”

Taeyeon shook her head before bringing her attention back to her phone, checking if Jessica was online. She wasn't.

“You know what,” Yuri said, pausing to push a bottle of beer towards Taeyeon. “This is a good stress reliever.”

Taeyeon looked up from her phone to meet Yuri's gaze, scrunching up her face to the younger woman. “I'm not in the mood to drink.”

“You're always 'not in the mood' these days, Taeyeon-unnie.” Yoona said, emphasizing the last word.

Taeyeon sighed, sliding her phone inside her pocket. “I've been trying to call Sooyeon for days now but she wouldn't pick up,” she admits openly.

Sooyoung looked at her with an accusing look on her face. “What did you do this time, Kim Taeyeon?”

“I didn't do anything. I promise!” said Taeyeon, waving her hands in front of her.

“Then why would she be mad at you like that?”

“I--” Taeyeon bit her lower lip. “I've been busy, you see. There was a problem with one of our accounts and I wanted to make sure I handle it personally,” she unconsciously took the beer in front of her. “Then Jessica thought I was cheating on her because I haven't been calling her and Seohyun--”

“You're cheating on Jessica?” Sooyoung interrupted, narrowing her eyes at Taeyeon.

“I wasn't. I would never, ever,” Taeyeon said in a firm voice. “She thought I was cheating on her because of the lack of communication. It's just that, I've been really busy. I barely sleep these days.”

“Well,” Yoona said after a few seconds of silence.“She called me this morning, asking how things here are.”

Taeyeon's eyes lit up. “Did she ask about me?”

Yoona bit her lip before shaking her head. Taeyeon mouthed an 'oh' before gulping from her beer.

“I thought she said she didn't want to drink?” Hyomin whispered to Sunny, making her lover giggle.

Taeyeon looked at them with envy, missing Jessica's head on her shoulder and how they would lie awake in bed almost every night. She missed every bit of Jessica.

“There!” Sooyoung exclaimed, making the rest of the group look at her questioningly. “Your flight's on the day after tomorrow so be sure to pack later,” she said without taking her eyes off her phone. “And you are to pay me back for the ticket, okay? That was for my vacation in California, but that could wait.”

“What are you talking about?” Taeyeon said.

“I booked you a ticket to California, that's what.” Sooyoung grinned at Taeyeon proudly before showing the confirmation message in her phone.

“You what?” Taeyeon's eyes widened. “You didn't even ask me! I have work, Soo!”

Sooyoung waved her off. “But work is not as important as Jessica, right? I mean, it's important but not Jessica-important, important, right?”

“Yeah, Taeng, you should go before this misunderstanding gets worse.” Yuri butted in and Sooyoung gave her a thumb-up.

“B-but work.. the company--”

“Can wait. So, I'm with the two tall things in this,” Sunny said and Hyomin agreed, too, by nodding her head.

“Besides,” Yoona looked at Yuri before looking at Taeyeon.“Wooyoung can handle the company for a week or two.”

“You worry for the company too much,” Yuri nods her head. “It's time to give yourself a break, Taeng. The last time I saw you enjoy was three months ago.”

“So,” Sooyoung said brightly. “Are we packing your stuff for you or you do it on your own?”

Taeyeon had a bewildered look for a moment before she shook her head. “You are not packing my stuff for me, Choi Sooyoung! I don't want to bring a suitcase full of cucumbers!” she said, remembering that one time Sooyoung packed for her and Jessica when they all spent their spring break in Jeju. That was in college, but she is sure evil Choi is still evil Choi.

Sooyoung laughed and soon the other girls joined in. “Aw man, that was epic!”

Yoona gave Sooyoung a thumb-up. “I know right! Remember Sica's face when they opened their luggage? She was about to eat you alive!”

The rest of the night, they talked about their years in college, filling Hyomin in.

Taeyeon lay awake in her bed that night, unable to sleep. She called Wooyoung to inform him about the abrupt leave and Wooyoung beamed upon hearing the news. She just wish Wooyoung could really handle the company while she's gone.

Sighing, she turned to lie on her side, facing Jessica's side of the bed. She wonders what her girlfriend and daughter could be doing in California right now and if Jessica was also thinking about her.

With hopes of talking to Jessica, she reached for her phone and pressed the speed dial number one. But like the other times, she was sent straight to voice mail.

“Hey,” Taeyeon said after the beep. “I called because--I miss you, Sooyeon, and I love you,” she said and ended the call.

A smile grazed her lips at the thought of finally seeing Jessica and Seohyun.


Two days after Taeyeon's last voice mail, Jessica finally decided to call back. A week was enough for a punishment and she misses Taeyeon so badly.

Her brows furrowed when she wasn't able to reach Taeyeon's number.

“Well, that's odd,” she muttered to herself.

“Jessica, come on, shoot's gonna start soon,” the shoot director called out and Jessica nodded, deciding to just try and call Taeyeon later.


Taeyeon stepped inside the huge gate, her eyes taking in the wide field in front of her and the buildings that surrounded the huge field of the university. Her eyes lit up upon seeing the person she wanted to meet walking her way with haste, waving at her. She waved back, opening her arms as Krystal lunged herself onto them. They pulled away shortly.

“Unnie! Oh my gosh, it's so nice to see you here!” Krystal beamed.

Taeyeon nodded. “I thought I was lost,” she grinned, “So, this is where you study. It's nice.”

Krystal shook her head and linked her arms with Taeyeon, dragging her sister's girlfriend to her favorite cafe inside the university.

Settling down on their table as they wait for their orders, Krystal started questioning Taeyeon.

“So, what brought you here? And why can't I tell Jessie that you're here?”

Taeyeon intertwined her fingers together before propping her chin on them.

“She's mad at me,” she shrugged, “I think.”

“You think?”

“We haven't talked for a week now, she'd been declining my calls,” Taeyeon looked at Jessica's sister, “She was mad because I was too busy the past week.”

Krystal clicked her tongue. “You guys are so immature,” she laughed, “But I know Jessie wouldn't be able to resist you when you show up at home and kneel in front of her.”

Taeyeon laughed. “I'm not kneeling in front of her,” she scrunched up her face, “That will be so embarrassing.”

Krystal nodded. “Right. And Jessie wouldn't like that either.”

Taeyeon took in a deep breath.

“Soojung, I need your help.”

Krystal looked at her and nodded, asking her to continue.


Jessica had a puzzled look after receiving a message from Krystal asking her to come to the address attached in her message. She wasn't familiar with the place but she knew it was a famous private park that people always rented for occasions like birthdays or anniversaries. She was sure she didn't miss any birthday today.

Wear a dress, Krystal said in her second message. Jessica replied and asked her what the occasion was but Krystal just told her to hurry and come. So she just trusted her sister and went to the address.

Upon reaching the private park, she was handed a green post-it note but there was no Krystal in sight.

Take fifteen steps, the note reads. She recognized it as Krystal's handwriting. She did as the note said.

After fifteen steps, she reached a stair going down to a hall that was decorated with flowers and balloons. She raised a questioning brow at the set up. It looked vaguely familiar but she couldn't remember where and when she saw it.

A post-it note was once again handed to her. Go down the hall and stand at the center, it reads. Once again, she followed the instruction as her curiosity got the better of her.

She walked down the stairs and stood at the center of the hall, kicking some balloons on the floor, before she was handed a blue post-it note by a guy who immediately disappeared.

Turn around, love. It was Taeyeon's penmanship and Jessica felt her heart skipping beats as she slowly turned around.

At the top of the stairs, standing, was Kim Taeyeon clad in a white tube dress and black Keds. The prom, of course. How could she ever forget? The set up was like how the banquet hall was set up when they attended prom in high school.

Jessica wanted to run to where Taeyeon was but the woman signaled her to stop and wait as she slowly goes down the stairs. It felt like eternity for Jessica before Taeyeon made it to the hall.

“Hi,” Taeyeon said as she stood a few feet away from Jessica.

“Hi,” Jessica replied with a soft smile.

“You remember this?” Taeyeon gestured around them and to her outfit.

Jessica nodded her head vigorously.

Taeyeon chuckled, snapping her fingers before the sound of a piano being played resounded inside the hall. Jessica turned to where it was coming from and found Krystal seated in front of a grand piano at the corner. How she never noticed that a while ago; she has no idea.

Krystal smiled at her before continuing.

Jessica turned back to Taeyeon to ask her what the set up was all about and when did she arrived in California and what was she doing there. She had a lot of questions for Taeyeon but she was never able to voice them out because Taeyeon's singing voice shut her up.

Forever can never be long enough for me,” Taeyeon smiled, “To feel like I've had long enough with you,” she took one step closer to Jessica, “Forget the world now, we won't let them see.. But there's one thing left to do..

Now that the weight has lifted,” she took Jessica's hand in hers, “Love has surely shifted my way,” she kissed Jessica's hand.

Looking straight into Jessica's eyes, Taeyeon sang softly, “Marry me, today and every day, marry me...

Krystal continued playing the piano and Jessica forgot the world for a moment. It was only her and Taeyeon and their loud pounding hearts.

Taeyeon moved closer to Jessica, pressing her lips into Jessica's forehead before staring back into her eyes. She smiled, showing her chin-dimple to Jessica.

“I missed you,” Jessica said. Taeyeon nodded and Jessica noticed how nervous Taeyeon's features were.

“Is everything okay, Taengoo?”

Taeyeon took one step back, letting go of Jessica's hand. She didn't say a word for a moment, choosing to just stare at Jessica before she cleared .

God, Jessica can be so dense at times. The song was already too obvious.

“I-It had been a long journey coming here,” she shifted her weight from her other foot to the other, “And I'm not just talking about plane-ride-long kind of journey... but our journey... together... and apart.”

Jessica blinked, she already has a feeling where this was going but she held it in. She wanted to hear what Taeyeon has to say.

“I know that it wasn't the most ideal, most perfect journey you wanted in a relationship,” Taeyeon smiled sadly, “And I'm sorry for breaking my promise the first time.”

Jessica shook her head. That was the past and it all didn't matter to her now.

“You know how I always tell you that you make me shine brighter,” Taeyeon said. “And that my smiles are brighter because of you.”

I would just like to say that you made me shine brighter. My smiles are brighter because of you.

Jessica smiled at the memory.

“I wanted to do this the first time I saw you again, but I knew you were afraid.. I made you afraid," she cupped Jessica's cheeks with her hands, rubbing comforting circles on Jessica's cheeks with her thumb.

“Sooyeon, I may not be able to change what I did five years ago.. but if you'd let me, I would like to fill in that moment of your life,” Taeyeon said before the guy that gave Jessica the post-it notes approached them, handing Taeyeon a small box. Jessica's heart pounded louder against her chest. This was it.

Silence engulfed the hall as Krystal stopped playing the piano, looking at the couple intently with a contented small smile.

“I love you, Sooyeon,” Taeyeon opened the box, showing Jessica a diamond ring.

“Will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?” she said, voice wavering as Jessica shifted her gaze from Taeyeon to the ring and back to Taeyeon.

Jessica smiled and nodded her head. To hell with uncertainties.

“Is that a yes?”

Jessica giggled, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Of course, silly. I will marry you.”

“Are you really, really sure about it?”


“Really sure?”

Jessica laughed. “Silly Taengoo, of course I am!”

Taeyeon slipped the ring into Jessica's finger before pulling her fiancée in a tight hug.

“Is this why I wasn't able to reach you since two days ago?” Jessica asked as she hugged Taeyeon back.

Taeyeon nodded. “I arrived two days ago and had to ask Krystal for her help.”

Jessica turned to face her sister who was making her way towards them, lips stretched into a wide smile as she hugged Jessica.

“Finally,” Krystal let out while she hugged her sister, “The long wait is over.”

Jessica nodded and pulled away from Krystal. “Thank you so much,” she said, eyes shining with tears.


Taeyeon sat on the couch of the Jungs with Seohyun in her lap, filling her in with what she missed for the past three months. Taeyeon’s smile never wavered as she nodded her head at her daughter, commenting and praising the little girl every once in a while.

“And then my friend, John, he wanted to borrow my book, Mommy,” Seohyun said, hands fiddling with the collar of Taeyeon’s shirt.

“Really? Then what did you say?” Taeyeon said.

“I said no because Mommy Taeng gave it to me,” Seohyun smiled, “You said I take care of it, remember?”

Taeyeon nodded. “But you can still share it with your friends.”

“Nuh-uh,” Seohyun shook her head, “No one can touch it except you, me and Mommy Jess.”

Taeyeon chuckled before placing a peck on her daughter’s forehead.

“Are you going to stay with us, Mommy?”

Taeyeon bit her lower lip. “I was hoping you and Mommy Jess could stay with me,” she said, brushing the little girl’s fringe to the side.

“Really? We can stay with Mommy Taeng?” Seohyun’s eyes lit up, anticipating the bedtime stories she’ll definitely get from her Mommy Taengoo.

Taeyeon nodded. “Do you want to?”

“Yes!” Seohyun laughed, throwing her little arms around Taeyeon’s neck, lifting her body to hug Taeyeon.

Taeyeon laughed and returned the hug just as tight as Seohyun was gripping her neck. She missed the little girl so much.

“Having fun?”

Taeyeon looked up and met Mr. Jung’s gaze, his cheeks slowly stretching as he gave Taeyeon a kind smile. Taeyeon rose up from the couch with Seohyun still clinging on her neck.

“Dada! I get to live with Mommy Taeng!” Seohyun beamed as she looked over her shoulder. Mr. Jung laughed before taking the little girl from Taeyeon.

“Good day, Mr. Jung,” Taeyeon said in a shy voice and bowed at the elderly man.

“I thought we’ve already talked about calling me Mr. Jung?” Jessica’s father made a face before ruffling Taeyeon’s hair. The action made Taeyeon blush.

“I-I mean.. D-Dad..”

“That’s more like it,” Mr. Jung grinned, putting Seohyun down who immediately moved and sat on the couch as Taeyeon sat beside her while Jessica’s father sat on the armchair across from them.

“I heard you’re planning on a wedding again?” he said and Taeyeon nodded.

“Are you sure this time, Taeyeon?”

Taeyeon nodded again.

“I’ve always had my trust in you, Taeyeon,” he crossed his legs and looked at Taeyeon intently, “I hope you don't disappoint me again.”

“I won't,” she let out, left hand unconsciously her daughter’s hair.

“I promise I’ll take care of her and Seohyun,” she smiled a little smile at Jessica’s father, “I’ll do my best to give them what they need.”

Mr. Jung shook his head. “They don’t need much,” he said, “You just have to keep them happy. Sooyeon never needed anything other than you.”

Taeyeon blushed once again. It was heartwarming to hear those words coming from Jessica’s father.

“You keep her happy, okay?” Mr. Jung said and Taeyeon nodded.


Taeyeon lay awake in her hotel bed. An arm holding her by the waist as legs entangled with hers and a head rested in her arm. She received some scolding from Jessica after proposing about being too busy and not taking care of herself. Taeyeon just took it all without protest and kissed Jessica sorry afterwards.

She had been staying in California for a week now. It had been two days since Jessica said yes but they were yet to talk about the details of the wedding. It made Taeyeon think that Jessica was just caught up in the moment when she said yes and she didn’t really mean her answer. It terrified her.


She turned to look at Jessica who cracked one eye open to look at her. She looked so perfect even under the dim light.

Taeyeon hummed and Jessica’s upper arm before placing a peck in her forehead.

“Why aren’t you sleeping yet?” Jessica asked as she snuggled closer to Taeyeon’s body. Taeyeon responded by wrapping her other arm around Jessica and tucking Jessica’s head under her chin.

“Can’t sleep,” she said, “I was just thinking about.. things.”

Jessica nodded. “What’s bothering my fiancée?”

Taeyeon’s breath hitched. The butterflies going wild in her stomach.

“Do you really mean that?” she asked.

“Mean what?” Jessica said in a low voice, eyes closed as she let Taeyeon’s warmth lull her back to sleep.

“When you called me fiancée, when you said yes, do you really mean all of it?”

Jessica pulled away from Taeyeon, the question waking her up fully as she looked into Taeyeon’s eyes.

“Of course I mean it,” she said, “Why would I not mean it?”

Taeyeon shrugged and looked away from Jessica.

“Taengoo.. I mean it, okay?” Jessica reached for Taeyeon’s cheeks, cupping them. “I love you so much and I will marry you.”

Taeyeon smiled, looking back at Jessica. She leaned in and kissed Jessica long and deep, pressing their bodies together.

“I love you so much, Sooyeon.” Taeyeon said when they pulled away from the kiss. Jessica nodded, finding it hard to speak as she catches her breath.

“Then stop.. talking.. and kiss me.. again,” Jessica said with shaky voice as she pulled Taeyeon by the collar of her shirt, connecting their lips in another deep kiss.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
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