Jeonju II

Kiss Me

Tiffany tiptoed towards the bed where her bestfriend is currently lying, “Is she awake yet?”

Taeyeon, who was nursing a cold, shook her head before looking up at Tiffany.

They—Jessica, Taeyeon and the guitar—were already soaked in the rain when Jiwon and Tiffany arrived to pick them up. Turns out Jiwon forgot to tell her about the old pickup’s engine condition –or so he claims. But Taeyeon did not complain. She couldn’t even think straight because her mind was clouded by the kiss she shared with Jessica under the rain. Jessica had rested on her arms after the kiss, both not uttering a single word, both so lost in their thoughts. But it was a comfortable silence and Taeyeon was just so thankful Jessica was in her arms at that moment.

“Did something happen? Why are you blushing, Taetae?”

Tiffany’s voice brought her back from her daydream. She was blushing? She held her cheeks to confirm, and her cheeks did feel warm.

“N-nothing. I think I’m going to have a fever too.”

Tiffany rolled her eyes before sitting at the edge of the bed, eyes never leaving Jessica’s sleeping face.

“Hyunnie is looking for Jessi. But she can’t come close to Jessi since she’s sick and we don’t want Hyunnie getting sick too,” she diverted her gaze to Taeyeon, “You’re the only one who could take care of Jessi for now while I look after Hyunnie.”

Tiffany furrowed her brows at Taeyeon who looked like she was about to grin but then suppressed it.

At last, a time alone with Jessica. Never mind them being sick.

“Mmkay.” Taeyeon answered as nonchalant as she could but her attempt only made Tiffany giggle.

“Oh, Taetae.. you know you can just grin and fist pump in front of me, right? I know you’re secretly enjoying this.”

“Am not!” Taeyeon answered quickly with wide eyes. Tiffany giggled again before standing up and walking towards the door, walking out and closing it with an audible click, leaving Taeyeon alone with the sick Jessica.

Taeyeon looked over her shoulder and made sure Tiffany was already out of the room before standing up from the chair and walking towards the bed, sitting on the edge that Tiffany occupied earlier.

“Sorry I got you sick,” she let out in a soft voice. Her left hand then hovered above Jessica’s face before brushing an offending strand away from the sleeping girl’s face.

“So beautiful,” she said, lips tugging upwards before breaking into a sweet, tight smile.

She stayed on her position for a while, eyes never leaving Jessica’s face; as if memorizing the sleeping girl’s every curve of the face. After what felt like forever, she felt her eyelids drooping as time dragged by and before she knew it, she was already under the covers beside Jessica. She then succumbed to temporary oblivion.


Jessica stirred as she felt the cold spreading across her bones. Her body shook involuntarily and she pulled the life-sized pillow beside her—or whatever it was that was currently keeping her warm—closer to her body to stop the cold from spreading more. The pillow did keep her warm, a little. She didn’t bother opening her eyes for she felt really, really weak. She continued snuggling on her pillow, crushing it inside her arms as she desperately searched for warmth. And when it soothed the coldness she felt, a small smile grazed her lips before finally retreating back to sleep. But even before she could fall back to sleep, a coughing sound had her snapping her eyes open; only to be meet by a pair of chocolate brown orbs that went as wide as saucers.


The older girl nodded her head before letting out another coughing fit.

“S-sooyeon.. c-can’t.. b-breath..” Taeyeon struggled to let out as Jessica continued crushing her in her embrace.

Jessica was confused at first but then immediately retracted her arms as soon as she realized what Taeyeon had just said.

“S-sorry,” she said in a shy voice before scooting away from Taeyeon, body shaking violently as the cold settled back inside her. But before she could move further away from Teyeon, the older girl stretched her arms towards her, pulling her back. She then ended up in Taeyeon’s arms, too stunned to even react.

“Let me warm you up.” Taeyeon said, arms wrapped tightly around Jessica, body pressed close to the younger girl.

Jessica just nodded, not really knowing what else to say.. or do. As much as she want to move away from Taeyeon’s embrace, she can’t deny the fact that the coldness is gradually leaving her body. And it did feel good to be in Taeyeon’s arms anyway.

“Sorry I got you sick,” Taeyeon repeated her statement from earlier as she tucks Jessica’s head between her chin and collarbone.

Jessica just hummed as she snuggled closer to Taeyeon, head resting in Taeyeon’s right arm; as if their bodies aren’t close enough.

Taeyeon had her arms on Jessica’s back as her fingers made comforting patterns, swirling skillfully on the clothed skin.

“Sooyeon.. c-can.. uh.. can I.. t-take care of you? F-for the mean time.. s-since y-your wife isn’t here. Just until you recover..”

Jessica furrowed her brows, head still pushed against Taeyeon’s neck. “Wife?”

“I-I mean.. Hyoyeon..” Taeyeon trailed off, fingers never missing a loop.

Jessica chuckled weakly before answering, “Hyo is not my wife.”

Taeyeon’s finger stopped gliding as her eyes widened.  “R-really?”

Jessica nodded, nose unintentionally brushing against the skin of Taeyeon’s neck. The older girl shuddered at the contact. Jessica was doing it to her again; sending tingles all over her body in the most innocent form. She could only sigh before continuing what she was previously doing on Jessica’s back.

“What made you think Hyo was my wife?” Jessica’s voice was muffled but Taeyeon was able to make out her question.

“Well..” Taeyeon stared off to the window with its curtain drawn. She was asking herself the same thing, too. Why did she ever assume Hyoyeon was Jessica’s wife?

“Hyoyeon is my bestfriend. Just like Tiff.” Jessica said, before Taeyeon could make another conclusion.


Jessica rolled her eyes even though Taeyeon wouldn’t be able to see it. She kissed the dip in-between Taeyeon’s collarbones before moving down, left ear pressed against Taeyeon’s chest. She smiled at the erratic heartbeat and the loud pounding it was making.

“You need to breath, Taeyeon.” She teased as she slowly sat up on the bed, bringing the comforter with her and wrapped her body with it.

Taeyeon smiled sheepishly before following Jessica’s action so they were sitting face to face with each other.

“You always take my breath away,” she answered as her eyes locked with Jessica’s.

Jessica smiled a little at the statement; too flustered to think of a witty comeback.

“Anyway, are you hungry? You haven’t had dinner yet.” Taeyeon then turned, feet dangling on the edge of the bed, “What do you want to eat? I’ll cook for you.”

“I-I really don’t have the appetite.” Jessica said in a low, apologetic voice.

But Taeyeon had always been persistent, “You are eating, okay? I’m making you porridge.”

She then stretched a hand out for Jessica to take, “Do you want to come, or I’ll just bring it up here?”

Jessica shook her head and stood up from the bed as well, “I’ll go with you. Who knows what you’ll put on my porridge.” She then stuck her tongue out at the older girl as they stood face to face.

“I was thinking cucumbers. But since you’re coming with me, maybe some other time.” Taeyeon retorted before walking ahead of Jessica towards the door. She opened the door for the sick girl and interlaced their fingers as soon as they were out in the hall.

Jessica looked at their intertwined fingers before looking at Taeyeon’s side profile.

“Just to make sure you won’t fall,” Taeyeon said, squeezing Jessica’s hand, as she started leading the way towards the stairs.

“Then you’ll be there to catch me, right? When I fall?”

Jessica’s question was harmless but it had Taeyeon’s heart pounding loud against her ribcage.

“Of course,” she answered, looking over her shoulder, eyes connecting with Jessica’s for a brief moment.


“Taeyeon, I can feed myself.” Jessica said for the nth time.

Taeyeon shook her head, “Now, open your mouth.”

“Really, Taeyeon. I can feed myself.” She tried reaching for the spoon but Taeyeon moved her hand away. The older girl had insisted on feeding her after cooking porridge.

“Come on, Sooyeon.. the porridge is getting cold. You really have to eat now.” Taeyeon tried moving the spoonful of porridge back to Jessica’s mouth but the latter wasn’t opening .

“Fine. Just don’t make weird sounds, I’m not Hyunnie. I will open my mouth without those weird sounds.”Jessica huffed, finally submitting to the older girl’s persistence.

Taeyeon’s fist pump made Jessica giggle. “Dork,” she commented before opening so Taeyeon could feed her.

Taeyeon just ignored her comment as she continued feeding Jessica with a wide and satisfied grin plastered on her face. She was about to feed Jessica the last spoon of porridge when she abruptly sneezed, making the spoon fall onto Jessica’s lap.

“Bless you,” Jessica commented.

“Ugh,” she groaned, rubbing her nose, “Sorry, Sooyeon. I’ll clean that up for you.” She then stood up from her seat and went near the sink to get a tissue.

Taeyeon came back shortly with a tissue in hand. Jessica was about to take the tissue from the shorter girl but Taeyeon was already crouching, wiping her lap with it. She held her breath, trying to steady her irregular heartbeat.

After Taeyeon’s little ministration on her lap, a glass of water was presented in front of her, which she ended up drinking thirstily.

“You need more?” Taeyeon asked as soon as Jessica put the empty glass back on the table.

Jessica shook her head before standing up from her chair, hands gathering the bowl and glass she had used.

“No, no. Just sit down, okay? I’ll take care of this,” Taeyeon took the utensils from Jessica and made her way to the sink to wash it.

When she came back, she was sniffing because of her runny nose and Jessica took notice of this.

“Are you okay? Where’s the medicine kit? I’ll get you something for your cold.” Jessica said, worry lacing her voice. Taeyeon, however, waved her off.

“We should get you something to change so you can go back to bed.” Taeyeon, again, offered a hand for Jessica to take and the latter did almost immediately before they walked back to the room they will temporarily be sharing.

The walk back to their room was silent, save for Taeyeon’s occasional sneezing. Jessica looks over at the girl worriedly once in a while.

When they arrived inside their room, Jessica hurriedly rushed to the center, ready to collapse on the soft and warm bed.

“Not yet, Sooyeon. You still have to change your clothes.” She heard Taeyeon say and could only groan as the older girl rummaged her closet.

“But my clothes are in my room, and I can’t go there because Hyunnie might catch a fever.”

“Yeah, that’s why you’re using my clothes for now.” Taeyeon said, moving towards her with a pair of cotton shorts and an oversized tee-shirt in hand.

Jessica looked at the clothes first before taking it, “Fine.”

Taeyeon smiled at the submission the brunette had been doing but it immediately dropped as panic sets in.

“W-wait, what are you doing?” she asked as Jessica took hold of the hem of her shirt, ready to pull it off her body.

“You said I have to change clothes. What do you think I’m doing?” Jessica asked with her brows furrowed.

“Y-yeah, I know. B-but..” Taeyeon felt her ears heating up and she knew it was too late to hide it when Jessica’s lips form into a smirk. Her eyes widened when Jessica continued pulling her shirt up, revealing her flat stomach, then her—

“And besides, it’s not like you haven’t seen me undress in front of you before.”

Jessica’s smirk was the last thing Taeyeon saw before her vision was covered by a shirt that Jessica had thrown onto her. If her ears were oven, it could have cooked a turkey by now.

“No erted thoughts, Kim Taeyeon.” She heard Jessica whisper in one of her ears. She was not sure which ear exactly because her mind was going haywire and her senses seemed to be failing her. Giggles then echoed inside the confines of her room.

“I-I wasn’t.. thinking a-anything.” She answered, taking the shirt away from her head, subtly inhaling Jessica’s scent that had lingered on it.

Jessica just rolled her eyes before covering herself with the comforter. “Aren’t you sleeping yet?”

Taeyeon scratched her thigh, “C-can I s-sleep.. beside you?”

“Just sleep?”

Taeyeon’s eyes widened and she could feel her ears heating up again. Oh for the love of god.

“Just kidding! Of course you can, silly!” Jessica laughed, lifting the comforter up, beckoning Taeyeon to lie down beside her.

“You’re having fun teasing me,” Taeyeon pouted as she settle down beside Jessica, leaving a decent space between their bodies.

“It’s because your ears always gave you away,” Jessica shrugged, scooting over to Taaeyeon. The latter lifted Jessica’s head and put her arm under it as soon as Jessica closed the distance between them. She then turned her body towards Jessica, fingers rubbing circles on the brunette’s back; just like how she did earlier.

Jessica closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth that Taeyeon’s body was giving off as she entangled her legs with Taeyeon’s.


Jessica still gets surprised everytime she hears Taeyeon calls her by her Korean name, because besides Krystal and their parents, Taeyeon was the only one who calls her that. It was like an endearment for her.


“Y-you are n-not with.. a-anyone right now.. r-right?”

Jessica hummed and nodded.

Taeyeon bit on her lower lip, contemplating on her next question. Is it too early to ask about Seohyun? Would it mean invading privacy? But she’s just curious. But would Jessica be willing to answer her? What if Jessica gets annoyed at her and decides that—


It was her turn to hum her answer. Maybe she could ask Jessica about Seohyun some other time.

“C-can you sing me.. a song?” Jessica’s voice sounded shy and hopeful. Taeyeon smiled before nodding, forgetting that Jessica wouldn’t be able to see it since she had her face hidden in her neck.

She nuzzled her nose on the crown of Jessica’s head before kissing it tenderly.

On the days I can't see your eyes
I don't even want to, open mine
On the days I can't see your smile
Well I'd rather sit and wait the while
For the days I know you'll be near
'Cause I day without you just isn't fair
See the days I can hear your voice
I'm left without a choice..

Jessica smiled when Taeyeon started singing. The song was unfamiliar but she did not mind, she just wanted Taeyeon to sing her to sleep.

..Plus I get weak in the knees
Fall head over heels baby
And every other cheesy cliché
Yes I'm swept off my feet
Oh my heart skips a beat
But there's really only one thing to say:
God Damn you're beautiful
To me, you're everything,
Yeah that's beautiful, yes to me..

Taeyeon moved her hand to Jessica’s dark brown tresses, an action she always do in the past when Jessica was having a hard time sleeping. She looked down at Jessica briefly before kissing each of the girl’s eyelids, earning a small smile from the younger girl.

..I can't find the words to explain
Just how much you got me going insane
When you speak to me sometimes you'll find
Oh, I stutter my words and say nevermind
'Cause even when you just walk by
Well I look around to seem occupied
'Cause I'm trying so hard to hide
Yeah, all of these feelings inside..

Sleep was slowly taking Jessica when she felt a pair of lips landing on hers. Taeyeon just pressed her lips against hers, as she sang in Jessica’s lips.

..'Cause I get weak in the knees
Fall head over heels baby
And every other cheesy cliche
Yeah I'm swept off my feet
Oh my heart skips a beat
But there's really only one thing to say:

She fluttered her eyes open and saw Taeyeon staring intently at her before closing it back as tears welled up.

..God Damn you're beautiful
to me, oh you're everything,
Yeah, that's beautiful, yes to me.
Yes to me.
Yeah you're beautiful
Yeah you're beautiful
God Damn you're beautiful
To me.
To me.

When Taeyeon’s lips moved against hers, she found herself immediately responding, hands creeping to the back of Taeyeon’s head, pulling the girl closer to her, deepening the kiss as tears of happiness escaped her eyes. This is finally it. No more holding back. She loves Taeyeon and Taeyeon loves her just as much. All the years spent apart are long forgotten. The hurt, the tears, the solitude she felt; all of it gone, replaced by a tingling sensation at her stomach as butterflies fluttered around –or so it feels. She had missed this; the giddy-for-no-reason feeling, the butterflies in her stomach, being lightheaded, feeling intoxicated with Taeyeon’s kiss, breathing Taeyeon’s breath and being in Taeyeon’s arms. She had always craved for Taeyeon. Only Taeyeon.

Tongues darted out; battling, dancing. Each kiss burned but Jessica did not mind. She’s way too happy to mind.

And after what felt like an entire lifetime, Taeyeon pulled away, ending up on top of Jessica as she looked deep at the baby brown eyes that were staring back at her with the same fervor. She opened and closed , wanting to say something.

“I love you,” she finally let out.

“No, no. I-I think love is not enough. I—this, this feeling.. it feels stronger.. stronger than l-love. I-I can’t really describe it in words.. it’s like the word—words for this.. haven’t been invented ye—“

She was cut off by Jessica’s lips as the girl pulled her by the collar of her shirt. She immediately melted into the kiss.

“Then act on it if words aren’t enough,” Jessica said through the kiss. And Taeyeon didn’t need to be told twice.

Clothes littered the empty space of the bed as they melted into each other’s arms in the cold night, molding their bodies together perfectly; a work of art that defines love and more. Much, much more.




There was too much TaeNy yesterday (December 4), from Taengoo's IG to SONE Note. Taeyeon is seriously killing my OTP with the implications. But I ain't one to complain since it was me who chose to board a sinking ship and all the dramas that goes with it. :P

But on a lighter note, I did see a little TaengSic-ish in Jessica's corner in SONE Note, so it's okay, and I'm happy to know that she included that specific photo to be printed on the magazine(?) :) Shipping them means having patience, and patience I have. A lot of it. :P


On another note, I am not sure when my next update will be since next week is examinations week and I've yet to study. But I hope you liked this short update, somehow. :)

Our TaengSic is back? Sort of kind of.

Did they do it? Yes, yes they did.

How could Jessica forgive Taeyeon that easily? She can forgive Taeyeon because she loves Taeyeon more than she hates her. Let's face it, we can't stay mad at someone we love--really really love--no matter how much pain they have caused us. We would just end up; 1) moving on or 2) holding on and eventually forgiving them, running back to their arms whole heartedly. And in this story, it was very evident that she isn't over Taeyeon yet. Neither of them, actually.

Is this the end yet? Nope. Baby Jung's making a grand comeback. :)


Aaaaannnnddddd, if you're not familiar with the song that I've used, you can listen here:

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
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