Spin the Bottle and Kiss

Kiss Me

The bottle pointed towards the eighteen-year old Jessica Jung as her friends stared at her. She let out a defeated sigh before looking at them expectantly. Im Yoona, a tall and slim girl, was first to open with a sinister smile. Jessica gulped at the look her friend was giving her.

“Strip,” Yoona said coolly. Both Jessica and Choi Sooyoung, another tall and thin girl, looked at Yoona with their mouths agape in shock. Sure, it would have been easy stripping in front of the two girls if, and only if, they were in her house. But no, the girl just had to dare her to strip at school, in front of hundreds of students no less.

“Yoong, I know you admire Sica’s body. But here? Seriously?” Sooyoung said as she recovered from the momentary shock, hitting kicking Yoona’s foot under the table.

Yoona laughed, pointing a bony finger at Jessica and Sooyoung. “You should have seen your faces!” She shook her head a little before continuing, “Oh my gosh, you fell for it!” Yoona laughed once more, mouth wide open as if she did not care who was watching.

“Okay, kidding aside,” Yoona said as she sat upright. She looked around the open ground where the picnic tables were locared. Her eyes landed from faces to faces until she finally saw her target—a lone figure sitting two tables away from them, a book firmly placed in the figure’s left hand while their right hand occasionally adjusted the black framed glasses on her nose bridge. Another sinister smile appeared on the youngest girl’s lips as Sooyoung followed Yoona’s eyes; a knowing smile appeared in her face as well. Jessica could only stare in horror at her two friends.

“Kim Taeyeon, President of the Students’ Government,” Yoona started as she pointed a finger at the girl on the picnic table, who seemed to be oblivious of her surrounding as she moved the book closer to her face as if her glasses weren't doing its job properly. “A kiss. A one minute kiss. On the lips,” Sooyoung finished Yoona’s sentence and the two tall girls raised their hands for a high five.

“No!” Jessica protested, crossing her arms in a stubborn manner, glaring at the two girls who seemed to be unfazed by the action. Seriously, though, why did it have to be a girl? There were a lot of boys around and Jessica wouldn’t actually mind kissing either of them. But a girl. She couldn’t.

“Now, Sica,” Yoona said firmly, disregarding the deathly glares that were sent her way.

“Or maybe,” Sooyoung said as she fished for her phone from her backpack. “Maybe Sica needs a little blackmailing first?” she said, wiggling her brows. “What do you say, Sica? Should I show this to your parents?” A phone was shoved in front of Jessica’s face as her eyes widened in disbelief at the picture displayed on Sooyoung's phone - a picture of her in a party, kissing another girl.

“Oh, auntie Jung will love this,” Yoona said, sarcasm filling her voice.

“No!” Jessica exclaimed as she tried to reach for the mobile phone, which was immediately retrieved by Sooyoung's long arms. There was no winning against the two girls, Jessica learned just now.

“So, should we walk you up to the nerd or should we watch from here?” Yoona added and Jessica slumped on her seat dejectedly.

“Fine,” Jessica said after awhile as she stood up from her seat. “I’ll make you kiss that gross thing over there when the bottle points at you!” Jessica threatened Sooyoung, pointing at a sweaty boy who sat on the table next to the nerd’s. A laughter from Sooyoung and Yoona was her answer before she started walking to the table where Kim Taeyeon sat.

Jessica slowed her pace down, slower than her lazy walks—as Yoona and Sooyoung would call it—as she made her way to the nerd who was still very engrossed in her book. She was hoping against hope that the bell would ring soon, but it never came as she found herself standing beside Kim Taeyeon's table.

A light tap on the shoulder and the girl didn’t budge. Another tap and it was still the same reaction, or none in that matter. Annoyed for being ignored, Jessica grabbed the girl’s left wrist, resulting for her book to fall on the table surface.

“Hey, what giv—“ Taeyeon tried protesting, but Jessica had pulled her up, and before the former could push her away, Jessica’s lips crashed into Taeyeon’s, making the girl freeze on her spot. All eyes turned towards them and her friends watched in amazement with Sooyoung snapping a photo as a souvenier.


The lone figure sat on the picnic bench after finishing her lunch. She had her favorite book opened and soon enough she was lost in the world of words, tuning out the real world around her as she run in the woods with the protagonist of the book she has been trying to finish for a week now. She was halfway flipping to another page when a hand wrapped around her wrist, causing the book to slip from her hand and fall.

“Hey, what giv—“ she was about to repremand the offending person when she felt a pair of warm lips crashed onto hers. Her eyes widened in shock, her body stiffened and her mind shut down. She clamped shut, not registering what is happening yet. She felt the offending person’s tongue slid across her lips and that snapped her out of the daze as she pushed the girl away. The person landed on her in the ground and she heard the students laugh. That was when Taeyeon realized that all the students’ attention were on them, and she felt all the blood in her body drain in embarrassment. She glared at the girl in front of her before getting her bag and stomping away. Normally, Kim Taeyeon would have offered a hand at the girl, but she hate how the girl embarrassed her in front of the students. She never felt so humiliated before.


“Way to go, Jung!” A guy exclaimed behind her as she made her way back to her friends, sending the guy a deathly glare before sitting down.

“Wow, that was--” Yoona trailed off as she gave Jessica slow claps, like the girl just won an award and she's the proudest friend in the Universe.

“Shut up! Did you see that?!” Jessica fumed in anger. “She freaking pushed me down!” Jessica exclaimed in an annoyed voice.

“You just gave Taeyeon her first kiss,” Sooyoung said, giggling.

“More like stole, though,” Yoona added.

“Ah, I finally had my revenge,” Sooyoung added, catching Jessica's attention.

“Revenge?” Jessica asked, left brow raising as she demands for an explanation.

Yoona nod her head. “Remember that officer who didn't let Soo in one time because she wasn't wearing her school uniform?” She said. “It was Kim Taeyeon.”

“I was so humiliated then,” Sooyoung said, shaking her head at the memory. “Imagine being so excited to get into class because for the first time you did your assignment. By. Yourself. Then being stopped by that officer and asked to get home and change.”

“It's a universal rule to wear a school uniform in the school, though,” Jessica said, her anger now subsiding.

The bell rings before Sooyoung could answer again, and the ground was soon cleared out of students. Jessica could only mentally face palm herself. All of that was for Sooyoung's revenge. She should have known better than to agree. What. The. Heck.


“Fudge fudge fudge fudge!” Taeyeon hastily wiped her lips as she entered the Students’ Government Office. Dropping her bag on the floor with a loud thud, the brunette plopped down on the blue sofa situated right beside the door.

“What happened to you?” A tanned, jet black haired girl with horn-rimmed glasses asked as she saw Taeyeon sulking in the sofa, wiping her lips like she actually wanted to erase them from her face.

“Someone just embarrassed me in front of the whole student population,” Taeyeon answered. “And now I don’t even know how to show my face around school,” she added, her eyes burning with irritation.

“How?” her friend asked, but Taeyeon just shrugged her shoulders. She doesn't even want to talk about it anymore.

“Yuri!” A loud voice said as another girl entered the office. “Oh, Taeyeon, you’re here,” the girl added, nodding at Taeyeon as an acknowledgement. “What happened?” the girl asked Yuri as her eyes shifted to Taeyeon then back to Yuri.

“I’m.. not really sure.. Sunny-ah,” Yuri answered with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Taeyeon?” Sunny Lee asked as she sat down beside her sulking friend, who looked like she just lost her house to a bet. “Is everything alright?”

The bell rang and Taeyeon let out a sigh as she stood up from the sofa to pick up her bag. The three of them walked out of the room in silence with Yuri locking it behind them.


“Taeyeon!” the brunette’s head instantly turned as she heard her name being called. Yuri and Sunny were panting in front of her with their hands leaned on their knees like they just joined a marathon.

“What happened to the both of you?” She asked the still panting girls.

A smile appeared on Yuri’s face as she straightened up. “Tae! I overheard the soccer team talking,” Yuri started as her smile widened. Taeyeon eyes her questioningly.

“Baekhyun’s going to ask you to prom!” Sunny chimed in with her high-pitched voice. Taeyeon cringed.

“Are you being serious right now?!” Taeyeon’s eyes widened after processing what her friends just said. Baekhyun, the soccer team’s captain, is going to ask her to prom? Her long time crush is going to ask her to prom?

“You should totally prepare for prom from now!” Yuri said as they started walking out of school.

“But there’s still three months 'till prom.” Taeyeon said.

“Yes, but you should prepare as early as now so that you won’t do anything stupid when the day comes.” Sunny answered.

“What are you trying to say?!” Taeyeon retorted and walked backwards so she was now facing her friends.

“That,” Sunny started, pointing at Taeyeon. “..is what I am talking about. Stop acting like a kid. Be a lady!” Sunny protested.

“You might bump into something or someone. Walk properly, Taeng.” Yuri reprimanded Taeyeon as if she was some elementary school kid.

“Fine!” Taeyeon said, turning around and walking beside her two friends.

“So, what do you suggest then?” Taeyeon asked, facing forward. She now feels excited for the prom. Anxious, but still excited.

“Do you even know how to dance?” Yuri asked skeptically.

“Of course! I know how to dance! I’ve read it somewhere. You just sway to the music.” Taeyeon answered smugly.

“Like it’s that easy,” Yuri scoffed.

“Why are you so skeptical about my dancing?!” Taeyeon belowed at Yuri, but the latter just rolled her eyes playfully.

“Hey! You two shut up. As if you, Kwon Yuri, is any better.” Sunny mockingly said.

“Anyway, do you even know how to kiss? I heard girls our age gets their first kiss on the day of the prom.” Sunny said dreamily, her question was obviously for Taeyeon.

“Of course! You just put your lips to your partner’s lips and you move your heads. I saw it in the movies.” Taeyeon, again, said smugly. The scene from lunch break replayed in her mind and she grimaced at the thought. She almost forgot about that girl.

“Aish. You’re hopeless! You need some tutoring!” Sunny exclaimed. Yuri and Taeyeon looked at her questioningly.

“I know someone who could help. She’s the perfect tutor. I heard she’s actually a pro on those things. She started dating in middle school.” Sunny said happily as an idea popped up in her head.

“That early?! And she?! Why would you think a girl should tutor me?!” Taeyeon exclaimed incredulously.

“It’s perfect. There would be no malice since you are both girls. And, isn’t it too awkward if it’ll be a boy?” Sunny answered confidently.

“And why did you think I needed tutoring? I could just watch movies and read books.” Taeyeon protested again. The idea of kissing a stranger didn’t seem too appealing to her. Also, why would she let a girl have her first kiss? And then her mind went back to lunch break, her mood now turning sour. That girl just stole her first kiss.

“Because your prom date should be perfect in any sense! And no, you are not watching movies or reading books. Come on, Taeng, this is the perfect thing to do. You can’t screw up your prom date! Especially it’s with Baekhyun!” Yuri, who was quiet the whole conversation finally spoke up. Sunny nodded her head in agreement.

“Isn’t he like your biggest crush for the longest time? Don’t let the opportunity pass, Taeng!” Sunny added.

Taeyeon shrugged in defeat. There was no way she’s going to win over her two friends.


“That’s her?!” Taeyeon’s eyes widened in disbelief when Sunny showed her the Facebook profile of the girl who would tutor her they laze around Sunny’s living room after school.

“Yeah, why?” Sunny asked, turning her head to face Taeyeon.

“Wow, it’s Barbie. You lucky nerd.” Yuri commented as she stared at the laptop screen.

“No! I am not going to ask for her help! She humiliated me this afternoon!” Taeyeon protested.

“Why? What happened?” Sunny asked curiously as she fully turned to face Taeyeon.

“She kissed me in front of the students!” Taeyeon said mindlessly. She covered after realizing what she had just blurted out.

“You’ve got to be kidding me! Barbie kissed you?! You lucky nerd! I hate you so much!!” Yuri yelled as she turned towards Sunny and Taeyeon, momentarily forgetting the beauty staring at her from the laptop screen.

“Hey! She’s at fault! Why do you make it sound like it’s my fault?!” Taeyeon retorted, her blood boiling at the memory.

“My Ice Princess just kissed you! It’s so unfair, Kim Taeyeon!” Yuri whined like a kid, while Taeyeon looked at Sunny with questioning looks.

“The kid is obsessed with Jessica Jung for quite a while now.” Sunny answered. Taeyeon mouths an “oh” before shaking her head.

“Hey! Lee Soonkyu! Why are you doing this to me!” Yuri whined again.

Sunny just rolled her eyes. “I’m sending her a message, okay?” she said, blocking Yuri’s whines. “Jessica Jung will be your tutor,” she finished with a grin, her fingers tapping on the keys even without Taeyeon’s permission.

“Hey! Soonkyu! I’m not doing this!” Taeyeon protested, trying to pry Sunny’s fingers off the keyboard.

“Hey! Consider yourself lucky!” Yuri said as she took hold of Taeyeon’s hands while Sunny continued typing. Taeyeon just sighed. Yuri looked okay with it now, and although she doesn’t really like the idea of the whole kissing lesson thing, Taeyeon know that she could never win against her friends. So she sat there staring at nothing, her mind replaying the feel of soft thin lips. Gosh she hates Jessica Jung.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
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Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
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Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
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