Crazy in Love

My Girl


As smile was forming on both of your faces. After you were crying for a while at the park, tears started to form from you face again. It was tears of joy that you tried to held in.

You: Minwoo…

Minwoo: Seohyun…

After you heard Minwoo say your name sympathetically, you couldn’t control it anymore. Tears swiftly came down on your face and you ran up to hug him. Minwoo was pretty surprised by your action that caused him to smile. He hugged you back.

Minwoo: How come I feel like I haven’t hugged you in forever?

You: Because you haven’t.

You giggled as you were hugging with tears.

You: I’m sorry.

Minwoo: Why be sorry?

You: Because I’m stupid for coming back to you now when I should have just realized it a long time ago. I’m so sorry.

Minwoo: I don’t think that matters now, all that really matters now is that you’re in my arms. And guess what? I plan to keep you there, forever.

You: Minwoo, I’m so happy right now. Thank you so much for being with me.

Minwoo: I should be the one glad that you finally chose to give me a chance. But like I said, it doesn’t matter. You’re mine and I’m finally yours again. Let’s keep it this way.

You: I promise to be yours, forever and ever.

Minwoo: I promise the same also, forever and ever.

You: Don’t ever let go.

Minwoo: I’ll never let you go, I promise. I never had in the first place.

You: Minwoo-ah…

Minwoo: I always missed when you called me that.

You: Me too.

Minwoo: Seohyun-ah, let me ask you this all over again.

You: Neh~

Minwoo: Park Seohyun, will you be my girl? My girl who I’ll never let go of even through the times of thick and thin? My girl who will forever be the only one in my heart? My girl who I’ll always love? Will you be that girl? My girl?

Those words that you always wanted to hear from Minwoo are finally out there again. Those words that made you smile and cry at the same time. Those words

You: Of course, I’ll be that girl. I’ll be the only one that loves you like no other girl will. I’ll be your girl who will only look at you. I’ll be the girl that will make you smile. I’ll be your girl.

Minwoo smiled as you two are finally together again. He wiped off your tears.

Minwoo: Don’t cry now. You’re a strong person, Seohyun.

You: But I’m so happy I just can’t hold it in anymore.

Minwoo: Haha, it’s ok.

He held you in for another hug. After he hugged you so softly, you stopped crying.

You: You’re right, I’m stronger than that.

Minwoo: That’s my Seohyun!

You giggled and then both of you decided to head inside your house. You were really happy to announce the news to your Omma. When the door opened, your mother was surprised that you were with Minwoo. She saw the both of you holding hands and was awed.

Your Mother: Omo! What a lovely couple! :’) I’m so happy for both of you, come on in!

With your mother’s welcoming words, your mood was just absolutely great. The both of you went inside and went to eat some of your Omma’s cooking for dinner.

Minwoo: Wow, I miss this! Your mother should really be considered cooking for the gods!

You and your Omma laughed at Minwoo’s nice compliment.

Your Mother: Minwoo’s still such a sweet young man! Hehe, I’d love to consider that!

You: Next time, I want to cook with my Omma to show you my skills!

Minwoo: Skills? Nooooo!! I might die!

You: Yah! What are you trying to say?! I cook bad!?

You pouted at Minwoo’s comment. He and your mother started to chuckle.

Minwoo: I’m going to die of its deliciousness, hehehe~

You: Oh really now huh!?

He nodded cutely and continued to eat.


Minwoo: So, Seohyun, what shall I call you?

You: You don’t really need to call me anything.

Minwoo: But I want to!! –pouty face

You: Why are you so cute!?

Minwoo: Because I’m No Minwoo!!

You: Pfft, conceited bunny~

Minwoo: Can I call you babe?

You: No.

Minwoo: Waeyo!?

You: Because it’s so weird and I don’t like the sound of it. Everyone uses it and I find it very annoying.

Minwoo: Ok then, babe.

You shot a glare at him as he smiled at you innocently.

Minwoo: Let me annoy you, babe.

You: SHUT. UP.

Minwoo: So are you busy tomorrow, babe?

You just ignored his question and the TV.

Minwoo: C’mon let me annoy you babe! Babe, bebe, baby, babylove! What shall I call you!? C’mon I want to give you a cute nickname too!!

You: But I don’t want a cute nickname!

Minwoo: It’s either babe or piggy!

You: They’re the same.

Minwoo: Seohyun!!

You: There, I like that nickname more.

Minwoo: Ok, Seohyun-babe~

You: Aigoo.

Minwoo: I love you~

You just continued to watch TV ignoring his lovey-doveyness

Minwoo: C’mon! Tell me you love me cause you do!

You: Since when!?

Minwoo: Since earlier! You admitted it! You love me!

You: HMPH! Fine, you win!

Minwoo: Yay! <3

You: Ok, be quiet now, I’m watching TV.

Minwoo: Tell me you love me first ~

You: I-um. –coughs

You: I really can’t say it!

Minwoo: Meanie! Fine, be like that!

You: I love you.

Minwoo: Oh, see! You do love me! Say it again, say it again! I wanna hear again! C’mon!!

You: You’re annoying

Minwoo: Meanie.

You: Yet I love you.

Minwoo: Hehehe, I love you too~


The next day, you woke up and got ready since it was your “first” date with Minwoo. First real date after a long time.

Before you added your last touches of makeup, you felt something missing. You reached out to your neck and remembered your monthsary when he gave you a cute pink necklace.


You remembered when you thought that Minwoo forgot about your monthsary.


You: [I guess he forgot all about it…] –sigh


But then again, you felt happy because you both went to watch a movie. It was a horror movie so you held onto his arm on some scary parts. Whenever you would have held onto him, he would smile.


Minwoo: At the beginning, I thought you said you weren’t scared.


You: -pouts-


After the movie you had to use the restroom.


 You: [Well, even if he didn’t remember about today. Today was fun.]


You washed up and went out. When you went outside it was already dark. The fountain had lights lighting up.


You: Oh, how beautiful. I wonder where Minwoo is.


Suddenly, you felt something against your neck. You touched it, it was a necklace. When you turned around, Minwoo was putting it on.


Minwoo: Happy Monthsary! ^^



The small thought about it made you smile and almost begin to even cry.

You: I can’t believe we’ve been through so much… I should look for it now.

You went over to your basement to look for the necklace. You saw the box you put all of the memories you two had and brought it to your room along with the huge teddy bear he gave you. All of the memories, all the flashbacks, it’s all coming to you. You slowly remembered everything beginning with the day that he asked you out. Before you realized it, you were sobbing.

You heard a small knock on your door and quickly wiped off your tears.

Your Mother: Honey, are you there? Minwoo’s downstairs, waiting already.

Your Omma took a small peek through the door and saw tears streaming down your face.

Your Mother: Ommo! Wae are you crying?!

You: I’m just happy. Way too happy.

Your Mother: If you’re happy, why the tears?

You: Tears of joy… I miss this. I miss everything.

She gave you a nice smile and reached in for a hug.

Your Mother: This time, you have to be with Minwoo. You have to marry him! And give me granddaughters and grandsons! Make your momma proud!

You: Omma! It’s not nice to joke around like that, I’m still so young and it may get hard now since he’s a celebrity now.

Your Mother: Celebrity or not, he’s marrying you! I’m not joking around! Hehehe, now go on your date. I’m happy for you and I know your father is too.

You: Gomowoyo, Omma.

She nodded and escorted you downstairs. You looked to see Minwoo dressed nicely with roses in his hands. He smiled at you as you headed down.

Minwoo: Why are you always so beautiful?

You: Why are you always lying?

Minwoo: I’m not lying.

You: I’m not—

Minwoo: You’re beautiful, end of story. Shall we get going now?

The two of you smiled at each other and said yes. Then went to your date.

Minwoo: So, babe, where’d you like to go today?

You: Mmm, it doesn’t really matter to me, as long as I’m with you it’s alright with me.

Minwoo: Oh, I know a place!

On the ride to wherever Minwoo planned your date out, he had blindfolded your eyes.

You: Why am I blindfolded?

Minwoo: Cause you’re so cute we might get in a car crash~ ^-^

You: You’re so cheesy, get out of here.

Minwoo: Kekeke~

You: Seriously!?

Minwoo: Umm, it’s a surprise, duh!

You remembered something that happened on your birthday. You felt the car stop.

You: Are we finally there?

Minwoo: Mhm… Wait, Seohyun!

You: Yes, Minwoo-ah?

Minwoo: You still have the necklace?

You touched the necklace on your neck and nodded.

You: Of course I do, I kept it. I kept everything you gave me.

Minwoo: Seohyun, even though you’re blind folded right now, you’re still so beautiful…

You: Oppa! Stop being so cheesy on me and let me take this blindfold off now~

Minwoo: hmm, just a bit more!

You: FINE! –pouts

Minwoo led you out of the car and then you felt a small breeze of the wind. Minwoo walked you a little more until you felt something weird touch your feet. Then he finally took off your blindfold. You saw the beautiful scenery of the beach he brought you to before.

You: Ommo! We’re here again!

Minwoo: You don’t like it here?

You: Are you kidding? I love it! Hurry!

You clutched your arms around Minwoo and ran through the beach.

Minwoo: Slow down!

You: I can’t, I’m just so happy, let’s go.

Minwoo: Wait, do you even have extra clothes!?

You ignored Minwoo’s question and pulled him with you to the water.

You: I don’t care if it’s cold or if we have extra clothes or not, I just want to spend the beginning of spring/summer with you! It’s a beautiful day, let’s just have fun!

Minwoo: But—

Before Minwoo could talk, you playfully splashed water on him.

Minwoo: Yah!

You: Hurry, Minwoo-ah! Minwoo-ah~

Minwoo: Seohyun! Watch me get you!!

You: Nopeeeeee~

The two of you swam in nice clothes but didn’t care. You two were having fun. After you both went for a swim, he asked to get some clothes for the both of you.


Later that night, not much people were there. Minwoo made a small camp fire.

You: Eep~ It’s so warm!

Minwoo: Yup!

He laid down in the sand next to you, watching the stars.

Minwoo: How far do you think the universe extends up to?

You: Silly, the universe is endless.

Minwoo: Now ask me, how much do I love you?

You: How much do you love me…?

Minwoo: Like the universe, my love for you is Endless.

You giggled at Minwoo’s cheesy pick-up line.

You: That’s new~

Minwoo: Seohyun…

You: Hmm?

Minwoo: I love you.

You: Cheesy boy, I’ve never met anyone like you.

Minwoo: Seohyun! When a guy tells you they love you, you have to say it too!

You: So girly.

Minwoo: Seohyun!

You: I love you, minwoo-ah~

He smiled and hugged you. The two of you were cuddling under the beautiful night sky.

Minwoo: Seohyun? You sleeping?

You: Ani…

Minwoo: Can we stay like this forever? Just me and you, no one else. I don’t want anyone else to have you.

You: Hmm, whatever you say.

Minwoo: Look! What’s that!

You didn’t know where he wanted you to look so you looked at his face. Falling into Minwoo’s trap of love, his lips clashed onto yours. His unexpected yet lovable kiss lasted almost forever.


It was unexpected, yet so fun. Love is unexpected, feelings are unexpected. Like Minwoo, who at first never thought he’d fall in love with Seohyun, ended up falling for her. This story simply shows that love is unexpected and unexpected love is crazy.

Now I give thanks all my fellow beautiful readers for creating this unexpected story of mine's. Personally, i never really gave much thought in this story, I was giving it upto 30 chapters at most, but i got attached to all my readers and here's what happened. I thank you all so much for all the support you gave me throughout this fic. This was my first "YOU" fanfic. I really hope you all continue to support me in all my stories and whatnot. I hope i didn't let you guys down, because you all didn't <3 Thank you again for supporting My Girl. I love you all. :')

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Chapter 46: Aww this story so sweet <3
Chapter 46: KYAAAHHHH~! Nice story author-nim REALLY! <3 Will this story have a sequel? I wish it would have the story is so beautiful
wonwoojpeg #3
Rereading aha :D I love this too much
Chapter 46: What a beautiful ending..but I am wondering what happen to the Jo twins???
Kept reading this again and again even I last read this a year ago!
Thanks for making this wonderful story author-nim!!!
KAMSAHAMNIDA!!! *bows 90 degrees* kekeke ^^
MitsuKyuYamazaki #6
Chapter 46: THUMBS UP FOR THIS~!
new reader~~~
i'm so late =w='
Purple_love145 #7
Please make a sequel
SEQUEL! please make a sequel
SEQUEL2! omo2! what happen to the twins anyway? NICE STORY! THUMBS UP! ^^