Tic Toc

My Girl


Tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc~

Your clock kept ticking, it was already 1 in the morning, and you couldn’t sleep. For some reason, you were really happy and excited for the next day and couldn’t sleep.

~ ~

You opened your eyes and looked at the clock, 8:00. Your clock was supposed to ring at 9 since you were meeting up with the twins around 10. You woke up earlier than your alarm clock due to your excitement. You quickly got up and look for something nice and casual to wear at the amusement park. For some reason, your heart kept jumping and you were just simply happy.

You looked through your closet and found a simple cute shirt that said, “I boyfriend” You looked at the weather, it seemed to be a nice and sunny day. Perfect. You got out a pair of denim shorts. And you quickly jumped into the shower so you wouldn’t be late. Even after you showered and got ready it was still pretty early, around 9-ish. There were so many types of scenarios already playing in your mind. You close your eyes and went into dreamland for a while.

~ ~

There was a sudden few knocks on your door which startled you and woke you up from your small dream. You slowly opened your eyes and looked around. You got up and went for the door. When you answered it, it was Minwoo. Your heart quickly started beating.

Minwoo: Anyeong~

For some reason you couldn’t talk and you just started stuttering.

You: Umm…

Minwoo: Youngmin and Kwangmin hyung told me to pick you up and meet them up at the entrance of the amusement park. Are you ready?

You slowly nodded and stared at him. You were lost for words. For some reason, your eyes got teary.

Minwoo: What’s wrong?

You couldn’t speak but instead as tears started falling out you just hugged him. Minwoo’s mouth dropped as his lips started forming a smile.

You: Please don’t ever leave me again. Ever.

Minwoo: I’ll never leave you ever again. Let’s go, they’re waiting for us.

You nodded happily as Minwoo held your hand as you two left the house and headed to the amusement park, you could feel your heart rate increasing. You kept feeling bubbly, you never really had that feeling until 2 years ago. On the way, your face was just plain red and very cheeky.

Minwoo: So kyeopta~

You blushed even more.

As the two of headed to the entrance of “Seoul Land”. People kept staring at the two of you and whispering, they kept asking if the two of you were actually going out or if it was part of the script. Minwoo happily held your hand and continued to walk until you two met up with the twins. As the two of you headed their way. Youngmin looked really excited but when he saw the both of your hands linked together, his excitement and smile vanished. Kwangmin just decided not to look.

You: Youngmin, Kwangmin!

The two of them looked at you and Minwoo and just left. Everyone suddenly started leaving. It was like a scene in the movie where you’re in the crowd holding the one you love’s hands.

You: What’s happening…?

Everything was becoming a blur. Minwoo’s hands were slowly beginning to cut off from yours.

You: Minwoo… don’t let go!

He looked at you. As you looked at him, you realized so many people pulling the both of you away. There was Claire and a lot of other fangirls pulling him apart from you. It was like you couldn’t do anything about it. The crowd of people was stopping you from reaching onto him.

You: Minwoo!!

You felt someone pull you and as you turned around, you saw Hayoung.

Hayoung: Minwoo’s happy with me now. You’re a bit too late. Can’t you see his smile when he’s with me? Can you tell the difference when he’s with you and the real smile he carries when he’s with me? The difference is… he’s happier. Stop making him go back to you, he doesn’t want to. He just feels sorry for you now. You’re too late, Seohyun. Minwoo’s mine now.

You: No…

You shooked your head and pushed away her arms.

You: NO! That’s not true.

You looked around in the sea of people and tried to search for Minwoo. He was nowhere to be found. The number of people started increasing. You pushed through all of them just to find him. As you ran through the crowd, you could spot him. You dashed your way through the spot where you saw him. But as soon as you got there, he vanished. You turned your head and looked around, your heart was beating fast, it was scared.

You: [This is just a dream right? A nightmare? Minwoo, please where are you? Show up…]

The number of people increased and you gave up.

You: What’s going on…?

You heard a clock ticking tic toc, tic toc. You fell onto the floor since you lost all of your strength.

You: Please tell me this is just a dream. This can’t be true. What is going? Minwoo…

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Chapter 46: Aww this story so sweet <3
Chapter 46: KYAAAHHHH~! Nice story author-nim REALLY! <3 Will this story have a sequel? I wish it would have the story is so beautiful
wonwoojpeg #3
Rereading aha :D I love this too much
Chapter 46: What a beautiful ending..but I am wondering what happen to the Jo twins???
Kept reading this again and again even I last read this a year ago!
Thanks for making this wonderful story author-nim!!!
KAMSAHAMNIDA!!! *bows 90 degrees* kekeke ^^
MitsuKyuYamazaki #6
Chapter 46: THUMBS UP FOR THIS~!
new reader~~~
i'm so late =w='
Purple_love145 #7
Please make a sequel
SEQUEL! please make a sequel
SEQUEL2! omo2! what happen to the twins anyway? NICE STORY! THUMBS UP! ^^