He gave me a...

Just Another Cinderella Story

“Tell me, tell me, tell me!” I begged Ji Seun as soon as she closed the door.

Changmin and Jaejoong had just left (five minutes after the “spider incident” because, apparently, Jaejoong was shaken by that experience) and I was pestering Ji Seun at what she and Changmin were doing while they were alone.

“What’s there to tell?” Ji Seun asked, avoiding my eyes as she did so.

“Aish! Park Ji Seun! Fine. Then let ME tell you what I thought happened… Okay, here it goes. Once the door of the kitchen closed and you and Changmin-ah were alone, he took you by the waist and pulled you in for a rough yet passionate kiss. His lips and tongue left you the sweetest taste on your mouth. You kissed him back, as roughly and as passionately as he did. Slowly, he laid you down on the couch and pulled your shirt – “

“YAH, LEE SUN YEE!” Ji Seun yelled angrily, cutting me off. Her face was now bright red, a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

“What? You wouldn’t tell me what the two of you did. So I just have to guess.”

“Yah! That sounded like a rated fanfic! Nothing like that happened, I assure you!” she threw at me fiercely.

“Aish. Fine, fine. Araso. Then, could you just tell me what really happened?” I asked in a friendly voice to try to calm her down. I gave her a puppy dog pout and Ji Seun finally sat back down on the couch. Her red face turned to a lighter shade of pink.

“Aigoo… If it stops your erted brain then, fine. We just talked about our presentation, deciding to just do Romeo and Juliet, but only the balcony scene and there are NO kissing scenes, alright?”

“Wait, that’s all? Aish! That’s pretty boring. Tell me about the good part.”

Ji Seun gave me a puzzled look. “What good part?”

“Aish. Did Changmin say anything about the two of you?”

Ji Seun’s face turned scarlet again and I was sure that Changmin had said something.

“Uhm, well, he, uhm…” she said hesitantly. “Well, he did ask if I, uhm…”

“Aish, spit it out already!” I spat, getting impatient.

“Aish… He asked me why I was avoiding him…” she said as she looked down on the floor.

“And… what did you say?”

“That, uhm, I wasn’t actually avoiding him.” I rolled my eyes at this but I didn’t say anything and let Ji Seun continue. “Then he asked me if I was, uhm, available tomorrow afternoon and he wasn’t planning on talking about the presentation again.”

“What? Really? And what did you say?” I asked excitedly.

“I didn’t have to give an answer. We then heard screaming so we rushed over to the kitchen and found you and Jaejoong-sshi freaking out.”

“Oh…” I manage to say softly.

Great. I felt silly as hell. Ever had a flower pot fall and smash on your head? Well, what I was currently feeling was close to something like that.

Pabo, pabo, pabo! Aish. If only I knew earlier what was going on between Changmin and Ji Seun, I would’ve delayed my screaming for at least two minutes. Aish…

“Well, it’s okay, I guess.” Ji Seun said in a lighter voice. “I mean, I think I have to thank you and Jaejoong-sshi. I never would’ve known what to answer Changmin-ah.”

“Yah, yah, yah!” I said, gaining more composure. “What the hell? You should say yes! Look, if he ever asks you that again tomorrow then you’ll have to say yes, araso?”

“Eh? But… why?”

“Do I really have to give you the answer?” I asked sternly.

Ji Seun looked down and mumbled, “Fine, I’ll try.”

I smiled. “Good.”


The next morning, Ji Seun and I went to school together, as usual. I was craning my neck once we had arrived, looking for that certain tall and scrawny guy. Ji Seun, on the other hand, was walking slower than normal. She had her head down most of the time and when I got a look at her face, she looked really nervous. And, finally, I spotted him. I quickly took Ji Seun by the arm and hurriedly went to where Changmin was.

“Changmin-ah, annyeong!” I greeted. He turned around. His face instantly lit up as soon as his mismatched eyes laid on the girl I was dragging.

“Oh, Sun Yee-ah, annyeong! Ji Seun-ah, annyeong!” he said cheerfully.

I felt Ji Seun go behind me. I pinched her on the arm and flashed a smile to Changmin, who wasn’t actually looking at me.

“Oh… a-annyeong.” Ji Seun said softly and nervously.

“Lucky we found you, Changmin-ah. Ji Seun here was just looking for you.” I said as I dragged Ji Seun in front of Changmin.”

She instantly gave me a what-the-hell-do-you-think-you’re-doing look while Changmin’s smile got even wider.

“Eh? Really now?” he said.

“Yes.” I replied as I let go of Ji Seun and pushed her a little towards Changmin. She tried to grab my arm but I got out of her reach just in time. She gave me a pleading look while I just smiled sweetly at them.

“Well, I’ll just leave you two. I gotta get to class.” I said, giving the first lame excuse my brain can come up with. “Bye.”

I didn’t wait for a reply from any of them. I just flashed another wide smile and backed away. Just after a few steps I bumped into something – no, wait, someone (Oh why did I have to move backwards and not forwards just like a normal person would?). I quickly turned around to apologize to that person.

“Mian – “ I began but stopped when I recognized who it was. “J-jaejoong-sshi?”

“Hmmp.” He scoffed. “Lee Sun Yee, so nice of you to bump into me. What’s with the formality? It was only yesterday when you threw insults at me, wasn’t it?”

Jaejoong gave me a haughty smile while I gave him a glare.

“Aish.” I said as I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. Look, I gotta get to class. Now, if you don’t mind – “

“Of course, I wouldn’t mind!” he said as he puzzled me by grabbing onto my arm. “I would LOVE to walk you to your class.”

“Yah! What the hell?” I asked at him irately as he dragged me down the corridors. “I can walk fine by myself, thank you very much!”

“I know.” He said plainly but he still didn’t let me go.

“Aish…” I mumbled to myself as I just let him drag me to wherever. I figured, there was no use in arguing with him.

“Here, you go.” He said as he pushed me gently towards the door of my classroom.

“Ugh… Whatever.” I mumbled. I took a peek inside and saw only two students. It was still early so I figured I can still argue with this jerk a little bit.

“Yah! No thank you?” he asked with a pout, getting one step ahead of me.

“Yah! Why should I thank you? I can walk! I didn’t need your help from the start anyway!”

“Aigoo. You’re really that stubborn eh?” he asked, looking amused.

“So, what’s your point?”

“Nothing…” Jaejoong said as I noticed his eyes surveying me from top to bottom. I instantly felt a little conscious. But then I quickly slapped myself mentally for thinking that.

“Yah! What the hell are you looking at?” I asked angrily.

“You, obviously.” He said coolly as he grinned. “You know you’re really, really pretty.”

My cheeks went flustered but I tried to ignore it. This guy was using his sweet talk to avoid an argument? Not on my watch!

“Yah! Don’t try to talk to me like that, you – “ I started to say but he cut me off.

“Yah, I better go to class too.” He said. “See you at 3rd period.”

Jaejoong gave me another wide smile. I thought he was going to go on his way when he did something very shocking. Jaejoong’s arm s around my waist and pulled me in closer. He gave one small yet long peck on my forehead before letting me go and heading on his way.

I stayed rooted on my spot for a long time, unable to fathom what the hell just happened.

My hand went slowly to my forehead, to the spot where he planted one on me. I still felt his soft lips press against my skin.

“He… gave me a kiss?”


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JovwyLove #1
So sweet! Wish there was more! :D
Chapter 21: The confession of Changmin & Ji Seun is also sweet! really like this story of yours that I enjoyed reading this story! continue on making stories like this :)
Chapter 19: that was so sweet of Jaejoong to do that to her! wondering what will happen to Changmin & Ji Seun so will surely read the the last 2 Chapters now :)
new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I like it how you change the unknown lady in Cinderella became the unknown guy in this story of yours. really find it funny how she kept on looking for the guy when he's so close. also love the Changmin & Ji Seun moments but really love Jaejoong & Sun Yee's moments. will continue reading :)
-ximini #5
d'awwww (:
nice story!
miakay #6
wow! ur story's go good!
its a shame i didnt find it earlier
drown in cheese~~~haha
anonymous_runner #7
OMG...i really luv the ending..its corny but sweeeettt.. Gyahaha..i found myself giggling reading the last part though its already time to bed.keke..nice story.. :)
OMG! this story is so good! so sweet... ^^<br />
awesome! i love it! d(^___^)b
karaspecial1004 #9
awesome story..i was able to finish it today!!!<br />
make a sequel please!!!!!!!!!<br />
Jaejoong is </3
I LOVE THE CHANGMIN X JI SEUN PART!!! ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! Please make another Changmin fic!!! Pretty Please????