Chapter 2

Arranged Marriage with Kris Wu

It was 1 hour before you were going to meet your future parents-in-law and you started getting ready. Earlier your parents let you go pick out a dress you wanted to wear for tonight. First you took a shower. Then you put on the dress and did your hair.

It was now time for you and your parents to leave the house.

"Come on sweetheart. It is time to go." Your appa yelled from downstairs.

You walk down the stairs and you see your parents looking at you.

"How do I look?" You asked.

"Honey, you look amazing." You umma said.

"Thanks umma." You said.

"Kaja." Your appa said.


You and your parents arrived 20 minutes late and your future parents-in-law were already there. You and your parents walked in the restaurant and the waiter told us where they were sitting at. You saw a nice looking couple, but where what your future husband?

"Hello." Your parents said at the same time.

"Hello." Your future parents-in-law said to your parents.

"Hello my name is Eunhee. I'm sorry for making my parents late. I took a long time getting ready and add the traffic." You said.

"Omo, you are so polite. Hello, we are mrs. and mr. Wu, but you can call us umma and appa since we will be related soon." Your future mother-in-law said pointing at her husband.

"Thank you and ok umma and appa." You said.

Your mother-in-law looked around to find her son and she remembered that he went to the bathroom.

"You might be wondering where your husband went huh? He is using the restroom." Your future umma said.

"Ok." You  said.


3 minutes later, your future husband came. He was quite handsome.

"Oh hello. Your must be my future parents-in-law. My name is Kris." Your future husband said.

He turned to you.

"You must be my future wife. I didn't expect you to be this beautiful." Kris said.

"Thanks. My name is Eunhee." You said while blushing.

"When lets start ordering food." Your future parents said.


1 hour later, it was time to go home. Kris was really nice and polite.

*Maybe the arranged marriage might not be as bad as it may seem.* You thought.

"Ok Kris, why don't you take Eunhee home with the car we drove with and we will go somwhere with Mr. and Mrs. Park." Your future appa said to Kris.

"Ok." Kris said.

He took you by the hand and started walking out of the restaurant. Once you and Kris got out of the restaurant, he let go.

"Thank goodness this night is over." Kris said in a cold tone.

"What?" You asked.

"You heard me. I am happy this night is over. I don't like you." Kris said still in a cold tone.

"I thought you were nice." You said.

"Haven't you heard of acting?" Kris asked.

Then he started walking to the car and left you standing there.

"Aren't you going to take me home?" You asked.

"No. Find your own way home and if your parents asked, I took you home." Kris said and left in his car.

"How am I going to got home?" You asked yourself out loud.

"Oh, i'll just call our personal driver." You said out loud again and pulled out the paper you have the number on.


10 minutes later, the driver came.

You got home and told the driver not to tell your parents that he had to pick you up. You went straight to your room.

*How could he be nice and then turn mean just like that?* You thought to yourself.

"What a jerk." You said out loud.

You got ready for bed and you started looking Kris up on facebook, twitter, and instagram. You saw on his facebook and twitter that so many girls like him. They comment on his page and say how cute he is.

*They probably don't know he is a jerk.* You thougt and started checking his instagram.

You noticed that he had 6,000 followers. When looking through his page, you saw 11 cute boys taking a picture with Kris. The comments on the page kept on "Exo".

*What is exo?* You thought.

You also saw Kris taking a picture with a girl. She was kissing his cheek and Kris was smiling.

*Maybe thats why he is mean. Did I ruin his relationship?* You asked yourself.

It was starting to get late and you turned off your phone. Then you fell asleep.


Thanks for reading the chapter. I hope you like it. What do you think about Kris? Anyways, it's time for me to go to sleep. Saranghae <3

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Hermin #1
Chapter 21: I love it
Chapter 1: Lol, she just arrived back to find out a marriage is being arranged for her. Kaeppsong kuraesong...
Yehet! Kai's also in this fanfic^.^
2407briana #4
Chapter 21: Yayy.. Happy moment *^O^*
Please update soon authornim
genie1421 #6
Chapter 19: thank god kai save her
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 19: Because I swear it's from this fic
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 19: Did u accidentally updated this already before
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 19: I feel like I read this before ? @@ WAAT and then kris finds out and he gets angry
2407briana #10
Chapter 19: Wahhh! Please update soon!