Chapter 12

Arranged Marriage with Kris Wu

You just woke up and you smell food cooking. Everyone was still sleeping but Kris was gone. You went into the to see what he was doing and he was cooking breakfast for everyone.

"Hey. Need some help?" You asked.

"Omoo you scared me. No its ok. Go take a shower and get ready to go to the Lotte World at 12. Today is Sehun's birthday." Kris said.

"Really? I didn't even get him a gift. Why didn't you warn me before hand?" You asked.

"You never asked." Kris said.

You went upstairs to take a shower. When you went in, you the water. You waited for it to turn hot. As the water got hot, you reached your arm out to get the shampoo, but you saw a daddy long leg. You literally screamed, put a towel on, and ran out the shower to tell someone to kill it. When you reached downstairs, you ran to the closest person to you and hugged them. It was Kris.

"What happened?" All the guys asked as they rubbed their eyes because your scream woke them up.

"There was a spi-d-d-er in th-e sho-wer." You stuttered.

"You screamed, ran downstairs, amnd hugged me because a stupid little spider? Why didn't you just kill it?" Kris asked.

"I'm really scared of spiders. I can't even look at one." You said as you finally calmed down.

"Aishh.. fine lets go upstairs to kill it." Kris said.

You guys started to go upstairs. Kris went into the shower and killed it.

"Thanks a lot." You said happily.

Kris left and you began to take your shower.

*What's wrong with this girl? I justed killed one tiny spider, now she's happy as ever. I have to admit though, she looked pretty hot in just that towel.* Kris thought.

After you got done showering, you did your normal routine after you take a shower.

You went down to see everyone eating.

"Hi guys." You said.

"Hi noona. Do you know what today is?" Sehun asked.

"No." You said but you actually knew.

"Oh..." Sehun said with a said tone.

"JUST KIDDING! It's your birthday. Happy birthday!!!" You said.

"Thanks." Sehun said with a happy tone now.

"Did Kris tell you guys that we were going to Lotte World at 12?" You asked.

"Were going to Lotte world? YES!!!!!" Tao said excitedly.

"Why to ruin a surprise." Kris said in a grumpy tone.

"Sorry." You said.

"After you guys are done eating, everyone go take a shower and we can leave." Kris said.

After everyone was done, it was 11:50. We sperated into 2 cars. We got there after an hour. Kris, Suho, Xuimin, and Luhan split the cost of buying all the tickets. When we got inside, we saw Soojin. Soojin ran to Kris, gave him a hug, then she kissed him.

"Excuse me but can you not. Its Sehun's birthday and I don't think he wants to be scared for life when you guys kiss." You said.

Everyone but Kris and Soojin started laughing and they even high fived you.

"Yah!! Stop laughing." Soojin whined and sent you a glare.

You gave Soojin a 'whatever' glare.

"Since it's my birthday, can I pick the groups for everyone?" Sehun asked.

"Go ahead birthday boy." Kris said.

"Hey hyung i'm a MAN." Sehun said.

"Ok. whatever you say Hunnie." Kris said.

"Ok. I want Xiumin, Chen, D.O, and Tao in one group. I want Kai, Baekhyun, and Luhan in my group. I want Chanyeol, Suho, and Lay in another group. Kris, Eunhee and that thing is the last group. Ok Let's GO." Sehun said.

It's been an hour since we started walking around, but Kris and Soojin has been leaving me out. All they do is hold hands, kiss, and talk all cute together. I feel like the third wheel.

*Ugh.. i'm going to find Kai.* You thought.

You left Kris and Soojin without telling them. You finally found him and you told Baekhyun, Luhan, and Sehun that you were going to steal him for a while. You guys went on fun rides, talked about life, and ate good food. It was the best day since you arrived in Korea. It was getting late so you guys decided to find everyone. You and Kai walked hand in hand looking around. As you guys were walking around, you for got you didn't buy Sehun anything. You quickly ran into a store and bought something. After finding everyone, you guys went back to your house to open presents and eat cake. It was about 11 when everyone left.

"Finally today is over. I''m going to take a shower first." You said to Kris.

"Okay." Kris said.

After the shower, you went downstairs to clean. You told Kris to take a shower. After everything was done, you and Kris flopped on the bed and knocked out because today was very tiring.


Sorry for not updating in a while. I finished the first part like weeks ago, but I got lazy to finish. Then I got sick last week. After I got done being sick, I got sick again but bad this time. I'm getting well though. I can't really update because when I see the words moving, it gives me a headache but I wanted to finish this chapter for you guys. I hope you guys arent mad. Anyways, Saranghae <3

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Hermin #1
Chapter 21: I love it
Chapter 1: Lol, she just arrived back to find out a marriage is being arranged for her. Kaeppsong kuraesong...
Yehet! Kai's also in this fanfic^.^
2407briana #4
Chapter 21: Yayy.. Happy moment *^O^*
Please update soon authornim
genie1421 #6
Chapter 19: thank god kai save her
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 19: Because I swear it's from this fic
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 19: Did u accidentally updated this already before
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 19: I feel like I read this before ? @@ WAAT and then kris finds out and he gets angry
2407briana #10
Chapter 19: Wahhh! Please update soon!