Chapter 8

Arranged Marriage with Kris Wu

"Wake up."  Someone said as they shook you.

"What do you want? Kris?" You said lazily.

"It's almost time to go to the airport." Kris said.

"Really?" You said as you jumped out of bed.

"Light headed." You winced as you held your head.

[A/N Does anyone else feel dizzy when they get out of bed really quickly?]

"Idiot." Kris said.

"Shut up." You said as you sent him a glare.

It was still dark outside.

"Why are we going to the airport so early?" You asked.

"Because our umma's want us to spend more time when we get there." Kris said.

"They are so lucky I packed a couple of nights ago." You remembered.

"Your umma told me to tell you she add some extra stuff in there. She probably added a couple of more clothes and make-up." Kris said.

"Ok. Let me get ready and we can go." You said.


You and Kris just got onto the plane and it's about to take off. You are still sleepy, so you yawn.

"Can I lay my head on your shoulder please. The seat won't go down." You asked nicely.

"No." Kris said as he put his seat down and fell asleep.

"Ugh... go fall in a hole." You whispered and fell asleep right after.

Kris woke up one hour before they would land at the honeymoon place in Jeju Island. Kris saw your head hanging to the side like it was going to fall off anytime soon.

*How can she sleep like that.* Kris said as he pulled his seat up and let your head lean on his shoulder.

You moved a bit in your sleep.


Attention all passengers, we have arrived at Jeju Island. Have a nice trip.

You woke to the captain telling everyone that we arrived. You notice how your head was on Kris's shoulder.

*Did he do that for me. Finally the jerk does something nice for me.* You thought.

"Kris. Wake up." You said.

"Are we here?" Kris asked.

"Yeah. wake up so we could go to the beach." You said.

"Ok, but lets go to the hotel first." Kris said.

You and Kris got at the hotel and the people who work there helped you guys with the suitcases.

"Thank you." You said to the who helped you and gave him a $100 tip.

The hotel room was nice because your umma's rented the best room in the whole 5 star hotel but the bed was too romantic.

You went to your suitcase and grabbed your bikini.

You went into the bathroom to change into it. You came out of the bathroom 5 minutes later.

"Kris you ready to go swimming." You asked.

"Yeah." Kris said as he appeared with his swimming shorts on.

"Kaja." You said.

You guys got there and there were a lot of people. You and Kris got out of the car and walked closer to where the waves are at. Guys were looking at you from up and down and girls were looking at Kris from up and down.

"Lets go put the blanket over there." Kris said as he pointed over to a empty area.

You set the blanket on the sand and took off your cardigan and short.

"I bet I can run to the water faster than you." You said and started running

Kris started running too and he picked you bridal style. He threw you into the water.

"AH~~~ I can't swim!" You shouted and started flapping your arms.

*Oh my goodness.* Kris thought as he ran into the water to save you.

When he got to you, you jumped on him.

"HAHA. Thats what you get you bastard." You laughed.

You started running to shore because you knew that if he catches you, you would be dead.

"I am going torture you when I catch you." Kris screams.


When you got to the hotel, you went straight to find some sleeping clothes. When you opened your suitcase to find it, you found something very different from what you were looking for.

You saw this one and a couple more lingeries.

*Umma.* You thought with an annoyed face.

--- Flashback to the day before the wedding at the mall ---

"Hello." Your umma said to Kris's umma.

"Hello. What are you doing here?" Kris's umma said.

"Just shopping for some clothes. What are you doing here?" Your umma asked.

"Same." Kris's umma said.

"Since were here together, why don't we buy Eunhee a special wedding gift." Your umma said with a smirk.

"I like your thinking. I hope we get a grandchild soon." Kris's umma said with a smirk also.

Both your umma and Kris's umma went to buy you a special wedding gift. The night of the wedding day when you were sleeping, your umma secretly left her room and snuck into your bedroom. She went to your suitcase that was in your closet and put the lingeries in.

"You're going to thank us later." Your umma whispered and left the room.

--- End of flashback ---

You had no other choice but to wear it. You went into the warm bath with roses in it.

[A/N Pretend tthere is a shower in there too.]

After the hour shower, you got out and put the lingerie on. You put the robe on too and put your hair up with a small towel. You got out of the bathroom so Kris can take a shower. When he was done, you guys prepared to sleep. You took off the robe.

"Dang girl.. looking fine." Kris said.

"Shut up." You said and climbed into bed.

Kris took off his shirt.

"W-what are you doing?" You studdered.

"I sleep with my shirt off. You got a problem with that."Kris said as he got on top of you and went really close to your face.

"N-n-no." You studdered again.

"Good." Kris said as he got off of you.

"Bastard." You whisphered.

"I heard that." Kris said.

You two went to sleep after.


Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been busy with school and i've been really tired. I hope you liked this chapter. Thanks for reading! Saranghae <3

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Hermin #1
Chapter 21: I love it
Chapter 1: Lol, she just arrived back to find out a marriage is being arranged for her. Kaeppsong kuraesong...
Yehet! Kai's also in this fanfic^.^
2407briana #4
Chapter 21: Yayy.. Happy moment *^O^*
Please update soon authornim
genie1421 #6
Chapter 19: thank god kai save her
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Chapter 19: Because I swear it's from this fic
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 19: Did u accidentally updated this already before
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 19: I feel like I read this before ? @@ WAAT and then kris finds out and he gets angry
2407briana #10
Chapter 19: Wahhh! Please update soon!