Chapter 19

Arranged Marriage with Kris Wu

You just arrived at Kai's house. The guys were waiting in the front with Soojin.

"Danmm!!! Who are those hotty?" Kai joked and hugged you.

(Your outfit)                                 (Hana's outfit)     


"Hi my dark chocolate!" You said as you hugged Kai.

Kai flicked your forehead.

"Yah!! Don't flick me." You said as you pouted.

"Aww... your so cute when you pout!" Kai said.

"Ok.. Lets get the flirting over with. I want to dance with my beautiful girlfriend." Kris said.

"Thank you oppa for calling me beautiful." Soojin said with a annoying ageyo.

"Eww. Anyways this is my friend Hana. She just moved to Korea and is now a model" You said.

"Really? No wonder shes so pretty." Chanyeol said.

"Thank you." Hana said as she blushed.

"Did you know Eunhee also did modeling?" She asked.

"WHAT? REALLY?" Everyone but Soojin asked.

"Yeah.I did model for small companies in America." You said.

"Aha... small companies." Soojin emphasized small.

"That's cause I turned down all the big companies. Right Hana?" You said.

"Yeah. She did one or two modeling for Vogue and Victoria Secret but after that she didn't want to do it anymore for big companies. She doesn't like attention." Hana said.

"OMG REALLY!! Did you meet Mirranda Kerr or Candice Swanopoel?" Sehun asked.

"Yes I have. I was a guest model for Victoria Secret and I was on vogue for something about have a y body for the clubs. I was endorsing y clubbing clothes for a company." You said. 

"Omg I cant believe I have two modeling friends well one sister in law." Chanyeol winked to you.

"Can me and Xuimin drive since we know your not going to drink so we thought it would be fair to drive to the club first and you drive when we are drunk. Call?" D.O asked.

"Call." You and Hana said.

D.O and Xuimin smirked.

"I will be driving Kai's car so I pick Luhan, Chanyeol, Kai, Chen, Kris, Suho, Lay, Hana, and Eunhee." Xuimin said.

"But thats to many people. Plus im seperated from my Soojin." Kris said.

"We'll figure it out later and you can be seperated from that thing for 20 minutes."  Xuimin said.

"Excuse me i'm not a thing. Im a human being." Soojin gave a what the face to Xuimin.

"Whatever. Ok I get Sehun, Tao, Baekhyun, and Soojin." Sighed umma D.O. 

"Eunhee, can you give your keys? I'll head out first." D.O said.

"Ok. Be careful though. My car is my baby." You said.

"Sure thing but I dont think that will last long. You know. When you have a real baby and all." D.O said.

"Ok." You said awakwardly 

"I CALL SHOTGUN!" Baekhyun screams like a crazy man.

"Calm yourself Baek." Suho says.

"Ok. See you guys in a bit." D.O said.

After they left you guys decide to work out the whole seat arrangement.

"Hana, is it ok if you sit in Lay's lap. Just for a bit until we get to the club. And Eunhee stay on Kris's lap." Xuimin said.

"Sure thing, I guess if Lay is ok with it." Hana looked at Lay and he just nodded.

"I don't want to sit on Kris. I'm more comfortable with Kai." You whined.

"Well Kai can't sit in the back cause he has to watch me drive. Im not that good at driving at night. I don't want to ruin his car. Just do it this once." D.O replied.

"Fine." You gave up.

You guys started driving and we had to pass this bumpy road. You ended bouncing on his area by accident and rubbing on it cause it was a long rode. 

*Why did we have to take this way. Ughh... now were even more awkward.* You thought. 

You kept on think until you feel something poking your .


You wondered if the same thing happened to Hana and Lay. You kept on thinking until you heard someone cough.

"Um... can you get off me. We're here." Kris asked.

"Yeah. Sorry." You said as you quickly got off him.

You ended hitting your head Iin the process.

"Are you ok?" Kris asked as he laughed so hard.

You turned and glared.

"D.O and everyone else is already in the club." Xuimin said.  

"My friend put our names on the list." Kris said.

The club was blasting with music. 

"Lay, can you keep Hana company? And can you actually drive? I feel like drinking tonight instead." You asked.

"Sure thing. Hana and I can just get to know eachother." Lay said.

They walked off to our resevered table. You went to tell Kai that you werent driving and Lay would be driving the car. He was at the bar table. 

"Hey, lay will be driving your car and Hana will be driving mine. I actually want to drink tonight." You said.

"Ok. Why dont we play some drinking games." Kai asked.

"Sure but let me use the bathroom first.

You left to the bathroom. When you were walking this guy came and grabbed your wrist.

"Hey honey! Let's dance." The guy said. 

He grabbed you waist and gridded on your .

"I have to go. Now can you please let go of my waist." You said.

"Loosen up. I bet I can make you scream my name all night." The guy said in a low tone.

He started rubbing his hand on your thigh. You want to punch him so bad but there was to many people and you didn't want to make a scene.

"I'm I need to go. My husband must be waiting for me." You said trying to convince the guy to move away. 

"He can wait longer. Let's have fun." The guy said.

"No, I can't wait any longer jackass for wife." Kai said as he randomly pops up.

The guy loosened his grip on your waist and you managed to run into Kai's arms.

"Dude go with someone else before I call the cop on your sorryass." Kai said.

"Whatever." The guys said and left.

You told Lay and Hana that you and Kai were leaving after the what happened. Kai told Lay to take care of everyone and to get the keys from Xuimin. You left with Kai in a cab cause you didn't want that to happen again. Kai gave you his white blazer. Kai took you home. You ended up falling asleep. Kai carried you to the front door. He looked in your purse and found the key. He put you down on your bed. 

"Kai, can you lay with me for a bit? Im still kinda shocked with everything that happened.

"Sure. Just scoot over a bit." Kai got in the bed and hugged your waist. 

"Thank you for always taking care of me. Your like the brother I never had." You said with a calming voice.

 You guys slowly drifted off to sleep.

--- Kris's P.O.V ---

You were looking for Soojin and tyou saw her talking to this random guy. You want to listen to their convosation.

"I will give you 1000 dollars to go force this girl to dance with you and go take her to a room and pretend your going to her. I want to scare her a little bit for marrying my boyfriend." Soojin said.

"Ok but give me the money first." The guy said. 

Soojin hand the guys 1000 dollars and gave it to the dude. 

"Here a picture of her. Go find her. Shes probably around here." Soojin said. 

You looked at the picture and it was Eunhee. 

The guy left and you went to confront Soojin. 

"What do you think your doing" You asked. 

"Um... oppa its not what you think." Soojin tried to lie. 

"Don't give me that bullcrap. I heard and saw everything." Kris said.

"Oppa I did it just to scare her. Its not like hes actually going to her and plus dont you also hate her?" Soojin asked.

"Not really anymore. If you think of doing this then you probably capable to start that fight that one day. I cant believe I trusted you. Go home and get out of my face. You said and Soojin left.

You ended up looking for Eunhee but Hana told you she was with Kai. You went to Kai but he said she went to the bathroom. You told Kai to go find her just in case something happened casue it is a club. You didn't wan anyone to know what Soojin wanted to do to Eumhee to protect Soojin's image in the group. You helped him search but you lost him. You went back to Hana and Lay and they said she left with Kai a little bit ago after some ert was hitting on Eunhee. Luckily Kai was there to save her before he took her to a room.

*Why am I such a idiot? I should of llistened to Eunhee.* You thought. 

You waas drinking so much to the point were you were drunk. Lay and Hana had to drag all the guys and Soojin.

"Aye Kris wheres Soojin?" Hana asked Kris in english. 

"Don't worry about her. She left already." Kris said. 

"Ok. But get up so we can leave." Lay said. 

"No." Kris replied. 

"If you don't come then you can't drink any beer at Kai's house." Lay lied.

"Finnnneee." Kris slurred.

It was a hassle to drag everyone to the car. When we got in the car, a couple minutes later all the boys were knocked out. The woke up when we got to the house. The took off there shoes and went back to sleep on the floor in the living room. Kai set the place up cause he knew this was going to happen. Lay let hana sleep in the guest bedroom and he went to sleep in Kai's room.


Finally! I finished this chapter. Anyways I want to talk about the whole taeyeon dating Baekhyun thing. Im kinda upset that they lied to us for a couple of months. After they become offically together, they should just tell everyone. I know saesang wont like it but at least their not lying to us fans who support them all the time. But they at least they admited to it right away and not lying saying that their just close friends. Anyways, thanks for reading. Saranghae ♥

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Hermin #1
Chapter 21: I love it
Chapter 1: Lol, she just arrived back to find out a marriage is being arranged for her. Kaeppsong kuraesong...
Yehet! Kai's also in this fanfic^.^
2407briana #4
Chapter 21: Yayy.. Happy moment *^O^*
Please update soon authornim
genie1421 #6
Chapter 19: thank god kai save her
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 19: Because I swear it's from this fic
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 19: Did u accidentally updated this already before
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 19: I feel like I read this before ? @@ WAAT and then kris finds out and he gets angry
2407briana #10
Chapter 19: Wahhh! Please update soon!