Chapter 11

Arranged Marriage with Kris Wu

Attention all passengers, we have now landed. Thank you for riding airline xxxxxxx.

I've been up for the last 30 minutes of the flight. Kris is still sleeping.

*How can he not hear that anouncement. Oh yeah, he was up the whole day then he finally slept on the plane. I wish I could leave him here.* You thought.

"Why didn't you wake me up when we landed." Kris said.

You were to busy in your thoughts to see that Kris woke up.

"Because I was think about leaving you here you stupid ." You said.

"What did you just say?" Kris asked.

"You heard me." You in a snotty tone.

"Ughh.. I don't feel like aruging with little girls right now." Kris said.

"Shut up." You said. 

You and Kris finally got off the plane.

(Without the purse and bracelet)

When you were looking around the airport, you saw Exo. Kai had his arms out. You knew what that ment, bear hug. As you ran, you fell. You got back and ran to Kai again. When you got closer to Kai, you dropped your bags and you jumped on him and wrapped your legs around his waist. you guys stayed like that for 10 seconds. You got off of Kris.

"Next time be careful. You could of sprained your ankle." Kai said.

"Ok DAD." You said as you emphasize the word dad.

After that, you hugged the rest of them. 

We went to the cars. I went in Kai's car with Sehun, Tao, Lay, Suho, Luhan, and Kris. D.O, Chen, Chanyeol, Baekhyun went in Xiumin's car. 

"So, how was the honeymoon, hyung?" Sehun asked.

"Its was ok I guess." Kris said.

"Where are we going." You asked Kai as you noticed that wasn't the right direction to your house.

"It's a secret." Kai sang.

--- 10 Minutes Later ---

Kai just drove up to a house and parked in the driveway.

"What are we doing here?" Kris asked.

"Knock on the door and find out." Kai said.

Kris walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. When the door opened, Kris saw his parents and your parents. 

"Oh your finally here. Come inside, then we'll talk." Kris's dad said.

After an hour of talking, you found out that was your new house. The adults bought the house for you and Kris so you guys can have privicy. After that they asked when you and Kris were going to have a kid. Then everything got awkaward. The adults showed us around the house. It was big and it even had a dance room with a recording room next to it. You loved to dance and sing since you were young.  The adults even told the maids to set up the rooms so everything was already in there like your clothes, computer and PS3. After another hour, the adults lefted the house to let the kids hang out.

"Why don't we all sleepover? Can we sleepover hyung?" Tao asked.

"Sure. I don't care." Kris said cooly.

"Ok. We can all sleep in the living room. We can set everything up later since its only 2. Everyone go home and get some clothes." You said.

"Ok." Everyone said but Kris.

Its was now 3:30 and everyone is doing there owm thing like playing on your PS3 or on their phones downstairs. You got bored so you decided to go into the recording room which was upstairs and sang. After you changed my clothes into my dancing clothes. You went to the dancing room and started dancing. You wanted to lose weight because you ate so many fattening but good food on the honeymoon and you feel fat. After dancing, you went into your room and took a shower. You decided to wear your pj's.

After you were done getting ready, it was now 5 and you went to the kitchen to start cooking for everyone. As you were cooking, someone snuck up behind you.

"Hello there y." Someone said.

You turned around and saw Kai.

"Stop being weird oppa." You said with a little giggle.

"Ok. What are you cooking. Can I help?" Kai said.

"Of course you can help." You said. 

After 2 hours of cooking, you and kai finished cooking dinner.

"Come on guys. Dinner is ready." You screamed from the kitchen.

Everyone started run after that. The dinning room was set and the food was already on the table.


Everyone started eating and they all praised your cooking except Kris. After eating, it was 8 and everyone everyone helped set up the living room. After, everyone decided to watch 2 scary movies. After the two movies were done, Tao and Sehun couldn't sleep because they were to scared. I decide to kick out Chen from his spot to go in the middle of the two maknaes. 

"Why don't I sing to you guys till you sleep." You said.

"Ok." Tao said.

You started to sing 0330 BY U-KISS and started to pat their heads. After you finished the song, the two were fasted asleep. 

"How'd you do that?" Suho whispered.

"I just sang duh." You said.

You moved out from the middle so Chen can go back to his spot. You went to go lay next to Kris.

"That was pretty impressing." Kris said.

"I know. Thanks." You said cooly.

10 minutes later, you knocked out.


Yes I finally updated. I've been really busy lately and also very tired. Thank you for reading. Saranghae <3

P.S: Merry late KRISmas

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Hermin #1
Chapter 21: I love it
Chapter 1: Lol, she just arrived back to find out a marriage is being arranged for her. Kaeppsong kuraesong...
Yehet! Kai's also in this fanfic^.^
2407briana #4
Chapter 21: Yayy.. Happy moment *^O^*
Please update soon authornim
genie1421 #6
Chapter 19: thank god kai save her
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 19: Because I swear it's from this fic
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 19: Did u accidentally updated this already before
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 19: I feel like I read this before ? @@ WAAT and then kris finds out and he gets angry
2407briana #10
Chapter 19: Wahhh! Please update soon!